
Thrown Back and Forth



8 Years
Extra large
07-29-2014, 01:56 PM

His search so far had no results, and it made Deviant feel like a failure both to himself and his lost love. He had promised the woman, in her dying moments that he would bring the family back together, to make them stronger and be prepared for the next time Lunatik came back. And where was he now? Seated on his temporary home's shore, looking out across the lake in defeat. He sighed heavily, lids closing over his golden eyes and head lowering. So many questions were swamping his head, too many for him to even comprehend and too many that he didn't want to think about.

"Come on Dev, don't give in so easily you old goof." He rumbled to himself, opening his golden eyes that almost glowed under the moonlight. He couldn't give in so easily, he had to keep pushing, had to keep searching. What kind of father and husband would the man be if he gave up just because a few days had gone by without much luck? It almost angered him to show weakness so easily.

As quickly as it had arrived however, the ill feelings would be pushed aside. The man would choose to focus on something else, a small doe laying beside him on the rocky shore. It was nothing big like a buck, but the man had no need to take something down so large. If there were to be a good supply of food, you had to leave the largest and strongest ones alive so that they could reproduce and bring in more prey. That was why he went with a smaller, fawn-less one.

Awesome table by Requiem <3


07-30-2014, 06:01 PM

Her paws were leading her beyond the southern territories again. She was seeking something, but what she wanted, well, Destruction wasn't sure anymore. At the very least she wanted someone to talk to, someone to ease her hurt. Aiden was gone. She had, officially, lost everyone from Seracia. But, on the plus side she had reunited with Tahlia, Bane, and the children. She was getting to know their youngest litter, a boy and a girl whom she already become attached to. She was glad too that The Range was now free of that damned pack, of the poison that took her home from her. Her son, even if it was just his resting place, was not free from them. She could once more lay flowers upon his grave and spend time with him the only way she could right now.

The woman would find herself nearing the lake, and hearing the thundering of hooves as a herd fled from some predator she would search for the ones causing the upset. Instead she would see a black, gray, and white coat going after a doe, and Destruction couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. She hadn't chanced hunting such large game since she lost her alphaship fight. Her single crimson ringed orb would watch him as she came to a halt, waiting at a respectable distance to see if his catch was successful... and that is was. She would limp towards him, a light smile on her lips.

"Good catch there, stranger." Destruction would say softly. "Would you mind terribly if I joined you for some company? I don't need any of your kill... just some chat with another is all I hunger for at the moment."



8 Years
Extra large
07-30-2014, 06:35 PM

He would only get a bite out of his meal before something caught his attention. Chewing the flesh, his ears would swivel around at the sound of approaching footsteps, quickly swallowing the meat and turning his head in the direction the noise was coming from. Golden eyes would fall upon another wolf, a woman walking with a limp in her step and missing one of her eyes. Despite her appearance however, she held a smile upon her face. Deviant would return the favor with a friendly smile, dipping his head to the woman in a friendly manner.

She would compliment his catch, voice soft, then went on to ask if it was alright if she joined his company. She didn't want his kill, just looking for somebody to chat with.

He would see nothing wrong with this, it wasn't often that a stranger just wanted to sit back and enjoy anothers company. But then again, the both of them were getting up there in years, perhaps it was just a thing older people did unlike those kids who jump the moment they want to fight. "Thank you miss. Feel free to join me and have a bite, I probably won't finish the whole thing anyway." Deep tones were kind, almost gentle as he smiled at her, motioning the woman to come and join him.

Awesome table by Requiem <3


08-16-2014, 12:25 PM

The male was kind, more of a gentlemanly type it seemed by how he presented himself and spoke. It seemed too that they were of like minds, not so quick to jump into a fight simply for stumbling across each other. Destruction could recall bits of those old days, mainly from the hallucinations and fragments of her past that came to her during her time infected with the epidemic. Finding someone who was willing to just share a bit of company was nice as well, especially when she was recovering after she had lost everything she thought she had. In the end she thought she was left alone... Just as that voice told her when she was sick.

But something within the dark woman told her to keep pressing on. A little longer... Things were going to get better and she was going to be pulled out of the dark rut she had fallen into. So she pressed on, trying her best to wear a smile. They had, truthfully. Reuniting with her god family was the start of that, and perhaps things could keep getting better. Destruction knew one thing for certain, if nothing else; she was a survivor. She fought to keep living, to keep moving forward. It didn?t matter what life threw at her... She would change. She would evolve. She would survive.

Destruction would tip her head gratefully to the male, the smile brightening. "You are quite kind, sir. It all very appreciated, believe me." The dark woman would make her way over, settling herself down upon the ground. Single eye was focused upon the other, gaze shining. "My name is Destruction, by the way. Though I am a woman who no longer lives up to such a namesake." She would give a soft chuckle. It was a reminder of her past, but not a burden of what she had to be. No. She wrote her own destiny. "What might your name be, if you would be so kind as to give it?"



8 Years
Extra large
08-24-2014, 05:21 PM

With a warm, welcoming smile, Deviant allowed the woman to make her way over in her own time. Rush and he felt like she would view him as a creeper, not really pay attention and perhaps she would view him as a jerk. So he would remain laying there with a smile, patient, even dipping his own head when she had. Ears twitched at her voice, noting how he was quite kind and was very appreciated. He smirked with a contained chuckle, head turning away so that his golden gaze could look out and over the lake. "A gift my mother passed on to me, kindness." Small talk, he glanced back to the woman after a few moments.

She had settled herself down nearby, and he was in no way offended that she had not come to his side. He understood a bit of the female mind, knowing why she didn't come join his side of the doe carcass. He would notice something different about her, a missing eye. Golden orbs wouldn't linger long, and the moment they did glance it would appear as just a glance towards her general direction. He wasn't rude, and didn't mind another's appearance. Sometimes you couldn't control what happened to your body.

The woman introduced herself as Destruction, chuckling at herself for not living up to the name anymore. It made Deviant wonder if she was a warrior back in her prime, or something along those lines. Was it how she lost her eye? Keeping him for thinking up anything else, she went on to ask what his own name was. With a small nod of his head the man would clear his throat, a foreleg crossing over the other, smile still worn. "A pleasure to meet you Miss Destruction, I am Deviant, Deviant Black." He introduced himself with a bow of his head, holding pride in his name and knowing that his children carried the same one though he wasn't with them at the moment.

"Destruction..." He spoke, the name rolling off his tongue smoothly, though he said it thoughtfully. His skull had turned away from her to instead look up at the darkening sky, tilting to the side in thought. "If you do not mind me asking, were you a warrior with darker intentions some time ago miss?" He asked curiously, turning his golden gaze back to her. The man did not want to appear nosy or rude, his working mind just curious about what the woman had meant. Whether she was darker aligned in her younger days or not, he didn't really care, what was in the past was there for a reason.

Awesome table by Requiem <3


08-27-2014, 01:04 AM

Small talk and company... such were simply bliss during this part of her life. At times Destruction missed being a member of Seracia, at least when she was a bit more known and social, though perhaps it was mostly just the interactions she missed. So many gone in and out of her life... and she was not yet so old that she would be considered an elder. The man too bore little scents upon his coat, making her wonder how long he had been living as a rogue. If he ever was once part of a pack or if he preferred to wander. There were so many different lifestyles that one might be able to choose and live. Her own life had taken a three-sixty from her youth, and she thanked the gods that it did. Where would she be now if it hadn't? A complete monster, forever alone in her own darkness? ...Dead? It was something the large woman didn't dwell on, counting what blessing she still had in her life.

Again such kind speech, as well as the proper air of one who was educated... a gentleman. Destruction enjoyed listening to Deviant already. His voice was clear and soothing to listen to. Definitely someone you wouldn't mind talking to, right? "Deviant Black... I am afraid I do know know your family name, though it seems the family may be one worth getting to know more members of." For Destruction her only true family now were Tahlia, Bane, and her godchildren. She had no bloodline of her own anymore, and the female sometimes wondered if it might die out with her.

The dark female would take a small bite of the doe that the man offered to share, chewing it over as asked his question. It was one that would, after she swallowed the meat, bring a soft sigh from her lips. "To call me a warrior would have been a compliment I'm afraid. The life I once lead was that of an assassin and murderer. Fate moved in mysterious ways, taking me from an innocent child to that... and from an assassin to one ruling a pack, able to trust others again, and to a rogue." Des would give a small smile. "I hope I didn't share too much unneeded information there, Deviant. Guess my own past just... surprises me sometimes." The female would close her single orb for a moment before looking at him again.

"...and if I may be so bold to ask a question of my own... what was it that lead you on your path here, Deviant?" So many things could have brought him to Alacritia, or he might have even been born within for all she knew.



8 Years
Extra large
08-27-2014, 01:29 AM

When she spoke of his name, the man would hold in a chuckle, taking it as a compliment that he seemed to be good enough company that she would want to get to know more of his family. At the same time it would bother the man, making him think of all the children he had been separated from, first by his son pretty much starting a genocide, then once again when Valhalla was lost. It made him wonder if he would ever be able to find a single one ever again, especially when months had gone by without a single sighting. Lost in his own head, the man seemed to day dream while the woman began to snack on the deer, but once she spoke up once more he quickly snapped out of it and focused in on her.

He listened in silence, allowing Destruction to say what she was thinking. She explained that she had been an assassin, a murderer. For a brief moment he seemed to hold doubt in his eyes, as if he couldn't believe she could be such a thing. Quickly though he would wipe it away, a calm expression replacing the look. Fate had really messed with her life, starting as an innocent child, morphed into a killer then brought her to ruling a pack until finally making her a rogue. A busy life she seemed to have, full of many emotions and memories surely. When she spoke of sharing too much the man single scoffed, shaking his head with a warm smile. "No no, you're quite fine. After all, I'm the on that asked." He chuckled lightly, placing a paw upon the deer.

Deviant would latch onto the flesh, jaws locking and head twisting then turning, before finally ripping off a piece. Carefully he chewed on the meat, not wanting to appear like a slob in front of the woman. Within moments he would finally swallow, tongue running over dark lips just as the woman asked her own question. What was it that lead him here?

The male seemed to go silent, muzzle pointed towards the ground between his paws, golden gaze looking off into the distance. He could feel them begin to form immediately, the images of the not so distant past. Blood, his family. "Death." His voice was soft as he said the single word, tone holding something back, the emotions that threatened to flood his body. He breathed in deeply, eyes closing momentarily. "My family had to flee our homeland, separated out of fear of what may happen to us should we have stayed." Lunatik, his own son.

Awesome table by Requiem <3


09-04-2014, 07:32 PM

Destruction was relieved at how well Deviant took her, and how she felt she rambled. Yet to him it was just her giving the expatiation she asked for it seemed. So many memories, more shattered and in pieces than not, flicked in her mind. Her childhood, her teenage years, her young adulthood... Bane... Dillinger and the fate of her other children. The sickness and being reminded of all she was. The past was not always pretty, but Destruction would cling to what she remembered. She did not want to forget again. Her birthname stuck in her mind, but it was more of a secret than anything. Sometime to revealed to those who had truly earned her trust, her identity, and her heart.

She chose not to partake in another bite of meet, waiting on the answer. Her companion fell silent, muzzle lowered and gaze off in the distance. Memories stirred, she knew that look. How often had a similar one crossed her? His voice came out so soft, but there were underlying emotion in that single word, definitely more to tell. Death. Destruction would shift closer, giving him a nuzzle of comfort to the shoulder.

?Sometimes the world gives us tests such as these, Deviant. They are hard, enough to drive us mad with heartache... Hate and sadness... Loss... I can not say for all members of your family, for I am no seer, but you seem to be the kind of man who would raise them right and set an example for others. They lurk somewhere in this world, I am sure of it. Their fates may be much kinder for all we know, but that is all we can pray for.? Destruction would offer him a smile, her damaged face lifting to somewhat of a more beautiful thing with it. ?The world works in mysterious ways, and I can vouch for that. Just because you are separated now does not mean you will never see them again. Just keep pushing forward... And you could very well be surprised.?



8 Years
Extra large
09-13-2014, 05:41 PM

The man, lost in his memories of what had happened before arriving in Alacritia, would not notice the woman shifting closer to his side till he felt a touch on his shoulder. Head lifted and golden eyes fell upon the woman who nuzzled his shoulder, it was comforting, helping to set the memories aside. Ears perked up and pointed towards the woman when he began to speak, wanting to hear what she had to say.

Destruction spoke about how the world would give them tests such as this, enough to drive one mad with many emotions. Oh how true that was, so many tests, working at your very core, seeing how much you could take till you either broke or figured out how to solve the damned thing without losing your mind. Then she moved onto how she thought he was as a father, the type to raise his kids right and set an example to others. That would definitely help the man out, making him feel proud to know somebody thinks he was a good father and good role model. She believed his children lurked somewhere in his world, and their fates may be kinder.

The woman offered a smile, and in that moment, without even trying, the corners of his own lips would raise in the same action. When she finished however, the man couldn't help but chuckle, giving a small shake of his head and looking out to the water with a smirk. "It feels as though I'm a child getting advice from a much older and wiser wolf." He joked, not mocking the woman, for her did take her words to heart and was trying to lighten the mood.

Looking back to Destruction with a kind smile, the man spoke once more. "I know my children are out there, somewhere. I have not given up hope, for if I did my mate would probably knock me over the head and toss my ass into a tree for giving up so easily." He chuckled before reaching down and ripping off a flesh of meet from the carcass, chewed then swallowed. "You seem like a fine woman... if you're interested I have a group of friends and their children staying north of here, you are welcome to crash there or even visit." The man invited her with a smile. The dark pelted woman seemed good of heart, easy to get along with so he saw no harm in inviting her to live with the Valhallans in the Whistling Willows north of here.

Awesome table by Requiem <3


09-19-2014, 08:31 PM

Destruction couldn't help but let out a soft laugh of her own. An older and much wiser wolf... there was a part of her that hoped to be that some day. Though certainly not for this gentleman here, who had to be much closer to her own age. Perhaps even a bit older, though Des didn't think such. Imagining him as a child was hard, but they were all children at one point after all. The black furred woman's good eye would shine some. Ah how light the conversation seemed to become with that. The joke was needed to lift the mood, and when he spoke again there was definitely hope within his words.

She would frown some. By how he spoke of his mate... had she passed? He did not hold the scent of a woman on his coat, at least not so strongly as to suggest a mated pair. She would take another bite herself, slowly chewing, her mind working over thoughts. At his offer though she would give a nod, her smile would return. "I would like that, Deviant. It's perhaps a bit ironic, but I too stay with my family. We stay in the old Seracian lands, if you know them. You're more than welcome to visit us as well. I'm sure the youngest would enjoy the company of another." She would then pause, glancing in that direction. "They are good wolves... but... I sometimes feel distanced from them." She would shake her head. "So what territory exactly are you and your friends staying in?" Gaze would turn back to him now, trying to push the other subject away before it was dwelt on.



8 Years
Extra large
09-21-2014, 10:56 AM

He waited patiently for an answer from the woman, wondering if she would take up his offer and come visit him and his friends up north. It would be nice to have a new face around, especially when you have been around the same pawful and their kids for a few months after your pack was pretty much ripped apart. Finally she spoke and so his ears perked up to catch what she had to say. Destruction seemed to like the idea of a visit, then going into how ironic it was that she was pretty much doing the same thing but with family instead. Deviant chuckled at this, it was amusing and he understood if the visits weren't frequent because of this family.

Her group were staying in old Seracian lands, he didn't know who or what that was but would guess it was a pack that had broken apart, individuals going their separate ways. Would Imena or Cael know about it? He would take a mental note to ask them once he returned from here. She would also extend an invitation to the man, giving him permission to come visit them as well and how the youngest from the group would enjoy some company. The man smiled at this and gave a small nod of his head, he had a way with children, able to win them over easily just by being his normal self.

Something about what she said next would draw some curiosity from Deviant, the way she spoke of them being good wolves but she felt distanced from them. Did something happen between Destruction and the group to cause he rot feel that way, or was it like some families where one was just the oddball? From the way she shook her head and moved on the man would take the hint that she didn't want to linger on that, instead going and asking what territory his friends were staying in. While listening to her speak, Deviant had been gnawing on some bone, so when it was his turn he pulled away licking his chops and cleared his throat before speaking.

"We settled in a patch of low growing grass that is filled with willows." He finally answered, his head lifting and motioning towards the north before settling his gaze back on Destruction. "I believe it is called Whistling Willows." Front limbs stretched straight out in front of the male, head lowering and stretching out as well, his body starting to cramp out from sitting in the same position this whole time. Pulling his limbs and head back in he pushed himself up in a sitting position, giving his head a small shake. "It is a lovely place to raise children, heck, even I have some fun going through the curtains of leaves there." He chuckled, tail lightly wagging behind his large frame.

"What about you? What are these Seracian lands like that your family is staying in?" He questioned, curious as to what they were like. During his lifetime the man had traveled alot, not only with his wife to settle down but also when the family had split up, learning of various, different regions while looking for his children.

Awesome table by Requiem <3


09-27-2014, 07:44 PM

The female would take her own turn to gnaw at some meat, as well as the bone underneath, as Deviant answered her question. Willows... Willows... She began to think where she had seen such trees. They had low hanging branches that seemed to shroud the tree and those underneath in a veil. She believed she recalled being to the Whistling Willows once or twice, and would give a small, thoughtful nod as she chewed. She would just finish lick her lips as he made the comment that even he had fun going through the curtains of leaves and a small laugh would leave her.

?Well even wolves our age need to have fun once in a while after all.? Her gaze would become a little sad at the thought of children, however, and Destruction would look out across the lake, quiet for a long moment. ?I can?t help but wonder if my son would have enjoyed it there. Places like that... That are so good for kids... Remind me of him.? Her voice was quiet. She missed Dillinger so. But luckily he turned the question around, and Destruction would turn her gaze back to Deviant, giving a smile.

?Well, we stay on The Range. There are some odd shaped things there, made of wood and metal. There are also different kinds of prey there I haven?t seen other places. Chicken is one, for example. Their eggs are also not too bad. It?s a rather quiet area... Holding many memories... Where the turning points in my life seem to hit their peaks. It?s a rather peculiar place... But in a good way.?[/color] The femme would grin. ?...and I know the lay of the land there like the back of my paw. After all, that was where I was one an alphess.?



8 Years
Extra large
09-30-2014, 06:04 PM

?Very true.? The man chuckled at Destruction talking about how older wolves like themselves needed to have some fun once in a while too, indeed, the kids and young wolves could share their energetic moods. The amusing atmosphere that had settled around the two would seem to fade away, being replaced with yet again what felt like pain and sadness. Deviant's golden eyes looked to Destruction with concern, wondering what could be bothering her now. Was it the mention of their old age, was she beginning to feel the numbness or depression that came with knowing your life would come to an end sooner than you would like.

Ears perked up, keeping himself from taking a bite from the carcass beside him so that he could give the woman his full and undivided attention. She spoke of a son, using past tense when wondering if he would have enjoyed it in the Seracian lands. Was she also separated from him like Deviant and his family? As she continued on to talk about how good places like that were good for kids, the man came to realize that her son must no longer be walking the earth as a live wolf. He would lift his head, jaws ajar to say something about the boy but Destruction would go on to answer his question about the lands they lived in, what they were like.

She mentioned The Range, and a look of confusion would spread across his face momentarily. He had never heard of such a place while he was in these lands, was it kind of tucked away behind a forest or hidden in a bay? The man gave a small shake of his head to clear his thoughts, eyes blinking a few times as he refocused on the woman. She talked about strange structures within The Range, made of wood and metal as well as different prey that wasn't usually found in the lands. Fully grabbing his interest the man would scoot over a bit, wanting to hear about these new creatures he had never heard of or come across before. Chickens, their eggs were good. Quiet area, held many memories or turning points in her life, peculiar but in a good way. Destruction also knew the lay of the land like the back of her hand, since she was an Alphess there.

"I'm gonna have to come down there soon and see this, peculiar land my ex-alphess friend had ruled over then." Deviant grinned with a wink, tail lightly wagging behind him, skimming over the ground rather than thumping. With that the man would lift himself up with a grunt, giving a small shake of his body before turning his attention on the woman once again. "It's getting late, would you be alright with sharing a den for the night?" He didn't want to come off as creepy, looking to den up with a woman since he didn't get any action in awhile now. He was simply being a gentleman. "I'd hate to go our separate ways and then something happen to you for being alone at night." The man would feel horrible if something like that had happened to her.

Awesome table by Requiem <3


10-05-2014, 04:53 PM

Destruction couldn?t help but smile at his response. ?Indeed you will. Perhaps there might be other surprises yet awaiting you there.? Her own tail would wag some, a bit o a mischievous look on her face. The woman was known to be a wraith, slinking in and out of the shadows to sneak up on others. She would rise, favoring the side with the limp, and she would consider his words. She did not fear the darkness, nor being alone, but the offer was kind, and not meant in any sort of perverted way. It was for that reason that she would decide on her answer.

?Very well, Deviant. I won?t mind sharing a den with you for the night. It?ll be share a den with such a gentleman.? She would give a gentle smile to the man. ?Do you know where one is then? Or shall we begin the search together?? There was an old spark in her eye that had disappeared for some time. Perhaps there was indeed yet time left for her. No reason to give up on experiencing all aspects of life yet.



8 Years
Extra large
10-16-2014, 04:12 PM

Destruction accepted his offer to den together for the night, his head giving a small nod. She didn't mind sharing one since he had been such a gentleman, and to this his head would lift and an almost cheesy grin appeared. Clearly he was happy about that part of him, and that somebody could see and was welcomed by it rather than creeped out or made uncomfortable. Upon accepting the offer she also questioned the man on if he knew where a possible den could be, or if they had to look together. "Hm..." His head lifted slightly and tilted to the side in though, trying to remember if he had spotted anything close to a den when he had come here with the deer carcass. All he could come up with however was some spots where trees had fallen over, created a sort of pile here and there. "Yes and yes." He responded with a chuckle, turning his head towards the woman. "I recall some spots where a few trees fell over each other like a pile, but we will have to check a few out to see if any are big enough for both of us." He explained.

Without waiting the man smirked once more before setting off, body turning around and away from the lake, paws carrying his massive form into the treeline. Deviant's demeanor was calm, very relaxed despite the land being covered in darkness quickly. Tail swung slow, head held high and golden eyes scanning over vegetation and around the trees. Coming from the moors and towards the lake part of this place, he remembered passing about three of these piles of fallen trees, but couldn't quite remember which was the largest. Oh well, with lady Destruction with him they should find them in no time and settle down for the night before departing in the morning.

Awesome table by Requiem <3