
Revenge [Morgan]


05-01-2013, 03:20 PM

Evelette kept her head low, her tail, swinging idly between her legs. Her body posture was tense, terse with the notion of violence that clung to the edges of her mind. She was a good wolf. Beautiful, capable, intelligent. She found herself a member of a beautiful pack and finally allowing herself to recover from heartache after heartache, betrayal, after betrayal. But a singular notion lay upon her mind, a singular nuisance that would not allow her peace and it went by the name of a gorgeous fae who could have very well been her sister. Its name was Morgan.

At one point the two had been the best of friends, always chit-chatting, speaking with one another, joking back and forth, but that was before, before the ivory bitch had stabbed her in the back and had taken the only thing from her that had mattered. Her mate. Of course, now, Freak meant nothing to her, in fact, in retrospect she should have seen it coming. He had been a deplorable nightmare of a creature, bloodthirsty and filled with indifference to the bitter end, but Morgan... Morgan had loved her, loved her like a sister, and she should have had the decency to tell him no. But she hadn't and Evelette could never forgive her and she never forgot.

She wanted to move on, but she couldn't, knowing that back stabbing whore still existed. She was not a violent creature by nature, but she had been kind too many times, it was time the world learned of her hell. She would approach the battlefield, blue eyes gleaming with determination. She would fight for something far more precious than the woman's right to live... no. She was a whore and thus her punishment would match. Evelette would challenge for the right to rip the ivory woman's womb from her abdomen. She would tilt her head back, maw arching to the heavens, and a call that had, at one point, been filled with love, now oozed with toxic venom, a singular name falling from her lips.




05-01-2013, 06:38 PM
Only having just only just found her true lover and was hoping to never see the woman that looked like her twin. Her son Rumble had just returned home and everything was going well. Her brother had just found her daughter only days ago. She was also hoping to talk Lovatt into children...then her voice came and all Morgan could do was answer.

The cold hatred in Eve's voice alone told her what she was in for. Morgan didn't dare push the other woman's patience, but she made sure not to make herself worthless either. She had no idea what Eve wanted, she guessed her life.

Keping herself as calm as she could, Morgan showed and made sure to keep her distance from the infuriated female. She stood silently for a moment not even attempting to tell Eve her side of the story because she knew it would be pointless. Looking at Eve was like looking at her own reflection and if hr real twin had lived it would have been like looking at her. Finally with blue eyes meeting blue eyes her maw moved and spoke only one word "Eve" her voice was unreadable as was her face. But she knew nothing good was to come of this meeting.


05-02-2013, 01:49 AM

Evelette's voice would travel far and loud, anyone who wished to witness the battle could come, she had told no one of her endeavors, no one of this plot, she was here free of bonds, chains, or promises. This was her battle, Valhalla needn't be involved, nor should any of Morgan's allies. This was a war the needed to occur between them. Why had she waited for so long? Perhaps to get over so many betrayals, perhaps to attempt to find peace, but she knew she never would until she had exacted revenge upon one of few wolves she had been close enough to call her sister.

She would sit, resting with ease upon her haunches, tail flickering back and forth as she waited with utter patience. No emotion would flicker in the depths of wintery eyes, regal, poised, beautiful, she would await this foe, and finally she would arrive. For a long moment she would do nothing but observe, crystalline blue oculars tracing the pale figure of the dame she once embraced with cold disinterest. She had thought long and hard about what she would do, given the chance to face the dame. Death had been the predominant figure in her mind, but no. That was being kind, death meant no suffering. While she could not exact her own betrayal, she could make her feel pain and the perfect idea had struck her.

She would rise, eyes distant and unreadable. Her jaws would open, lyrics falling from them cold in their utter malice as she readied her stance. "Eve is a nickname my friends are allowed to use. You will address me as Evelette or you will not speak my name at all." Her words were utter ice, slicing through the tension like the crack of a whip. She would study the dame for a moment more, inhaling and calming herself. Icy blue eyes relaxing along with her musculature. Focus. Balance. Endurance. You are small but you hold power Evie, use it to your advantage. As wretched as Freak was he had been her mentor, and he had trained her well, his words still rung through her skull.

"I thought long and hard about what revenge I would exact upon you. Such a betrayal of love cannot go unpunished and I am not weak." She would begin in a ceaseless toxic tone. Her hatred for the dame shining clear. She hoped she had a mate, she hoped she wanted pups, she hoped that she won this fight so she could see the devastation written upon her face. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. I challenge you to a duel. If I win I will rip your womb from your belly, a fair punishment for what you have done to me. Since I have decency, since I have respect, I allow you to state your terms and to have the first attack." She would widen her stance, claws flexing into the dirt as she obtained a stable balance, her head lowered, even with her body and her tail stuck out behind her, awaiting the dames first move.

(((OOC: As per site rules you get to choose the number of rounds and you get the first attack ^^)))



05-04-2013, 08:00 AM
(Edited to start the fight...before edit Morgan had not yet attacked)(Rounds...not sure, I'm thinking 4 or 5 rounds...happy with either)

Before the incident with Freak, Morgan would have been hurt by the hate in Eve's voice but now all it meant to her was another wolf didn't like her. Eve would no longer permit her to call her anything but Evelette, and Morgan wasn't about to push her luck. No matter how much they disliked each other now didn't make her stupid. She simply nodded as the other woman spoke the demand.

A moment went by and all the two did was observe the other. Morgan wasn't about to open her maw and beg Eve to let her go, to leave her be, as she knew that would make her look week and Eve would never have it. Morgan didn't want to fight her old friend but she knew there was no getting away from it. After seeming to regain composure Evelette spoke again. Knowing that the angered woman had plotted revenge, the only thing that pulled vocals from Morgan was that Eve stated she wasn't weak. "Evelette, I never said you were.

Again Eve's hatred filled voice rang through the battlefield. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. I challenge you to a duel. If I win I will rip your womb from your belly, a fair punishment for what you have done to me. Since I have decency, since I have respect, I allow you to state your terms and to have the first attack." were the other woman's exact words. When An eye for an eye, and tooth for a tooth was stated, Morgan thought Eve was going to force her into letting her take Lovatt from her and she tensed up...that was not going to happen. Then Evelette finished...had Morgan been nearly anyone else she would have turned and left Alacritis with Lovatt in tow. But that wasn't who she was.

Thinking of what she wanted didn't take but a few seconds as, all Morgan wanted was to be left alone. To finally live the life her brother Leo stole from her. A sigh escaped Morgan before she actually spoke"I will accept, as I'm sure there is no where I can hide from my past, from what I let happen. My terms, well i don't really have any...all I want is to be left alone." Her voice was nothing like Eve's hate filled one. However emotionless there was no hate for the other within her words.

The moment Morgan's words stopped falling from her maw, she moved for the first time since she had arrived. Moving to her right to walk a circle around Evelette that would slowly close the distance between the two women, her body prepared itself for battle. Morgan was pinpointing places to sink her teeth into. Places like the throat, stomach, spots on Eve's legs to rip away muscle and tendon to make them useless, and of coarse the face...if she could blind Eve, she would have more of a chance to win.

The closer Morgan got to Eve, the more she could feel herself readying to fight. She regretted with every ounce of her body what she had done to the woman who had once been a sister to her, but she wasn't going to just let Eve take away her future with Lovatt.

With the distance shortened by several yards, with only a few yards left between them, Morgan launched herself into the other woman. With jaws wide, Morgan was aiming for Evelette's face, however if Eve were to attempt to dodge the attack on her face Morgan might still be able to get a hold of her some where. She kept her head low enough to make it difficult, but not impossible, to get to her throat, and still keeping it high enough to be able to get at Eve. As another back up to keep Eve away from Morgan's throat, Morgan would scratch at her if she were to go for Morgan's throat.

Damage To Morgan: None
Attack By Morgan: Lunged at Eve with wide jaws in an attempt to dig her teeth into Eve's face...dueling as a defense Morgan will scratch at Eve's face ONLY if Eve goes for Morgans throat/neck
Defense By Morgan: Kept her head low enough to make it difficult for Eve to get at Morgan's throat(still not impossible as the back of her neck is still exposed and Morgan is to close to keep it completely protected.) Morgan will also scratch at Eve in an attempt to keep her from getting a hold of her neck..but only if she goes for the throat/neck.


05-06-2013, 01:51 PM

Evelette was finished talking. She had spoken her peace, had stated what she was fighting for. She could not wait to feel her teeth sink into the sluts belly. It would be divine... perhaps the blood loss would kill her. She threatened to smile at such a thought. The dame spoke her terms. All she wished was to be left alone? She did not wish to return the violent cruelty if she won? Very well. If she lost, Evelette would respect the ivory faes wishes. Her lips would curl over glimmering ivory fangs and she would mimic the dames pace as they circled each other, keeping ample distance. Her paws were placed methodically, one before the other. One, two, three, four, her pads would brush the earth.

Her opposer prepared herself and Evelette took a deep, satisfying breath, slowing her heart rate and relaxing her muscles and leaving them fluid, relaxed and at ease. Freak's words echoing in the back of her cranium, ironic... the wolf she now held nothing for, aided her against the very thing that had torn them apart. Keep your body loose and languid. Endurance and speed Evelette... you are small, but you have power, keep your distance, strike fast and glide away. You can be a remarkable warrior if you play your cards right.

Her opponent would lunge forward and Evelette would launch right back. Her head was dipped low, shielding her neck from teeth and claws. Her ears would fall back to pin against her cranium, keeping them from being easily grabbed a hold of. Her tail stuck out behind her, maintaining her balance and keeping her weight evenly distributed between her four paws. Her body would twine, winding back and forth, leaping in unpredictable patterns, at the last moment she would distribute her weight to her right side and pushing off with her legs, she would feint to the left. Morgan's claws barely dusted her shoulder and as soon as she landed, she would lunge at Morgan's right shoulder, jaws splayed wide and claws ready to sink into whatever flesh they could find purchase on.

DEFENSE: Making her movements sporadic and random, makes them hard to track, a sudden feint to the left, being difficult to follow. Ears pinned against her skull to avoid being grabbed, body aligned with Morgan's shoulder making it difficult to turn and grasp something vital. Tail sticking out for balance, heart rate lowered and calmed to improve endurance.
ATTACK: Feinting to Morgan's left, she lunges at Morgan's shoulder hoping to sink teeth and claws into her.
INJURIES: Scratches to the shoulder.



05-06-2013, 05:07 PM
Evelette had nothing more to say...obvious by her silence before the attack. The silence was not a surprise to Morgan as she had suspected Eve would say nothing more. With her first attack finished she moved back quickly, however not fast enough to avoid the sharp teeth aimed right at her shoulder. With a wince and a snarl, four canine sized holes were left in her shoulder. Making things slightly worse they were torn slightly when Morgan had pulled away.

In defense of her next move, Morgan took note of Eve's flattened ears and did so herself. Still keeping her head low and using her claws when ever Eve's jaws drew to close to her throat for comfort she added another tactic she had seen once before and scrunched her head back a bit to make any purchase on her neck harder.

*damn it* the thought rang through Morgan's mind the moment she realized that Eve had moved to her side making any further attack harder without having to be facing her again. Quickly Morgan spun around so that they were face to face once more. The feel of her own blood slowly trickling down her shoulder and sticking her fur to her skin only reminded Morgan that Eve meant businesses...this wasn't just a spar.

Again Morgan lunged forward, only this time, she dropped down just before hitting Eve's face with her sharp teeth. Morgan was after the dame's upper legs or chest. With bones too thick to break, the only thing on her mind was to tear away flesh...muscle that would make moving more difficult.

Damage To Morgan: 4 puncture wounds in her shoulder, that tore only slightly when Morgan pulled away
Attack By Morgan: She lunged in and at the last second dropped enough to be able to get a hold of either Eve's chest or the upper part of one of her legs, in an attempt to pull away muscle to make it harder to move.
Defense By Morgan: Flattened ears, Still keeping her head low and using her claws when ever Eve's jaws drew to close to her throat for comfort and also added another tactic she had seen once before and scrunched her head back a bit to make any purchase on her neck harder.


05-09-2013, 03:20 PM

He had been out exploring the lands, he hadn?t made it to Valhalla to request his admittance into the pack as of yet, but that was coming. It was simply a matter of time. He had worked his way around the lands, exploring some of the different and unique territories that it offered, and it was that exploration that led his pawsteps to the battlefield today. He had no business here, but as he was passing through he wanted to see what this place was all about.

The plain was large, and rocks jutted out of it but that wasn?t what caught his eyes. His head tilted, as he saw two wolves engaged in a fight, one of them that he recognized. Evelette, the sweet lady that he had met prior, and ended up hunting with. She was such a sweet wolf and he wondered what brought her to this fight. He edged out of the trees and closer to the fighting pair, yet keeping himself a careful distance away. The last thing to do, he really wanted to do was end up between the battling females.

He stopped close enough to see them, and stood there watching them, his head low- ears and eyes trained on them. He would try to speak with Evelette when she was done, but until then he was interested in seeing just what this lady brought to the a battle.


05-09-2013, 03:25 PM

Evelette moved with the ample grace and agility that she had worked so long to achieve. Her bodice, twining around the dame subtle and fast, endurance, speed, agility, these were her strengths. She played upon them and it seemed she would succeed in her first reign of attack. Morgan's claws glided the soft flesh of her shoulder and Eve sprung to the left and then back, sinking teeth deep into her victims shoulder. She crunched down hard, jaws intending to tear through muscles, ligaments , tendons, and anything else.

Morgan ripped away from her mouth, jumping backwards, making the punctures worse and ripping the already injured flesh. Evelette snarled, landing back on the ground. She balanced her weight between all four of her feet, tail sticking out behind her to maintain her balance, she kept her ears pinned against her skull, and lowered her head to shield her neck from on-coming attacks. Morgan charged at her and this time she held her ground, bending her knees slightly and bracing herself for the attack, defensive this time instead of offensive.

At the last second, Morgan bowed her head and went for her chest and had Eve been a different creature she would have cackled in delight, Morgan teeth found the broad expanse of Evelette's chest, and Evelette splayed her jaws wide, aiming for the delicate scruff of Morgan's neck, hoping to get a heavy purchase of the loose skin there and gain control of the dames head.
Round: 2/?
Injuries: Minor scratches to the shoulder, Mild puncture wounds to the chest.
Defenses: Ears still pinned, tail sticking out for balance, knees bent slightly to solidify balance, head lowered guarding her neck. Vitals still normal, heart rate increased slightly due to the adrenaline.
Attacks: Since Morgan ducked down to reach her chest, Evelette is aiming for Morgan's scruff, to both gain control of Morgan's head and to get a solid purchase on the dame.

(((OOC: You never stated how many rounds you want this to be Secret! As I am the challenger, you get the right to pick!)))



05-12-2013, 12:51 PM

(OOC: sorry thought I did, my bad....and I edited to put in a table)

The moment Morgan's teeth met Evelette's flesh, the moment she tasted blood and felt its warmth against her lips and tongue, she pulled back. She knew the moment her teeth made contact with Eve's chest that she hadn't hit a good enough spot to pull anything away from her opponent. She was in a bad spot and had to get out or risk being controlled by the bunched up skin on the back of her neck.

Ivory teeth scraped along the side and top of her head. Then for a split second the ripping stopped and then began again on her ear nearly tearing it in half. With the right healer, they could stitch it pack together and it would be fine but for now blood slowly made its way down the side of her face. Keeping her ears flat hadn't done her much good.

In retaliation, Morgan instantly angled her jaws upward and toward Eve's throat. With luck she would at least get Eve's lower jaw even though she was aiming for Eve's throat. Keeping defense in mind along with the attack she put one of her front paws up in an attempt to deflect any scratching Eve might do.

Round: 3/5

Damage To Morgan: 4 puncture wounds in her shoulder that tore only slightly when Morgan pulled away. Now her right ear is torn and she has a few scrapes from Eve's teeth next to her ear(top and side of her head).

Attack By Morgan: mere seconds after Eve's teeth lost their contact with her ear morgan went up for either Eve's throat or lower jaw.

Defense By Morgan: throws a paw up there to try and deflect any scratching/kicking eve might do



05-14-2013, 01:56 AM

Teeth would collide with her chest, but in the same instance, they would pull away, leaving shallow punctures at best. Evelette would miss her mark, her teeth scraping along Morgan's cranium, ripping flesh and that the mingled taste of blood and fur would tangle in her mouth. Her canine would catch on Morgan's ears, slicing the appendage almost in two, it was an injury that would leave a nasty scar at the very least. Evelette pulled back, aiming to put some distance between them and in the same instance, Morgan would move to aim for her throat.
Evelette leapt to the side, heart rate increasing slightly as Morgan's teeth scraping along her cheek and snout as she avoided the potentially fatal blow. Bending her knees as she landed, Evelette would regain her balance, her tail arching to help her maintain it, ears remained pinned against her cranium and her gaze remained locked upon Morgan. She would settle her weight towards her hind end, and launch herself forward, jaws splayed wide and aiming for Morgan's already hurt shoulder, hoping to gain a bit of leverage through the already injured side of her.
Rounds: 3/5
Injuries: Scratches to the shoulder, shallow puncture wounds to the chest, scratches along her cheek and snout.
Defense: She leapt sideways to avoid allowing Morgan purchase on her neck landing at an odd angle, her knees are bent to help stabilize her, her tail arched to improve her equilibrium, ears are still pinned against her skull to avoid easy access. Vitals are a touch higher due to the adrenaline.
Attack: Once balance has been regained, she shifts her weight to her hind legs and springs at Morgan, jaws splayed wide in an attempt to find purchase on Morgan's already injured shoulder.

(((OOC: No worries :3 That table is gorgeous by the way ;) )))



05-16-2013, 04:40 PM

*Damn it* the thought rang through Morgan's mind as she practically missed Eve, she had expected more than just a few scratches on her cheek and snout. Sadly it hadn't quite worked out the way she had wanted it to, and the scratches were all Eve had received yet Morgan could still taste a small hint of copper on her teeth. That almost made her smile...but she held it back.

Icy blue eyes fallowed the other white woman as she jumped to the side. No matter how much the blood on Morgan's teeth made her want to smile at just making contact she wasn't going to take her eyes off of Eve. Morgan waited for Eve to make her move toward her. When the move was made Morgan turned to meet teeth with teeth. This provided defense from further injury to anything but her maw and doubled as her attack.

On the Defensive side turning kept Eve away from her side and her gaping maw was to help keep the daredevil away from any other purchase but her mouth. On the attacking side...Morgan planed on clamping down on Eve's upper jaw. If she made the purchase the only thing Eve would be able to do was scratch at her and clamp down on her lower jaw.

Evelette nocked Morgan out of plan mode the moment Eve's teeth crunched down on her lower jaw. Just as planned she attempted to clamp down on Eve's upper jaw before she could pull away.

Round: 4/5

Damage To Morgan: 4 puncture wounds in her shoulder that tore only slightly when Morgan pulled away. Her right ear is torn and she has a few scrapes from Eve's teeth next to her ear(top and side of her head). Now she has puncture wounds both inside and outside of her lower jaw.

Defense and Attack By Morgan: Her defense doubles as her attack. She turned to meet Eve's attack with her jaws as a defense and as an attack all she will try to do is clamp down on Eve's upper jaw before she can slip away.



05-18-2013, 02:31 AM

Evelette pushed her hatred and her fury for the damsel aside, long enough to win this fight. She didn't want Morgan dead... no. Her conscious would not allow for such a violent act for vengeance. but she believed in justice. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Morgan had taken her mate and as punishment, Evelette was determined to take her right to breed. The punishment seemed fitting for the crime. They ivory dame, at least for now, paid no heed to her injuries, she would have time to lick her wounds later.

Her attack would fail, Morgan moving to counteract the attack by positioning herself with jaws splayed wide. Evelette quickly reasserted her attack. Morgan's top canines scraping along the top of her snout and digging in, Evelette would smash her jaws together with all the force and strength she could muster in an effort to break Morgan's bottom jaw. If her attack hits, keeping a tight secure grip on Morgan's lower jaw, she plans to fling her head from side to side, preventing Morgan from obtaining a tighter grip and hoping to unhinge her bottom jaw.

Keeping her ears pinned against her skull to prevent being easily grasped, she broadens her stance and shifts her weight towards her hind end, she would keep a strain on the locked jaws, hopefully applying more pressure. Her tail remains straight behind her for balance, and her knees slightly bent to improve her stability.

Attack: With Morgan coming down on the top of her snout, she intends to clamp down hard enough to break Morgan's jaw, if that fails, but the attack still hits she intends to shake her head violently back and forth in an effort to unhinge her jaw.

Defense: Ears pinned against her skull to avoid becoming an easy target., balance tilted towards her hind end, legs broadened to maintain her equilibrium and balance, since she is coming down on Morgan's lower jaw, she hopes to gain a good grasp before Morgan.

Round: 4/5



05-19-2013, 11:47 AM

The moment Morgan felt Evelette's teeth begin to dig into her lower jaw she knew she had made a small miscalculation. Eve could easily break her lower jaw. Before the woman could get a good enough grip to do so, Morgan jerked her head back. Pulling free hurt but she had to ignore the pain. The rips on Morgan's lower jaw began to drip blood...not much but just enough to remind morgan she was injured.

Forcing her upper half off the ground she aimed to come down on Eve before she could do anything. Reared up on her hind legs, teeth and claws both aimed at Evelette's face. Paws and claws in place to keep the angered woman away from her stomach and throat. Morgan was not going to willingly lose this fight.

The thought of Lovatt tried to force its way to the front of her thoughts, but Morgan forced them back. Now was not the time to get distracted. Everything that she had ever done to hurt Evelette was either to become her future and fallow her till death or be placed behind her in these last few moments.

Round: 5/5

Damage To Morgan: 4 puncture wounds in her shoulder that tore only slightly when Morgan pulled away. Her right ear is torn and she has a few scrapes from Eve's teeth next to her ear(top and side of her head). Has puncture wounds both inside and outside of her lower jaw. Now the puncture wounds in her lower jaw have been torn into smallish gashes both inside and outside of her mouth.

Attack By Morgan: Reared up on her hind legs, teeth and claws both aimed at Evelette's face, Morgan is hoping to dig her teeth and claws into Eve's face and then free up her claws/paws for defensive action.

Defense By Morgan: Morgans paws/claws are in place to keep the angered woman away from her stomach and throat.



05-19-2013, 02:30 PM

Evelette had been trained to go with the flow of a fight. to be able to reanalyze and come up with new strategies for every move your counterparts made, But Morgan seemed to rethink every attack she presented. Releasing and backing out of the attack almost as soon as it was issued, whether she did this because she wasn't really trying to hurt her, or because she wasn't as experienced in fights, Evelette knew not. But she was getting irritated with the constant shying away.

Their teeth would clash, Morgan's sinking into her snout, and Evelette's sinking into Morgan's lower jaw, but before she could get a good enough grasp to snap the bone or dislodge the joint, the ivory woman was pulling away once again. Evelette lunged forward, as Morgan reared up. Her head lowered to prevent her neck from being an easy target, stance broad to improve balance and stability, and tail still sticking straight out behind her the woman lunged, aiming for the soft underbelly of Morgan, while she came down on her hind end... either she would claim her prize, the reason she had come or she would lose this fight.

Round: 5/5
Injuries: Mild punctures to her snout, Scratches to the shoulder, shallow puncture wounds to the chest, scratches along her cheek and snout, bruising and scratches on her mid back, from where Morgan is coming down on top of her.
Attacks: Keeping her forward momentum, as Morgan pulls her head away and rears up on her hind legs, Evelette goes for her belly, hoping to gain a heavy purchase with her jaws.
Defense: Ears still pinned to avoid being easily grasped, moving forward making it hard for Morgan to grasp her head/neck, stance broadened, knees bent and tail out to improve equilibrium and balance.




05-31-2013, 01:30 PM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2013, 01:32 PM by Chrysanthe.)
Evelette vs. Morgan for the Right to Breed

Round 1

clarity: 7 / 10 Which side of Evelette did she launch herself at? Which side of Evelette's face did Morgan aim for?

powerplaying: 8 / 10 Be careful with what ifs - do not mention how your opponent can react, only write out your character's actions.

defenses: 3 / 10 Head lowered, prepared to scratch in defense of her throat.

attack: 4 / 10: One attack made to the face.

injuries: 10/ 10 No injuries, first round.

Round one Morgan Total: 32 / 50


clarity: 10 / 10 Clear, concise post.

powerplaying: 5 / 10 Morgan's attack to Evelette's face was not mentioned. Even when you dodge an attack, you have to add how and why you dodged it.

defenses: 6 / 10 head low, ears pinned, tail balanced,

attacks: 4 / 10 One attack to Morgan's shoulder.

injuries: 10 / 10 No injuries, first round.
First round

Round one Evelette Total: 36 / 50

Round 2

clarity: 7 / 10 Which side of Evelette's legs and chest did she lunge at and aim for?

powerplaying: 10 / 10 Post contained no power playing.

defenses: 6 / 10 Ears flattened, head low, head pulled back, claws prepared to scratch

attack: 5 / 10 One attack to Evelette's face.

injuries: 6 / 10 four puncture wounds in her shoulder, torn slightly.

Round Two Morgan Total: 34 / 50


clarity: 6 / 10 Your first attack has already been made, and Morgan pulled away. You can't say she crunched down and made a previous attack worse after the attack has been made and reacted to.

powerplaying: 10 / 10 Post contained no power playing

defenses: 10 / 10 weight balanced on all four paws, tail sticking out for balance, ears pinned against her skull, head lowered, knees bent

attacks: 5 / 10 One attack made to Morgan's scruff.

injuries: 7 / 10 puncture wounds to the chest.

Round Two Evelette Total: 38 / 50

Round 3

clarity: 8 / 10 Which ear was torn?

powerplaying: 10 / 10 Post contained no power playing.

defenses: 1 /10 a paw thrown up in defense, but which front paw is not mentioned

attack: 5 / 10 One attack to Evelette's throat/lower jaw.

injuries: 5 / 10 Torn flesh along the back of her neck, ripped ear

Round Three Morgan Total: 29 / 50


clarity: 8 / 10 Which side did Evelette jump to? Which side of her cheek and snout was injured?

powerplaying: 10 / 10 Post contained no power playing.

defenses: 8 / 10 Knees bent, Tail arched for balance, ears pinned, weight placed on back legs

attacks: 5 / 10 One attack made to Morgan's shoulder

injuries: 7 / 10 scrapes along her cheek and snout from Morgan's teeth.

Round Three Evelette Total: 38 / 50

Round 4

clarity: 10 / 10 Clear post.

powerplaying: 10 / 10 Post contained no power playing.

defenses: 2 /10 Jaws agape

attack: 3 / 10 One attack to Evelette's upper jaw. Grasping the upper jaw would be impossible with her lower jaw in Evelette's grasp.

injuries: 4 / 10 4 puncture wounds in her lower jaw, this could potentially break her jaw and even have some affect on her tongue.

Round Four Morgan Total: 29 / 50


clarity: 10 / 10 Clear post.

powerplaying: 10 / 10 Post was devoid of powerplaying.

defenses: 8 / 10 Ears pinned, weight shifted to hind end, tail positioned for balance, knees bent for balance

attacks: 6 / 10 One attack to Morgan's lower jaw, followed with a potential shaking motion.

injuries: 8 / 10 Scrapes along the top of her snout from Morgan's teeth

Round Four Evelette Total: 42 / 50

Round 5

clarity: 10 / 10 Clear post.

powerplaying : 10 / 10 Post contained no powerplaying.

defenses: 1 / 10 paws used to keep Evelette from her stomach and throat. (althogh they are also being used to attack)

attack: 6 / 10 Two attacks made to Evelette's face. (paws and jaws)

injuries: 7 / 10 Further damage to her lower jaw.

Round Five Morgan Total: 34 / 50


clarity: 10 / 10 Clear post.

powerplaying : 0 / 10 Morgan's attack and the injuries from it was not mentioned in your post. Even when it's placed in your summary, it must be put into your post.

defenses: 6 / 10 Head lowered, stance broadened, tail positioned for balance

attacks: 5 / 10 One attack made to Morgan's stomach.

injuries : 9 / 10 scratches to her mid back

Round Five Evelette Total: 30/ 50


Morgan: 158/250


And the winner is...

Evelette! Morgan must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Morgan- Lower jaw injured, and the injury must be taken into consideration for 2 OOC weeks. Right ear torn nearly in two, permanent maim.

Evelette- no permanent or semi-permanent maims obtained


I have decided that Morgan raising onto her haunches in the last round, and Evelette's attack to Morgan's stomach was enough to seal her purpose for this fight. As the winner, and also because of the set up of the last round (there are few ways that attack can be dodged or ignored) she achieved her grasp on Morgan's stomach and tore deeply enough into her womb to render her incapable of childbirth.
Morgan needs to find a healer ASAP!


05-31-2013, 02:00 PM

Evelette lunged, Morgan came down upon her back, but it was for not. Her jaws, heavy and powerful coiled around the soft belly of her once sister, teeth tearing deep and piercing her flesh with serious purpose. Crunching through the delicate tissue like paper her jaws would coil around her precious womb, the very thing that had driven her to betray Evelette's fine trust and with an exaggerated rip of her skull she would free the organ from its confines. Blood, abdominal fluid and flesh raining down upon her maw like some macabre storm. As Morgan would slump down in writhing agony, Evelette would roar, a bellow of victory and of cruel satisfaction. She would spit the womans own entrails upon her, the useless clumps of flesh, muscle and tissue, landing with a dull squish as she watched the ivory woman's pelt stain red.

"You deserve your fate! Traitor! Betrayer! Burn in hell insufferable wench!" Pure venom would fall from her tones as she spat upon the writhing carcass. With a final snarl, Evelette would turn her back on the woman, heading back towards Valhalla. Her job was complete, her mission successful. Her vengeance was sated, her aggression cooled. She would return home victorious, Morgan would never be thought of again.


Ezekiel I


05-31-2013, 02:37 PM
[Image: ezekiel_by_wolftaske-d60lag9.png]


he cackled with glee, circling endlessly over the battle scene, drawn to the place of gore how he always was--with a call of revenge. his heart sung with adoration at a promised meal as malice and betrayal were pledged, and it was all he could do to not swoop down upon them mid-battle and get one of them to rip one another's bones out. by the time the deed neared, ezekiel was almost bored with waiting, but as the first fae was thrown upon her back he dropped in altitude, circles becoming more concise and the beats of his wings quickening with anticipation. He crooned and cackled roughly as the she-wolf's reproductive organs were ripped from her abdomen, and before the assailant had even finished the job he'd alighted on the other side of the writhing form.

with a string of curses the perpetrator turned away, and ezekiel's sharp eyes picked over the gore, finding nothing that he wished to feast upon. he flapped his wings indignantly, lifting from the ground and carrying himself to the other side of the ravaged creature, beady eyes of obsidian burning as he addressed the departing victor.

"oh, what, no bones for me?

just this grotesque, dismembered ovary?"

his singsong protest paused as he glanced behind him, and then he plucked the uterus from the dirt and tipped his head upwards. his dial jerked to give it momentum as he attempted to swallow it, and after a few moments of struggle the organ went down with ease. the massive bearded vulture clacked his beak a few times, hopping away from the source of his meal and half-jumped and half-glided forth to the champion's side, though he was certain to keep a distance of several feet in case a getaway was needed.

"oh no, oh no, not my usual taste.

it's icky, it's soft, and laden with paste!

but oh, oh yes, revenge is sweet!

my absolute favorite, so read it an weep!

"you avenger, you dog, you pleasant little girl,

i'm eager to see how your destiny unfurls!

what next, what next; will you take over a pack?

overthrow alacritis with a simple attack?

"either way, my dear, just be sure to take note

that next time i'd like bones, not some reproductive mote!"

as with all of ezekiel's riddle-filled dialogues, there was something catchy and rhythmic about it, and if one paid attention he often moved to the swing of his own lyrics. he inched closer to the lass, eager for her reply and greedy for more should she be interested in maiming any others anytime soon.


06-02-2013, 03:48 PM

A scream escaped the woman's maw as Evelette forced her to the ground and ripped open her stomach. She knew what was coming next before it happened, but it didn't help with the pain that tore another scream from her. The sticky warmth spread across her skin as the smell of her own blood reached her nose. All the snowy woman could do was clench her teeth and hold back tears of pain as Eve spat venom filled words at her.

Icy eyes watched as the other white woman stalked away, any guilt she may have had before gone and replaced with hatred. Any and all memory of this would be blocked from her mind...she would avoid telling Lovatt until she had no choice.

It hadn't taken long for her blood to begin pooling on the ground around her but she wasn't paying much attention to the blood on the ground but the scavenger bird at her side. She growled and attempted to snap at it to remind it she wasn't dead yet but succeeded only in causing herself more pain. The fact that the bird ate her now worthless organ and went to Evelette's side didn't affect her much...if she was going to die she didn't want that thing any were near her, and she sure as hell wasn't going to give that wench the satisfaction either.

Sadly with every move she made to either make it to a healer or even stand caused another wave of pain. With fear of the rest of her organs falling out of the gaping wound in her gut Morgan stopped trying to stand and crawled a mere foot away from her pool of blood. At this rate the woman would bleed to death before she got any were.

Morgan let out a scream for help. Her voice was filled with pain and she refused to look at the damage that had been done. No point in panicking herself, since she already felt a bit light headed. She needed a healer...not later but now.



06-04-2013, 12:19 AM

Glassy eyes of icy blue would turn to the voice of grotesque poetry, her body winding in an arch, her fur matted with blood and abdominal fluid, she would turn to face the bird, malicious curiosity gleaming in the depths of her azure eyes. Claws would flex, scraping into the earth, Morgan's screams lingering in her brain, fueling the hatred and blood lust that had driven her to the battlefield to begin with. Her tail lashed behind her, accomplishment and pride glittering in the depths of her gaze. Her vengeance was complete, she could live the rest of her days in peace and in plenty. Her lips would curl, her head would lower and she would watch with grotesque fascination as the bird swallowed down the useless organ, gulping it in one fatal swallow.

Boldly he would leave the pained mass of white, the creature whom Evelette no longer accepted as a wolf, or a creature with any kind of soul really. Morgan was nothing more than a useless lump of flesh and bone in her eyes, she held no sympathy for the traitor. her attention was turned directly to the vulture as he hopped and then glided to her side, Morgan was forgotten, discarded from her mind like a plague. The vulture wisely kept his distance, but Evelette would have no such distance. She was a champion. A woman of power and she had thusly proven herself. She would cross the distance to the bird, keeping her head lowered, to better gaze upon the bird as he spoke to her again.

"Ah but love... she stole my mate so I stole her womb, a fair treat a ticket of revenge. I have no need for power or prestige, just a token of vengeance and I have succeeded. What is your name oh swallower of wombs?" Her voice would come laced in darkness, the bloodlust had not yet fled her mind but the delightful thought of what he had done to the Morgan's womb had sent a shiver of delight along her spine, excitement would thrill her, she wouldn't harm the bird... lest he gave her reason too.


Ezekiel I


06-04-2013, 08:19 PM
[Image: ezekiel_by_wolftaske-d60lag9.png]


the creature shuffled his wings almost a little nervously as the alabaster lady crossed the distance between them with ease, confident stride closing the space quicker than the bearded vulture would have liked. he hopped forward a little, gait similar to a regal waddle, and then turned to face her, looking her over appreciatively with his midnight optics. disappointment seemed to strike him, his brows furrowing, as he heard her reply, and he shifted a few steps back, regarding her with one eye.

"ezekiel, ezekiel,

ezekiel's m'name,

but enough about me;

this isn't my game!"

at his last line he gestured backwards toward the gruesome sight of morgan still bleeding out her guts. he almost hoped nobody came for her since that would mean another meal for him. oh, so many bones that he could pick from should she pass! despite his unsatiable hunger present in his conscience, he forced himself to draw his attention back to the bloodied lady before him.

"and what, and what?

no more to do?

with those brains and that ass

i should definitely sue!"

before his second line had even begun his wings had been lifting him upwards into the air, and by the time his third had been delivered, he was circling low but still out of eve's range. ezekiel didn't feel like being additional fuel to this creature's bloodlust, but it was safe to say that the bird never exactly watched what he said and might one day deserve it if he already didn't.