
Coming Home



09-27-2014, 05:08 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Ashtoreth had joined Olympus out of desperation and they had taken her and her two children in with kindness and understanding. She had been awarded a lead hunter's rank, bestowed with the same responsibility that she had once wielded within old Valhalla's borders, and had accepted it with honor and gratitude. They had done just about everything they could within their power to make her feel at home there with them, done everything to get her to stay.

And yet news of her new leaders' defeat was met with a shocking indifference. She knew she should have been upset and distraught at being a loner again, of no longer having the stability that she had fought to attain for both herself and her daughter and son. She should have felt some sense of desire to follow those leaders who had been so kind to her when she had needed that kindness most. But all she felt for them was a sadness that these feelings were absent.

She had them with her now, Cador and Vaishya, and hoped they would not, and more importantly had not, lost patience with her. Their lives had been anything but comfortable and stable since their youth, and now, at nearly a year old, they were homeless and on the move again. And rather than follow the leaders who had taken her family in she was planning on bringing them to old faces who were likely unfamiliar to them, family that she considered hers but that she did not know if they considered theirs. Perhaps, if they stayed, they might grow to feel that way, but for now she could hardly guess what ran through their minds as they followed her to the Valhallan refugees.

Purple and gold eyes shifted with a sidelong glance over one grey shoulder at the youths that traveled with her, searching their faces for any indication of what they felt. Anger? Sadness? Distress? Frustration? What of it was directed at Olympus for being lost? What of it was directed at her for moving them again? Disliking the thoughts that her mind was creating, Ashtoreth's ears tilted back against her head worriedly before she made herself look ahead once more, putting her attention back into her swift gait. There was no sense worrying over and over again. They were going to be home soon. Everything would be okay then.

The willows stood with swaying branches, their soft movements beckoning them within their safety to join those who awaited their arrival. Ash felt her heart beat slightly faster at the thought of being reunited with them, of finally feeling comfortable and at ease. Her tail wagged at her heels, not out of anxiety but excitement, feeling as if all of her wanderings, all of the travels she had forced on her family, were finally coming to an end. "We've made it," she said aloud to both her children, turning to glance at them both with a hopeful expression. How she wished she knew them well enough to understand what they were thinking!

Suddenly nervous, she asked of them, "Will you call with me?" She did not only ask simply for their assistance, though that was part of it, but for their acceptance, their approval, for bringing them here. They were a family, after all. She did not want them to feel alienated with her choices. She hoped more than anything they would embrace this chance to settle again among wolves they could trust to care for them and stand by them, with and without the trappings of a full-fledged pack. And as she tilted her head back, offering a quiet summons to those wolves who would recognize her sound, she hoped desperately that the voices of her children would join in too.



09-28-2014, 11:56 AM

Pups grew so fast, already her very own come to the age of nearly six months. Their lives would soon be tested by the world as they would start to learn to hunt and interact with strangers. The personalities would shape and mold based off of experience. She wasn't sure she was ready for her babies to go through that, to watch them grow. Couldn't they stay as her little pups forever? Already concern flared up for Ardal and Shikoba, both seeming to be going through their own mental self challenges. Shikoba still had yet to open up and she wondered if her daughter ever would. But she was smart and took a keen interest in healing. Ardal seemed to be having trouble finding himself and all she could do is be there for him, encouraging every step he took. No matter what he was her pup and she would love him till the end of time. Thankfully the two had their brother Laoch. He seemed to b their lifeline, to strong one, a leader for the other two. He made her proud with how well he looked after his siblings. And she could not help but be reminded of Cormalin, their deceased grandfather. She wished he had been able to see his grandchildren bfore his time was up. But surely he was watching over them.

The pups were out exploring and playing while she laid outside the den, close by Surreal had her own den. It was wonderful to have family surrounding them once again, even if it was not everyone. Amia was safe and sound and seemed to find someone she could trust, always being found near Castiel's side. She was happy for the young girl, she needing someone like the white male to look after her and befriend. She would smile to herself, sky blue eyes closed as she embraced the feeling of so much good and love that surrounded their group. She would have dosed off if a howl had not sounded nearby. Head lifted as she looked up, blinking with confusion for a moment. It would only take a few heartbeats for her to realize who had arrived and asked for them. Ash had returned and found them. Getting up she saw Shikoba darting over to her, ear back and tail tucked in. She nuzzled her daughter to reassure her all was safe. It never took much to frighten the girl,Momma, who is it? The white pup would whisper up to her.An old friend that used to live in the pack I once belong to. Lets go greet our old friend and family member. She replied before setting off to the direction Ash awaited.

The walk was short and Imena would emerge with tail wagging happily, a smile on her lips and a white pup hiding behind her back legs. Even though Shikoba was six months she was still so tiny and could easily hide behind any adult. Ashtoreth, im glade to see your safe and well. Its been to long my friend. She would greet warmly, her eyes scanning over the other women and her pups. Those had to be Leon's children but where was he?


Shikoba I


3 Years
09-28-2014, 12:13 PM

She spent the morning gathering plants and twigs, hoping mommy and daddy could use them somehow. She even gathered some of her special mint leaves to add to the pile. In all reality the mint was probably the only useful thing she had gathered. But she was young and had yet to know any better. She knew what the plants that were stored in the den looked and smelled like but the leaves and grass she gather had not been in that collection. So she simply thought that maybe these plants she had gather could be used somehow. She was happy to be left alone just doing her own thing within the sights of her mother. Happy till she heard a howl that was. She jumped, dropping her pile as her body curled in own itself. Ears laid back and tail tucked in. Her blue eyes didn't see anyone but her mother and she would quickly run over to her side. Body pressed against her darker mother as Imena nuzzled her, bringing her anxiety down a few notches. Who was here? Did they come to cause trouble?Momma who is it? Her voice barely as whisper. But at least now she spoke in full sentences, when ever she did talk. She rarely spoke but now at six months her speech was no longer broken up and missing words.

Her question was answered but she still felt on edge. She didn't want to be left alone, so her only option was to follow. And mother said it was a friend, so maybe they were like Surreal, Erani, Castiel and Amia. She wondered briefly where everyone was at as she moved silently behind her mother. Too shy to show herself she would hide behind her mother's rump, even though her white legs were clearly visible. Ears lifted up slightly to hear the conversation and head tilted so she might be able to peek a view of who this wolf was. It was a grey female with purple eyes and two children, older than her, with her.




5 Years
09-28-2014, 06:51 PM

The darkly colored pup had his gaze set on a large grasshopper that was perched on top of a thin, fallen branch, one of many that were still scattered across the ground from after the really long storm. He kept himself low to the ground, creeping toward it like his parents and relatives had been showing him on their hunting lessons. His butt wiggled excitedly just as he was about to pounce- but then a howl caught his attention, his head darting up and ears turning forward to listen. His sudden movement scared off his pretend prey, the little bug hopping off into the bushes. He looked back and groaned disappointedly. With a sigh he shrugged and stood upright again and turned his attention back to the call. There were a lot of wolves living here with him and his family, but he didn't recognize this voice.

Curious, Laoch trotted off to see who it was. His brave streak meant he was never nervous to approach wolves, even complete strangers. It never occurred to him that this might be a problem or that it might worry is parents, he just dove right into things without a second thought. When he got there he was his mom and Shikoba first, hiding behind their mom as always. Then he saw a gray lady with two younger wolves behind her and he immediately got really excited. Did this mean there was going to be new wolves for him to play with? He went over to his sister and bumped her shoulder affectionately with his head before going up to stand beside his mom, smiling and tail wagging.




09-29-2014, 02:05 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Nearly a year and still no closer to growing past her mother's height, the deep grey pup trailed obediently behind the hunter in her typical slinking sort of gait. Her head remained low, her tail low and against her legs, posture uninviting. Her face was flat and inexpressive aside from her wide eyes that took everything in with a nervous sort of attention. She may have traveled in the company of her dependable brother and overprotective mother, but neither presence did anything to lift her from her cautious stance. It was almost out of habit that she stayed in it, and though she had no real reason to be nervous or portray those feelings she fell into the role anyway.

She recognized immediately the location her family had been headed toward, situated just outside of Olympus and possessing a unique appearance that was solely found here. Though nothing else about her seemed to react, her ears did perk and her eyes scanned the wide treeline of willows as they approached. She had been here before, without either her mother or her brother. She had been alone and wandering, one of her first curious adventures that she had dared go on all by herself. It was probably silly to think that the grey-eyed wolf she had met here would still be around - he had made it plain he was more of a wanderer anyway - but it did not stop her from scenting a bit at the air, finding nothing within the scents that lingered to hint that he had still been around recently.

Those that she could smell, however, she had to assume were the wolves that her mother intended for them to meet and live with. Their scents intermingled strongly, similar because of how much time was spent together, and they seemed to rest heavily within this location, creating something akin to a natural border for a pack without the official title. Which, if Ashtoreth's hints held any truth to them, was eventually going to be changing.

The grey hunter eventually stopped them there at the edge of the treeline and Vaishya watched the look of excitement that seemed to come across her mother quite suddenly now that they had arrived. Vaguely she could recall Valhalla as a whole, but her wanderings at that age had only ever been close to her family's den, never far enough away to make acquaintances with their packmates. But they were friends to her momma, so somehow she supposed they could be her friends too. Her blue and gold eyes blinked once as her mother addressed them, and at her request Vaishya glanced once at her brother. She did not know what he thought about the whole move her family was making again, but with the plans that had been tiptoeing through her mind recently she was eager to see her mother happy and settled down again somewhere safe and comfortable.

So she lent her voice to her mother's and called with her, quietly ending her own howl first and sitting herself down there to wait beside her family. It was almost as if they had been expecting company the wolves showed up so quickly. Vaishya's two-toned gaze alighted on the grey-colored woman first, noting immediately the friendly expression on her face as she came forward to greet Ashtoreth and then soon after noting the extra set of legs that appeared to be following after. Curious, the deep grey youth leaned a little to the side to peer at her only to watch as another pup ventured out into the open, much more boldly, and took a seat beside the woman who had come to welcome them. Were these family? She glanced briefly at her mother, questions right there on the tip of her tongue, but she held them back, letting the adults speak and keeping her own curiosities for later.



7 Years
10-04-2014, 02:55 PM

She was in a meditative mood, feeling the unborn children rolling and wriggling inside her when the calls came. One was familiar, and she smiled, hoisting herself to her paws and padding out with a gentle gruff toward Falk, before she trotted toward the summons. Alsander had told her about meeting Ashtoreth, and Surreal was glad to hear the hunter. The other voices, though unfamiliar, were young, and she wondered if they were her children. However, as she arrived, she saw she wasn?t the first to greet the grey female and the two youngsters.

She gave her little cousins gentle nudges, and her cousin Imena, a smile before she turned to Ashtoreth, padding forward to embrace the female. ?Ash. It?s great to see you well.? But what brought the huntress and her small family here? Leon and Ashelia, Alsander had said, were lost. Whether that meant dead, or just missing, Surreal was unsure. Mismatched blue and gold eyes studied the older grey female. ?Tell me what?s happened?? She was fairly burning with curiosity underneath her relaxed stature.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



10-28-2014, 02:48 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Joy filled her heart to hear her daughter call along with her, knowing in that moment that the girl who looked so much like her was still supportive and understanding of her mother's choices. She tended to be so much more difficult to read than her brother, always wide-eyed and nervous and shrinking as if to make herself appear even smaller than she was, that she hardly saw anything but anxiety from the girl. In this small way, even if Vaishya did not realize it, Ashtoreth could see that she had not lost her daughter as she had feared. Her dear child was still with her and had not given up her at all.

With a smiling glance at both of her children, the grey hunter silenced her call and waited patiently for those within the Willows who would come for her, unsure which of them would show themselves first but still eager to see them all. Far too much time had passed since she had been among them, she could not quite put into words just how excited she was to finally be home. And thankfully her wait was short. Through the moving branches she could see a dark shape approaching, smiling friendly with a smaller white figure trailing closely in her wake. Immediately Ashtoreth's smile widened and her tail took to wagging, recognizing the woman almost instantly. Imena did have her family after all!

The woman greeted her with the expected warmth the grey wolf had been anticipating, and she answered in kind. "Way too long," she agreed with something almost like a chuckle, unsure when she had last felt so happy and content. "I'm so glad to be back. This," she added hastily, shifting to gesture with her muzzle toward her son, "is Cador. And this is Vaishya." Another gesture followed as she introduced her daughter. "They were barely getting out of the den when Valhalla was lost. I don't think anyone really got to see them when they were little," she stated with a sad smile.

Reminded of those times, of the two that she had lost since then, Ash desperately tried to change the subject and was helped by the arrival of two more. Another pup came to join the one already nestled close beside its mother, and Surreal strode forward as well. Spying the daughter of Erani, Ashtoreth was surprised to see how much she had grown, how mature she looked. But there was still that pup-like quality to her, and it showed as she came forward to immediately embrace the hunter. Ash returned the affection with a little surprise though she really should have expected no less from Erani's child. Their whole family was all warm and friendly and supportive of one another; it was practically to be expected.

"You too, Surreal," Ashtoreth answered, once again smiling at the girl as she finally drew back. Just for a second her expression started to fall as Surreal asked about the journey she had been on since leaving Valhalla, the weighty tale not one easily told without dredging up feelings and thoughts and losses that she was still learning to live with. Forcing out a little chuckle, one that surely sounded more anxious and evasive than she wanted it to, she tiptoed around answering. "Maybe later, if that's alright. I'd like to settle down first. And I'm sure the kids would too," she added with glances at the both of them. Eventually she would need to tell the tale of her losses, but not here, not yet. She needed to prepare herself for it first.