
Drinking the Moon



3 Years
09-19-2014, 02:28 PM

OOC: Pre-Storm

Hot blood rushed into Val's mouth, like copper and salt, and her ears rang with the sounds of cracking bone. She had surprised the young doe and taken it down with only a few bumps and bruises to boast of. It was too much for her to eat alone, but she hadn't really expected to be hunting when she'd fentured out of Ebony's lands earlier that day. Now the sun was beginning to set and she was there all alone, not far from where she'd grown up. She'd tasted meat for the first time in a den not far from where she lay just then. Ebony had been so different then. Different time, different lands... a different queen. Val pulled off another chunk of meat and chewed it thoughtfully. So far, she didn't think she'd done such a bad job. It was mostly making sure thing ran smoothly, that everyone was happy. But it'd been so quiet lately, she couldn't tell if her followers were content with her reign, or just waiting for something else to happen.

She looked at the carcass there in front of her, strewn out and mangled, it's haunch torn open to reveal the pink flesh below. It was gruesome in quiet a few ways, yet necessary. Maybe this doubt she was feeling could be the same. She would never be perfect, gods above knew that much. But it didn't mean she had to stifle herself under the weight of doing everything right. It had been so long since she had gone roaming on her own, so long since she'd met a stranger and talked with them. Maybe she ought to go visit one of the other packs, or send out another search party for Raisa. Just... something to end the monotony of day-to-day.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
09-26-2014, 11:24 PM

It smelled like someone had just taken down dinner - and luckily for 'someone' Vivek was both hungry and curious. Like a vulture the brute would follow the scent of both predator and prey, only to find himself spying on a female that although was dull in color, had interesting cream colored markings that he found himself eyeing without remorse. Of course, he was peeking at her from afar - he wanted a closer look. He would approach her keeping in mind that she could see him coming - the boy knew not fear or shyness, but at the very least he kept in mind proper edicute. He didn't care so much about her feelings, but if he wanted to get to know who this female was, as well as snag a bite of her meal then he would have to play nice now wouldn't he.

She smelled of a pack - one that he had been in for a brief period of time. In fact - he was sure that he had been here in the gardens before - back when they had been pack lands to Ebony. He hoped that she was more interesting than that tournament had ended up being, but honestly, he missed the big picture on the gathering as a whole, so although he was jaded he didn't really hate the vikings or their leader. "I don't remember seeing you at the festival." He would say, once he was sure that never once had he crossed her path nor she his. "I'm sure I would have remembered someone so lovely." Even bloodstained she was more impressive than most, but a bit of red here and there looked good on just about anybody. With that he would grin.

He was already hungry, but she made the doe she was sitting beside look like an even more pleasant meal.



3 Years
09-27-2014, 05:54 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2014, 05:56 PM by Valeriya.)

The smell of food had always proved a powerful encouragement for all sorts, and this evening proved no different than most. It wouldn't be long at all before motion in the distance caught the auburn queen's gaze. She lifted her head from the meal and watched as a stranger approached. At first a twinge of alarm would shoot through her, thinking that due to his color he must be coated in some manner of gore, but before she could decide how she might handle something like that her horror became curiosity. Val's brows shot skyward, seeing at last that it was the color of his fur. Well, this was certainly the first time coming across something like that! She would allow a wry grin to worm it's way onto her lips, her head tilting the smallest bit, considering the plausibility of color like that which this male bore.

His words, when he finally did speak, were smooth and practiced. She at once knew the game he played and she met it with a sort of excitement that only could come from a battle of wits, flirtatious though it may be. "You're quite the sight yourself," she half-chuckled. He looked near her age, only the smallest bit taller and heavier than she. She wondered how much to divulge about her whereabouts a season past, and decided it didn't really matter much either way. "Unfortunately my siblings and I couldn't make it." Even if she'd known about the gathering it was more likely she would have stayed away, too busy avoiding Virgil's detection and her brother's condescending glares. This male clearly had no idea who she was, and wondered how long she might keep that a secret, imagining the look on his face when he realized he'd come upon one of the land's rulers. She hardly looked the part, never mind that she'd nearly grown into her body in full. The auburn queen gestured to the meal before her. "Hungry? Feel free to dig in. Something tells me you'd make for interesting company." She allowed her eyes to twinkle, allowed her smile to crinkle just so, in that way that seemed to charm others.

"Talk" "You" Think