
Don't Really Care Which Side Wins


09-22-2014, 02:16 PM

Shiva's fur was bushed by the cold wind, but she didn't notice it. She was a snow leopard, after all. A strange one, maybe, with her acid green eyes, but they just added to her charm. Staring down into the freezing water, the cub dipped her paw in as a fish swam past. Her paws grazed it, she could feel the scales. With a low growl, she moved her paw out of the water, irritation scratching at her. Finally, she raised her head, and let out a loud irritated growl. More of a cub-like roar, actually. "DANGIT!" Of course, that scared off the rest of the fish. Shiva's ears twitched as she heard a small noise, and whipped around, hunger growling in her stomach.

It was a small bird. Really not even enough to fill her stomach. Just enough for a game. Maybe a snack. Dropping to the ground, although she had taught herself, pretty much, Shiva lunged. Her claws dug into the bird's wings, and she stopped for a moment, about to eat it. For a moment, though, she hadn't wanted to kill it. Don't be stupid. Look at the rips in the thing's wings. It'd die anyway. Just end the suffering. With that, Shiva lowered her head, crunching the bird's head easily. Dropping the limp body, she began to eat. With her growing appetite, she was finished soon, and licked the blood off of her jaws. "It was a pretty good snack. Maybe have deer or something next time......If I can catch it when I get older."

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
09-27-2014, 07:46 PM

Lior?s adventuring nature had gotten the best of her. Ears were perked, curiosity withing her gaze. After the family meeting with Pyrros she was sure her family would much rather her stay close to home, yet the girl couldn?t help but want to explore other territory. She was a year old now after all! Her light blue gaze scanned all that was around her, taking everything in. The cold bothered her some, but she pushed through it. She wanted to see something new, something spectacular before she had to go home. She wasn?t sure what it would be... But the young girl had the feeling it was in this direction.

That was when Lior saw a furry figure. It was small but definitely not a wolf. No... This one was spotted, and different. The gray girl would approach the silver feline, tilting her head slightly to the side as she looked at the other. She was behind it, and she would clear her throat quietly, hoping not to startle the poor thing too much. ?Hello?? She wasn?t sure if it would speak her tongue or not, but she hoped that it would.


[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]