


09-01-2014, 07:26 PM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? after facing the A B A N D O N M E N T of her own kin, it is no wonder that the carnage queen houses the overwhelming urge for possession. such desires are fervent, compelling, and the phantom has been made aware of the exact { and slightly unorthodox } method of fulfillment -- such a strategic scheme that not even she had yet committed previously, and one she harbors trepidation towards. and yet, her aspiration is one that must be slaked for the sake of progression, and for the sake of security -- she must produce a successor, an elysius. but she is no common harlot that willingly spreads her legs at the whims of men; she is a tyrant queen, bound by the genetics of supremacy and enticed by the prospect of familial advancement. and if it must be from her own womb that the proceeding generation of ruthless mercenaries emerge, then she must stoop so low as to willingly bend beneath man to spawn such superior creatures -- she must willingly conceive alacritia?s future tyrants.

yet she knows not where to scavenge for the tools of procreation, her desperation none too great to force drastic measures upon herself. thus, she has no need to adopt the sultry demeanor of a lecherous concubine, her movements as powerful and domineering as is typical -- indifference plastered to her marred visage as robust limbs propel her through the various regions of the south. there is naught to captivate her rare interest but the compacted foliage surrounding her, barricading her impressive physique from the view of the forest?s occupants as well as obscuring those she might have encountered from her own view. and yet, her strides are strategically made with the intent to divert attention unto herself, each paw step amplified as she purposely tramples upon fallen leaves and stray branches alike, ears careening atop the skewed slopes of her crown in an attempt to locate any wandering { poor } souls that might serve their purpose towards her selfish cause.

table by lu.

[Image: J2Sc3Va.png]



3 Years
Extra large
09-05-2014, 05:41 PM

The ebony beast has been gone for far too long. He had left Alacritis for a few seasons, mainly to find weaker wolves to manipulate and destory, but once Nausica had vanished, he had gone on a mad man hunt to find her. After weeks of sleepless searching, her scent trail had gone stale, and he no longer had a clue to work with. With his favorite sister gone he had no choice but to return to Alacritis and reunite with Cascade. He wondered where she was now, he desired to be with her, and he wanted to protect her like he had tried to protect Nausica. One day the two would find their long lost sister, but until then, he had some unfinished business with the wolves in Alacritis. Plots of revenge brewed heavily within his brain, he still needed to avenge his fathers death and slay the woman named Jupiter. He was old enough now to put his life down without a second thought, all fears having left his mind, his conscious being replaced with the commands of the demons beneath his paws.

Cascade's scent is very faint, but with the help of Mevia he will be able to track her down, whither it takes a few hours, or a few days. He enters the lands in the southern region of Alactis, his snakelike movements unheard, and his massive body unseen by those around them. The duo travels silently, his mind plagued with the overwhelming desire to see his sister. It is not until he has reached the heart of the shrine that he hears the thundering sound of paw steps against the earth, each of them precise as he could hear the crunching of leaves and twigs. It was as if the stranger wanted to be heard, and immediately his curiosity began to beg for release. Amethyst eyes slide toward Mevia, she too could hear the steps and was drawn toward them. A silent agreement is exchanged between them, and they both turn to approach the stranger, whom is only yards from them now. They aim to approach the stranger head on. A few seconds pass as they stride forward, his body language screaming supremacy. A white figure comes into view, and as his eyes adjust, he is shocked to see the former Elysius tyrant standing before him. Although he cannot remember her name, he remembers the day he had trespassed into her territory when he was sick with the plague. "Well, well, well, what a coincidence, miss Elysius." Venomous words slip from his cracked maw, his lips creasing ever so slightly to form the beginning stage of a smirk.


09-07-2014, 03:56 PM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? her pursuer is terror personified, accented in barbed embellishments and lavished in rugged musculature that only stresses his behemoth physique. and she is the smaller -- the petite { in comparison to he } -- adorned in her arsenal of lacerations as she harbors the framework of the naturally impressive, each curve of sinewy muscle discernable through her pallid coat. yet, despite her obvious corporeal disadvantages over the hound, the phantom deity remains wholly unfazed by his looming presence, disinterest laden upon her disfigured countenance as she regards him with a vacant gaze. robust appendages cease to propel her any further as the monstrosity lays waste to the distance that separates them until naught but mere feet linger between, poise retaining its immaculacy with her skull ascended high above the remainder of her serpentine spinal cord and her tail held in level alignment with the ground below. abstract gaze ravages his own striking amethyst eyes and immediately recognition grows prominent; it had been he who had dared to invade upon the elysius? domain when she had first seized her crown from the former valhallan queen -- when she had been an ambitious youth and he had been a whimpering boy.

it is made evident to the tyrant queen that her brutish companion is aware of her identity, her supreme surname cascading from lips bewitched into a devious smirk as he addresses her with venomous tones. and yet, the phantom maintains an indifferent guise as she allows her thoughts to waver to her initial mission, avid pupils haphazardly trailing his gargantuan form as she contemplates giving purpose to their inadvertent encounter. there is no denying his supreme genetics and how they might intertwine with her own quite perfectly; however, the tyrant must know if he possesses even the faintest iota of competence. ?hardly,? is the monotonous retort that infiltrates the silence of their surroundings, a singular brow quirking upon her scarred forehead as curiosity encumbers her features. ?shouldn?t you be off playing coward and preying upon the weak?? she inquires strategically, the bitterness over her brother?s unfair assault evident in the biting tones of her poisonous sentiment. ?-- or have you finally grown enough of a backbone to play fair?? she croons, her incent to provoke subtle enough to avoid suspicion. no -- the deity knows what game she is playing, and she will play it well if she is to obtain what she ultimately desires from this fated interaction.

table by lu.

[Image: J2Sc3Va.png]



3 Years
Extra large
09-15-2014, 03:43 PM

Her facial expression holds no emotion, her mismatched gaze locked with his as they stare into the depths of each others mirrored souls. They are both superior in comparison to the cesspool that inhabits Alacritis, their godlike blood lines morphing their remarkable genetics. As her gaze moves to trail his body his gaze strays from hers, his eyes wandering to trail every crevice that forms her bodice. His attention is captured by the ravishing curves of muscle that drape the ivory oppressor, very few females in Alacritis were blessed with such an erotic figure. She was a force to be reckoned with, the scars that littered her face and body told stories of oppression and victory.

And although he would immediately rip the flesh from ones face who would dare to openly offend him, he is amused by the tyrants choice of words. The past floods his memory now, he can recall the day he had viciously attacked and dominated her younger sibling, with the aid of Meinx of course. He does not doubt that he could have taken the man down alone, and so he feels the same sense of pride he would have should it have been a one on one fight. Amethyst eyes lift to align with her gaze again, his jaws slackening to release his taunting comment. "Miss Elysius, you of all wolves should know there is no such thing as playing fair. His right brow cocks now, Mevia taking a few steps forward so that Artemis could fully see her now. Mischief gleams within his frigid stare, his lips creased into a smirk that reveals the tips of his deadly canines.



09-16-2014, 02:09 PM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? and with his gargantuan stature and imposing musculature, the phantom deity knows overpowering this beast will be no easy feat to achieve despite her overzealous battle prowess; and yet, the fact that she may have encountered another creature whose capabilities are equivalent to her own is an enticing prospect on its own. regardless of the damage that he could potentially inflict upon her battered form { and it is her incentive to provoke him to do just that }, still the tyrant queen retains her indifferent guise even as his amethyst gaze hungrily ravages her own impressive physique, the faintest trace of amusement laden upon his dark countenance. rather than eliciting an enraged retort from the monster as had been her cruel intentions, the brute merely retaliates with venomous tauntings, triggering the elevation of a singular brow upon her disfigured forehead in a vague display of curiosity. she knows not how the brute has breached the incorrect conclusion that she promotes foul play, though she has no intention of being perceived as one who relies upon outside forces to achieve victory -- it is something she is more than capable of obtaining with her own tooth and claw.

avid pupils briefly wander as a pallid bystander emerges from the shadows, seemingly a cohort of the leviathan before her based upon the duo?s tight proximities and their joint attention upon herself. the ghost of a simper manifests upon her rugged countenance as her abstract gaze shifts to reunite with the behemoth?s own, sinful incisors momentarily exposed to the beast with the wry grin she adorns. ?au contraire; those who possess true competence need only rely upon their own skillset to annihilate their adversaries,? she comments pointedly, her vocals a bewitching croon that retains feigned innocence. ?it is only the weak -- the subservient -- that depend upon, say, barbed embellishments and vicious companions to destroy their victims, since they are incapable of doing so on their own.? her statement harbors an evident challenge, the defiant smirk unwavering from frayed lips as she regards the brute with a devious gleam to her mismatched gaze. yet beneath her composed exterior, schemes swarm; she only desires to coax this monstrosity into battle so that she may conquer him and, consequentially, force herself upon him. surely she would not allow herself to be dominated no matter the circumstances.

table by lu.

[Image: J2Sc3Va.png]



3 Years
Extra large
09-19-2014, 03:13 PM

The woman's mismatched gaze trails down toward his pallid companion, but she only examines Mevia for a few seconds before returning her unperturbed gaze back to his. She seems unfazed by the fact that she is outnumbered two to one, and his hefty height difference does not seem to daunt her either. Does she think she is impeccable, and incapable of being defeated by one who may be more powerful than herself? Because the void expression spread across her face shown anything but fear, an expression any other wolf would display upon running into the beast and Mevia. Finally the babe's lips crease into a wry smile, the weapons within her mouth flashing at him momentarily before she speaks. Her words cause his skin to crawl beneath his purple and black hued pelt, her taunts and criticism biting him in the right spots to trigger a feeling rage within his gut. "Are you requesting that I prove you wrong, Miss Elysius?" No matter what he would say to her she would not be convinced, the only way to prove himself to this tyrant queen would be to emerge themselves in battle- and that is exactly what he would aim to do.

Defenses would raise to assist the man in protecting himself from any attacks this woman may attempt to inflict upon him. His skull drops to align with his spine, his ears fold flat against his skull, his eyes narrow to slits, his chin tucks to protect his throat, his muzzle scrunches, and his lips curl high above his fangs to fully reveal the sharp weapons that lay within his mouth. He rolls his shoulders forward, scrunches his neck, raises his hackles along his nape and spine, slightly bends his knees to center his gravity, and lowers his body slightly to assist with centering his gravity. He distributes his massive weight evenly between his four limbs, his toes splaying and flexing to get a better grip on the soil beneath them. With his defenses raised he sees no reason to wait any longer before attacking this woman and putting her in her place.

Without warning he aims to erupt violently from the earth, his intentions being to swiftly close the distance between them by approaching her head on. He remembers how he was quelled by the red woman, and that was by exposing his throat to her while attempting to bite her. He would not make that mistake again. The beast aims to lower himself by keeping his knees bent and his body slightly lowered, his intentions being to use his skull and forward momentum/body wight as his weapon. He attempts to slam directly into the Elysius woman, his left shoulder blade jutted out as he attempts to slam it directly into the crease that lays between the woman's right shoulder and the right portion of her chest. He hopes this will cause immense pain and bruising, and with his hefty weight difference he has hopes of dislocating the shoulder from its socket as well. With his chin tucked, and his body lowered/skull lowered to align with his spine, he attempts to use his skull as a hammer against the bottom of the woman's chin. In sync with his shoulder slam, the beast attempts to swing his head upward and straight into the woman's chin/bottom jaw, his forehead/top of his skull aiming to crash aggressively into her bottom jaw bone. He hopes this will cause her immense pain by causing her top and bottom jaws to clash together, possibly beak some teeth as well, while rocking her head backwards to momentarily expose her throat.

This is when Mevia aims to strike. (second after neios attempts to hit her bottom jaw) She has seen her master pull these moves before against other opponents, and she knows exactly how he expects her to assist him. Upon Neios's attempt to slam his head into her bottom jaw, the wolverine attempts to use her back legs to propel herself skyward, and toward the left portion Artemis's chest/shoulder. Front limbs extend outward as she attempts to jump directly onto Artemis, her right set of claws aiming to sink into the middle of Art's left shoulder, and her left claws aiming to sink into the center portion of her chest. She hopes to use her long and sharp claws to cleave through flesh while attaining a steady grip to hold onto the woman while attacking. With jaws splayed wide open the wolverine attempts to sink her guillotine-like fangs into the direct center of woman's throat, (should it be exposed from Neios's move) her intentions being to grasp flesh and violently shake her head from left to right to do as much damage as possible to the woman's windpipe/vitals.

Defenses: 1st para
Attacks: Neios- 3rd para, Mevia- 4th para
Injuries: None

ooc- I asked in the cbox if companions need set defenses when attacking but no one answered, so I left out defenses for Mevia. Hopefully that's okay 8D



10-05-2014, 12:52 PM
uhh idk how this is gonna work cause im p sure art's gonna have to be the bottom bitch no matter what xD so she'll probably just demand he fuck her next round? not sure xD

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? there is a subtle hint of satisfaction laden within her mismatched gaze as his amusement dissipates, belligerence now seeping from his dark pores as he registers her acrimonious sentiment -- evidently unimpressed by her intrepid demeanor. yet even as the tenor of his threatening vocals shatters the momentary silence of their surroundings, the criminal smirk engraved into her marred countenance is unrelenting, fervent pupils fixated upon his behemoth form as he indicates his incentive to physically dominate her by settling into a defensive stance. pleasure flares within the phantom?s chest cavity as she realizes her success of goading the goliath into battle, mentally preparing herself for the damage he was sure to inflict upon her smaller and less-imposing body; however, as the brute removes his barbed harness, her confidence increases. her own defenses are secured as she awaits the inevitable bloodshed: amethyst and metallic gaze narrowing to thinned slits as her ears sew against the contours of her crown, abdominal muscles tensing to tighten her core as her tail extends outward from her rump, aligned with the remainder of her spinal column. hackles bristle along the length of her spine as her skull lowers defensively over her breast, chin tucking tightly against the curvature of her scrunched neck while her shoulders roll forward to further encumber the entirety of her precious vitals in a protective halo of excess flesh and fat. limbs spread equally apart beneath her tensed body and bend slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity while her weight is distributed evenly among all four appendages, her toes splaying and nails grappling the soil beneath her to retain balance and traction. finally, ravenous jaws unhinge and her frayed lips peel back to expose the serrated incisors that crave to inflict their wrath into their next victim?s dark flesh, menacing and gluttonous all the same.

the phantom grants her brutish adversary the initiative to attack, pupils focused in upon his central chest cavity to better predict his maneuvers before they actually occur. and as he surges forward to lay waste to the distance that separates them, the elysius tyrant allows for him to do just that -- fully understanding that with his hefty weight, attempting to meet his charge would likely result in further damage upon herself. therefore, the deity remains stationary until a few moments prior to their presumed collision, widely stepping to her own left as her hips simultaneously pivot to her own left in attempt to bring her body perpendicular to the outside of his right shoulder. such strategic maneuvers make his attempted assaults void, as she is no longer directly within his range, and the deity surpasses the urge to smirk as her own pallid form remains unsullied of wounds. ravenous jaws thus begin to extend towards his right eye in hopes of prying the amethyst from its socket { an operation she had performed multiple times before } -- however, the aspired carnage she hoped to inflict upon him is stopped short as shock takes the phantom by the reins.

insurmountable fury races through the elysius? iron veins as she registers the pain imposed upon the outside of her left shoulder and upon the center portion of her left-sided neck, red seeping violently from the deep trenches carved throughout her pale flesh by the boy?s companion. a snarl wrenches free of unslaked jaws as she attempts to thrust forward and into the behemoth?s right shoulder with the exact center portion of her broadened chest cavity, aspiring to both forcibly remove the albino creature from its grasp and hoping, too, to utilize her weight to knock her adversary off balance. the phantom no longer retains the patience to play this game -- she is ambitious to pin him beneath her, to put an end to this charade and use him for the purpose she had bestowed upon his head from the get-go.

table by lu.

[Image: J2Sc3Va.png]