
Bed of Roses and Satin


10-05-2014, 06:38 PM

The sun had peaked from behind grey clouds. For the first time in ages, it seemed. Perhaps it was the ending of those continuous storms. Ah, the others had all seemed to have made their way back home and she was the last to return. For what reason? Perhaps taking her time allowed her to evaluate who she was further, though, in the end she determined to let it rest on endless over-thinking. Wolves never really changed, rather evolved into who they fully were and she would leave it to fate to reveal her inner self in time - if there was a hidden personality lurking within her soul.

Travels stopped her at the burial of Chrono. She had laid him to rest beneath the largest visible tree near the rapids. A mound of dirt covered his resting place with stones gently rolled on top. A sigh left her maw as she stared at his eternal bed. Why did it bother her now? Ah, but life was so precious and at this moment she felt as if she were letting life slip so easily through her paws. She sat near the grave, marbled eyes still set on the site. A beam of sunlight struck through the clouds and placed its spotlight perfectly on the grave. And all of her world all of a sudden felt completely empty.

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my words |
my thoughts



7 Years

10-09-2014, 10:47 AM

Bass had not yet been to see where Venus had laid Chrono to rest, his heart simply could not take it. But he was heading there now, a bundle of wildflowers clasped gently in his jaws. The woman had told him where she had placed their fallen pack mate, and it was due time to say his final goodbyes. He had been ripped from the earth right before his children were born, a fact that made his heart break for Esper. He would make sure that the children grew up to be big and strong though, so that Chrono would look down at them with pride. He would not fail his fallen friend, not now. When he rounded the corner to come to the flattest part of the river, he saw that he was not the only one who came to pay him a visit. Venus sat there, eying his grave and looking... well not like herself. Bass did not quicken his steps, and didn't say a word to her. He just gently placed the flowers on top of the grave, the sunlight dancing off the dew that still rested on the delicate pedals. The alpha then sat beside the cream and gray woman, still not uttering a single word. Bass leaned against her slightly, offering her a soft touch and also his own shoulder to lean against. Death was not an easy thing to deal with, and it was dealt differently in each wolf.

After a long stretch of silence between the two, the male let out a large breath. He leaned against Venus even more for a moment, and then finally allowed his eyes to roam towards her face. "Thank you for what you did for him Venus." He said softly, his voice hoarse. He missed Chrono, and wished that he would have at least been here to meet his pups. But apparently fate would have it another way...

Walk "Talk" Think


10-11-2014, 07:50 PM

What tugged and ripped at her heart was not from this death itself, but rather from the feelings that were introduced - the realization of how fragile life was and how precious time could be. Time would inevitable tick forward, never pausing, and with each passing second her own death drew even more near. Those that saw pass the age of eight in this new world were rather lucky, and she was already halfway there. Halfway to the age in which she would awaken each morning, thankful to be graced with one more day. If she even managed to last that long. The life she lived begged for death to take hold of her soul. Ah, but was it not enjoyable?

Enjoyable it was, indeed; however, what enjoyment would one be able to seek whilst lying beneath the cold, lifeless flesh of Alacritis? Was there not hope for a more honorable path that could match her climbing ranks? Perhaps there was, but such a path would be a challenge to tread after living half of her life as a harlot.

The mind knew that her king was near, but eyes did not turn to settle upon his frame. Instead, her eyes remained focused on Chrono's eternal bed even when her king settled beside her. A comforting touch would be offered from her dear friend who, probably, figured she was mourning the death of their member. Let him think it, she had decided. Let him think that her heart melted into tears for the man she barely knew. Ah, he did not need to know the secrets that consumed her heart. It was something that she, herself, would need to figure out within precious time.

The silence drug on for a while, though, Bass would break the silence. Words of thanks for placing Chrono in his place of rest. It was a difficult task to do alone in such violent weather, but nothing was ever really impossible if one tried hard enough. If only she could put the same determination and focus on turning her seductive path into one of commitment. It seemed, either way, that this pack had softened her some. Twisting and folding her until her heart had settled on this land and the wolves that called this place home. And creating an undying loyalty to her king. Bass was really the only friend she had. With that thought, another wave of darkness would enter her heart. The life of a succubus was pleasurable, but what was life without family and friends?

Eyes narrowed in annoyance of herself, but quickly returned to their original state. Ah, but such thoughts and feelings would soon wash away just as the hurricanes washed away Abaven. Such feelings were temporary and would pass just as Chrono had - to, hopefully, never return to her heart and mind's surface. You are welcome, my king. I did it for you, had it been for anyone else he would have washed away with the storm. Was a dangerous task. It is because I respect what your pack has been built upon and I will do anything to see to it that it continues as you wish. Risking my life to bury Chrono should prove that. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your family.

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my thoughts