
It's All Fun and Gumballs


05-17-2013, 12:29 PM
... Until somebody gets chewed.

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Her paws carried her to lands which she had never seen before. Her light, amber eyes danced through the sparse evergreen forest, as green and lush as even despite being autumn. Yet, the chilled breeze that rustled the tree branches and her sleek, ivory fur told her that winter was approaching. The cold air felt good blowing through her fur and brushing against her pale skin. The tiny wolf trotted through the forest, her muzzle tilted upward to the endless sky, breathing in all the scents that lingered around her. She did not smell the slightest trace of prey, but the scent of other wolves in the area caught her attention. She drew in a deep breath that completely filled her lungs before rushing out in a heavy sigh. She wondered what these lands would be like. Would they be boring, or exciting? Would the wolves that dwelled here be facinating, daring, and entertaining or dull and gloomy? She sought out adventure at every turn she took, her step was lively and her head was thrown back with confidence even if she was not as confident as she appeared. Cocky would be a better word for it. Her ears swiveled around her, listening for others, but the only thing she heard was the rustling of tree branches and pinestraw that was stirred up by the wind.

She had travelled far from her home lands, where she had been a loner for the past year. She had a lot of excitement and learned much through her journies, but she came in search of something more. She still felt an empty void which she could not fill. She was not sure what she was missing, and at the mere thought of it, her mind quickly returned to the day when her brother killed the rest of their siblings in a fit of rage. Perhaps that is what she was missing. Companionship. She had not been friends or had any sort of bond with another wolf or any being for that matter since. Yet, the thought of companionship made her almost chuckle. The idea of it was almost revolting to her now, at least in a sense. She knew she craved another wolf's presence, but not in the same way a pack member wanted to be with another pack member. Perhaps it was instict, or simply a longing for her siblings which still never left her mind.

Pushing such thoughts away, she pranced about through the forest keeping a steady pace, her tail swaying behind her slender form. She was prancing around to no place in particular. She was simply venturing around these new lands to see what they had to offer, what packs had made their homes here, what loners and rogues lurked in the shadows, and how much prey the lands had to offer. She could not even remember what compelled her to leave the lands which she hailed from other than the search for something new. Her mind began to race, longing for something new and thrilling. A small smile appeared upon her muzzle as she allowed her mind to wander. What could this mischievious wolf get herself into this time?


05-17-2013, 01:47 PM

I had managed to weasel my way from the confinements of the lovely swamps. Such a miraculous place it was. Carnivores that even I was no match for lurked in the murky waters, waiting for its next unsuspecting victim.. Such odd creatures those huge scaly things were. Hell you'd never even know they were there half the time. They blended in with their surroundings to perfection. And when in the brown thick water they could pass for a floating stick or log, unless one was searching for those dark beaty eyes. I even had the honor once of watching how they worked. That poor scrawny doe hadn't a snow balls chance in hell of escaping the massive jaws of that beast, and underneath the waters it drug her, leaving behind only ripples upon the surface.

And now, now I was in an entirely new surrounding one I had not yet seen. This one was basically the complete opposite of the one in which I resided in.. The air didn't have that eerie feel to it, shivers didn't cascade down your spine when entering this lush green terrain. In fact, this place held a all to peaceful, serene like feel to it. The only thing off about it was that it was Autumn and this place remained vibrant, then again it was aligned with pine tree's. If I recall correctly their needles do not turn brown unless the tree itself had died... Well, no point in turning back now. Besides, who knows.. Maybe there is something else out here worth my time.
Every now and then the chilled Autumn breeze found itself cascading through the branches that hung above, only to run its bitter fingers through my own thick multicolored pelt that stretched over that masculine frame. Now, upon that breeze also came an array of scents, some old and some new... Some stronger then others... However there was one sweet perfume that demanded my attention. This one was not far off. In fact the owner of this arousing fragrance was a lot more closer then even I knew about. Spinning upon the pads of my feet I turned to face the other direction. Now facing where I was assuming the smell was originated from. Her sweet aroma filling my nostrils. Jaws watering only to allow saliva to drip down my furry chin. Yes I had become a pro picking out what scents belonged to what sex, after all over the years of having a hobby such as my own you perfect such a skill.

As I began to move, in a more stalking manner now. Cranium lowered to even out with my shoulder blades, I searched for shadows. Something dark enough to engulf me. To make it harder to spot my frame.. Yet I found nothing suitable and a huff in pure disgust was emitted. Emerald green eyes now focused straight ahead... She was getting closer, I could smell it, I could feel it. A rush swept over me, my body growing numb and then I came to once more. A sneer focused upon my lips before it faded away.

And that was when her delicate white form became visible. Her fragile canvas prancing here and there, she was smaller then I had expected. Her body lean, and sculpted to perfection. Her feminine curves almost visible through that soft plush that covered her entire body. Of course I remained between two thick tree trucks, just admiring her from a distance at this point. Watching her body move this way and that way. Twin towers shifted a bit upon my dial before I stepped free of the only coverage I could find. That grin resting upon my facade as I made my way closer. Cranium held high, filled with a sense of pride that was unimaginable. Masculine chest puffed out slightly, thick gray tail hanging between well toned hindquarters. As I made my way closer, with the typical conceided male strut I cleared my throat to speak. Thick russian accent tainted each word. Each r accented with a roll.

Well hello there. What brings you all the way out here?"

Vibrant green orbs sent to scan the area looking to see if perhaps she was accompanied by anyone else. Although as of right now, I saw no one. My own gaze locking back upon her once more.


05-17-2013, 02:09 PM
It's all fun and gumballs until sombody gets chewed.

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The wind felt wonderful as it swept by, brushing her coat against her slender form. Her paws rustled the forest underbrush with her everystep, making her presence known if her scent was not a dead give away first. Yet, she was not at all concerned about who knew if she was there or not. She could tell by the scents that it was not pack territory, nor was she concerned about finding prey. Her stomach had been recently filled, leaving her with a plesent feeling. However, she suddenly picked up on one of the near by wolf scents that was gradually growing stronger. Her tail gave a slight flick of interest as she realized this wolf must be getting closer. He must be aware that she was there and he was willingly approaching her. She was now curious as to what he wanted. She did not stop moving along though, she kept pressing onward, her paws carelessly stepping on twigs and underbreath beneath her.

It was not until he walked out into the open, in clear sight that she finally stopped. She was never sure where he was exactly, but she had a general idea based upon his scent. When he walked out into the open she halted dead in her tracks. Her body stood up straight with her head held high and her tail slightly elevated in only a moderately defensive stance. Her ears were perked forward in his direction, and her fur did not even bristle in the slightest. She appeared highly alert, but not at all worried. The small smile that was once on her muzzle grew a bit more with a devious glint in her pale amber eyes that in the shadows appeared colorless. Her body was a little on the stiff side, until the male's voice entered the air. Her ears flickered picking up his accent as well as a sort of arrogance to him. She snorted softly, too softly to be heard and flickered her tail in annoyance. Her muzzle slightly turned away from him, but her eyes were fixed upon him, so curious.

"Nothing really," she began, her voice was light with an upbeat ring to it. "I wandered around and ended up where ever my paws happen to take me. I suppose they seek some adventure." It was true that she was alone. She had been alone for the past year, only occassionally running into other wolves, but her encounters usually did not last very long. The year before she became a rogue she was a part of a pack, a pack which disaster had fallen and she had almost forgotten. Indeed, she perferred it this way and typically her encounters with other wolves were rather eventful, while some were hostile and ended up in a quarrel until they parted ways. In the end she travelled alone where ever her paws took her. This time, it was these far away lands that she had never even heard of before.


05-17-2013, 02:31 PM

A gutsy little thing she was, her stance told it all. Her bodice stiffened yet fear did not seep from her pores and fill the air. Instead, within her little grin was something temptingly devious, as if she herself could possibly be up to no good. Now that I was closer to her I was able to clearly take in everything her beauty had to offer, and it took every fiber of my being to keep me from savagly pouncing upon her, to feed a deep addiction that was truly my inner demon. My own devious grin creeping upon my lips as I continued to watch her closely, waiting for her words to fill my ear drums. Although there was no rush. I was to busy fantasizing all the dirty little things I could do with this poor girl. Like the alligators in the swamps, I too enjoyed unsuspecting prey.. Although in most cases I did not eat them like the gator dead, although there have been exceptions. I'm more into a different kind of prey. And she fit the criteria all to well. I could simply get lost in those pale orbs of hers... The only thing that bothered me was that they were not filled with a pleading shine, instead there was a flicker of something else in there. I'm sure I could change that though.

It was then her sweet, soft lyrics found their way into my auds. In search of adventure? Well now, a little adventure I would be more than willing to give her. But not now, not here, not in the open... Her body seemed so much smaller then my own. I could only imagine how it would feel beneath me, that grin never once faultered as I went to speak once more in return.

Vwell , adventure is something I would more than interested in. Care for some company? After all, who knows the big bad wolf may be out there.

I offered her a gentle chuckle, something that wouldn't at all match my physical appearance. Me chuckle? What kind of shit was that? I guess it all goes with the persona, right? After all, we wouldn't want to scare the pretty little lady away.

May I have the pleasure of knowing your name?
Nothing about me seemed harmless, atleast I don't think so.. Then again we can imagine ourselves to look however we want.. It's the others perspective that counts.. Not our own. Either way, my body remained in more of a relaxed state. Muscles loose beneath that coat of mine... However if need be that could all change in the blink of a eye. Occasionally I turned my gaze from her, searching the forest only to look back at her once more. Hoping that this little encounter wouldn't be errupted any time soon.


05-17-2013, 02:52 PM
It's all fun and gumballs until sombody gets chewed.

user posted image

She knew. Oh, she knew all too well. Meravue may not of had the intelligence of some other wolves, but she did have some wisedom. She was also rather witty and her impulstivity made her quick at thinking and quick to pick up on things. Maybe it was the way he carried himself, or the tone in his voice, or even nothing more than his dark aura. He wanted nothing good to do with her, but instead of trying to attack, lash out, run away or any of the sort, she started to think that maybe she could have fun with this. The temptation of playing mind games with him was all too tempting for her to resist in the least! Maybe she could go along with his games. Or perhaps she should simply start mocking him and make his real, dark side emerge from beneath this fake front he put up for her. It was not even that crafty either. Especially that fake chuckle and the devious look in his eyes. Oh, she knew that all too well. She, herself was got that same look. However, she really had no intentions of harming others as this brute seemed to. On the other side of it, she really had to intentions of helping others either. Playing games could be very fun, until things go too far.

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she gawked at him, at first not sure how she wanted to respond to him. Then, her small smile widened again, this time, into a toothy, sheepish grin. The tiny female took a few steps closer to him, stretching out her well proportioned frame and swaying her tail. Her ears still pressed forward and her eyes now reflecting the pale golden color as the light shone across her face. After a moment, once the male asked for her name and silence surrounded them once more, she lowered her body slightly, almost submissively, but her ears never flattened, a clear give-a-way she was anything but serious. She was such a daring and playful female, and so impulsive to. She wanted to see how this male would react to her. Would he continue his own little game? Would he go along with hers? Or would he drop the act and reveal what she already suspected was true about him. If he wanted to be more decieving it seemed he needed more practice about it, although his initial approach was not bad, his tone and the way he looked at her gave it all away.

"Oh, you mean you would company me along my travels? Maybe you would not let the big bad wolf get me," she whimpered mockingly with the same sheepish grin still smacked upon her jaws. She then stood up straight and turned around, flicking her tail at him playfully. The only big bad wolf I see out here is the one talking to me. Be careful who you pick to play with," she warned him, licking her lips as if to mock him all the more. She took two steps away from him before pausing and starting to turn back around to face him once again, her ears swiveling now, but still perked up and alert which showed that she had her guard up. Of course a wolf who pushed her odds so much was obviously not afraid, but inquisitive if anything. If you really want to know my name, big bad wolf, then tell me what is yours?


05-17-2013, 03:34 PM

Now, you see the last thing I expected was for her to catch onto my little game, to call me out. I though I hid my intentions to pure perfection.. I suppose the only one I was fooling was myself... However I didn't know it just yet... As of this very second everything was going as I planned. Little did I know this game we were playing was going to get a little more intense.
As I waited for her reply I continued to watch her closely. Taking in the contours of her body over and over again. As if studying for a test. I stored it all away in my own thoughts, memorising her every feature. See, tempting him was the same as playing with fire. Typically had the same burning outcome. Now everything seemed to change, before she spoke she studied me a little more, could see the real me? A puzzled expression now graced my features... One invisible brow rose as I continued to study her face, wondering just what was going on in that pretty little head of hers. Her grin then widened and this completely had me baffeled... Maybe she didn't catch on, maybe she had a wild imagination such as myself. The same between us was now closing and she moved closer, her lithe frame stretching out, and that drove me into a bit of a frenzy, holding in that twist of actions that wanted to burst free. Then her body lowered, however not in a submissive manner... What the hell was she doing? She was throwing me for a loop now. And then the silence was broken, and I listened rather intently, hanging on to her every word. At first, she seemed to go along with what I had to say, and jut before I went to speak, carefully choosing my next words, she straightened up once more.. Her body turning and the tip of the tail almost grazing my flesh as she flicked the white mass playfully in my direction. Her next set of words through what I had to say right out the window.
Me, a big bad wolf? Hardly!
I tried to sound shocked, but that in itself was a rather epic fail. And deep down inside she just lit the match. Seems as though I picked a rather suitable toy. One that in the end would make me feel rather victorious. I had went to follow her lifting one foot of the ground. but I stopped. I had to force back the burning desire. Fight it. Just then she turned once more to land her burning gaze upon me. My body froze. Inside I could feel myself trembling.. Not out of fear, out of impatience. Yet I still fought to keep it all together. Her words once more breaking into the silence. And again I choked that urge down to the best of my ability.

Now, I happen to like the name 'Big bad wolf' when it leaves your lips my dear. Gives it a rather sweet, yet erotic twist. But, my real cursing is Verin.
Named after the demon of impatience, rather suitable, dont you think?


05-17-2013, 04:07 PM
It's all fun and gumballs until sombody gets chewed.

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"My name is Meravue, some call me Mera, some call me Vue, but I perfer simply Meravue," she told him once he told her what his name was."Verin," she tested his name upon her lips. "No, I think big bad wolf suits you much better," she giggled playfully, swatting her tail through the air behind her. She now had completely turned to face him again, still as alert as before and just as daring. However now she yawned, her jaws departing from one another, acting as though she was bored. She lowered the upper half of her body which stretched far out from the rest of her, her tail pointing upward to the sky while her eyes never left his stare. She strengtened back up rather slowly, pushing her shoulders back and staring at him for a moment with the same devious glint in her eyes.

He was playing along which somewhat disappointed her. She was hoping he would get angry and lash out for her mocking him. He was among the first to not react that way to her teasing him. Which made her assume that he was up to something. Something that he wanted very badly to not be at all bothered by her teasing. Or at least he did not seem to be bothered by it. Perhaps she is the one being played. The idea of it disgusted her, and at the same time she found it intregueing that someone would do it back. She was so used to others not going along with her teasing and getting angry with her. So rarely did they play back or at least become hostile toward her. She always seemed to bite off more than she could chew. Yet, this one seemed quite different from the other wolves she had encountered before. She had no idea what his motives were and that had her slightly worried, but she was more interested with messing with him more that she really did not care what they were. She was even more curious now, and her talons dug into the soil beneath her, grasping the dirt before releasing it and allowing her body to completely relax. Her smile had completely vanished, and all that remained was a gentle small grin that was still across her muzzle.

"You are after all," she continued, her voice light and daring. "a big...bad...wolf," she said and between each word she paused for a moment, her tail elevated, but not in a hostile manner, and flickered to one side then stopping as she said the next world. In the gap between each word her tail flickerd to the other side in a teasing manner. The glow in her eyes also greatly intensified.


05-17-2013, 04:26 PM

Meravue, her name was repeated a few times before stored away, along with her scent incase they were needed for future refrences. Which surely they would be used again.
Well then, Meravue it is.
Perhaps it would be wiser for her to hide her true identity by the likes of me. Or, perhaps she did? Was that really her name? I hadn't the slightest clue. But I would take it. Her next remark caused me to smirk, and that playful giggle tickled the insides of my ears. Which in return caused me to chuckle, this time not so friendly. I had forgot to 'cover' the rough, demonic sound with a more lighter tone. To late now, can't go back and fix that mistake. I watched her as she spun around once more, not like the view of her ass was a bad thing.. It simply caused the imagination to broaden, but now she faced me directly. Her lips parted to force out a yawn. Her front half lowering to the cold earths surface, her lengthy body stretching out. And she could have pulled it off rather well, the only thing that gave off the fact that it was all a act was the fact her eyes never left me. Those lids didn't cover them to add onto the tired bored look. She remained alert. However I would go along with it. Even if her little game was beginning to crawl beneath my skin.
Surely I can't be that boring, am I?
I made sure to drawl out the word that to make it seem a little more dramatic. I however kept my cool, tried to remain relaxed and collected. Even though the mocking and the gestures were infact teasing my patience. But mockingly, I did the same as her. Offering up a smirk before I too stretched out my front half, making a moaning sound as I did so, as if enjoying the loosening of muscles, lips departed to force out a rather noticeably fake drawn out yawn. Pink tongue sent to hang over dulled canines before pulling it back in and straightening out my posture once more. Two can play this little game. Although personally, I wasn't sure how long I could hold up my end.
Lengthy appendages moved me closer to her now, causing the space between us to slowly disappear. Until we were merely inches away from our bodies touching, that sneer grin tugging a little more at the corners of my mouth as she continued to speak.
Well then, I suppose I could be whatever you want me to be.
My cranium easily positioned over her, green pools sent to run down her spine, stopping at the base of her tail before focusing down on her face once more.


05-17-2013, 05:37 PM
It's all fun and gumballs until sombody gets chewed.

user posted image

Meravue's pale, almost colorless eyes were now staring up at him. They never, not once lost their glint. Fear never seemed to reach her, perhaps she was just too naive, too daring to let it. She simply blinked her eyes at him and wagged her tail as he stared down at her, almost no space existed between them now. She said nothing at first, merely staring at him completely puzzled and for once not sure what to do next. She was clueless as to what his intentions were, but the one thing she did know was that she was starting to loose interest in him. She held her stance, her tail still wagging, only now she lowered her gaze and looked down at the ground beneath her.

She quickly glanced back up as he seemed to copy her. Now she was wondering if he was mocking her back. That made her angry, but only a little. Frustrated more than anything really but it faded away as quickly as it came. Her ears swiveled and her tail constantly swaying she slowly took a step back away from him, her eyes falling back down to the earth yet again. She said nothing in response to what he said. She figured this time it was best not to.

"Well big bad wolf, I would rather not stand around here. I will be on my way then," those were the only words that escaped her jaws.


05-17-2013, 07:05 PM

The air around us seemed to grow thick, now the only thing audible was the inhaling and exhailing of air. Silence blanketed us both at this point. My body ever so close to hers. One more step foreward and we'd be touching. That look in my eyes had completely shifted. No longer was I going to play along with this little game, and the look she offered made me detect she wanted to call it quits early. She already started something, and I'll be the one to finish it. You could bet your pretty little hide on that one. Her eyes shifted from me to the ground, yet my stare never once faltered. The grin that crept upon my lips at this point was something so sinister, so twisted that only a true sicko at heart could produce.

Although her tail continued to sway back and forth, my entire body remained stiff. Not even a twitch of my tail was detected. Only the rise and fall of my sides as I breathed in that life supporting oxygen. She took a step back, and I took one foreward. This time, not in such a playfully joking manner. Nor in a mocking kind of way. The game was over. I was bored with, and she seemed as though she had felt the same. Now, we shall play by my rules. Once again I took a final look around before focusing back to her, her words slicing through the silence. Now would be the time for her knight and shining armor to come barreling from the shadows. However I do not for see that happening. Finally I spoke in return, each word dripping with dry sarcasm.

So soon? Dear, the games only begun. If I recall correctly.

I could feel my jaws once more watering. I could imagine her screams echoeing through the forest. I could already feel her fight, her struggle. Even though technically she was still standing right infront of me.


05-17-2013, 07:26 PM
It's all fun and gumballs until sombody gets chewed.

user posted image

Her body stiffened in her tracks as he took a step closer to her as she had taken a step back. The look in his eyes and the smile upon her jaws told her that his intentions were nothing good. She knew she was in quite a mess this time and unfortunately it was true that there was no one around to help her. Meravue was used to this sort of thing by now and had become accustom to defending herself rather well. She did not keep backing up, nor did she even attempt to run. Still, there was no fear to be seen. Instead she had a daring look upon her face, with ears perked forward and her pale eyes now burning as if to say, I dare you to try anything. The stiffness in her body said that she was no longer relaxed now and she was prepared for a fight if it came to that, yet she had the feeling he was only toying with her and so she let her muscles relaxed, telling herself that there was nothing he could do anyway and he was probably just making fun of her in his own little way.

"It's all fun and games until somebody gets chewed," she told him in the softest voice, yet her eyes were narrowing as she held his gaze tightly, not even glancing away for a moment. "Besides, I do not like staying in one place for very long," she said once more taking another step back, her eyes never letting up. She went through a play of possible outcomes through her mind of what to do. Should she keep provoking him and try to fight him? What if he was toying with her? How could she turn the tables so that it was to her advantage? Her mind began to scramble for ideas, yet her mind was vacant. Still, she had a feeling she would come up with something at the last moment and change things as she so often does.


05-18-2013, 08:33 AM

Now what amazed me most at this point, was when her entire stance stiffened, her posture became more rigid, as if waiting. Almost daring me to try to progress any further, which of course I would. Who was I to turn down a dare? But that wasn't what amazed me, what amazed me was the fear that remained invisible. How could she not fear me? Surely she could not be that cocky, then again maybe she was...? She hadn't a clue what my true intentions were, and yet she still played with the fire. Taunting and teasing me, rattling me to my very core. But I wouldn't allow her to escape my grasps that easily. Sure, she may not be in heat.. It's just an ordinary day in the woods, but that wouldn't stop me. I knew all to well what the females place on this earth was for, and I was still stuck in the 'olden days' they were beneath us. Created only to repopulate and satisfy us.. Of course the repopulating bit wasn't really on my agenda. The other however was. Then her body relaxed once more, did she really think that I was continuing to 'toy' with her? The corner of my lips tugged up even more as I watched her intently. Fantasizing in the confinements of my own wondering mind. Then once more she spoke, and puzzled me again... Well then, never heard that saying being... All I could do was chuckle in amusement before a soft, barely audible growl errupted from the depths of my chest.

Don't worry dear Meravue. I'll make sure to make it worth your time staying in one place
Another chuckle errupted slicing though the air like a knife through butter. My body remained tensed, muscles rippling beneath that multi colored coat as I made my way in a circling manner around her own canvas. Taking in every delicious view of it. I wasn't here to fight, no I was here for something else.. Of course in a few cases a little squabble would occur.