


10-07-2014, 03:09 PM

she wants to BLEED.

and there is murder in her gaze and fire in her heart, wrath and sadism a bittersweet concoction that forces the deity to reunite with the feral instinct to mutilate. violence is wrought in the wicked curling of velveteen lips over serrated incisors -- unslaked artillery that solicits unwarranted carnage. and her robust musculature ripples beneath taut and disfigured flesh as the tyrant queen maneuvers with practiced finesse, her destination the epicenter of a degenerate field so familiar with death and decay -- so familiar with she. blood the tantalizing fragrance that shall forevermore taint the atmosphere located here -- the saccharine aroma that only further goads the phantom into the arena?s proximities. and it has become subconscious to the deity to settle into a defensive stance as she loiters within the midst of a land ravaged by barbaric hounds, frigid gaze constantly surveying her surroundings in search of a potential victim. alas, here is a world left to rot in the absence of the ambitious or bloodthirsty -- and should she { murderous queen! } coax them from their retreats? a summons for the sinful part decadent jaws, her intentions clearly pronounced with the foreboding cadence of her tone. she aspires to annihilate -- and without limitations.



5 Years
10-12-2014, 10:25 AM
Fight starts at the ** sorry D?gmar got a little long-winded haha

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Tension hummed in the air, sticky and sweet despite the falling temperature. D?gmar loved the air here. The crisp freshness fall blending with the stench of blood in a potent cocktail that accelerated her heart beat. Behind her trailed Shilah, the healer she'd force-claimed just a short time back. She intended to set Laufey and Orochi upon one another and it would not do to have Yfir's budding army felled so quickly be infection. All the same though things were moving far to slowly for D?gmar. The golden bitch had turned down her offer to fight and as of yet there'd been no sign of the Olympians. However, she was very certain they'd be making a move soon. Maybe then she'd get her fight?

D?gmar paused in her walk, anger boiling in her breast. How long had it been since she'd had a proper fight? How long since she'd rendered a foe asunder? Since her lust for pain had been sated? Somewhere in her wanderings she feared she'd become? soft. Emerald gaze narrowed and hardened at the sound of the word in her head. Eyes turned skyward to the gauze of clouds that lay still across the sky, the setting sun casting it's glowing hues upon them as if the whole of the earth was resting under dying embers. Fate? her lady? her guide? what should she do?

Fate answered in a blood-chilling howl that vibrated through the air with violence. A call for a challenge as much as for release and a call that could only belong to the white queen Artemis. The femme who had so brutally scarred the left side of D?gmar's neck. While the fur had grown thick around it the gap still showed when she shifted and moved. Ever since that day D?gmar had longed to spar the frost-bitten phantom. She knew when an opponent was above her, she knew when the risk of brutality in a fight elevated. But D?gmar was no delicate flower and gave herself willingly to violence. Let other's skulk about in the mud with plans of deception and malcontent. She was not so low. A challenge had been issued and D?gmar would answer with a smile on her face.

"Shilah?. get busy. I'll return shortly." She leveled the healer with a stare that warned of a nasty fate to befall him should he try to escape.

The wraith picked her way through the blood-stained terra til she caught sight of the ivory ghost, illuminated harshly against the setting sun, her pale coat gleaming against the darkening terra. D?gmar would not attack from the shadows? this was to be an honorable duel. A test of skill against two fae's who were nearly equally matched in size and strength. Of course D?gmar's idea of an honorable duel did not include holding back. That was the ultimate disrespect to a fellow warrior. To think so little of their skill as to engage in fisticuffs.

D?gmar shifted her position so that she could approach Artemis face to face. The swarthy wraith and the alabaster phantom. Excitement bubbled in her gut, violence in her brain and somewhere hissed a fearful warning that was briefly acknowledged then filed away. "Oh, how I have longed for this Artemis? to dance with you under fading twilight. We both have been denied release upon the crimson queen. Let us find it now. No holding back."


Mottled crown descended as her skull aligned with her spine quickly followed by her tail. Emerald eyes narrowed hungrily at her target as her ears pinned tightly against her head. Ebony limbs spread evenly apart, equally distributing her weight among them. D?gmar's legs bent, muscles coiling as she lowered her center of gravity. Abdomen tensed as her snow-bitten toes splayed against the humming earth, claws biting into the soil. Lithe shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunching back as fur and flesh rolled over her vitals. Hackles rose, lacing down her back like thorns as her chin tucked, hungry jaws parting in a snarl.

Steely limbs uncoiled launching her toward Artemis. D?gmar's body shifted to her own right as she attempted to approach Artemis at a 20? angle. Limbs lowered further as her head twisted to her own right forming a diagonal as her maw hoped to latch around Artemis' left forelimb right in the center between the elbow and wrist, with her lower jaw seeking to collide with the front of the foreleg and her upper jaw against the back. D?gmar hoped to gain a crushing grip. The bones of the forelimbs were thinner and weaker and she sought to crush them in her jaws, to cripple her opponent.

As she moved her weight shifted evenly to her back legs and right forelimb as she raised her left forepaw off the ground seeking to slam it down on the toes of Artemis's left forepaw with the intent of breaking the toes of the pallid queen.

D?gmar vs Artemis

For Spar

Round: 1 of ?

ooc: Here we go! <3

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