
Are You Beautiful?


10-10-2014, 12:55 PM

Well now, where had her explorations lead her this time? The woods she found her in were a mysery, that was for sure. It seemed like she was walking in circles, completely lost. Pamela would come to a stop, her brow furrowing as a deep frown crossed her face. What kind of place was this? No matter the path she took she always seemed to come right back to this same spot... or was it? Was her disease beginning to effect even inanimate objects to look the same too? Even her nose seemed to be of little use here... and she felt a good deal of frustration rising within.

"What is this place? Is this a place of the damned? Have I died?" Pamela would muse aloud. Her nose would twitch in the air again, once more setting through the trees. Darkness was beginning to settle upon the world, meaning she spent the better part of the day here, didn't she? Bi-colored eyes would narrow some, this time checking over her shoulder periodically. Was she being followed? Lead astray? Was this a game? Some cruel joke?




3 Years
10-10-2014, 01:19 PM
Living in the lap of luxury was to be expected from the ivory female after all she had no real ties to keep her in one spot at this moment and so she took it upon herself to stop and smell the roses so to speak and so here she was.

She stretched her form out over one of the more softer spots of the land She simply enjoyed the cold breeze that ruffled her pelt and the weak autumn sun that allowed her to relax in a comfortable warmth while her tassel bounced rhythmic against the hard surface she rested upon. Amber Hue's gazed upon the heavens as the darkness began to absorb the land and a simple smirk tugged on her lips and she simply sighed as she felt a tug in her abdominal cavity... It was time for a hunt. Shifting on to her paws she stretched out her form half annoyed that she had to move from her spot. sensitive ears flicked to the sound of a voice and so she ventured off a little before she sported the creature deciding to play a little game she slowly moved from the shadows. With her pale appearance she hoped that some sole would take her for a ghost since there was rumens that there was such creatures lingering here
"Perhaps your are dear, Do you believe in such a place after your leave this world?" She spoke in a low tone as her amber hue's narrowed upon the creature before her as she waited for a reaction of sorts

table by jay


10-14-2014, 11:47 AM

Though she believed herself to be alone this was not the case. A voice, low in tone, would reach her ears. She would turn her head, gaze falling on a figure emerging from the shadows. Yet, for Pamela, all she saw was the shadow of a wolf. Her disease, her prosopagnosia, prevented her from seeing the other for who they were. She figured it was a wolf by scent, but really it could have been another canine. It was just unlikely for that to be the case. She saw the wolf before her just as a shadowed in image of her shape, nothing more. Even her voice, due to the extreme cause of her condition, sounded the same as any other. Just something she lived with. Whether this was life, or truly death, it seemed her fate would not change. But, within the femme?s mind, she would keep the prophet Noah?s words to heart.

?I believe in some sort of other existence, yes, but I can not say if it is a world such as this, or in forms such as this. Should we be conscious of our deaths or not, allowed to interact... Who is to say? Who is to know?? Pamela would raise her head, ears lifting in an unafraid manner. ?Stranger, are you one alive or dead? Perhaps on a border between the worlds... But... The bigger question is, what is it you want with me?? Pamela was not one to cower from anything. No... Perhaps even death would not phase the young woman. But she was not dead. Not yet.

Walk "Talk" Think



3 Years
10-14-2014, 02:36 PM

The amber gaze of the dame continued to bore in to the girl as she spoke. She had to admit, this wasn't really the reaction she was seeking in fact she wanted the dame to take off screaming and howling her help. she smirked at the mental images running though her mind as she half listened to the girl speaking" I assure you I have blood in my veins dear one, As for your other question.. to be honest I just heard someone speak so I ventured out to seek whom it was She cooed as she tilted her head"This Domain is quite the maze, It can make some wolves go crazy... force them to take there own life even she chuckled in a sadistic tone before she looked to the girl once more with an almost distant look " I assure you I have blood in my veins dear one, As for your other question.. to be honest I just heard someone speak so I ventured out to seek whom it was But Lucky for me, I am already considered bonkers [/color] she added in a slight cackle

table by jay