
Meet the pack



2 Years
10-03-2014, 05:33 PM

Crucifix would gladly lead Rohini through the territory and towards Orchid's den. As he walked he would explain where they where in the territory, point out dens and where the lake and river was in relation to where they walked now. He spoke softly and well not constantly, with an ease, to help the girl feel more comfortable beside him. He was certain once he had introduced her to some members and she had some friends within the pack she would not feel so new and shy here.

He stopped before Orchid's den and let out a soft yip to see if she was home. As he waited he turned his attention back to Rohini, smiling at her once more, encouragingly and warmly. ?You'll be able to choose your own den as well of course, there are some caves near by and some dens already dug out but not in use ? if you would rather dig your own den that's fine too, or perhaps you orchid wouldn't mind you staying in hers for a few days?' he offered, no doubt the no nonsense healer would pretend to scold him for that offer later, just as he knew she would not mind the company and wanted someone that she could teach ? he had heard she had a student in the old pack but that the student had not come with her here.




2 Years
10-04-2014, 05:49 PM

Silently she would follow Crucifix, her paws just two steps behind him. Never less or more, exactly always two steps. Her brilliant green orbs soaked in everything, every detail from the grass to the trees. Her mind easily memorizing the path they took, forever locking itself away in her brain. Briefly she wondered about the source of bird prey in the area. Hopefully with the amount of water source that Crucifix mentioned, she might be in luck for some larger birds. It was slowly getting easier to be more comfortable around the male but she absolutely blocked any ideas of him being more than just her new Alpha. She would not tread that path again. To see someone as a brother, a mother, anything that was a relationship would no longer exists to her. She needed a place to live, somewhere safe. Vi had been the one to see the wall she had put up to protect herself. Vi has somehow cracked open the gate of that wall. Somehow, someway she had done it. But in no way was Rohini ready nor willing to trust anyone.

They would come to a halt and she would neatly sit down but the prospect of meeting someone new, had her hunching her shoulders and head tucked in to her chest. Eyes cast around nervously but she tried to focus on Crucifix's words. A den? She had not slept in a den for a very long time."I havnt had a den since...I was a pup." She replied softly. Memories of what had happened to her mother and brother flashed back. It had taken the girl a long time in life to piece it all together. But now that she was older, had a good understanding of how others could be, she came to understand what had happened to her family. She would blink away those thoughts and cast a glance up to Crucifix then the den before them, waiting. What would this other wolf think? How would they react?

Talk like this

Orchid I


5 Years
10-10-2014, 05:23 PM

Orchid was sorting through her herbs, by the end of summer she had collected all the herbs she could dry effectively and with Autumn's arrival she was prepared to store them with her other herbs. There would be other herbs to gather in Autumn, but the best season for picking was the one just gone. She would lift her head from her work and peer towards the exit of her den when Cru's yip sounded. She sighed, wondering what he might need as she made her way to the exit of the den and peered outside. There she would find him with a young, unfamiliar wolf. She peered at this girl, who sat on her hunches with her head and shoulders tucked to her chest, certainty this wolf didn't seem excited at the prospect of meeting her. She returned her gaze to Cru, with a question in her eyes. He would talk then ?This is Rohini, she's interested in training and learning the skills of a healer as well as a hunter, we need more healers in the pack Orchid, will you teach her?? Cru asked, quickly coming to the point of why he was there. She turned her gaze back to the shy young wolf who sat their and raised an eyebrow. ?If she's willing to learn, ill teach her? Orchid agreed, not wholly certain how willing this wolf might be. ?I can take it from here Cru, unless you need to continue to show her around? Rohini, would you like to come inside?? she asked gently.




2 Years
10-10-2014, 05:28 PM

Cru would turn and look at Rohini as they sat there for a moment. She certainly looked weary and he held back his shy. She would learn in time that she had nothing to fear here in Solstice, that they would look out for her and treat her life family. He kept his tone warm and friendly, which was easy enough to do ? the helplessness of the girl was tugging heavily on his protective side. ?Well now you can have which ever den you please? he told her, his voice slightly teasing, but he wondered to the small hint of her past and what might have made her as she was now. Their wait was a short one before Orchid appeared before them. She smelled faintly of herbs and woods, and her expression was confused. He gave her a moment to take in the wolf before him before he spoke. ?This is Rohini, she's interested in training and learning the skills of a healer as well as a hunter, we need more healers in the pack Orchid, will you teach her? he would explain, and watch her thoughtful expression. Her words where fear, if not slightly worrying, did she think Rohini would be too shy to learn? She asked then to take it from there and Cru turned back to Rohini. ?Are you alright from here Rohini?' he asked gently.




2 Years
10-13-2014, 02:31 PM

She would sit there in silence, staring at her paws till Crucifix spoke to her again. Head lifted to stare up at him, her eyes blank. As if she couldn't tell he was teasing her or not. But really she just felt indifferent of the whole den situation. She loved to weather the elements of nature, the cold rain cleansing deep into her fur, the silence of snow falling, the buzz of new life in spring. But as weary as she was it also allowed her to never have danger stalk up on her. In her opinion if something came at you and you were trapped in a den, well you were done. Maybe if the dens had a backup exist, hidden from the outside. Her ears twitched from her own ideas spinning in her head.

Eyes would turn away as a female existed the den and Rohini would fold in own herself once more. But her nose twitched at the lingering scents of herbs on this female's fur. It was slightly familiar, her nose picking out specific scents she knew. But the words exchanged had her looking up. This woman didn't think she wanted to be here. She couldn't say she blamed the other really, not with the way she held herself. Eyes darted about, her inner being building up the courage to speak. "Ma'am I promise to be an avid student. I truly do wish to farther my knowledge in healing. I am no good fighting and I don't want to be useless. Please, give me a chance I wont let you down." She said softly, managing to keep eye contact with the other female. Then she would turn to Crucifix and nod her head. She was sure things would be ok, after all she was a swift runner if needed. Standing up she would look to Orchid, waiting to follow her into the den. Her ears had perked up in slightly curiosity of what the den looked liked, what herbs were stored in there, and how things would turn out.


Orchid I


5 Years
10-17-2014, 04:59 PM

Orchid was looking at the girl as she spoke, and she could see the shyness clinging to her. Orchid had been, not quite shy, but set in her place beneath her brothers rule at one stage in her life and had never aspired to be more. It had been healing that had changed her life, the evidence of her skill and the passion that had driven her to seek more knowledge and gain a position of power within a pack that had taken that shyness from her. Perhaps it could do the same for Rohini one day, certainly she would not deny the girl the chance, but she also would not teach her if she did not want to learn.

She did not need to worry about that it seems, for the girl before them would pick up the courage to speak, and her words where pretty, and strong despite her demeanour, setting in stone the place of teacher that Orchid would now hold. ?Then of course I will teach you. For most healers, a part of the life is passing on the knowledge we all gain from experience? she mused thoughtfully, her mild way of saying she had a passion for teaching as she did for healing. She noticed the nod Rohini had given Crucifix, and with that the Alpha would smile at the both and leave them to talk amongst each other. She nodded at his departing form before turning back to Rohini. ?Alright then, come inside and ill see what you know? she said gently, turning around herself and slipping back into her den. She eyed her large variety or herbs, some dried some fresh and all with their unique smells as she considered how to approach this. ?First of all, tell me which herbs here you can identify, and we'll go from there? she decided.

Walk "Talk" Think