
Oh, how things have changed



09-11-2014, 10:36 PM

The seasons had gone by since Maija had last seen her sister. Spring had turned to summer and now summer was almost gone. Time had gone by too fast and Maija was determined to see her. She hadn't even been in Arcanum for a week, but she knew that she would have plenty of time to get comfortable in her new home. Golden paws carried her from the Plains to the borders of the Weeping Woods. She could smell and see the borders that had been made for Solstice, but she still wanted to cross them without worrying of the consequences. That wild streak within Maija was where Pandora had come from, even if the golden vixen wanted to deny it.
So, she fought the reckless thoughts and plopped herself onto her haunches. She didn't move anything except her head, which she tossed back to emit a low howl. A soft melody rose over the treetops to the ears of anyone who listened. As the trees and their branches moved in the summer breeze above her, she waited with bated breath for her sister to appear. So much had to be said...she was sure of it.

speech here


09-11-2014, 10:44 PM

A call would lift her head, a voice she had no heard in awhile. A smile would tug at her lips and she would rise immediately. Leaving her den behind she would move towards the border. Now days her steps were steadily growing for confident, though she still stumbled and bumped into things occasionally. Her sides continued to swell in obvious signs of pregnancy, it was mor and more obvious with each day. Cru has taken the news well, he was overjoyed, though she knew he was still heated over her maim. It had taken time, but she was coming to terms with the fact that her eye was gone, her sight would never return.

She had tried to hurry to meet her sister, but she became clumsy when she rushed so she was forced to move slowly, each paw landing carefully. Cru was still protective and didn't like her venturing off alone but she needed to, she needed to learn to stand on her own again and navigate the world with only a single eye. "Maija! I've missed you!" She would smile brightly, her crown tipped to her left so that she could clearly see the golden woman. She would rush forward, offering a gentle muzzle of greeting, her tail wagging furiously.

"Talk" "You" Think



09-11-2014, 10:58 PM

Maija could smell Sibelle before the woman even appeared. Her heart rate began to speed up as she imagined seeing her sweet sister appear from between two of the nearest trees. Her imagination was approximately close, for Sibelle appeared a few meters away from where Maija thought she would appear. As soon as the surrounding light hit the Solstice Queen, Maija was shocked. So much had changed with her, but Sibelle...Sibelle was definitely a story waiting to be told.
The golden vixen walked over the borders, ignoring their cries of protest. She swept her tail behind her, making them hush and her presence was accepted. Her ears immediately perked at Sibelle's words, but she took a few seconds to take in her sister's changes. Half-blind and pregnant...all at the same time! A smile broke out across Maija's face, the muscles realizing the unfamiliar movement. "Sibelle..." Her voice was hushed and surprised, but the familiar Romanian accent still remained.
Maija wanted to cry, but she held them back with a strong effort. Instead, she pushed herself against Sibelle, bumping her gold chest with the russet one that immediately came into contact with her. She nuzzled her sister's left cheek with her right and her eyes closed as she breathed in the scent she had gotten used to for so many seasons. "Oh, Sibelle...I've missed you, too." she quietly moaned, relief and happiness evident in her words.
Slowly, Maija moved back and took in more details that had been missed before. "What have I missed the past six months?" She wondered out loud, awe still evident in her tones. She had certainly missed a lot!!



09-11-2014, 11:06 PM

Her sister would greet her happily, their chests colliding in an gentle embrace. Her sister had approached from her left, causing her to flinch in surprise at the sudden contact, she was still getting used to it as Cru tried to avoid approaching her left side. A wide smile split her features as her sister has crossed the borders without a second thought, but she didn't care. There was no denying the surprise in her sisters words. Her appearance had been drastically altered since they last talked. Her sister requested to be filled in, and there was much to tell. Russet haunches would recline comfortably before gushing the details of her life.

"Well, Isardis was challenged to the death by stranger so I went to watch. While there, that white birch who challenged for Arcanum attacked me and I'm blind." A frown would pull at her lips. "Then there is Cru and I." A sheepish grin would lift her lips. "We're going to be parents." She would beam at her sister, her tail thumping against the ground.

"Talk" "You" Think



09-11-2014, 11:19 PM

The golden vixen reclined to her haunches, but slower than her sister did. She watched Sibelle's face move with the story that she told, combining two different tales into one spin. Isardis had been challenged by an unknown stranger, where Sibelle had ended up fighting Artemis again. Maija's ears flattened at the news and she gave a low growl. "Sib, every time you show up where the white bitch is, you end up losing something." She shook her head and her leaf-green gaze held concern. "I don't want you to lose any more parts of you, sister. Be more careful."
The later news, however, turned the tables on Maija. Her eyes widened and a sour look turned into a warm grin. "That is wonderful, Sib..." she whispered, tones filled with the same happiness and surprise. She rose from her haunches, giving her tail more room to wag behind her. Maija took the opportunity to nuzzle her sister's right cheek, knowing not to go near the left side. Once it sunk in that Sibelle was with Crucifix, Maija's eyes shimmered with a slight bit of worry. "He treats you well, right?" she somberly asked, hoping that the answer was a good one. If not, the man would deal with her...even if she was pregnant.



09-13-2014, 02:03 PM

Her sister was not anymore pleased with the news than Crucifix had been. She would take the light scolding, nodding slowly. "I know, I didn't expect her to the be there, much less for her to attack me." A shrug would lift a shoulder in acceptance. There was no changing the past now. She knew her sister was concerned, so she would send a light smile to the woman, hoping to ease her worries. Now that she was pregnant, the woman didn't plan on leaving Solstice anytime soon. It was amusing to watch her sisters expression. Her green eyes would widen in surprise, a grin spreading across her features. Her sister would rise, nuzzling her right cheek this time, much to her silent relief. She would return to nuzzle, a soft chuckle rolling off her tongue. But the happiness in her sisters eye would soon be replaced with worry. She would voice her concerns and she knew that the golden woman would not hesitate to leave and find Cru and rip him a new one if necessary. "Of course, you have nothing to worry about. I'm blind, not dumb." A paw would lift to swat gently at her golden chest, a reassuring smile curling her lips. She didn't want her sister to worry about her.

"Talk" "You" Think



09-15-2014, 10:51 PM

Sibelle's words made Maija softly sigh, but chuckle regardless. "Maybe there should be a radar made for you, in case she is within a few miles of your location." Leaf-green eyes mirrored the previously made laugh, something that the golden vixen would never show to anyone outside of her family. "Especially with your family beginning to expand, more precautions may end up being made." It was a harsh truth to openly say, but Maija knew that Sibelle's husband and pack would ensure her safety over anything else.
Her sister then reassured her that Crucifix took good care of her and her intelligence was intact. Maija grimaced and flattened both ears upon her cranium. "I never said you were dumb, Sibelle," was followed by a snort from the woman's dark nose. Slowly, she lowered upon her haunches once more and ensured her seat by wrapping her lovely haunches with her thick tail. "You're an Armada -- one of the higher-ranked ones, anyway." Maija wasn't a big fan of Isardis personally, but she knew that Sibelle was definitely one of those whom embraced her genealogy and still carried herself above his low-leveled beliefs. In Maija's eyes, that was where Sibelle stood in the Armada chain.
Finally, the updates of Maija's life slipped into the limelight. After confirming her words with a smirk, the facial smile faded and she cleared her throat. "Could we walk and talk at the same time? I want to see your home...if your pretty frame can tolerate the adventure?" She raised an eyebrow, Romanian voice filled with warmth for her sister.

Neo Speech

Maija Speech


09-24-2014, 04:14 PM

She would chuckle at the safety measures her sister suggested. No matter what, she knew that within the pack she would be well protected and safe from harm, as well as her children. She would be damned if she let anything happen to them. Her sister did not seem to take well to her remark, though a snort followed and she knew that no feelings were hurt. A walk was requested and she was more than willing to oblige. "Of course!" She would begin to move, carefully positioning herself so that Maija was to her left, it would mean that she would be unable to see the woman, but having her there would mean that she was guaranteed not to run into anything. She would begin walking, her pace leisurely. "So tell me, what excitement have I missed in your life?" A smile would toy with her lips as she led her sister into her home, her destination unknown. She would ensure that the golden woman saw everything before leaving, but there was no need to rush. Limbs would carry her faithfully, hips swaying gently. Her left ear was trained on her sister, the gap between them minimal so that every few steps the russet Queen would casually press against her shoulder.

"Talk" "You" Think



09-27-2014, 11:18 AM

They began to walk and Maija's eyes became alight with life. She was more excited than she had been in awhile, especially with the news that danced around in her head. Each paw stepped in front of the other in a unified rhythm, causing the body of the golden vixen to move to a steady, unheard beat. She watched Sibelle as they walked, lightly pressing into each other every now and hen. She listened with intense ears, wondering what all her sister had been doing lately. Well, apparently, the answer was written across the woman's abdomen. Such a thought made Maija smirk, but it was unexplained and she wouldn't let Sibelle know what joke she had made for herself.
The russet-furred babe then asked Maija what had been going on in her life. As they crossed through another line of the tall trees Maija's voice broke the pleasant silence. "There hasn't been a lot of excitement, really, just a series of fortunate events." Tail idly flicked behind her as she tried to figure out how to voice her recent adventures to her sister. "I met someone," she started, figring the baby daddy should be revealed first. "His name is Neo, and...oh, Sib --" she spoke Sibelle's name with a soft moan, "-- he is the best lover I have had yet." Her eyes flashed with a flame before she explained more. "Taurig was, of course, a caring lover and had the softness no one else could give me, but Neo..." A shiver raced down Maija's spine and she darkly giggled. "He provided me with what I needed...claws, pain, and the foreplay was worth every growl and struggle."
The smile remained on Maija's face as they walked past a small stream. They stepped over it and the golden woman continued to speak. "We consummated and a few days later, I realized a change in my scent..." Her smile widened and she showed a bit of teeth with this one. "Sibelle, I'm pregnant again." The revelation of the news was exciting for Maija and she gave another giggle. "My first litter are going to be legends, I know, but these babies..." She licked her lips with a firm, pink tongue. "These babies will become larger than life itself, I assure you."

Talk like this


10-03-2014, 10:27 PM

Her sisters smirk would go unnoticed while she acted as a steady guide. A single audit would tip in her direction as the woman began to speak, excitement filling her voice. As soon as she mentioned meeting someone, the russet queen would halt, jaw dropping in shock as she pivoted to face the woman so she could see her. "You met someone?!" She squealed with pleasure. "Tell me everything!" She would demand immediately. A huge grin spilt her features as her sister moaned about her secret lover. Laughter would spill from her lips. There was no doubt in her mind that her beloved, cranky sister was head over heels. She would make a disgusted face when Taurig was mentioned. "Please spare me the details, that is my brother." Lips would crinkle, a grunt leaving her lips.

Brows would lift in surprise as it became apparent that her sister had a wild side. But soon shock again took over when her sister stated that she was pregnant. A grin would lift her lips, excitement settling over her features. They children would be fairly close in age, they would grow up together. "Oh I'm so happy for you!" Her tail would wag furiously at her hocks. "When are you due?" There was no doubt in her mind that her sisters children would be great. Their children would be great together.

"Talk" "You" Think



10-04-2014, 03:47 PM

Sibelle's happiness was evident in the way she talked. Maija was silently thrilled to have her sister so ecstatic about her personal life becoming brighter. Even though the golden woman was not a fan of sharing details, she would make Sibelle the only exception. She asked about her due date and Maija joyously replied. "Within a few weeks."
It was then that Maija moved towards Sibelle's uninjured side and nuzzled her cheek. A soft sigh slipped from Maija's lips as she breathed in Sibelle's scent. "I can't believe everything is slowly starting to work out..." Her voice was only a whisper, but it held so much meaning within its words. A soft chuckle escaped and was followed with more words. "We're both moms, we're in great packs, our men treat us well..." The Romanian, whose heart was always black to others, showed its golden side to the red Queen then. "I couldn't wish for anything more, except for our children to thrive and flourish across Ala...and possibly create chaos."

"You're gonna hear me roar"


10-12-2014, 03:34 PM

Their children would only be a few weeks apart, they would be so close in age. She couldn't remove the smile that was stuck on her face. Things were finally turning around for the both of them. Her sister would voice her thoughts. "See, I told you we just needed to find you a man." She would tease her sister, remembering the day she had first mentioned it and the woman's explosive response. A chuckle would roll off her tongue. "They wouldn't be our children if they didn't stir up some sort of chaos." A smirk would lift one side of her lips, a bubble of laughter soon following. She missed this. Suddenly it dawned on her. "What pack are you a part of?" Curiosity filled her tones. It was surprising that her sister found anyone as a suitable leader, especially one that convinced her to join. She was dying to know just who had captivated her attention. Perhaps it was the father that was an Alpha, he had come in and swept her sister off her feet and now they were expecting. Her tail continued to wag relentless, her happiness rolling off her in waves.

"Talk" "You" Think



10-22-2014, 01:52 PM

Sibelle's soft tease made Maija softly giggle. "It was more of a coincidence than anything, I must admit," she gently voiced, Romanian accent tenderly wrapping around the words. "I am actually...happy...that I came across him." She continued to admit her real feelings as she walked beside her russet-furred sister. "Now that I'm having more children, I feel as if life has started for me again."
Her sister then asked about what pack she was in and she did not hesitate to answer. "A pack I thought was gone forever," she said. Maija didn't know if Sibelle would believe her, but she told her anyway. "Arcanum." The name of the pack was one she was proud of, and she intended on making it more legendary than it was the first time. Cataleya was already a legend, but Maija knew that she could be bigger than she already was.
As they continued to walk deeper into the territory, a familiar being followed the two wolves. He was smaller than both ladies, but his temper could run just as high as Maija's. His dark form moved silently, staying near the trees and ensuring the golden woman's safety. Low growls slipped from his lips every time he heard an unfamiliar noise. His fur stood on end and his teeth bared to shine against his black fur. Beady eyes looked around again before he moved onto the next area of woods that the women moved in. His musk became evident with each step he took, but he walked with hidden confidence as he realized it. Better for them to know he ran this show instead of having someone question it.
