
What a wonderful day



2 Years
10-09-2014, 08:50 PM

Crucifix was still adjusting to his new life, and all the things that had gone on in Solstice. His pack was dwindling, despite his and Sibelle's efforts to strike activity and a family feeling between the members. The storm had finally ended, after so long of ravaging their territory and now there where so few workers to help aid in the clean up. Not that nature really needed a clean up, just debris cleared from dens and any blockage damming their waterways. But the biggest change in the boys life was Sibelle, or more specifically, the children of his blood that she had birthed not long ago. The little beings where tiny and soft, and with each yawn or cry he was struck speechless all over again with this change in his life.

He cherished the little beings, admired their strange tones and wondered which heritage breed their colours. Illaria's gold was a mystery to him, but the pale's of Ravanna could have breed from his line. Keiran... Keiran on the other hand was his little shadow, the dark tones of Cru where in there, just without the white's that contrasted his own boy. His eyes where Cru's own purple and each and every one of them bore the Black family Cross. His oldest born, despite her strange colours, reminded him of a friend he had lost a long time ago, with those vibrant hues. He loved them all equally, they where each unique and wonderful and his.

The bewildered Father would enter the cave they still sheltered in with a rabbit in his jaw. He moved up to Sibelle, who watched over their children and kissed her softly against the cheek as he carefully placed his prey beside her. ?They look bigger already, do you think they're ready for a trip outdoors?? he asked her softly, the day was golden, bright and brilliant outside, surely they couldn't get into too much trouble on a day as wonderful as this one.

Walk "Talk" Think


10-12-2014, 03:47 PM

She would watch the kids as Cru went out hunting. They raced around the den, squealing in delight. By the time he returned, she was on the verge of going crazy from their deafening vocals. She would smile up at him, leaning into his kiss. He practically read her mind. "Yes, please, take them." Though she was pleading, her tones were light with amusement. Lowering her crown, she would begin to eat, tearing into the rabbit, while her children ran to assault their father. She would eat until her belly was full, taking a moment to enjoy the peace and quiet as they left. Limbs would pull beneath her, pushing her up before she stretched. Shaking the dust from her pelt, she would follow her family out of the caves, and into the brisk autumn air. It was refreshing after being confined to the caves for so long. Lowering herself to the ground, she would watch as they all explored, running around. "They be extra tired after this." She mused, a soft laugh rolling off her tongue as she peered up at Cru. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined them here.

Walk "Talk" Think



2 Years
10-12-2014, 07:11 PM

As he kissed her cheek he left his muzzle there for a moment, resting it against the familiar contours of her soft cheek and taking in a deep breath of her exuberant scent. She smelled of young and earth mingled in with her familiar taste of the wilds and he parted his jaws in pleasure, and admiration of everything that made Sibelle who she was. When she spoke to him, there was gentle harassment in his tone that brought him to laughter. He chuckled to her softly as he nuzzled her gently again before pulling away and moving his eyes to the young that scampered about the cave. They were yet to see the pleasures of the outer world and clearly the confines of this den had little less in the way of amusement to offer them.

He moved a step back to give Sibelle room as she tore into her food, no doubt the harassment of the children left her weary and hungry. His side step had another effect, it told the children he was fair game and they lunged to his side. He made a dramatic noise as Illaria went for his neck and pretended her strength brought him crashing to the ground ? careful to ensure no little paws or body?s where beneath him as he did so. Illaria stood with one paw over his neck, her face triumphant as she eyed her invisible crowd and admires with a cool glance. He shook the pups off him after a moment and herded them from the cave. The idea with going to the outside world consumed their attention and he had no problems ushering them from the door. He stood at its entrance as they discovered the touch of cool grass and the open sky above them. After a few moments a fuller Sibelle would join him and he leaned against into her side, feeling the warmth and familiarity of her and sighed, love and lust tingling in the tones of his sigh as he glanced up at her from the corner of his eyes and smiled slyly. He loved the children, but they gave them no peace in their dens to spend them how they liked?



10-12-2014, 07:40 PM

He was an excellent father. He played with them nonstop, allowing them to believe they had gained a victory over him. It took no bribing to get them to leave the den, they all practically raced outside. By the time she followed, they had al gained some confidence and were steadily exploring. Standing beside Cru, he leaned into her, his heady cologne filling her nostrils. He would sigh, one that she knew all to well. The children kept them occupied, preventing them from ever spending any time alone. But perhaps tonight they would get a chance to escape.

A knowing smile would lifting her lips as she glanced at him from the corner of her eye. "Perhaps they'll be tired enough that we will get some alone time tonight." Her words were soft, spoken on for his ears. Tones were sultry, coming out on a breath. Pressing against him, her attention would return to the kids, watching as they frolicked. But it didn't stop the desire from curling in her belly and slowly heating her blood as it spread.




2 Years
10-12-2014, 08:08 PM

Sibelle read the unspoken thoughts in his sigh and the expression he put her way. The pups where paying them no attention at the moment, far too absorbed in their explorations as young explorers and trouble seekers. He glanced towards them every now and then to ensure all three where within his line of sight, before returning his attention to the deadly beauty beside him. He hadn't felt like himself in a long while, the responsibilities of being an Alpha had dragged out a side of him that was more protective and weary then fun. It was Sibelle that reminded him who he had been, and it was with her that he relaxed and enjoyed the pleasures of life.

His whisper in her ear was soft and promising, and a shiver would course through his body at the image her words brought him. Her sly tones and the warmth of her body pressed against him would cause him to catch his breath. Her eyes returned to the kids and he sighed again, a more tortured sound as he let his own eyes wonder back to the children. ?I better aid in tiring them out then? he teased, and moved into the fray, his light tread bringing him closer to Ravanna as he attempted to leap and tackle her gently.

Walk "Talk" Think



1 Year
10-12-2014, 08:17 PM

Her father would interrupt their play, but only to bring more adventures. With her siblings they would race out of the den and into the world. Bright light would warm her face, though caused her to squint her eyes. A cool breeze tickled her skin and tangled her pelt. It was all so stranger. Green stuff poked her feet and belly, tickling her as she moved. An overwhelming amount of smells bombarded her tiny nose. Looking around, giant things popped out of the ground, noises where everywhere. Wide eyes would look everywhere, unable to focus on any one thing for more than a few seconds.

She paid no mind to her parents until her father would tackling her. A squeal of surprise and happiness would ring from her pale jaws. Laughter would bubbled up, as she tumbled onto her back beneath her father. Tiny legs would flail uselessly against him. "Daddy!" Her high voice wailed, mingling with laughter. Tiny jaws would snap at his legs, in an attempt to set herself free. "Help me!" She would summon her brother and sister to her aid, hoping to once again tackle their father like they had in the cave.

Walk "Talk" Think


10-12-2014, 08:39 PM

Her father?s bulky form would take precedence in the cave as he entered and dropped a gift at their mother?s feet. She wiggled her butt, watching him for a long moment, ensuring that his attention was on their mother. She pretended to gag as they kissed and did all that horrid parent lovey dovy stuff. The moment he moved a step back from Sibelle she was ready, and the young pup leaped for his neck and the kill. Her attack didn?t have enough momentum and she scrambled to keep her grip upon him, but she didn?t need to worry. Her dad went crashing to the ground and she placed a paw gleefully upon his body, reveling in her victory. He would gently shake her off then, but only with bigger adventures in mind.

They where ushered from the cave and she stepped out into the big world with her nose pressed to the wind and the little black button flaring dramatically with the taste of each scent. The grass held cool due despite the warm day and was cold to the touch of her paws. She shivered, delighted in the feeling as she glanced at her siblings to see how they fared she had looked up just as their father tackled Ravenna and heard the cry of her surprise. Next her sister would ask for aid and Illaria would puff out her chest with authority. ?We?ll save you? she cried, looking for Kerian so they could coordinate their offensive strike.




10-14-2014, 09:37 AM
Father would return to the den, and Keiran would stare as he dropped a rabbit for their mother - and silently waited for him to finish greeting her. It didn't bother him, their affection toward each other, although he nearly snickered as Illaria gagged beside him. The girl was a little taller than him already, but he knew she hadn't actually beaten their father in a fight. Still, it was fun to watch, and his tail wagged as everyone finally started heading outside of the cave.

The boy was growing quickly, as were his siblings - and as they aged, they were allowed outside of the den more often. There was always one or both parents watching over them, but for the first time, Keiran would feel a faint sense of independence. With Crucifix and Sibelle seemingly distracted, he would meander onward, his purple gaze never too far away from his sister's frames. The sun felt good on his dark pelt, after all of that rain he was surprised that the outside world wasn't a little more wet.

His nose flared as he caught onto one of the many new scents in the area, only to jump when Ravenna squealed for help. Something couldn't have already happened, could it? Yet there was no note of fear in his sister's voice, and their parents were right there - when he realized that it was Crucifix that had tackled the girl he would roll his eyes. She wasn't in any trouble. Yet he would follow suit anyways, not wanting to ruin the game and although his imagination wasn't the greatest he wanted to play. He would move to stand beside Illaria, nodding to her so that she knew when she pounced, he would follow.