
Down By the Riverbend



5 Years
Extra large
09-05-2014, 06:13 AM

Long limbs would stretch as he greeted the morning of the new day, a large yawn leaving his throat as he pushed himself from the earth and detangled his form from the sleeping wolves and tiger that shared the den. He?d smile as he looked over each one, but instead of doting on them today he would be eager to get a start on responsibilities. He knew very well another family had encroached on their home and today would be the day for confrontation. A smirk would play on his dark lips as he slipped from the entrance of their den, his legs carrying him to a more central part of the Range. As he drew near to his intended destination the fog would start to slowly burn off from teh sun?s powerful rays. The shadows were still gifted with the sight of the misty vapors, but surely the day had enough life that these wolves would heed his call. They very much wanted to know about what he had to say. So with revere, he would sit his haunches upon the ground and call forth those wolves he would share the terra with.




7 Years
09-10-2014, 05:05 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It seemed so startling to her how quickly her family had adjusted to living in this new yet familiar environment. To her astonishment, the marked densite that she and Bane had shared what felt like years ago had remained standing after all their time away, the odd crescent-shaped carvings on the trees denoting the boundary that she and her husband had once delineated to keep their children close as they played in the very early stages of their lives. Everything was just the way they had left it, save for the fact her family could no longer fit into it as snugly as they once could. They were split up a little though all within the same vicinity, and Tahlia was delighted that the children seemed to still stay close. It truly felt like her family was getting back to the way things used to be, and despite her preference for a pack and the safety it offered there was something wonderful to be said about the closeness this style of living created amongst them.

She had exited the den somewhat early that morning, setting off for the Range proper in the hopes of finding whatever sorts of morsels that she could scrounge up for breakfast. Likely she would have had better luck checking near the lake, where the water and shade would tempt out creatures from their hiding places, but all the peculiar sorts of animals seemed to hang more closely toward the central portion of the Range, and on this morning they were her intended targets.

Her ambling gait had hardly carried her far along her travels by the time the voice spoke out, and though it was unrecognizable she could tell within its message that it was intended for her family. The woman paused as she stared ahead, determining that it had come from her chosen destination. Her eyes, one deeply gold and the other clouded over, stared ahead for a moment as she deliberated before she resumed her pace. Best see what this was about if they were going through the trouble of seeking her and hers out specifically.

Tahlia might have been nothing more than a rogue, but on this domain that she had long ago called home, that she now called home again, she felt responsible and protective over it. Her posture reflected as much, carrying herself with the dignity she had finally regained and holding an air of presumed authority that was entirely her own. She regarded the yellow-eyed stranger with a wary sort of expression, her gaze narrowed just the slightest bit while her face remained unsmiling as she slowed her gait to a walk and neared closer. "I had assumed others lived here," she remarked in a cool tone that still remained mostly respectful, catching a quick portion of his scent now that she was nearer. "Are you another resident of the Range?"


09-11-2014, 11:23 AM

Another of the family would hear the call, and though not blood related she would feel the need to respond,to protect her loved ones with her life if it called for it. The dark woman would move through the land with purpose, a wraith across the land. Her movements were not as smooth and fluid as they once were due to her limp, but she sought the source of that howl as quickly as she could move, her single eye gleaming both with a bit of uncertainty and held back anger. She had scented others here on the Range, certainly, and had given them their space respectfully. But this call made her wary. Losing Seracia, losing everything she had for a time... it made her all the more protective over the family she had regained.

So when the single eyed woman emerged to come stand beside Tahlia she hardly wore the face of one who was incredibly friendly. She moved up on Tahlia's right side, her blind side. Sure she too missed an orb, her left, but protecting the other she wolf, one who had children and a mate to care for, was far more important to the ex-assassin. Mouth set in a firm line, she narrowed the single orb. She would not play games... and things would get dirty if need be if it came to protecting the ones who were so precious to her. "Why did you call?" Her own question would ring out, definitely less chit-chatty and kind. She wanted to the point. If there was a threat it would be handled here and now.



11 Years
09-13-2014, 03:52 AM
It was good to be in a familiar place again without a pack so he could devote time to his family. His sons Nako and Jakart were a curious lot now that they had freedom to explore a territory they had only glimpsed during the time that they stayed in Seracia. The two eldest males now taking their younger brother Kailos out on hunts to get him the lay of the land. And it was his hope that the howl that had sounded a moment before would not draw any of his offspring to answer the stranger's summons with him. Tahlia and Des were already about, Bane giving his pale, grey flecked pelt a shake?before setting off on faded black paws.?It's was morning out, the suns warmth on his face as he sniffed out Tahlia's scent while pivoting his ears to try and triangulate the howl.

The old wolf would have to be mindful of running into trees, his reaming eye finally rendering the world dark. The bright blue pups eyes had not changed to the shade of gold or brown, but it mattered not. Bane's sapphire gaze was now unseeing. At first it troubled his greatly during his visions rapid decline over the past month. He suspected his family knew about it, but no inquiry's had been made even after finally waking one morning to blackness. Now his nose painted the world for him, purposeful steps bringing him closer to the summon between the trees. Tahlia and Des's path had intersected, Bane hearing one sided conversation up ahead. The stranger with his mate and children's godmother?smelled of other wolves. And curiously enough a feline. Bane hobbled over next to Tahlia on worn paws and nudged her shoulder with a gentle lick. "Stranger." The elder wolf turned and called in greetings with a nod at the male. "I take it you have some words for us?"
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2014, 07:11 PM

It would take little time for them to gather, three wolves coming at his call obediently. Of course he posed them no threat, he held no ill will towards those he shared the range with. Though he had every intention of driving him from the lands should they decide to keep themselves from his cause. The first she wolf seemed regal, honorable even, as she brought her words coolly to his ears. He?d smirk unashamedly, but before he could answer two more wolves would join her, neither looking much happier to see him than she. He would offer them his best behavior, giving each a respectful nod as they brought themselves to the woman?s side. They would ask why it was they?d been called, as curiosity must have been boiling beneath their breasts. "Greetings, fellow dwellers of the range. Indeed I do have words for your ears."Though they all seemed on edge because of him he would keep his cool head and easy demeanor, his expression neutral if not darkly friendly. "I come to introduce myself, Scorpion Destruction, son of Adrenaline and future ruler of these lands." His words came easily, like he?d rehearsed the whole meeting. "I wish to tell you of my plans before they are carried out, to give you time to adjust should you have need of it. I intend to take this land, as well as the orchard near by as my pack?s home land. This was where my pups were birthed and where i intend to stay. I?ve come to ask for you to either join me in my future endeavors, or be on your way once i have staked my claim." He would have never meant this meeting to become some violent brawl, all he wished was to be a honorable neighbor and give them ample time to think about their decisions.




7 Years
10-03-2014, 07:43 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was unsurprised to see Destruction and Bane arrive shortly after she did. Her golden gaze regarded one and then the other happily, grateful to have them all together to support each other as they met with this wolf who had called them together. They might not have been a pack themselves, but their familial bonds were strong and secure, and having the lot of them there to witness whatever it was this yellow-eyed stranger had to say would ensure that between them the family's best interest would be considered first and foremost.

Shifting her attention back to the stranger, he seemed overall unperturbed by the reception he had received. He appeared just as cool and collected as when she alone had stopped to greet him and assumed whatever news he wished to share with them was going to be done with confidence. And, sure enough, it was. His name, he stated, was Scorpion Destruction, and he had intentions of claiming the Range as his to start a pack. Tahlia blinked, her expression blanking as surprise captured her. A pack? But...that would mean the Range would no longer be free, it would mean her family would either need to join... Or move once more.

Her brow beginning to furrow with concern, she glanced at Destruction and Bane, disappointed with the news the stranger had shared. Her family had only returned here not so long ago, were still trying to get their younger children to see the place as home, and considering Bane's reason for leaving Ebony she highly doubted he had any intentions of joining up with a new pack so quickly. Rather than try to answer for him, she remained quiet and left the floor to him, knowing his decision would speak for them all anyway.


10-05-2014, 04:54 PM

The news hit her with such force it was as if Destruction had literally been struck, taking a step back. Again? Again their home was to be taken? Anger. Bitterness. Hurt. Sadness. A flurry of emotions flew up in the dark woman all at once, but it was mainly the latter two that showed through. Once more... They would need to move. The next ideal spot too was planned to be claimed. The Range and Orchard both... Gods would it never end? She would flick her ears back, her good eye fixing upon the man. ?I understand your reasons for choosing the Range, Scorpion, however know that your children alone were not the only to be birthed here. Nor are you the only one who has ties, of love, for this range.? Her frown was deep. She had little doubt that Bane would not wish to be part of this pack, and it killed her to think of leaving once more. Her head would turn in the direction of the gravesite. Dillinger... A heavy sigh would pass her lips. Their answer was in Bane?s paws. The woman would not abandon her family... But goodbyes would need to be said. This time... Would it be the last time she was able to visit the grave of her child?



11 Years
10-14-2014, 02:39 AM
Bane sat, unseeing eye open and facing towards the wolf who had summoned them. What did he have to say to his family? Words to be spoken soo he hoped, a young wolf coming along wasnt need right now. And then Scorpian Destruction spoke. Politely. Declaring that he wanted to claim the land that was once the heart of Seracia as the territory for his pack and should they wish it so that they could join. But they wouldn't accept. Bane's unseeing gaze narrowing as he reached out towards Tahlia. The old wolf's muzzle dipped as he assuredly pressed his forehead against her shoulder.

"We move when you stake your claim and we distance ourselves from packs. Their troubles. Their wars will not involve the safety of my family." Bane continued to rub against Tahlia's shoulder.?Des began to speak however, ears detecting the bitterness and agreeing wholeheartedly with everything the she-wolf said. "I know Destruction. We've lived and loved our Seracia here, all three of us. But perhaps it is a sign to move on. Though not to forget the ones we've lost here as they become apart of another pack." The elder wolf ceased his thoughtful nuzzles against Tahlia. "As I said Scorpion. You come when your ready, and we all leave as soon we see you.?Let us not mingle until that day." Bane breathed in deeply, and the scents of everything around him painted the path back home for him to follow.

-Exit Bane-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•