
Alive N� Out Of Control


10-01-2014, 04:50 PM

Ooc:: We are welcome to spar, for characters to deem IC worthiness if desired. :3
He had no regrets.

Kau had murdered his brother. Maimed a young woman, raped her... And still felt no remorse for such actions. No, in fact, the darker things he had been doing made him feel more alive. Made him realize that having strength, ensuring that the strong lived, was the only thing that mattered right now. He would carve out his own destiny and write his name in the stars, a god in his own right. Yes... The Kedieo line would rise again. But he could not do it alone, no. To create an empire one needed a body of able wolves. Male... Female... It mattered not. If they could take care of business and were not afraid to do what was needed that was all that mattered.

His mind would turn to the packs he had heard of. Perhaps, Kau thought, he would pay a visit to one of those lovely packs. Yes... He had his plan forming within. What better way to create allies and loyalty then by showing he could prove it himself? It was a plan that would work, but he would need to be patient. But Kau could wait. Oh yes... He just had to bide his time. In the meantime, well, he could find those who would best serve his needs. Those who joined him early on... Would find themselves rewarded. Those who stood against them? They would fall.



2 Years
10-14-2014, 12:50 PM

A scarred ghost wandered forth, seeking... something. What was she looking for? Ullr, she wanted Ullr to come back, and for it to just be the two of them against the world. Yet, he'd gone off and joined that auburn lass' pack. So, now she was simply wandering. She needed someone to need her, and the only way she could find that would be to keep moving. Powerful paws struck the terra, and she drew further and further from the places she knew. It had been some time since she'd seen the family who had taken her and her brother from the old lands, and now she was even leaving the ones here that she knew. Ice blue optics scanned over the terrain, and she sought something to distract her weary mind from it's fixation on her brother and his leaving. She needed something else to do, and she needed.. something. The ghost still didn't know what, she was a guardian, and always would be. She needed someone, or something, to protect once more. Her brother obviously didn't need her, maybe he did, but for now she needed to get her head on straight and see what her other prospects were.
A figure made itself known, a titanic male with ebony and bronze markings upon his alabaster frame. The pallid femme eyed him warily, stopping in her tracks to regard him. Something was off about this one, he reeked of something that made her hackles prickle dangerously, and her teeth become set on edge. Slowly, she took a step toward him, crown lowered between her shoulders and her remaining ear flattened against her skull. Who was this stranger? What was wrong with him? Ebony plume would flick to and fro at her hocks as she cautiously watched the behemoth.



10-14-2014, 01:06 PM

It seemed that Kau was not be alone long, no, the gods would send him something, someone, a ghost of a figure who would pad in his direction. Maybe he was flawed. Maybe just a little crazy. No. He was certainly out of his mind, but the ambitions were there. He was together enough to make his mark on the world and press on. He had a mind, functioning, even if some thought process were hardly what would be considered socially acceptable. But he didn't care. No. Kau didn't care at all. His single light purple eye would lift to the young woman before him now. She had such pretty eyes, like ice, and her posture... was intriguing. A bit cautious and yet bold enough to near him. She was close to what would be considered acceptable height for a female in the old empire. Hm... perhaps this could work. Yes.

"Greetings little madam. Quite the day to be alive, is it not?" His words were soft, smooth, though his eye glinted with mischief. But he would do nothing to purposely drive her away. No... you couldn't make an empire along. "Yet... you're all alone. What brings you here, my dear?" The words would come as a soft coo, head lowering so that he was more on eye-level with her.



2 Years
10-14-2014, 01:36 PM

The male spoke, vocals much softer than she'd anticipated. She inched forward, crown rising ever so slightly so she could get a better look at him. He posed many queries, the first being that it was in his opinion a fine day for living. She nodded slowly, never one for words. One paw would draw forward, but she decided against moving any closer at the last second. His next question was one she couldn't really answer, so she simply shrugged, gaze falling briefly to the ground at her feet. She was a ghost, wandering restlessly across the landscape in search of something she couldn't name. But that wasn't what she wanted to focus on now, she didn't want to think about her brother happily living without her. She missed him, but he'd moved on, it seemed.
Her gaze flicked back up to the male, and she scrutinized the masked man. Something was definitely off about him, but he was being kind at the moment. Maybe she could say something, it wouldn't hurt to ask a question of her own. Words were not difficult for her to form, she simply didn't enjoy speaking. It was probably something caused by her tormented childhood, a preference not to make herself known with words. It was easier to remain silent, the adults always hit her when she spoke. Vili, her own father, cared not for her, and found it was suitable to beat her when she made an appearance. Just because she'd cared for Ullr when no one else would. She sighed, and decided saying something wouldn't be such a horrible thing to do. "What are you doing here?" Her soft, gravelly lyrics inquired in turn. It was only fair, a wolf must have a reason to visit the blood soaked plains. Was he seeking a battle? The tri shaded femme was seeking no such thing, and suddenly wondered if she'd accidentally put herself in a place she shouldn't be.



10-14-2014, 02:34 PM

Though he posed the question to her, well, she would turn it around and present it to him in response. Still, this young woman did not turn away. She did not cower under his gaze. He would answer her, and Kau would say so with a bit of pride welling in his tones. "To put quiet simply, my dear, I am seeking those to form an alliance with. A strong, unwavering bond of loyalty. After all, one does not build a pack on their own, hmm?" Kau was relaxed, speaking in smooth tones. A madman in his calmed state, the calm before the storm erupted.

"No more and no less. I... wish to create a home for myself, as I once lived in. A place to be proud of, where warriors can gather and show their great strengths... where a wolf can find a place to belong. Do you... perhaps need such a place?" Kau would give her a smile. "You look quiet lonely, with no pack scent upon your coat. I could give you a place to belong... if you want it. I'm all alone in this land too." Kau would let his smile fade. "...and it's better not to be alone, isn't it?"



2 Years
10-14-2014, 02:57 PM

The male was quick to reply, smooth vocals meeting her ears soon after she posed the question. There was obvious pride in his voice, when he spoke of his plans. He wanted to build an empire, and that was something that Dyani was not always a fan of. The last empire she'd encountered had been that of her sire, and it was a abhorrent kingdom. There was rape, pillaging, and while that was to be expected, in her mind, it was apparently a bad thing. Not to mention, she and her brother had not been treated kindly, and that was reason not to like her home enough for her. He continued to speak of loyalty, and strength. Those were qualities the pallid wolfess possessed, though she was so chaotic and unstable that sometimes it was impossible to know that. The male continued, speaking of a place that could be called home to those who wished it. That was nice, yes, giving a home to those in need was always a good thing. Maybe she had judged this man too harshly upon meeting him. He asked something of her, as to whether or not she needed a place like that. In truth, she needed a home, yes, but it wasn't nearly that simple. His smile was gentle, and she relaxed, coiled muscles losing some of their tension as she regarded him. The scarred woman blinked at him, singular audit rising slowly.
He began to call out her loneliness, pointing out her lack of a pack scent. I don't need a pack to be happy. She thought to herself. It was not an outraged thought, nor a hurt one. It was simply a statement, a simple truth that rang out in her mind. The ghost needed nothing special to be happy, she just needed someone to love. She didn't need power, wealth, or anything of that sort, she just needed someone at her side. That was it. However, there was a chance she could not have that. Ullr was the only wolf she'd ever had, the only constant in her life, and now he was gone. He'd understood her, and there was a chance no one else could do that now. The male told her, in the same gentle tones he'd been using all along, that he was without anyone as well. She blinked at him again, scarred cranium tilting ever so slightly to one side curiously. Sometimes it's easier to be alone. This was another simple truth to her, that sometimes the only one who could be trusted was oneself. There wasn't always another one there to be by your side, it was something she'd discovered in the time where Ullr had disappeared.
Crown would rise the rest of the way, so she could get a better look at the masked man. Yes, something was off about him, but she was far from normal. Far from completely sane. Maybe she just needed to take a chance, and trust someone a little more. She could speak, yes? In response to his final, solemn query, she nodded slowly. "Yes." She murmured, nothing but a sigh of wind through leafless branches. It was better to be with someone, but that would never happen if she couldn't trust anyone anymore. A little voice in the back of her head busily nagged at her, reminding her that not everyone was safe, even though most had been so far. You never know.. She thought, and watched the male some more. "Maybe I do need a home." She murmured, nothing but an internal musing given voice. It was true, that she maybe did need this home. But, there was a whole wide world out there, and plenty of wolves to meet. Maybe she could talk Ullr out of staying with this Val, who he had come to adore in his own way. Perhaps Ullr should try things out for himself for now, I will always be waiting if he needs me. She thought to herself, though it pained her to thing such a thing. Optics of burning ice remained fixed on the male, waiting for what would happen next.



10-15-2014, 04:04 PM

The girl would not rush into answering him. The whole while Kau would study her, as she studied him. She might see that which was under the surface, lurking like a beast of wrath. But he was determined. Her answer that yes, she needed a home, would eventually reach his ears. Kau would not be hasty now, and he would give a small nod. "If it is a home that you seek, why not join me, my dear? I would give you sanctuary, and those you care for. Give you a chance, an opportunity to be great."

He gave a smile, something oddly soft for the man. "A life... somewhere to be happy. Will you join me?" Come to me. Come to my side. Let is start this empire. Let me use you to build... and you will be rewarded. Perhaps he would make this a gradual plan... Yes... work at taking what he wanted. Don't get the rest of the world wary too soon, right? There was yet work to do. So much work to do.



2 Years
10-15-2014, 10:49 PM

As soon as she spoke, he made his offer clear. A home would be nice, but what about Ullr? His slow nod was followed by a query, as to why she could not make her home with him and his pack when it came to be. Yes, why not? The opportunity to be something was a tempting one, for sure. What could she make herself into, if she had the chance? Could she be a great warrior? Or maybe take care of a land she could call her own? Yes, that might be nice. She blinked at him once more, scarred features oddly serene as she held the violet gaze of the behemoth. There was a small grin, and he continued. A life. She had that, hers just had no direction right now. Somewhere to be happy, she was sorely in need of that. Joining him was quite a temptation, but could she really trust him? While she understood his eventual goal, what would he be doing to achieve that? Would he kill for a kingdom of his own? Was he going to build an empire to be proud of? Or would it be just like her old home?
Cold optics narrowed briefly as she watched him. "How much blood will be shed, before your empire is built?" Her gravelly, whispering tones inquired. Brow would be cocked, the one that wasn't interrupted by the long, grey pink scar that crossed over her eye and down her cheek. She would not be the violent, aimless war monger her family would have wanted her to be. She wouldn't be anything like her family, she wanted to be good, for Ullr's sake, and her own.
