
Just Keep Going Your Own Way


09-29-2014, 05:45 PM

Okay, so maybe pressing on in the hellish weather wasn't one of his more clever ideas. Not that Trey had been one for using his brain as much lately. He simply wanted things done, vengeance dealt, and his families killer, or killer's to have their head on a stick. One had to be the mastermind behind it all. The others? Well... who could say? To be honest Tremayne didn't care how many there were. All he knew was that nothing was going to stop him. This was where the trail lead him, to this continent... and he'd be damned if he gave up now.

But the weather forced him to stop. Cold and miserable, he had waited for enough of a break in the rain before attempting to find himself a meal. It came in the form a rabbit, one that had perhaps been flooded out of it's home. He made short work of it, burying the bones before setting off through the mangrove, the rain falling down upon his ebony and ivory coat. Eyes were narrowed some, breathing in and out with agitated breaths. At least with how things were now he wouldn't run into many others.

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'



10 Years
10-14-2014, 01:50 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2014, 01:55 PM by Ara.)

A storm had gripped the lands once again. It was nowhere near as bad as it had been during the summer, though she couldn't help but be reminded of how long those weeks had been, trapped inside the den with a very pregnant -- and very afraid -- Novel. She was so thankful they had persevered, and that the two sons that they had decided to raise together were healthy and strong.

Their rapidly growing bodies, however, demanded nourishment. Soon they would begin to hunt alongside their mothers, but this time it seemed best to keep them in their den, away from the storm's rain and wind. She would nuzzle Novel and the boys gently in farewell before slipping from the shelter, heading slightly east, toward the lands she had once lived in. Now that they had moved, food was slightly more plentiful here, though she wondered if she would have difficulty finding something for her family to eat in the rain.

The journey was a short one, and she found herself instinctively ducking to and fro beneath whatever vegetation she could find to keep herself relatively dry. Nose twitched as she searched for the scent of prey -- nothing large, but even a few large rodents would do for now. But her attention was captured by the scent of a stranger. Instantly she felt the fur along her spine bristle, her senses heightening drastically as her head swung to the side, searching for him. He was little more than a blur of dark fur in the distance, blurred by the rain that still fell from the skies. "Hello?" she called out tentatively, her voice guarded, hiding any emotion she might've felt upon seeing a stranger.