

Virgil I


4 Years
10-15-2014, 10:37 AM (This post was last modified: 10-19-2014, 10:38 AM by Virgil I.)
Gemstore purchase!

She had taken longer than she?d said, but it was due to a change of plans. If Katja thought she could take possession over Virgil?s children, she was wrong. Whilst the golden goddess wishes to kill the woman, she finds it more practical to, in this moment, steal her crown from off her head. It should be simple enough; Virgil has bested her many times before, and she is firmly confident that she can best her again.

She has fully healed from the tragic birth, at least physically. Muscle mass has grown upon her, strength evident in her powerful gait. Legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed across all four grounded limbs, toes spread, claws bite into the soil for traction, limbs bend, tail lashes out behind her large frame, body lowers and with it her center of gravity, shoulders rolls, hackles raise, head lowers to align with her spine, neck scrunched, jaws parted, eyes narrow, ears pin backwards.
It is then she sends forth a chilling summons for Katja. Thank you for keeping my throne warm for me she thinks as she awaits the arrival of her opponent, head turning to look around her every few seconds so as to not afford the sneaky woman (who clearly has no honor, having struck against Virgil?s family when she could not best Virgil herself) any advantage of an attack from behind.

virgil vs. katja for yfir



8 Years
Chrono I
10-15-2014, 11:16 AM

Chione would hear a tone shoot through the lands, and though she was a far distance she knew exactly what the call was for. The voice was by far familiar, she had only met the woman once but she remembered her wishing the death of Kjata, and she knew that Virgil was one of her cousins.

She would make her way to the battlefield rather quickly, approaching the former alpha of Olympus and speaking directly to her.

"Virgil, I don't believe you know me. I am a daughter of Helios and Natalya."

Charon would not dare enter her mind rightnow, his threatening not even a part of the day. Chione would dip hear head as if in respect to the woman even though she believed that herself should have been the princess.

"Whatever you plan to do with Kjata, whatever your after," A connection of their eyes would take place, "I support you a hundred percent." She didn't care if it were maim, claim, or death. The girl herself wasn't full grown just yet and wouldn't prove much in a fight of her own, but she figured some support may have driven Virgil to act more visiously toward her victim. She hoped she wasn't the only to do so, but she knew she wouldn't be. Her parents would be here soon, hopefully Virgil's children would stand with her as well.




10 Years
Athena I
10-15-2014, 11:23 AM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2014, 11:24 AM by Phoebe.)

Phoebe lifted her head from where it rested on her paws when Virgil's echoing call went out, her silver gaze darting from the door to her den and back to her children. They weren't quite ready to leave the den just yet, but she felt like she ought to be there to support her niece... Sighing she nuzzled each of her girls, whispering, "I'll be right back, my darlings... I won't be gone long, I promise." She stood carefully so she wouldn't wake them up, pulling up the dry grass she had been using as bedding around them to help keep them warm. Giving each of them one last lick each she turned around and hurried over to her store of herbs, grabbing a few for pain to give Virgil for any wounds she might get... at least to hold her over till she could get out of the battlefield.

This was certainly a change for her. Back in the day she was a warrior through and through, wouldn't have even been able to imagine herself as a healer, but the longer she trained under Natalya the more she could see herself in this role. She would still keep her fighting skills sharp, of course, but it just meant she had even more to work on and perfect.

She hurried toward the battlefield, looking for any of Natalya and Helios's children as she went to ask them to babysit her girls, but if she didn't see any of them she would still go either way. She ran at a steady pace, soon spotting Virgil's golden form along with one of Nat and Helios's pups. Chione, that was her name. Phoebe slowed to a stop, settling herself beside Chione and setting down her herbs so that she could catch her breath. Having children had certainly taken a lot out of her. Her silver eyes fixed on Virgil and she gave her niece and small nod, silently giving her support. She wasn't certain how she felt about Virgil's challenge, but she wouldn't have expected any less and was more than eager for the Olympus family, especially her young children, to have a home of their own again.



10-15-2014, 03:51 PM

Hmm... now wasn't this just so interesting? The very lady he originally went to speak with about an alliance and here was her pack getting challenged again. So someone was rather sore about Yfir being made? No surprise there, considering Katja, the Drottning, uprooted wolves said to be descended from the very gods themselves. Ahhh this was going to be a show.. and what good was a show with no spectators hmm? He could go and grace them with his presence then. This was sure to be a fight even the gods themselves would bear witness upon. So be it then. They had better not disappoint.

So Kau would head to the battlefield, the heart of the land. Some had already begun gathering, apparently in favor of the challenger. The golden woman with bright eyes... ah... now there was a look. The woman was ready. Kau would come, taking a seat and speaking to the femme, regardless if she paid heed to his words. "While I favor neither fighter for this crown I wish you luck. If your will is strong enough with the approval of the gods you will reign victorious. It is they who will ultimately decide the victor here." Kau had no desire to offend any presence, merely speaking what he felt. In the end the gods would decide who was more worthy to hold the crown on their head. Nothing more. Perhaps that was why he aspired to become a god himself. To decide on fate... but only they would be able to deem him worthy. Single orb would shine. Welcome to the show.

Katja the First


8 Years
10-16-2014, 11:04 PM


When the call came, the viking woman's first reaction was to swear softly beneath her breath. She had been expecting the Olympus schlampe to come after her - it was hard not to expect it when Virgil had said it straight that she intended to kill Katja if she didn't release the children, and since Katja had made no move to release them... yet this was not the Olympian coming after her but Yfir.

Annoyingly clever.

The white-hot surge of anger was swiftly tamped down as the viking loped to meet the woman who intended to challenge her for her pack. Freya be with me in my trials, she asked in silence, reaching out to the gods of battle. Tyr guide my fangs that I may rend my enemy asunder.

She slowed to a walk, and then she was among them, her enemies. Whatever Virgil may have been expecting the viking did not attempt to hide her approach or to attack. She moved confidently through the small group to face the challenger, head and tail held high and mercury gaze cool and imperious. "Sta kvinne. I had almost believed you had abandoned your family again already." Despite her words there was nothing bantering about her icy tone or the way she hawkishly studied her enemy. "I shall not waste time trying to persuade you against this challenge. Lo, kaller de meg.
De byr meg ta min plass blant dem.
I haller av Valhalla
Hvor den modige kan leve evig.
She slipped into a warrior's stance, indicating her readiness for this battle.




5 Years
10-17-2014, 02:40 PM

Desire? had been expecting the call for a while now, atleast hoping for it. As soon as she heard the Olympus tyrant call it'd send shivers down the purple nymphs skeletal spine. Since finding out that Yfir had replaced Olympus it worried Desiree, what would happened to Solo? His future was tied to Olympus, to Gaia. Relief would swarm over her, and within moments of passing the woman would waltz to the call, feeling the need to see virgil Olympus destroy the woman who thought it clever to strip away Olympus. Perhaps this queen isn't so bad, but Desiree wouldn't give her the chance to prove otherwise. When it came to family she had always been protective, Solo's home had been taken and now it was time to get it back. It'd take only a few minutes to arrive onto the scene, a small audience already beginning to gather. Her gaze would sweep the small gathering quickly, wondering where Solo is hiding, is he still supporting Gaia, had he left? It's been so long since visiting the children that she didn't even know about there current living conditions, which would begin to sadden her. Desire? would stay on the sidelines, wishing not to disrupt the confrontation. She simply wanted to see the final outcome.


Table by Neffs



5 Years
10-17-2014, 04:45 PM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2014, 04:46 PM by Dægmar.)

At first D?gmar thought the call was only in her dreams but slowly the sound seemed to permeate her skull causing her emerald eyes to open slowly, lips peeling back in a growl of irritation. Shilah lay across from her, already alert his brow furrowed in confusion. D?gmar snorted and rolled to her feet quickly trotting from outside her den. She'd been hoping for a way or something. Some reason for her to be involved in the fighting. She sat still and quiet last time? she made no promises the second go around. "Shilah? bring your salad supplies." The wraith smirked to herself. She appreciated a skilled healer but it still didn't stop her urge to pick on his trade. After all, if he'd been a little bit more alert as a warrior he might not be in this position.

There was already a throng of wolves by the time D?gmar arrived. Katja loosed some venomous words at Virgil. The mottle wraith was a bit beyond caring at this point. Packs in Alacritis changed paws so frequently that she'd more or less given up on finding a stable home. At least Katja was fighting to keep her throne, not growing bored and abandoning it like so many other rulers. For that Katja would ever have D?gmar's respect.

Verdant gaze flickered amongst the crowd, sizing up the other wolves should things get messy. Emotions always ran high at these sorts of things and spillover was always a risk. It was then D?gmar's gaze landed on?.. well what the fuck was she looking at exactly? Face contorted in confusion at the purple, freaking PURPLE wolf. Had she eaten a bad piece of buffalo and was seeing things? The vibrant red she could perhaps come to terms with but now she was staring at a purple wolf. It seemed so very wrong to her to see a creature of this color.

"Excuse me, what the hel happened to you? You're freaking purple!! You part eggplant or something?"



10-17-2014, 08:58 PM

She didn't want to believe it when she first heard the summoning for Katja. Lips would peel back in agitation. Virgil. It seemed the golden bitch had risen from the dead to extract her revenge, finally. Hackles would bristle as she abandoned her task and loped off towards the battlefield. The last time she was there, Katja had ripped the crown of Helios, and she had dominated his poor excuse for a wife. A sneer would curl her lips as she left her home behind. Long limbs would eat up the ground, but by the time she arrived, a crowd had already gathered. She caught the tail end of Katja's speech, and now it was Virgils turn. She said nothing, giving her Queen only her silent support with her presence. She hoped that she bested the unworthy Olympian, that Katja taught them all a lesson. They were all unworthy..

This time, she remained standing. Her defenses loosely locked in place. Hackles bristled along her neck and spine, her crown was level with her back and her chin was tucked. Ears flipped back against her skull, eyes narrowing to enraged slits. Legs would square themselves and tension radiated from the ebony form. She would wait for the fight to commence, and perhaps enjoy one of her own again. She longed for the last rulers of Olympus to show their disgraced faces. Jaws unhinged, lips peeled back, her looks incredibly feral. She was a ticking time bomb.


Virgil I


4 Years
10-19-2014, 10:47 AM

The first to come announces herself a daughter of Natalya and Helios, a cousin. She offers a brief nod to the girl in acknowledgment, but saves her plans for Katja. Those are hers to know alone. Her golden gaze shifts to her Aunt?s form then, nodding as Phoebe arrives smelling of youth. Perhaps the woman has found a husband. It is a nostalgic thought, bittersweet in nature. She has missed so much, and although she has her reason, it matters little.
Another comes, proclaiming that the gods will approve if her will is strong enough. She nearly laughs; she is a god, and she will bring down this ebon harlot with ease. She has done so before, and she will not stop bringing Katja to her knees until there is nothing left of the coward. ?I never abandoned them in the first place,? she notes. Katja does not know the whole story, and Virgil cares very little if she does or doesn?t. Her extended wait had been so Katja could heal. The goddess wanted no excuses for loss when she brought the woman down; she recognized this feud was between herself and the black-furred Viking. Unlike Katja, she would not be so low as to target others.
She mentions she won?t waste time convincing Virgil, and the goddess shrugs. She wouldn?t have been able to change her mind anyways. Legs spread equidistance apart, weight evenly distributed across all four grounded limbs, toes spread, claws biting into the soil, limbs bend, tail wavers behind her for balance, body lowers and with it her center of gravity, hackles raise, shoulders roll, head lowers to align with her spine, neck scrunches, chin tucks, jaws part, eyes narrow, ears pin back, muscles tense slightly.
?Your move,? she affords. It makes no sense for her to move first towards Katja; the woman is swift and will simply move out of the way anyways. It doesn?t much matter to the goddess regardless, convinced she will win no matter who moves first. Alas she keeps her head calm; she knows the ebon Viking is not a weak opponent, and now she knows that she has no such thing as honor, either.
She awaits, eyes locking into eyes, lips curling slightly upwards at the promise of aggression.

virgil vs. katja for yfir



7 Years
10-19-2014, 06:00 PM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2014, 09:19 PM by Natalya.)
this is super short, just wanted to toss her in here

The call was unexpected, something that had gone undisclosed with the family as a whole but was nonetheless unsurprising. Virgil had a knack for acting without any discussion, without seeking any advice or guidance or simple support from the family. It was assumed, because they were Olympians, that they would harbor unquestioning loyalty to each other through every single move. That would change today. Natalya was sick and tired of obediently following every last move the former queen made without so much as speaking up and she was certain, after everything that had happened, Helios felt the same. She would arrive, moving to stand between her daughter and sister, to give her support to her niece. Virgil would reclaim her children and bring shame to the usurper in one fell swoop, but Natalya would not join in her glory. She had other plans, and while these plans would not in anyway interfere with her loyalty to her family, she was certain not all would approve. She nodded to Virgil before tilting her maw to whisper to Phoebe.

"I need to speak with you, sister." She turned and walked several yards away, hoping Phoebe would follow.

-exit, quick return-

Natalya came back to her daughter's side, a small smile on her face that wasn't there before. She nuzzled the top of Chione's head before seating herself to watch the battle unfold.

Katja the First


8 Years
10-21-2014, 11:09 AM

The Olympus woman doesn't seem interested in chatting with any of those who turned up to spectate, which Katja could not disagree with, but when Virgil merely stood there, turning Katja's invitation to begin this battle back on her, the viking's breath huffed out in distaste. "T?lpel. I thought you were eager for battle but here you act a coward and hold back. What is this? Phah." Blackened tail tip lashed in scorn as the viking stared coldly at her challenger. This woman wanted to challenge but could not bring herself to attack despite an obvious invitation? There could be no doubt Katja intended to battle to protect her right to Yfir - what reason would Virgil have for stalling, for holding back? It would seem she was little better than the man she'd passed her pack on to, the Helios who had attempted to talk Katja out of challenging instead of simply fighting. Her lip curled. "Mistvieh, do not waste my time. If you truly intend to challenge then attack - or walk away."


Round 0/3




OOC Notes:

Virgil I


4 Years
10-22-2014, 10:26 PM

Defenses never fall; legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributing across all four limbs, toes spreading, claws biting into the soil beneath for traction. Limbs bend, tail lashing out behind her large frame, body lowering and with it her center of gravity. Hackles rise, head lowers to align with her spine, shoulders roll, neck scrunches, chin tucks, jaws part, eyes narrow, ears pin backwards, muscles tense slightly.
The woman accuses her of acting a coward and holding back, whilst she does the same thing. Virgil lifts a brow in amusement; Katja was certainly acting like a child, attempting to pick apart little things because something wasn?t going her way. ?It is only polite to ask the Queen to come and defend her crown, but since you are unwilling, I will do so,? she deadpans. She could care less of what Katja thinks about her, but she feels the need to educate the woman, whose intellect and temper remind her of a small child.
She pauses for a few moments, seeming as if she is simply standing there, awaiting Katja?s forward movement. There is already a plan of attack in her head, has been since she arrived at the scene of battle. She is larger than her opponent, and thus strength will be her ally in this fight. She?s already proven before that Katja?s speed advantage is not sufficient enough to bring her down. The goddess looks upon her opponent, gauging her, fiery gaze judging her.
She rushes forth like a freight train. She attempts to close the distance, the bony portion of her left shoulder attempting to slam into the center of Katja?s chest. She had been running at full strength in her attempt to come closer to the woman, and as such hopes that the potential collision between them might crack ribs. Jaws snap to her own left, her top left incisor hoping to pummel into Katja?s left eye, her right top seeking to land to Katja?s left of Katja?s left eye. Her bottom two incisors seek to hook into the ebon?s left cheek, jaws hoping to drive together. The aim? To attempt to blind Katja and seek to crush half of her skull, eye socket and cheek bones alike. Virgil knows not if this is actually possible, but she attempts it nonetheless. In these moments of battle she feels like she could crush mountains with a nip.
Right front paw aims to lift, weight redistributing across her three still-grounded limbs so as not to leave her waveringly off balance. Virgil attempts to slam it down upon Katja?s left front paw, Virgil?s right foot attempting a twisting motion whilst she hopes to put a decent amount of weight and pressure behind her stomp. At the very least she hopes to dig jagged scratches into the ebony woman?s paw, and at most she hopes to render it useless for the rest of their battle by hopefully fracturing some, if not all, of Katja?s left front toes.
While attempting her bite, her chin still seeks to remain as tucked as possible, her head attempting to be as aligned with her spine as it could be. Similarly her shoulder defenses adjust for her attempted shoulder slam, seeking to be as close to rolled as possible so as to maintain as much of her scrunched neck as she could.

virgil vs. katja for yfir

Shilah I


6 Years
10-25-2014, 02:15 PM
ooc: sorry to interupt just want him in here to help heal later

Shilah bit his tongue to stop himself from making a dry, sarcastic comment to D?gmar about his, as she called them, 'salad supplies'. These salad supplies might save her life some day and he'd prefer to be treated with more respect. But that said he was a slave. Shilah snarled in frustration when his mistress was out of earshot. One of these days someone was going to end up poisoned, of course if he did poison anyone in the pack they'd most assuredly link it back to him and the male was not ready to die just yet. Besides, he was at his core a kind wolf. He did not care to go out of his way to cause harm to others. He was certain the mottled woman and her alpha could be reasoned with he just needed to find a way to word his argument for maximum effect.

Shilah began gathering herbs for the battle ahead, brain focusing heavily on what he was doing to try and ease the uncomfortable feeling in his gut. He was terrified but also hopeful. If Katja won the battle his situation would remain the same, if she lost there were two potential outcomes. He could be set free or he could be enslaved by the next owner who might possibly be more brutal. For the most part he was left to his devices under D?gmar's watch and while she occasionally made rather disturbing lewd or violent jokes she had not harmed him since his capture.

Shilah arrived at the gathering just as the two femme's faced off against each other. His brillant sapphire eyes focused on their bodies ready to analyze any damage done to either of them and ready his herbs to help. He would prefer to help both women even though he knew he would likely be punished by whomever became the victor.


Katja the First


8 Years
10-25-2014, 08:02 PM

Finally, finally. Katja's fangs bared in a berseker grin, a ready snarl welcoming the Olympian's words. Enough cat-footing around, there would be blood and glory and a seat awaiting her in Valhalla if she were killed and what more could matter? Pride and the pack be damned for the moment, now with the adrenaline coursing through her and the surety of her enemy it was ecstasy. Last they'd met in battle she'd not felt one way or another about Virgil Olympus, only taking care out of respect for Raisa but the outcome of that battle had left its mark in her very soul, giving rise to a dark hatred that she could no more control than she could the gods. Raisa was not here. Let the feral beast within awake.

Katja's stance shifted into one more squared, her weight held evenly and lightly on all four limbs, her joints loose and bent and ready to spring. Her toes spread and flexed to grip the ground, her blunt claws driving into the dirt. Her head lowered and her tail raised, both to the level of her spine and in the same motion her shoulders rolled forward and her chin tucked in. All along her spine and neck hackles raised as her ears pinned back to them, her eyes narrowing and her facial skin twisting the loose skin there into some semblance of protection for her eyes.

The larger woman charged, and Katja did not stand her ground. She sprang forward as well, attempting to aim her own trajectory at a thirty-five degree angle to her own left. She was hoping to realign them, to bring the front of her own right shoulder to the right side of Virgil's chest. She would still take a hefty blow in the form of major bruising to the front of her right shoulder from the Olympus woman's extra weight if it landed but she was in no mood to simply dodge to the side - she wanted the Olympian to hurt as well. (counter?)

The change of position between them moves Katja's head as well and rather than striking her left eye Virgil's fangs scissor into the now-closer right side of Katja's face, the fangs coming together as Katja jerked away to gouge two short, deep lines angled from the outer corner of her eye to intercept in a sharp shape reminiscent of a sideways letter V. She retaliated before the pain of her wound had even hit her by attempting to land her own bite on Virgil's muzzle while it was hopefully still close, Katja's neck arching up and to her right to keep her chin somewhat tucked in as she did in a bid to keep her throat somewhat covered and her scruff bunched. She wished to catch the top of Virgil's muzzle, her top fangs aiming to catch the left side while her bottom fangs sought the right side in an attempt to punch through the relatively delicate area there into her sinuses, wanting to crunch the nasal bone between her jaws. Blood poured from the wound bracketing her eye coat the side of her neck, the little triangle-flap at the outside of it hanging loosely, an irritation in addition to the pain that worsened as her jaws gaped but she reveled in it, welcomed it for it would be what would set her above.

By springing to the side Katja had also saved her left paw from potential crushing but alas she brought her right side into range and she let out a throaty yowl of rage and pain as Virgil's paw stamped down upon her right forepaw and twisted. Readjusting her weight to her other limbs and sitting back slightly to take the weight off the trapped paw she tightened her jaws against the pain and tugged sharply in an attempt to free it, feeling as she did the ache of bruising from most of the metacarpals but the toe on the very outside that had born the brunt of the twisting motion without any support gave a pulse of pain that spoke of a fracture. It wouldn't be completely useless but it would be a very painful distraction that she could not afford.

Katja vs Virgil for Yfir challenge

Round 1/3

Defenses: second paragraph

Attacks: shifting over so her right shoulder hits the right side of Virgil's chest (counter? maybe? idk), bite to top of Virgil's muzzle in an attempt to puncture sinus cavity/crush nasal bone

Injuries: possible bruising to front of right shoulder (pending counter), short but deep slices in this shape > bracketing the outside of her right eye, badly bruised toes in her right paw and one broken

OOC Notes: if the directions don't make any sense they may just be wrong... did my best to catch them but some backwards directions may have slipped in.

Virgil I


4 Years
10-27-2014, 11:24 PM

Alas, Katja is a swift fiend. Virgil knows this; she is prepared for it. As the ebon woman comes forwards their positioning changes, with Katja?s right shoulder delivering a deep bruise to her chest. Her breath momentarily departs her, but her discipline remains firm. Her right shoulder adjusts, hoping that Katja will feel its collision against the center of her chest as Virgil hopes to bring it forth, aiming for Katja?s right-side chest just as Katja?s right shoulder had struck Virgil?s right side chest. The contact is intended upon the moment of impact; seeking to take advantage of momentum as best she can. She wishes that her larger size will leave Katja worse for wear in this full on collision; she had gotten deep bruising, certainly the ebony woman would get worse.
Jaws meet on Katja?s right side face (unexpected, as Virgil would have thought her jaws turning to her left would have left her without any glance upon the ebon?s flesh) and Virgil?s hips begin to pivot to her own left, keen on finding the best angle to dominate. Alas, her golden gaze catches a flickering of head movement in her peripheral vision. She seeks to move her head with her hips to her own left. Golden head pulls back, and with her leftward pivot she avoids the intended wrath of Katja?s jaws. Although, they do still leave moderate lacerations upon Virgil?s right side muzzle, bleeding but still a better outcome than it could have been.
She seeks to bring them to a perpendicular angle, Virgil?s center chest hoping to align with Katja?s front right side, where the ebon woman?s outside front right leg was. Jaws snap forwards, seeking the area where the dark woman?s black ear sits pinned to her skull. She seeks to snap into the middle of the pinned back ear (pinning them back doesn?t make them immune, after all, it simply puts them out of obvious way, at least from Virgil?s perspective on things.) rip the thing from her body. She attempts this for several reasons; one because it will hopefully leave a mark, two because she hopes it might then bleed into Katja?s right eye and leave her temporarily blind, and three because she hopes that it will weaken her opponent with blood loss.
Her right paw?s success is not forgotten in all of this. She seeks to transfer more weight onto it as she pivots, right front toes spreading mercilessly as talons seek to delve into the cracks of Katja?s paw as Virgil?s body twists, hoping that Katja?s front right paw will twist with Virgil to Virgil?s left (Katja?s right), hoping to break the ankle and perhaps annihilate the toes.
Defenses never fail. Legs spread equally apart, weight distributes as evenly as possible (slowly it seeks to increase onto her front right foot, but still it is not completely balanced equally there. Her three other grounded limbs hold more of the weight) whilst seeking to eliminate as much balance disadvantage as possible, limbs bent, tail lashes out behind her, hackles raise, body lowers and with it her center of gravity, shoulders roll, head lowers to align with her spine (seeking to stay there as much as possible given her jaw attack), neck scrunches, jaws part, chin tucks as best she can manage given her aforementioned jaw attack, lips peel into a snarl, eyes narrow, ears pin backwards. Muscles tense slightly, prepared to move should the golden woman find it necessary. I will bring you down once more she thinks, determination and power filling her posture.

virgil vs. katja for yfir

Katja the First


8 Years
10-30-2014, 08:22 PM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2014, 08:35 PM by Drashiel.)
Her shoulder hits as intended but unexpected pain blooms in the center of her own chest as Virgil's own shoulder strikes there. The blow is somewhat eased by her own hit so rather than breaking anything the muscles constricted and knotted as major bruising occurred there.

Virgil managed to mostly pivot away before Katja's jaws fully reached their target, though the vikings fangs did touch flesh. As the golden female pivoted, pain shot up Katja's right forever as the fractured bone snapped completely and the bruised toes are mashed further. The broken ends of the bone are ground together and Katja's snarl was more than half yowl of pain. Relief was almost instant as her paw slipped out from under Virgil's.

Katja shoved her right shoulder sideways in an attempt to strike Virgil's chest and push her off balance. As she did her head attempts to lower and strike sideways to try to drive her fangs into the elbow joint of Virgil's left foreleg, seeking to sever cartilage and ligaments and cripple the leg. The lowering of her skull saved her ear, allowing instead for her bunched up scruff to take the brunt of the sudden attack to the appendage. Virgil's fangs barely slice into the skin of Katja's upper neck a third of the way down toward her shoulders, moderate gash opening beneath them.

as she move her defences remain settled. Her stance is squared, her weight distributed between her three uninjured legs. The uninjured toes are spread and cling to the earth, her tail and to the best extent she could manage her head, are held at the level of her spine. Her ears are pinned, her eyes narrowed and her shoulders roll forward. Her hackles remained raised.

katja vs virgil for yfir

round 2/3

Ooc: permission given by lunar and eve to edit to fix my coding failures (coding+phone=nope) and also told by Lunar that since Katja's attempt to pull her paw out was ignored/not specifically mentioned it could be assumed to have occurred

Virgil I


4 Years
11-02-2014, 09:00 AM

Virgil?s right paw pushing down had, in fact, been an attempt to keep Katja?s paw from moving away. Regardless the Viking woman somehow manages to slip her paw away, but not before the goddess has the chance to inflict her attack, damaging toes.
Virgil manages to bring their bodies perpendicular (OOC: assuming this is successful as Katja's body hasn?t moved to straighten their opinions/contest Virgil's attempt to bring them perpindicular), seeking immediately to get success. Left shoulder seeks to slam directly behind Katja?s right outside leg, aiming amongst the first few ribs on Katja?s right side. Her opponent?s shoulder moves sideways, hitting Virgil?s center chest and causing the deep bruising there to worsen even more, making the act of breathing a bit of a chore as each breath brings a sharp, sore pain. Alas, adrenaline pushes her. Her balance is stabilized across her three still-grounded limbs, which are spread equally apart with weight evenly distributed across them. Her limbs are bent, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, head lowered to align with her spine, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed, ears pinned backwards. Her balance defenses prevent her from being knocked off balance, especially given her attempted forward momentum behind her attempted left shoulder strike against Katja?s front right side.
Simultaneously with her left shoulder, her right front paw seeks to once more pin down Katja?s right front paw. She hopes to pin and crush, but her motive sits more with her shoulder and paw together. She hopes to pin the toes down and further damage them, and then push Katja?s body away, thus wishing to strain the front right ankle of Katja and perhaps even break it.
Jaws manage to grasp Katja?s scruff, although it is quickly released. The woman?s jaws manage to grasp Virgil?s right elbow (her left elbow is out of range, as Virgil?s chest has attempted to align perpendicularly with Katja?s front right side arm, thus leaving Virgil?s left elbow closer to Katja?s center than Katja?s head). For the momen the damage is limited to a grip and moderate punctures, for Virgil?s plan attempts to intercept and counter the woman before she can truly bite down. Immediately Virgil seeks action. Her own head lowers, seeking to bend over the ebon woman?s head.
Jaws part in an attempt to latch onto Katja?s top jaw, which she hopes to be the one facing her (OOC: confirmed w/ tea). Bottom jaw seeks to land on the middle right side of Kajta?s top muzzle, whilst upper jaw seeks to land on the middle left side of Katja?s top muzzle. She seeks to crush down, to shatter the bone of the jaw, and her head seeks to move to her own left, hoping to pry the jaw away from Virgil?s own front right elbow before severe damage could ensue. She also hopes this might cause straining to Katja?s neck, as Virgil?s head?s attempted leftward movement is attempted to be swift. Perhaps she even hopes that she?ll be able to yank Katja?s head fast enough and sharp enough to Katja?s own right (Virgil?s left) that she might break the woman?s neck and thus kill her here and now.

virgil vs. katja for yfir

Katja the First


8 Years
11-04-2014, 01:54 PM

The viking is steady despite the adrenaline and rage, balanced despite the feral darkness burning through her. She keeps her injured right paw tucked up off the ground - it's usefulness for balance is outweighed for the moment by the distraction the pain would cause if it touched the ground - but her weight is spread evenly over the remaining three limbs, her tripod stance widened to compensate for the balance loss, the three paws spread with the blunt claws gripping the earth with force, her tail up at the level of her spine to assist. In the moments before she prepares to push with her shoulder, her head is held down level with her spine, her shoulders rolled toward it to bunch up her scruff and her hackles bristled as her ears pinned back against her skull. Her eyes are narrowed, the wound on her face pulling painfully as the skin of her brow bunches and crinkles in a snarl, added protection for the delicate gold-flecked orbs of her eyes.

Pain drives the breath from her lungs as Virgil slams against her, and Katja instinctively curls around the blow, her spine curving to move her rib cage away from the pressure. The blow has already landed, damage already done, but lessened as the movement lessened some of the momentum. Her own blow has struck but she hardly registers it - the very nature of her shoving with her shoulder did not cause damage to herself so it hardly matters to her - and she simply pulls her right foreleg higher, tucking it against her chest when Virgil attempts to pin it again, as she takes stock of her injury. Bruising the width of a spread paw over a slightly cracked rib, the damage all confined to the area immediately behind her right foreleg, midway down from her back. Breathing hurts now but it is a necessary pain and she revels in the sharpness of each gasping breath. The pain did not stop her from her retaliatory bite but it causes a momentary hesitation as her teeth close on Virgil's right forelimb, and in that hesitation she sees danger.

She attempts to slam her injured right paw back down, aiming for Virgil's own right forepaw but uncaring if it lands on it and she seeks to pivot her body around her forelegs. The pain shrieks through her body in a fit of nausea as she tries to reorient herself to face Virgil, her hips bunching under her to round her back. Her jaws leave Virgil's foreleg, she tucks her muzzle to her chest and she attempts to slam the top of her head and neck forward and up, trying to force her scruff partway down the top of her neck with its thick folds of skin and fat and fur into those attacking jaws instead, trying to force them wider and wider with her momentum pressing her upward into them. (counter, damage pending) Simultaneously, she twists her head so her muzzle points to her left, and her bared fangs seek to clench at the Olympian's throat where neck and jaw meet and the blood runs nearest the surface. Her lower jaw on Virgil's right, her upper muzzle on the left, her intent is to grip and squeeze, wanting the teeth to puncture the veins running just behind the jaw, and the pressure to cut off breath and consciousness.


Round 3/3

The Judge


11-10-2014, 12:43 AM


Round 1

8 for clarity- how far apart are they? -1, without knowing how far apart they are, its hard to say whether or not virgil could gain enough momentum to crack ribs -1

10 for powerplaying. None seen

10 for defenses.+1 for each listed

6 for attack. shoulder check to katja?s chest +1, bite to the face/eye +4, slamming katjas front left paw and twisting her own paw +1

10 for injuries.First round

Round one VIGRIL Total: 44/50


9 for clarity- -1 how severe are the lacerations to her face ie will they scar?

10 for powerplaying. None seen

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. bite to the top of virgils muzzle +4, shoulder check to Virgils chest +1

10 for injuries.First round

Round one KATJA Total: 44/50

Round 2


10 for clarity- No issue

9 for powerplaying. you didn?t mention Katja attempting to pull her paw out from under Virgils paw in your attack on her paw/leg/ankle -1

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

7 for attack. ear maim +4, attempting to break katjas right ankle +3

6 for injuries. heavy bruise to her chest -2, moderate lacerations to the right size of her muzzle -2

Round two VIRGIL Total: 42/50


9 for clarity- not sure how katja could reach virgils left elbow when her right side is closer to katjas head -2

10 for powerplaying. None seen

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. shoulder checking Virgils chest +1, bite to Virgils left elbow +4

0 for injuries. severe bruising on her chest -2, broken toes -5, moderately bruised toes -2, moderate gash to her scruff -2

Round two KATJA Total: 33/50

Round 3

10 for clarity- no issues

9 for powerplaying. Not entirely sure how Virgil could intercept Katjas full bite force to her elbow -1

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. shoulder checking the area behind katjas right foreleg and stepping on katjas right paw +2, bite to Katjas muzzle and jerking her head to her left +4

6 for injuries. severe bruise to her chest -2, moderate bite to her right elbow -2

Round three VIGRIL Total: 41/50


7 for clarity- how severe is the bruise on her ribs? -1, which way is she pivoting her body? -1, not entirely sure whats going on with her scruff -1, Im not sure that Virgil will ever be to Katjas left -1

8 for powerplaying. She needs to attempt to pivot -1, She needs to attempt to twist her head -1

8 for defenses. +1 for each seen

4 for attack. forcing Virgils jaws wider +1, bite to the throat +3

3 for injuries. fractures ribs -4, severe bruise to the right side of her ribs -3

Round three KATJA Total: 31/50


VIGRIL: 127/150

KATJA: 109/150

And the winner is...

Virgil! Katja must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


VIGRIL- severely bruised chest (2 ooc week), moderately bruised shoulder (1 ooc week), moderate lacerations to her muzzle (1 ooc week), moderate bite to her right elbow (1 ooc week)

KATJA- severe bruising to her chest (2 ooc weeks), broken toes (4 ooc weeks), bruised toes (1 ooc week), moderate bite to her scruff (1 ooc week),


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Muse
Nothing really, your posts are clear and easy to understand, you have complex attacks and your defenses are solid. Only thing is your notes in parenthesis within your post make things a tad bit difficult to understand because Im not sure if they are OOC notes, or Virgils thoughts.

For Tea
Your posts were also clear and easy to understand, you had great attacks and your defenses were solid. Though watch the realism of your injuries, its great that you take damage, but remember the momentum/weight needed to major break/fracture bones. Just be careful of how you word things because some things they get confusing, like in your last attack in regards to Katjas scruff/Virgils bite.

- By [saffie]

Katja the First


8 Years
11-10-2014, 10:49 AM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2014, 10:57 AM by Katja the First.)

The angle was wrong - Vigril had moved, or perhaps had not been where Katja had thought she was. Maybe blood loss and lack of oxygen was overwhelming the adrenaline and she'd miscalculated. Maybe the Olympian had only been feinting for her muzzle. Whatever the reason, Katja's counter did not go as planned. Teeth clamped heavily behind the base of her ears on either side of her neck and squeezed. Hot breath brushed her ears, flattened beneath the offending muzzle. The positioning made it so the larger, stronger Olympian could do exactly as Katja had intended, squeezing hard enough to cut off the flow of blood there. Her own reaching jaws fell short, her head immobilized in the grip. The viking bucked her whole body, twisting against the teeth that held her, fury dissolving into the grim silent desperation as the pressure just increased. Her extremities were beginning to numb, her thoughts slowing to a sluggish pace and a low ringing filled her ears as the battlefield began to fuzz out of her vision. Twisting in one last bitter attempt to snap at Virgil's throat, Katja's world went dark and her star-dusted body limp, dragging at the jaws that held her.

"OOC: she'll be unconscious for a short time then wake up woozy and unable to continue - you can assume she's unconscious for at least part of your post."