
Come away with me



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-15-2014, 10:18 PM

The mist at his ankles sent a chill up the boy as he paused to look his surroundings over. Salmon-colored tongue would rasp out, flicking at the air for the briefest of moments before disappearing behind gray lips. The air tasted moist and stale, like stagnant water and decaying plant life. It suited the terra in all its rotting, chilly glory and unsurprisingly, it suited the boy.

He prowled across the moor with his mind in the clouds and his sights set on what he couldn't have. There was a hole in his chest that couldn't be filled, an emptiness that ached with a pain he didn't know how to stifle. It was something he was desperate to fill, yet everything he put into it fell into a void and served him no purpose. The ache remained. Tonight he wished to try again, to lose himself in the beating heart of someone unlike himself.

He was restless and demure, seeking fire in the form of another so as to warm his chilly heart. The desire to hold someone close raged within him. It ate at his mind, his innards, until he felt so empty, so hollow that it felt as if the slightest breeze could blow him away. He longed for the warmth of another, craved companionship in its most primal form.

It was with this desire at the forefront of his mind that Valentine tipped back his head and howled out a summons for someone like him.

"Speaking" Thinking

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


10-18-2014, 01:01 AM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Ellis had, over time, been gaining back her memories. A son. A daughter. Friends... all were gone. The friends she could probably seek out, at least some of... but Tyrion... Theisinova... she could almost feel that they no longer lurked within the lands of Alacritia. Her babies were gone, moving on with their life, and hopefully together. No. They had to be together. Ellis refused to accept any other thought. That they might be dead. Somewhere hurt... bleeding... No. As a mother she refused to picture that, and so Ellis would force her children, her old life, out of her mind.

What lay ahead of her was an uncertain future. She had discovered Thor again, thank goodness for that, for the brute was kind enough to lead her out of the trouble she so foolishly walked into. For all her ups and downs in life Arietta seemed to manage to find some way to carry on, to make her life a bit better for a while. Would she ever truly find her place here? Or had she been lost since the day she left home?

It was as she arrived at the moor, debating about turning away, when she would hear the call. Though the smell was not exactly pleasant, nor the air easiest to breath, the healer would be drawn to the call like moth to flame. Someone only... requesting company. Even if it might not be a physical wound companionship was needed to keep a healthy life. So Ellis would go into the depths of the moore, seeking the stranger out.

If anything the young man probably smelled her approach. She was in her heat, and though she tried once more to cover the scent with strong smelling lavender there were some scents that could just bypass that. Perhaps he would notice right away, or, perhaps it might take him a while. Time would tell how that went, and if it became an issue or not. She would lift her gaze, offering a gentle smile to him. "I know I may not be the kind of person you called for but... if you want someone to talk to I can stay a while." She felt a bit of nervousness as well, a reminder in the back of her mind telling her not all brutes were friendly. But they had just met. There was no need to jump the gun and run off like a frightened rabbit.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-18-2014, 11:14 AM

The hole in his chest pulsed with each meaningless beat of his heart. Why did he ache so much? What was he doing wrong? He tried so hard to fill the void, but it was proving to be too deep, too complicated, and each attempt so far had fallen short. He wished for things to be different, for life not to be so hard. It made him feel like a child to want such things, but that didn't stop him from desiring it.

He watched the fae approach, eyes roving lazily over her person. She was quick to announce that she probably wasn't what he was looking for, but the cobalt brute decided that was his decision to make. He hadn't really been looking for someone to talk to, but was willing to give it a try. It couldn't cause anymore than any of the other stuff he'd tried, right? He sighed, eyes momentarily lifting to the sky.

His gaze returned to earth and settled upon the little fae. Valentine decided to start with honesty. "I strongly doubt that conversation will help." So here went nothing, right?

"Speaking" Thinking

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


10-20-2014, 01:51 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
The cobalt male was hurting, something deep inside. The femme?s gaze was gentle as she looked upon him. He would sigh, and as he looked back to her he would speak, his voice ringing with honesty. ?Perhaps there is the doubt, but one does not know until they try, right? If it is the case we?ll simply try something else.? Ellis would give him a gentle smile. ?It is my way to help those who need it. I am Ellis Cathal. May I have your name?? Her kindness would perhaps one day be her undoing, but Ellis was not one who who would walk away from those in need.

The earth and snow fae would sit upon the ground, her gaze soft and gentle. The young man before her was just another she wanted to help, strongly, no matter what it was that hurt him. If she could help one, perhaps she would be able to help others, and that was what made life worth living to the young fae. One could not live alone... And perhaps... In helping others... She would find the next part of her life. Her next set of purpose. Time would only tell.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-25-2014, 07:08 PM

The brute's ears flicked at her words, his amusement well hidden behind a calm mask. Try something else, eh? Something else had been on his mind when he howled for company, but this one didn't seem particularly interested in joining with him. That was alright, he'd try talking.

"True," he murmured. Her way to help? "Honestly, your way sounds exhausting." The brute's tone, while light and joking, was strained. It felt forced, but he didn't want to burden his company with a sour presence. She was trying to help him it was only fair that he made it easier.

Carefully Valentine mulled over what he wanted to say, taking his time with the private words. Telling her what was wrong with him would be baring his soul to a stranger. It sounded like a terrible idea, but then, so did sleeping with unknown who, for all he knew, could be carrying something that would make him far more miserable. At last he offered his name; that much he could give her. "My name is Valentine." What were the odds of him meeting Ellis again? He could tell her anything and it was reasonable to assume that he'd never lay eyes on her again.

"Speaking" Thinking

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


10-28-2014, 01:55 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
The woman would watch him with gentle eyes, a little laugh escaping her at his words. "Perhaps so. I guess that, for me, worrying about the energy it would take for such a project isn't really a concern. I just like to help others." She could tell that this young man was making an effort for her, despite having not met, and she appreciated that. She was sincere in wanting to help others, no matter what. Yes, Her kind nature would definitely be her undoing. But whether by this man, or some other stranger, who could tell? Teal-green eyes would shine gently, happy to hear when he gave his name.

"It is a lovely name." Head would cock to the side, a small frown on her face. "You smell of a pack... have you not been feeling welcome there?" Why else would he be in a place like this? How could anyone want to come to such an area by choice? The smell was sickening. Luckily the herbs on her coat helped her with dealing with it, but still it would invade her nose somewhat.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-29-2014, 06:12 PM

In far less time than he expected, the fae pinpointed what plagued him. Her question lanced through him, sinking in right where he hurt the most. She got the specifics wrong, but nonetheless hit the target. In response he huffed, his gaze rolling skyward.

The words were slow in forming and in the resulting silence his jaws worked rapidly, clenching and unclenching as he tried to piece together the right words. He wanted to be understood. No, he craved being understood. But in this even he didn't quite understand what he was feeling. "Yes and no," finally came his vague response. Where did he begin? Slowly he shook his head, massive shoulders shrugging. "It's not that someone is making be feel unwelcome. I just feel like I'm not supposed to be there." He snorted, eyes dropping once more to make eye contact with Ellis. "I'm making myself feel unwelcome."

Did he dare tell her everything? His gaze hard, he murmured, "I want to start my own pack...but afraid." There it was. The center of his fears. He grinned, the gesture more an outward, malicious show of the contempt he was feeling for himself than an actual threatening display. There was humor to be found in what he was about to say. Valentine was aware of the absurdity of it before it left his lips. "I'm not afraid of failing or of ruling, no," he growled the word for emphasis, "I'm afraid of what my mother will think of me." Would she take it as a betrayal? Laugh at him? Dare he think it...would she support him?

"Speaking" Thinking

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


11-05-2014, 02:21 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Healing was a lot more than just simply knowing herbs, and knowing the mind, knowing how it worked and how one might worry, was just another set of healing one had to get experience with. He was quite for a moment, as if searching for his words. The woman was patient, and when the answer came it was as she would expected. Vague, without the details yet added. Her brows would lift somewhat as he spoke. How ironic his words were, whether he realized it or not. She had once been in that situation, within her homeland. She was loved sure enough, had those to train her aplenty... But... It did not feel right there. She had felt the desire to leave.

She would not speak yet, however, allowing him to continue on, expressing his thoughts. It was more than she was expecting him to lay upon her, though the woman would offer what advice she had. When he finished the small healer would give him a gentle smile. ?I do believe that you might find that I understand your situation to a point. The feeling... Is part of growing up, or so I am told. While you can love your parents, want to support them and stand by them, you must also learn to live your own life and stand on your own paws.? The female would close her eyes.

?...and you?ll find that most parents, regardless of nature, are far more likely to support their children than to criticize their decision.? Sea-green orbs would open again, meeting with his. ?I don?t think you need to be afraid at all. If you are afraid for any reason, if you have doubts, it simply states that you are not ready. If you push on, and take this pack you desire, your mother will recognize you becoming an adult. It would be a sign that she raised a worthy son, and that you don?t need to depend on her your whole life.? Ellis? words were soft. ?In the end the choice is yours, but it seems to me all you are lacking is the opportunity now.?

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-11-2014, 09:54 PM

Her words washed over him like a balm. Immediately his worries were eased, his fears (for the moment) soothed. What she said made sense. While wildly different than what he was hoping for, they were just wait he needed to hear. "Thank you," he murmured.

Valentine's eyes sought the horizon, his gaze roving over the darkened shapes that made up the landscape. He took in a deep breath and held it, his resolve building. At last he released it and turned his gaze once more to Ellis. His expression wistful, he said, "I appreciate your willingness to help a stranger and..." He paused to gather his thoughts. "I can't thank you enough." A soft smile graced his features to hint at his growing excitement. "I think...I have some work to do, so I must be leaving."

He stretched and prepared to turn away before hesitating and turning his attention once more to Ellis. "I'm heading to the south, I have a couple places I'd like to check out. Good places for a pack," he teased, eyes glittering. "Perhaps we'll meet again, Ellis."


"Speaking" Thinking

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.