
Oops, there goes gravity



9 Years
Athena I
10-12-2014, 02:10 AM

His brilliant blue gaze watched the large buffalo curiously as they grazed in the small valleys between the hills like the one he was currently perched upon. The breeze was cool, ruffling his russet fur pleasantly. Fall had firmly taken hold and it was a nice change from the usual southern heat, especially with how thick his coat was on a normal basis. The thick grass swayed around him and he sighed thoughtfully while his mind wandered from one thought to another. Even as he sat back on his haunches his back remained straight and his head was held high. It wasn't something he thought about any more, how he held himself came naturally. His tail curled neatly around his haunches and another quiet sigh passed his lips.

The question to answer now was what would he do next? He had slowly begun to find the remnants of his family which really was a feat in of itself. They had scattered everywhere, just as he had, so the fact that he was able to find any of them was a blessing. But what did he want to do? The obvious answer for that question was to follow in his parent's footsteps, to follow the path of royalty and rule over a pack like they had when he was little. But what would he do in the path to go to that? His pale ear twitched, his eyes following one of the buffalo as it wandered closer to his hill only to immediately turn and run back to the herd. Looks like he isn't the only one running back to his roots around here.

"Talk" "You" Think


10-12-2014, 11:39 AM

Tall grasses shielded her body from view as kaleidoscopic vision rested upon the warm hued frame that floated across the valley. The stranger appeared youthful, but was definitely no pup. He had a regal way about him. Head held high and his body slid so majestically across the planet's flesh. Ah, but in the stranger's own way, he reminded her of herself. Royalty, undoubtedly, poured through his body as it did her own; however, her own kin were all forgotten and have, certainly, forgotten her. And in this new life, she was building her own royalty and leaving her fallen throne to decay with who she could have been.

Talons shifted quietly as thoughts intertwined with her mind. Perhaps she should have left the young male to his glorious silence and never have tainted his life with her presence, but her wicked ways would not allow such peace. So limbs flexed and moved her body in its majestic, standing posture. Eyes melted over the male, taking him in completely, before carrying herself forward. She slithered her way to the male's right side, having approached him from directly behind. She seated herself directly next to him - her posture mocking his own. Ah, but it came natural. Why does this handsome man sit here all alone? Mm. . . maybe I can grace him with my company? Head remained forward, but eyes shifted to the left to catch the man's gaze if he were to look in her direction. Eyebrows narrowed seductively to match the voice that poured over her lips. Who could deny her?

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9 Years
Athena I
10-12-2014, 07:53 PM

The russet boy heard the rustle of grass and the sounds of pawsteps before he saw the black and tan woman come up beside him. His pale white ear turned backwards to listen to the steps getting closer and closer before finally turning his head to his right, blue eyes finding the woman who had helped herself to the spot beside him. The left side of his lips curled in a lopsided smirk at her words, chuckling softly when just her eyes shifted toward him. "I certainly hope you choose to, lovely," he commented with a smirk. Her face and eyes were the most striking part about her with the intricate speckles that covered the bridge of her nose and around her eyes, accenting the blue and pink gems.

He turned his gaze back toward the buffalo, silently amused that two wolves could sit watching them and they wouldn't even pay them any mind. They went about their business, grazing and slowly working their way through the knolls. "What brings such a pretty fea out here today?" he asked, shifting his eyes toward her much like how she had looked at him when she first sat down. His voice was friendly with a slightly playful lilt to his tone, happy to have her company no matter the reason. It was good to have a distraction from his thoughts even if it was for a few brief moments.

"Talk" "You" Think


10-12-2014, 08:30 PM

Starlit gaze scanned the stranger's expressions. Curious of how much of her company he happened to be welcome to. Normally, her shadowed ways would take over and she would test her limits; however, something about this young wolf reminded her of herself and she simply could not overcome it. And this curiosity begged her to understand him more - to know him by more than just his touch. Galactic eyes would turn to watch the massive animals dance about in their normal routine as ears would capture each syllable the male beside her spoke. He seemed to welcome her advances in his words. Ah, but it would not hurt to woo him, would it not?

As the man's oceanic eyes would shift toward the buffalo, her galactic head would finally turn to capture the stranger fully. His pelt was warm, sporting soft hues of russet while one ear was painted in white. He was a pretty face. Ah, much more delicious than her normal victims. Most of her targets were faces of demons, but that is usually what attracted her to them. Right eyebrow would raise slightly at the man's following question. Seductive voice would call out to him in an answer. Mm, but perhaps you lured me here, handsome. I should be wondering what you are planning on doing with me since you have caught me. Eyebrows would settle into its normal position and her sentences would end with a wink from the right eye.

Frame was pulled to a stand and she would slither around his body as if she were a snake. Curling closely to his form so that her fur tickled his own. She would make one complete circle and stop in front of the male, blocking his view from the distraction ahead. Ah, indeed, a woman such as herself deserved all of one's attention.

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9 Years
Athena I
10-12-2014, 09:39 PM

A smirk crossed his muzzle and he turned his head once again to look at the woman fully as she spoke, raising his right brow curiously. Of course he would never turn away a beautiful fea that seemed intent on keeping him company, but he wasn't entirely used to someone being quite so forward and flirtatious. It was interesting and a little flattering. His gaze followed her as she circled around him, a supremely curious glint touching his gaze and the smallest of excited shivers running down his spine as her fur breifly mingled with his. It wasn't often he got this much attention, but he could see himself quickly becoming addicted to it.

She completely had his attention before she even came to stand directly in his line of sight. He grinned, his tone charming and his expression flirtatious, daring to lean forward to brush his muzzle lightly against her cheek as he spoke in hushed tones. "My dear, you must have some idea of what I would do if you've fallen into a trap I hadn't even known I've set." He smirked and pulled back once again before rising to his paws, his tail waving gently behind him. He might still be a yearling, but he was a mere couple months shy of his birthday and in his travels had become quite acquainted with feas and their ways. If she wanted to play this game he was more than willing.

"Talk" "You" Think


10-13-2014, 08:46 PM

Angelic eyes would narrow again seductively as the man would reach out to touch her cheek and she would return the caress by softly brushing her cheek against his muzzle. Far too long had it been since she felt the touch of man, and it made it all the more delicious that this one was so tender an untainted. Pure, perhaps? Teeth would gently toy with the fur beneath his maw, gently tugging at the fine hair before licking his precious lips with her tongue. Mmm, how she wanted the tender soul all to herself, or rather, for the moment. To feel his regal power combine with her own in a dance of kings and queens.

Pushing her maw forward to the man's ear, she would whisper softly. So, have you ever been with a woman? Ah, my love. Let us share this moment together. Let me woo you and pleasure your tender soul. Today, I am yours. She would tug at the sensitive hair inside the man's ear, all the while breathing softly into it. She pressed her maw gently below the ear and rubbed her face against his farm pelt, moving her body closer so that her chest met his and her face now kissed his neck - burying itself into his fur and taking in his delicious aroma. Ah, gentle. So gentle.

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9 Years
Athena I
10-13-2014, 10:09 PM

Never would he have imagined this complete stranger would be so deliciously forward and willing to dive right into anything he pleased. He didn't even know her name, but for some reason that didn't seem to matter. She played in his fur, picking at individual strands and sending delightful shivers across his skin. Leo grinned at her whispered words and his gaze softened into a half-lidded expression when her muzzle pressed to his cheek and her face nuzzled into the fur on his neck. He leaned into that touch, curving his neck so he could nuzzle his cheek into the thick fur of her scruff. He breathed her in and nibbled lightly along the side of her neck. The tiny bites were light enough to be butterfly kisses, gentle and tender as he always was.

I have, but never with someone as stunning as yourself, my queen," was his response to her inquiry, his voice a low, rumbling whisper against her skin. He was on cloud nine. His regal stature took on a whole new meaning as he moved around her, their fur mingling together and each of his touches landing meaningfully and delicately on her form. He held her in a firm but tender embrace and they melted together. For this brief moment in time she was his and he was wholeheartedly hers.

-fade to black-

Leo leaned into her onix and tan form, laying his head across her shoulder blades while they lay pressed together on their hilltop. The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky beautiful shades of orange and purple. His forepaw rested gently over hers as he smiled a small, euphoric smile and nuzzled into her scruff. "My goddess, may I know your name?" he asked softly, wondering silently to himself if they might meet again after tonight or if this would be their only evening to dance together.

"Talk" "You" Think


10-13-2014, 10:36 PM

Gentle kisses and embraces would tell her the man was no virgin. Ah, but with such a pretty face, how could she think different. His pelt made the sun look dull in comparison. And eyes that would make mermaids envious. Beautiful eyes. His most hypnotic feature. An electric shade of blue that made lightning seem dim. Mm, but if she were no harlot, this man would be quite the prize to claim solely as her own. Though, faithfulness was not something soon to come - or at least she did not plan on it; however, she was simply a mortal. The gods may have a different plan.

Each touch sent surges of pure desire throughout her body. An endless longing for the male to consume her and to combine himself with her completely. And so her wish would be granted soon after delicious words spilled from his warm lips. The sensation of his hold was gentle, firm, but all the while majestic. A different feeling from the ravaging men she allowed to intertwine with her previously and the change was welcoming. Something she wanted more of.

-fade to black-

The male had taken it upon himself to soothe her afterwards with another touch - a warm touch upon her shoulders as his head rested there. Bodies resting together after their encounter. Ah, it was nice to feel wanted even if it may be temporary. But if she enjoyed it, why did she continue to leave its comfort? Afraid, maybe, of losing somebody? Afraid of falling in love? Or maybe she felt as if she just did not deserve love. Though, everybody deserved to be loved at least once, yes? Thoughts were shaken from her mind as quickly as they entered as she listened to his warm voice once more.

My name is Venus. . . Venus. The last announcement of her name was but a whisper. A sort of distance in her lyrics this time. Mind trying to wander back to the thoughts of Chrono and his newborn pups. Ah, but she should not dwell on such things. Her life was as it was and she enjoyed it even though a new emptiness has opened itself inside her heart. Marbled eyes fought back tears. Water attempting to build up, though, she fought viciously to put away those feelings of nothingness and detachment. No warrior as herself should display such emotions. It was weakness. Share the night with me? And it was an unusual question. Not ever really wanting to share a moment with anyone, really, other than her friend Bass. She just really did not want to spend this night alone.

Silver had began to fold over the eastern horizon. Flecks of stars that mirrored her face made themselves known to all the world. Like fireflies glued upon a canvas, they flickered and danced about beautifully. The moon began to dawn, being in its crescent phase. Sun had almost fallen completely behind the western horizon, leaving its final fiery trails that would, too, soon die. . . Die as Chrono had.

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9 Years
Athena I
10-14-2014, 12:26 AM

Leo's mismatched ears perked to listen to her quiet declaration of her name, a soft smile touching his lips. He placed gentle kisses on the back of her neck and replied, "How appropriate to be named after a piece of the heavens when the galaxies are displayed on your lovely face and in your beautiful eyes." He could certainly be a sweet talker when he wanted to be, not that he had to try very hard to come up with compliments for someone as gorgeous as her.

Her next words surprised him, making his vibrant gaze blink with a curious surprise. Shifting his position a bit, he lifted his head and scooted up beside her, his eyes finding her face. The expression he saw there only served to surprise him more. "Of course I will," he said softly. How could he turn possibly say no with that sad look in her eyes? His brows pulled together with a quiet concern and he placed soft kisses on her cheeks. As the dusk fell in on them he would press his side to hers, his tail curling around her haunches, his kind eyes taking her in. "As beautiful as the stars in the sky," he whispered softly with a soft smile. He slipped the forearm closest to her over the back of her neck to rest along her shoulders, pulling her into an embrace. He knew well enough not to ask about matters that didn't involve him, but he was happy to be here for silent support.

"Talk" "You" Think


10-14-2014, 06:58 PM

But a soft coo of flattering words would caress his delicate maw. Words that were nice to hear, though, she already knew so well just how beautiful and hypnotic her appearance was. It seemed to grab hold onto her victims so easily, pulling them in so viciously and without intention to release its eternal grip. Perhaps she even haunted her victims' dreams - appearing do majestically in their peaceful darkness. Ah, but such a thrill it was to be a succubus.

Though, she struggled now, at this time, with a desire to feel like she meant something to somebody. To have at least one soul mourn her passing when that time was to come. But if she were to perish on this night, she would be so easily forgotten. Nobody would search for her and no tears would be shed. She would lean into the man as he would shift closer. Tonight, at least she could pretend she meant something. Tonight, she could pretend that there was at least one heart that would care for her. But in reality, it was not so.

Maw would gentle glide beneath his jaw and stroke him lovingly, a thank you for his soft kisses and agreeing to keep her company on this lonesome night. Would the two ever meet again? Only the gods truly knew that answer, but she half hoped that they would. A warmth radiated from his heart and mind. A warmth that offered a relief from the sadness that not consumed her. But, it was strange, that such feelings could not be shaken entirely. They clung to her mind and gnawed at it until it ached in pain.

His tail would curl around her and she would press into his body as he would continue to shift so that he embraced her entirely. Holding her now. A lullaby of compliments would make her heart flutter softly. Something about the man whispered to her that she could trust him - confide in him. Admit everything to him. After all, after this night, what would it matter if they never were to orbit one another again? He could negatively judge her, hate her. . . Mm, but none of it mattered. He was but a stranger that was merely orbiting her planet and would soon pass. Venus had no moons that were determined or patient enough to take the risk of eternal orbit. Though, did a moon not keep a planet in perfect balance?

Have you ever. . . ever. . . felt so completely empty? I just. . . There's like this hole that doesn't seem to want to go away. It's never been there before until. . . Until a pack member passed in those storms. And it angers me that I am in such a state as I am now. It's just not. . . it's not who I am! Words would begin confused and detached, trailing into annoyance and anger. Had she forgotten who she was? Ah, but feelings as this should never touch her heart and soul. These feelings of weakness and sorrow. But it angered her - it made her angry at herself.

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9 Years
Athena I
10-14-2014, 08:24 PM

He listened in silence as words spilled out of her maw, her sweet voice tainted with confusion and anger, but not at him and not really at anything in particular it seemed. He would not stop her anger or interrupt her words, he would only hold her closer and listen. When she was finished he rasped his tongue gently over her ear, considering his answer carefully. When he did speak his tone was even, calm, and soft. "It's okay to mourn someone. Healthy even. When you care about someone they take up a little piece of your heart and when they're gone... That piece disappears, it leaves a hole. After a while that hole will shrink and eventually fill back in, maybe even get replaced by a piece of someone else, but it'll hurt like hell till that happens. It's part of life unfortunately."

He smiled faintly, his gaze drifting away from her face. "And I have felt like that. I felt like that the first night when I woke up in the middle of the night and I realized my entire family was gone. They had been drifting away one by one, but when I realized that... It hit me hard. It took me a long time to get over that. Now I've accepted what happened, forgiven all of them, and am now looking for them again, but those first few days, weeks... It was hard."

Turning his gaze back to hers he paused before gently kissing her cheek and then lighting resting his muzzle on top of her head, pulling her in so that her head would rest on his chest. "But you know what? It's alright. It's going to be okay."

"Talk" "You" Think


10-16-2014, 06:47 PM

Understanding such emotions at such a time seemed impossible. Emotions overwhelming. Ah, but so many of them intertwined with one another creating a mind confused beyond understanding. What did she want from life? Glory and to be written down in history as a legend. A legend of pure bravery and royalty. Though, being completely alone in such a world offered its lows to her on this night. Family in which had been long lost. A part of her yearned so deeply to know forgotten king and queen of years past. Mm, she was rightful queen to these forsaken lands. But in this life, she would build her own throne starting from absolute nothingness.

She did mourn the death of Chrono, but indirectly. More so, she mourned the lost of those who haunted her dreams. Faces of her birth family were but shadows in darkened dreams. Faces unknown and always would be. In fact, she knew not of her royal last name. Ah, lonesome planet in which had broken orbit in search of her own galaxy. And with that, in hopes of becoming her own sun where others, willingly or forcefully, orbit her.

It would be nice to have had guidance and structure, but all of that had to be figured out on her own. She had been a puppet, a slave, most of her years. She had come too far to fall now. And she needed this male's comfort on this night. She needed to let go of all trapped feelings for the loss of her people, the loss of Chrono, and the tinge of regret of the life she lived as a harlot. But being a tramp allowed her an escape from all shadows that were intruding upon her mind. It kept her sane. And in truth, this really was the only evil inside of her. The undying desire to use men and to create havoc in relationships. With the right wolf, this spell could possibly be broken. This curse to feel wanted and to feel release could be lifted. Though, the man that took the task would, of course, have otherworldly determination and be prepared for much heartbreak.

The galactic women leaned in to the male's pull, curling up beside him and pushing her face into the warm fur on his chest. Perhaps, he was her temporary angel to offer a different sort of relief from life's problems. Muffled words would touch her lips as she would speak into his warmth. My family too was gone. But in a much different way. Head would shift so she could speak more clearly now. I am rightful heir to my kingdom's throne; however, there was war between our pack and another. They agreed to peace if the heir, myself, was given to them. And so to ensure my family's survival, it was done. At least. . . that is what my master told me. I was a slave for most of my life. A slave in such a sick, twisted way. I am sure you can imagine. But I fought. I fought for my freedom and practiced sparring and grew strong. I challenged my master's queen for my freedom and it was won. And so I am here, now. I don't know if that is the truth, but it is all I have to go by. There is so much pain and anger and frustration built up inside of me. I try to be strong, no warrior should be so pitiful. Last words were mixed with a growl. An expression of disgust with herself.

Why would she allow herself to pour her feelings onto this man? It was unknown, but never had she had the opportunity to release the evil inside her soul. Never had she been able to discuss her hidden agony. This male would probably go like all the rest and so what did it matter? Why not let the truth be known to just one passerby? We cannot let such feelings grow forever, that is when one's mind becomes truly chaotic. That is not the legend she wants.

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9 Years
Athena I
10-16-2014, 11:23 PM


The more he learned about this woman the more it became glaringly apparent that she was more than just a pretty face. She was indeed gorgeous, but she had so much depth and strength that her story only made all too real. "You are strong, Venus. Anyone that can go through everything you've been through and still come out on the other side even half way sane is amazingly strong. That doesn't mean you can't have a small moment of weakness among friends from time to time." He gave the top of her head a small lick and smiled softly. Being here, tangled up with this beautiful woman, listening to her story, it made him realize how fortunate he had been in his short life. What was the hardest thing he had to go through? Leaving his parents and siblings to explore on his own for a few seasons? Nothing had happened. In fact, he had come out on the other side of his more well trained than he thought even his teachers back in the pack could have trained him, stronger and more independant, and more confident in his self. Who was he to whine? Complain? He looked at this fea, who he may very well never see again after tonight, and could only feel amazed.

A thought came to his head as his sapphire eyes met her sky blue and pink marbled ones, a crazy thought but a thought none of the less. As crazy as it was he was half inclined to think it was a good one. "I plan on ruling over a pack, very soon if I play my cards right. I want to rebuild my family's kingdom and I believe I can do it. Venus... come rule with me. You're royalty, you deserve to be a queen. Let me make you one." He wasn't asking her to be his mate. No, he wasn't that irrational nor did he really believe she would want him to have her all to himself. At least not yet anyway. But he needed a strong woman by his side to help him rule his pack and he firmly believed Venus could be that woman.


10-17-2014, 07:20 PM

Indeed, she was strong and this she already knew. A lioness lurked inside her soul, refusing to bow in submission to any that would cross her path. An undying courage and arms that would embrace death before giving up. Determination intertwined with crimson life that flowed through her veins and loyal only to those she deemed worthy.

The man would speak of creating a pack of his own and offering her a crown. Ah, is this not what she had wanted? To be dubbed queen of a land. To build a pack of like-minded warriors and to turn away the weak. But this stranger spoke of rebuilding his family's kingdom. It was an offer so tempting and to accept or decline could not be decided in one single night. Though, she yearned so much to become a rightful queen, she had an undying desire to remain loyal to her current king. To protect him and his home. Bass was, after all, her only true friend.

Who could predict the future, though? Time would change things, that was true. Bass's throne could be stolen, feelings could change. So many possibilities could alter the way things were. And so, with that, she would not decline his offer, but rather postpone an answer. The two of them would meet again, in time, to discuss this further if he still wanted her to be his queen when he achieved his goal. Of course, that too could change in time. Let us let time play it's part. My decision is unknown. Such an offer will need to be well thought out. Especially since I am my current king's lead warrior and I am truly faithful to him. And you, yourself, may change your mind when time has come to claim your crown. So, let us meet, and discuss such possibilities. Let us get to know each other more than by name and touch. If this is to ever unfold, we need to understand one another so much more. My final decision will be known soon before your day of crowning.

Kisses would be returned, tongue pressing against his cheek so delicately. Mm, such events could unfold so beautifully and yet so tragically. How would his family take to her leading beside the man? Would she accepted? But what did it matter, she would be their queen regardless. Though, a queen still that had to respect her king's wishes. To uphold his law and not her own. Secondary in command, though still very powerful. Is this not what she wanted after all? Why don't you tell me of your family? Or a bit more about who you are, my dear? Or even your dreams. . .

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9 Years
Athena I
10-18-2014, 02:07 PM


Her response was a logical one. It wasn't what he had hoped for with his romanticized view of the world, but it was one he could respect and one he would be happy to honor. He simply nodded in response, a small smile on his muzzle. He was already looking forward to their future conversations, was already excited to start building his kingdom and have her be a part of it. He needed her logic and her strength, they were too things he sometimes lacked. Of course he was strong physically, but emotionally he sometimes wore his heart on his sleeve so it would be good to have someone to balance him out. She asked about his family, himself, his dreams and he smiled.

"My family... Well, I have six siblings, one of them adopted. I'm not sure how many of them are still around, I only just got back to Alacritis a short time ago, but my mother is here as well as one of my sisters... Oh! I don't guess I've told you my name have I? I was so intent on learning yours and I never told you mine. He chuckled softly and kissed her cheek. "I am Aaron Leopold Adravdendi-Mathis. I go my Leo though, I've never liked Aaron very much and Leopold is a mouth full. My family... We've been royalty for generations in some way or another. That's why I have to rebuild it. I have to honor my family's name. I want my kingdom to be so strong that they'll talk about it for generations. I want to have a pack of warriors, somewhere others can come and feel protected. I want the best healers, hunters... I am going to build a kingdom of legends. There was a fire in his sapphire gaze while he spoke, an excitement that he only felt when he thought about his future. It had never been a question of if for him, only when.


10-18-2014, 09:00 PM

A smile. Ah, his smile was warm. Smiling in which she rarely could manage to do. Lips always curved into a serious, static state - never really changing unless speaking to form the curvature of words. Inside a sort of happiness grew inside her. The company of another, perhaps, made her feel more complete at this moment. Or letting all of life's problems flow from her shadowed heart allowed a temporary peace. Either way, this calm was welcoming.

He would speak of his family and then quickly trail into admitting his name. It seemed the man's blood ran thickly through these lands. A kiss would interrupt his speech, and it was a welcoming touch. She had grown to enjoy the man's soft caresses. His lineage was royal, and that was no surprise. There had been a regal aura that surrounded the man all along.

Though, a part of her believed this young man was chasing a fairy-tale. He was quite young to be taking on such a large responsibility; however, King Bass managed take on the pressures at a mere year old. But with guidance, perhaps this man could also lead his land to glory. A pack of legends, he desired. A wish that mirrored her own, but she imagined her perfect legends would be far more darker than his own. To build such a pack, one must be able to turn away the weak and test those that may be worthy before granting full entrance. No rank should be given for meager feelings. Though, such structure would be impossible if built upon family blood. Nevertheless, it would be something to give a chance to. To watch it unfold as the gods desire.

But for further consideration for the promised rank, the man must first prove his determination and willingness to obtain his kingdom. A proof that he was worthy to rule a land of his own. To leave her dear King Bass, it would be something impossible at the given time; however, as before - time can change everything in a simple flicker of a flame.

Well, Leo. . . my lion. Seems like you have all paws completely full. Sounds like a large responsibility to take hold to. I admire your passion, but why do you feel as if you are the one to take on the burden of leading your family to glory? Have you considered the weight that you will have to carry? Putting aside feelings for family to see that your pack thrives with all of its potential? Family is important, to you, I am sure; however, family is not always the strongest when it comes to war. Ah, but to see fallen family on the battlefield could create such havoc. So much to consider, my lion. You will have to be firm and even appear down right cruel at times to protect your people, because in the end - that is what matters. To see that your people thrive.

Ah, so many questions that she would love to hear answers of. So much to consider. Starlit maw would stroke the mans cheek softly before backing her head away to capture his entire gaze. Blue eyes were filled so completely with a burning desire to make these fairy tales a reality. A part of her wanted to help him in creating this dream. If you are entirely sure that this weight can be carried, I will help guide you on your journey - whether or not I accept you offer and join your kingdom. As of now, I can offer you my advice, my companionship, and my ability to fight. Two regal bodies that can make this happen for you and your family. And after if we succeed, whether or not I join you, I offer you an eternal friend.

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9 Years
Athena I
10-19-2014, 12:10 AM

It was a valid question, especially from the woman that he hoped to have as his queen. He pondered her questions, concerns and statements thoughtfully for a moment before he finally answered. "I don't know if it's ever been a question of why I of all of my family would be the one to rebuild our pack, it's always just been something that I knew I would do. I know it won't be easy, I know it will be a challenge, but that's what I like about it. There's a challenge, a struggle, something to work through." He smirked and chuckled, leaning in to nuzzle his face into her neck and nip playfully at her shoulder. "Your lion wants to conquer and prove that I am king, I don't want to just have the title."

He leaned back again with a quiet laugh, growing thoughtful again as he thought about his family. "My family... is an interesting, mixed bunch of wolves. But, the beautiful thing about them, I think, is that we all have different strengths so we can fill in the gaps in each other's knowledge. I think you and I both know how important power on the battlefield is, but then there's wolves like Amalia. She's one of my older sisters. She is the sweetest wolf you'll ever meet. I've never seen anyone interact with her and not walk away smiling and looking at the world like its the most beautiful place. But... Amalia wouldn't hurt a fly. She's tiny and adorable and the farthest thing from a warrior. Does that mean I think she wouldn't be a good asset to my pack? No. It's a fine line to walk, I know that, but I need healers and hunters, and someone to handle diplomacy... I believe that there is lots of roles that need to be played for a well run pack. No one wants to see their family hurt, but that just gives me even more motivation to be strong and protect them."

She went on to offer her services and her friendship, whether she eventually joined his kingdom or not. That made him smile that warm smile of his again and he nuzzled her cheek affectionately. "I will happily accept your friendship and companionship, Venus, my star. We are going to do conquer the world, you and I. Even if all that happens between us are these little stolen moments and passionate nights, I'm going to enjoy every minute." He nibbled gently on the edge of her ear before letting his eyes find hers again. A small smirk touched his muzzle and he gave a tender kiss to the side of her muzzle. "I could lay here with you and shower you with kisses forever."

"Talk" "You" Think


10-19-2014, 07:55 PM

Part of her, or rather most of her, knew she was destined to wear a ruler's crown. To create a kingdom of planets and moons that would orbit her as if she were their sun. To be the protector of her wolves and to see that they thrived. A kingdom of skilled knights and healers who did not fear placing themselves on the front line if necessary. Ah, but each member that decided to follow her would need to prove themselves worthy or be cast out as quickly as they entered. This was her idea of a kingdom. This was her pack of legends.

But to rule under a king, she would follow his own desires so perfectly just as she did Bass's. Though, truly what she desired was to be her own queen - her own ruler. To create her own laws and ranks. To be able to turn away members unworthy that sought her pack for mere safety. Her pack would be no home to freeloaders. Each would earn their keep to see that their lives and their children's lives were not near the shadows of danger. Ah, but she wanted to be respected and seen for the power they withheld within their talons.

Such dreams, such distant dreams. Mm, but one day may the gods make these dreams a reality. Something inside her screamed that it was fate and to not turn down her heart's desire. To push for this in which she yearned for. It seemed as if this dream had gotten lost somewhere. Hidden behind the shadows of her mind waiting for an opportunity to come out once more. What had caused these desires to retreat? Perhaps a softening of the heart for her tender king that she promised to help guide and protect. Her first friend on these lands of Alacritis. Though, she knew no matter what life placed at her paws, her life would be forever Bass's. She would fight for him, not for his pack, but for him. To see that his dreams were always a reality. In fact, she cherished his dreams more so than her own. Was it a sort of love? Maybe. Maybe part of her had grown to love her king; however, because of this she would never admit such feelings to the world. Feelings in which forever remain locked away in its own personal prison. To protect him. And with these thoughts, a sort of jealousy surged inside of her. Envy for his Wren's place by his side. Though, she knew that could never be her, even if feelings were shared. The life she lived and chose should never come close to her tender king. But only warmth should blanket him.

Reality would fall back over her, most of Leo's word had been lost with the delicate wind. A sort of trance had overcame her as her heart wandered back to Abaven. Though, ears did manage to capture his words of his sister and this is, perhaps, what sent her spiraling into such a state. Ah, because Bass himself was such a tender soul. Nevertheless, she was proud to hear the man would accept her offer. Though, who could decline such an offer?

She was proud the man would accept her friendship. Sharing ideas of the future together and even dreams. It would be nice to have another friend in this lonesome life of hers. Mm, but whichever path we may fall on. I surely will not disappoint you. Then, on this night, bathe me with your love - temporary or no. let us pretend it is just you and I tonight and the troubles of the world have vanished. I am yours, my lion, even if only for tonight. She would coo out seductively to the man before her. Kisses would be returned upon his forehead. She toyed softly with the fur next to his ears. Ah, but it was a beautiful night, indeed.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts



9 Years
Athena I
10-27-2014, 11:23 PM

With seductive words and delicate touches now capturing his attention once more, he sat dreams of kingdoms aside so he could focus on the beautiful woman in his arms. "I will do just that, my star. Just you, me, and the heavens above to watch over us." His words were quiet and smooth as silk as he spoke, his words ending just as he dipped his head to place gentle nips up her throat, tugging delicately at the fur there. He wanted to devour her like the most delicious meal he had ever set his sights on and that's exactly what he would do. As he moved into his position in this intimate dance he was quickly becoming more and more familiar with, he would focus all of his attention on her alone. Not a moment went by as they danced that he didn't worship this goddess he had been given the chance to lie with. Tender kisses, adoring words, passionate emotions that if anyone didn't know better might have mistaken as love.

-fade to black and back in-

Is night wouldn't be one that he should soon forget. He laid in a delicate tangle of limbs with his momentary lover, gazing at her adoringly with the smallest of smiles on his muzzle. He could already feel himself beginning to drift to sleep, but he wanted to know one last thing before he fell into his dreams. "Venus, will you be here when I wake up?" he asked softly, his gaze looking for nothing more than honesty. He could feel their night together quickly coming to an end and as much as he would like to keep her to himself forever that was an impossibility it seemed. As silly as it seemed, he wanted to know if he would get to have his goodbyes in the morning or if he should take their last waking moments to do it.

"Talk" "You" Think