
Don't fret precious, I'm here (claiming)



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-19-2014, 12:19 PM
OOC: Purchase is HERE.

Ghosting across the terra, Valentine moved with single-minded purpose. He'd come of age and it was time to branch out. Being his own person, Valentine chafed under the rule of another. While he considered her to be a great ruler, the brute was unwilling to stand in his mother's shadow for the rest of his life. Surely she could understand that.

Slowing to a halt, the brute cast a glance across his surroundings. This was it, the beginning of it all. His heart began to pound, excitement and yes, a healthy dose of fear coursing through his veins. He was confident in his abilities, but that did little to slow the feeling that what he was about to do couldn't be undone. There was no going back, no backing down. No fleeing when times got hard. The only way his crown would be removed was if it were pried from his head.

Here went nothing, right?

Tipping back his head, the cobalt king proclaimed his new stronghold. With a simple song, his fate was sealed.

"Speaking" "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


10-19-2014, 12:40 PM

Her children had all blossomed into adults. Each one had the world at their paws, filled with potential, everything was theirs for the taking. So when her only sons call echoed across the lands, she could not ignore it. A sneer would lift her lips as she moved with purpose towards his new found domain. Nostrils quivered, taking not of the stale scent that lingered. It seemed another pack had fallen apart. She would cross the fading border, her goal clear.

She was the first to appear. Perfect. Her coral gaZe would tip up forwards the man as she approached to stand beside him. "The world is yours for the taking." She would murmur, only for his ears, not that anyone was around to hear. "Take this throne and prosper, I know you will. As King, you will have my support should you need it." This would be the one and only alliance that she would keep to her dying breathe. Pressing her nose to his cheek, a brief display of affection, she would step away from, seating herself on the outskirts. She was merely an observer today.




7 Years
10-19-2014, 01:58 PM

She was just another plaything they had said, but she knew she was more than that. At the sound of the claim's call, the sovereign had set out, and quietly, the harlot followed, curiousity brimming. She had arrived just after their displays of affection, missed by her amethyst gems as she loooked upon the beast who stood with dominance and pride. "A true king rises today." Hopefully Cat wouldn't mind that she had followed her to the call. The throne surely belonged to him, and the harlot would miss his games. Maybe once she was a free bird again, she'd visit him. This alliance that was already imminent could be the start of an empire. Quietly, she seated herself about five feet away from the queen, watching the male for any challengers.



6 Years
10-19-2014, 05:57 PM
Some time had passed since he'd been in the Northern territories. But his mind was still not made up on just what he wished to do. Yet when he heard a howl, his curiosity was piqued. There was a fading scent in the lands, but there was no doubt what kind of howl that was. He'd heard the leaders of the Christmas Pack and its sister packs being claimed. Their numbers together totaling over a hundred. But he'd been related to most, if not all of them and thus that was another reason he'd decided to venture forth to another land. Somewhere that his bloodline did not yet exist. But he was still homesick from time to time.

Silent, careful, he padded toward the voice that had let loose that howl. Being a loner, he tried his best to crouch, to appear smaller than those with rank, especially in their presence in the lands they had laid claim to. The rise of a new drew him in, curious to learn of its culture and its rules. To determine whether or not he might fit. Thus far, he had not found a place he felt entirely comfortable with as he had in his over large birth pack where his own parents ruled with various extended family members taking a leadership position nearby due to the sheer number of the Kringles and those who had joined their linage to theirs.

He bowed his head to the one making the claim. His tail resting against his hind legs. Perhaps when others arrived the male might speak and let his intensions be known. He thought it rude to speak when he didn't know the male. Despite his burgeoning questions. Still, he dare not interrupt. Surely what he wanted to know, needed to know would be proclaimed.



4 Years
10-21-2014, 03:58 AM

Arriving at the scene, the woman would swiftly approach the gathering crowd. Queen Cataleya had already seated herself on the outskirts, with another unfamiliar white damsel following after. The scent of these woods was of a pack, yet it was stale and lifeless. Ah, this forest was once the territory of a kingdom. A crumbled kingdom. Her brow was lifted in an intrigued and interested way. Had the young man by the name of Valentine come to claim these lands for his own domain? Interesting and intriguing indeed. It was only the beginning of his taste of power and glory.

"A weak and cowardly empire falls," The warrior spat her words venomously, a cyan fire burning with wickedness and vile. She gave a brief bow to the future King, her unforgiving and cold eyes sharply meeting his. "I have no doubts. This will be a strong and thriving empire."

The female soon snapped her attention to the rogue who had wandered into the claim. Nothing but a snort would escape her maw. Did this loner expect to just merrily stroll along and become a part of this new pack? Highly unlikely. The dame would next seat herself, exchanging quick glances with the ivory girl and the Arcanum queen.


[Image: 4LyHbab.png]



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
10-21-2014, 01:10 PM

She got both feet on the ground

And she's burning it down
Oh, what a quandary she found herself in. Two handsome young men who fascinated her nearly as much as she'd been fascinated by her absence brother, two boys with so much potential for darkness and she could actually observe them on that path, guide them on it but they had both claimed a pack at once and the young Saxe was so torn - if she joined one she could not observe both and that was a pity.

But, well, showing up when the guy established his claim to a pack didn't mean she was joining, just like showing up when Niflheim became Arcanum didn't mean she was joining Arcanum. She could always crash Drashiel's party later. She was just curious was all. So she'd meandered her way to the call in time to hear some random woman nittering about empires and cowardly and falling and she just laughed brightly aloud into the tension. "All empires fall eventually - it seems like a cowardly one might even last longer than a bold one, don't you think? Because they'd never do anything so they'd never be noticed. Oh congratulations by the way."

She cast a wink to the new king. Whether he would agree with her cynical assessment or be offended didn't really matter to her as anything other than a matter of curiosity and observation. Maybe more out of overconfidence than anything, she was sure of her own ability to outrun anyone here and though she was mentally prepared for that possibility outwardly she remained bright and cheerful, even friendly as she beamed around at the other spectators at this little soiree.

She got her head in the clouds

And she's not backing down
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
10-22-2014, 09:57 PM

The call of a new empire drew his attention. Of course at first he had thought of heading to Arcanum, but a fresh new empire to see the birth of something seemed to be thrilling him. The yearling would approach the group with a curious look on his face, but one of stale emotions. A small smile crept on the man's face. For once he was sober, a first impression meant a lot did it not? Not like it had affected much with him and Bass. As he took a seat he lifted his head a little towards Valentine.
"I wish to become a part of your empire my king, my name is Levaithi Walker." he stated calmly and cooly. He was young, and ready to train with anything that was thrown at him. Truly he was now free, free to embrace the monster inside of him and start a new life. Even if his entire family hated him, it wasn't like he could care about the mistakes he made. He had figured that out a long time ago.



10-25-2014, 08:23 PM

A call? A call! Such a pretty sounding tune. Head would snap to attention from where they lay on her paws and slowly she would turn to look at the blue male at her side. A sly grin slithered across her lips, a light dancing in her eyes as she slowly pushed her paws up and beneath her. "My dear Mr.Red. I do believe a new pack is forming. Maybe we should go inquire to its intentions? Hmm?" Brow would quirk before she would stand and slip from the shade they had been situated under. Dione had scoped out most of the packs, many unsuited to the pair but a few had struck her as interested especially the pack in the forest ruled by the daughter of the bloody red queen. But now another would call from that area. Curiouser and curiouser? A jerk of her head would be given to Novaro before she would set off at a brisk trot towards the sound. She would arrive late to the party, already a large group had gathered and red gaze would slither and slip over the the assembled group. Where all of these here to join the pack? Oooohhh how? Delectable. A grin would slip over her lips again as her ruby red gaze turned to focus on the grey blue male who had called this group forward. Green and teal tail would flip at her ankles, bushy appendage twitching and flicking curiously as she fixated on him. A curious colour but not quite what she was into. "Hail good king?" Her words were smooth, slipping off her tongue like velvet as she finally ceased her fixation and glanced over her shoulder. Would Nova join her?



2 Years
10-26-2014, 11:11 AM

The gentle coo of Dione would awake him from his nap, though he could only hope it'd be worth his time. They had ventured around many different packs, though none of them had quite grabbed the duo's attention. Infact, the last one they where in completely failed with a naive leader. So it was only best it disbanded, if it didn't he was sure he and Dione would have left one way or another. A yawn would pass his ebony lips, eyes still droopy as they would stick upon her small form. It took him a moment to actually get into action though, but once he did they where of on there little adventure, going to see if this new claim would be worth there while. He would walk at a resolute pace, staying slightly behind Dione as he did so. He would only briefly look upon the surroundings around him, having no effort taking them all in. It wouldn't take long for them to arrive at the scene, already seeing a rather large group forming. Someone seems popular. Novaro would say nothing for the time being, wishing to listen and plan what to do next. Dione seemed rather enthusiastic though, so that must be a rather good sign at the very least. He would look upon the members that had gathered, wondering if he would have to spend any time with them if Dione chose she wanted to stay. For now, he would simply sit and wait for someone to speak about what was happening.

image by Away, Table by Oasis

[Image: G6jciao.png]



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-26-2014, 12:02 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2014, 12:12 PM by Valentine.)

Surprise, surprise. The first to arrive was his mother. Confident words fell from her lips to grace the new king's ears and send his heart racing. "No," he corrected her softly, "The world is ours." He felt it could go unmentioned, but threw the next statement out there anyway. "And you mine." The brute's voice dropped lower, his tone holding a dark promise. "There's much I wish to discuss with you." Later. They would talk later. There were plans to make, rules to set in place and members to get to know. For the time being his paws were be full but once everything was settled the fun could begin.

Others arrived, two members from Arcanum and a brute who smelled of rogue lands. Valentine spared each pack wolf an approving smirk before resting his eyes on the loner, appraising him. He was big by the standards of others...a warrior, perhaps? The quiet wolf nodded a greeting to him and Valentine returned the gesture before letting his gaze slip away.

The next to arrive was a familiar face, a face that immediately split at the jaws to let inflammatory words flow. Amusement painted a lopsided smirk across Valentine's features. She winked at him and in response he quirked a brow at her. She was asking for trouble, but that was rather the point, wasn't it? Perhaps she'd get her wish.

"I wish to become a part of your empire my king, my name is Levaithi Walker." The greeting words of another brute drew Valentine's attention away from the mouthy fae. He flicked a lazy gaze across the rogue in an assessing manner. In response his voice lifted. While the words were directed at Levaithi, they were meant for everyone gathered. "Joining isn't a problem, there's a place for everyone, but a rank of merit will require proof of your worthiness." He paused, letting his gaze wander across those gathered. "I hope that won't be a problem."

What the hell was that? The king's gaze fixed on the vivid green little she-wolf. Hot damn. He wanted to meet the brute that was brave enough court whatever beast it took to make a wolf of that color. The fae's gaze would dart behind her and Valentine, out of curiosity as to what could possibly be following such a creature, let his gaze wander after hers. Well, fuck it all. A blue wolf. Who opened the floodgates and let the freak show free? He dipped his head, eyes sliding between the two in a wordless greeting.

It was time. "If you're looking for a pack to settle down in, maybe kick back and grow old in peace in..." His eyes roamed the rogues. "Then now is your chance to take your leave. I offer conquest under the banner of Imperium. In return I ask for your loyalty and courage. We will not be silent. We will not go quietly into the dark like so many of the so called monarchies of this land." He stood, tail swaying languidly behind him as he formed his final words. "If this at all interests you, follow me. Ranks will be determined shortly." The weak ones didn't interest him. This would be their only chance to leave. After this freedom would need to be fought for. He would lead those interested to his new territory.

OOC: As soon as my land claim goes through I'll be posting a thread in Imperium territory. Anyone wishing to join must post there.

"Speaking" "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.