
Whose gonna save the world tonight



5 Years
10-19-2014, 04:40 PM

It had been ages since he had seen any of his siblings, that including Darrah. He never really went around Abaven much, he didn't feel the need to. Punishment wouldn't do him much good, the feeling of a mistake was completely lost to him. If he did something wrong, it confused him greatly, which only lead to more frustration. Already he had taken the life of another, and felt nothing of it. Yet now, he was forever calm, after discovering those green leaves that Ace shared with him. Various other plants had effects, but the green ones were his favorite.
The male's eyes seemed calm if anything, it affected everyone differently. Ace was just how she was, however he was numb, relaxed. He couldn't get mad at anything, and he couldn't get out of control which he enjoyed immensely. His brain didn't feel so messed up like this, he at least remotely felt in control of his emotions even the one he didn't have. His tail flicked a little, however, he did feel the void of missing his family.




3 Years
10-19-2014, 07:06 PM

Renhet hasn't been around lately...and Aiko, well...just didn't seem about very much. And it was then that he realized how lonely he was. Of course, he was with both his sisters, and that made him happy! But his brothers! They stayed back in Abaven! It made him feel uncomfortable, icky. He didn't know why exactly. But it just did. And he was hoping he could call them over to visit sometime. Ixionn also had to tell them about how he would eventually become a heir! It surprised him...and he was nervous. No, more than nervous. 'Shivering out of his skin' nervous. So he wanted some reassurance from Levi or Darrah. He didn't know how to rule...he needed practice! Maybe Arian could teach him...or maybe Bass? Ah, he didn't know.
So today...he'd take a walk. He'd talk himself through the worry. Of course, Drago was definitely a friend he could of talked to. But that iguana seemed so tired lately. Maybe it was because he was always clung to Ixionn's back, making sure he was safe and occupied. Ah...what a nice friend. He was also choosing him over his comfy forest life...and it brightened Ixionn's heart. But he was still as nervous as hell. Yeah...he needed to go to Abaven. He needed someone to talk to, may it be Darrah, Levi, or Bass. Though, evidently, a familiar aroma wafted through the chilly air. Ixionn halted cold, and took a moment to think through the list of names and their smells.
Levi. His brother! Ah, how he missed him! He hasn't seen him in forever! Ixionn grinned and switched directions, lifting his injured paw and racing his way to his brother. Who was nearby? The masked boy hadn't thought of leaving Isokan very often...maybe Levi felt differently? Or maybe he wanted to visit his siblings too! The boy shook the thought off and instantly quickened his pace, when suddenly, the shadowy figure of Levi appeared. It came as a sudden to the yearling, and it caused him to completely knock into his brother. Most likely knocking them both to ground. Ixionn shook his head and glanced down at his brother, not even paying attention to the throbbing pain in his twisted paw.
Levi, Levi! It's so nice to see you here! The boy crawled off his sibling, his grin extending as he studied his grown body. Gosh...Levi had grown so much. He already looked so mature, too! Ixionn let out a loud, cheerful laugh, tail waving in the air energetically. It's been so long! And you've big. Gosh, Levi! Quit growing so fast, I'm jealous! The masked boy slowly shuffled to his feet, his paw continuing to throb. But he was so happy...he didn't even care!



5 Years
10-19-2014, 07:28 PM

Levi let his brother run into him, giving little to no reaction out of it. If anything, a slow breath left his lungs like he was being squished slowly. After though, it looked like Ixionn was more than thrilled to see him. Nice to see him? He never expected that to come out of anyone's maw besides Ace's. Well that was probably because she was the only one who had seen him murder a wolf right in front of her and acted as if nothing had happened. With the drugs moving through his body, it was easier to not worry about hurting anyone. He didn't even bother to raise from where he was, flicking his tail against the ground.
"Speak for yourself, you're a year old now too." in all honesty he didn't get it. The whole thing about being excited about growing up. He had been like this his whole life, but now he seemed all monotone, he enjoyed that. Finally giving the effort to stand up he didn't move forward towards his brother. The blood across his paws would taint the poor boy. Levi may not feel bad for the things he did, he still worried about the self-worth of those who were better than him.




3 Years
10-20-2014, 03:37 AM

Blunt. Was this...even Levi? Had he knocked into the right wolf? No...of course not. Last time he checked, Levi was playful. He was sweet and loving. Or was he thinking of Darrah? That was the Levi he knew. So this was definitely some other wolf, right? A long, easy breath was emitted from Levi's lungs, and it took him awhile to stand after being knocked over. Ixionn, still with a cheerful, yet slightly nervous face, studied Levi's features anxiously. This was Levi. So then...why was he being so quiet and emotionless? It was nerve-wrecking. Ixionn fell back onto his rump and frowned, rolling his shoulders forward and cocking his head to the side. "Speak for yourself, you're a year old now too."
Ixionn shook his head wildly, eyes shimmering with pure puzzlement. What happened to him? Was he being possessed or something? Did he lose his memories from hitting his head during the storms? Or did he just suddenly go noodle? The masked boy sucked in a nervous breath, his tail thumping against the frozen earth as he spoke in a quick, cheerful reply. Yeah! Nice, right? I feel a lot better about my place. He lifted his chin and puffed out his chest playfully. But guessed, at this rate, Levi wouldn't give a shit. Ixionn sighed and lowered his head miserably, the fake happiness in his eyes instantly fading. Then, he walked up to his brother and sat beside him.
Okay...quit acting all blunt. It's pissing me off. Ixionn prodded his shoulder and sent him a frustrated look. Maybe a little bit of an irritated one, too. Why are you being emotionless? Don't you remember me? I'm your brother. You haven't seen my in like...what was it, a whole season? Why aren't you happy?! The masked boy coiled his large tail in by his side, bloody red eyes slowly filling with sadness as he stared at his sibling. Why had this turned out to be so depressing? Why couldn't he, for once, have someone happy and playful to talk too?! Damnnit, Levi. I had so many things I wanted to tell you too. Now you're being so floppy.



5 Years
10-20-2014, 06:51 AM

What kind of worm got into Ixionn's head? Levi had always been like this, not as calm, but he would rarely pay with the others. He had always been blunt too, his brother must have been thinking of some sort of alternate universe. He even remembered the little sibling meeting when a fight between them broke out only for Renhet to come and break it up. Yet regardless, he didn't find anything wrong with him like this. He felt nice, and that was only the drugs to boot him off. He didn't get mad, he could concentrate, and didn't need to put so much effort to fake the emotions that he lacked because of his biological make-up. That's what happened when you got the short end of the evolutionary stick.
"Who said I wasn't happy?" he questioned raising an eyebrow as he lifted a paw and curled it around his brother in half a hug. His tail placed itself on his side, white just like the mask on his face. The two of them looked like a perfect mix of their parents, unlike Renhet, Aiko and Darrah. His ears flicked a little. Why was his brother so mad? It was confusing the hell out of him.
"I've never been over-emotional in the first place you know that. When you and Darrah were off playing I was just watching what the adults were doing. But I feel fine, better than I ever have been like this. What about you? How has your life been then?" Levi was only learning how to please others from observation. Obviously he had taken the wrong path before and now was trying to correct that if he had the chance at all. He pulled his arm away, and gave a smile, a very wide smile. Wow, these things were still nice.




3 Years
10-21-2014, 06:08 PM

Whoops. Apparently Ixionn had been guessing a lot of things wrong lately. Irune's reaction to Arian, and now Levi's attitude or mood. Pft, how about he tries smiling so he isn't so concerned? Ixionn smiled weakly and laughed, but stopped cold as his brother leaned in to hug him. The masked boy sighed and allowed his tail to thump softly against the earth. Sorry. My head is so full of crap that I might have forgotten. He rested his chin on his sibling's shoulder with a cheerful smile now, eyes revealing absolute relief. Thank the stars he wasn't in any sort of bad mood. Ixionn had thought something had happened back in Abaven...ack. Would of been tough to deal with here.
"But I feel fine, better than I ever have been like this. What about you? How has your life been then?" Relief, relief. As Levi removed his arm, Ixionn pulled away, a wide grin stretched upon his face. Levi also seemed to be smiling...which was also relieving to the boy. But that blunt tone was still wedged in there---lingering. It was still irritating him. Ah! I'm so happy to hear you are doing well, though, Levi! Very happy! The boy leaned in and tapped his nose against his shoulder playfully, his tail still patting at the earth happily. He probably sounded like some annoying crow...and he didn't even realize it.
I wanted to tell you about some things going on in Isokan! The boy leaned to the side for a second and tried to refresh his mind through everything that happened. He almost instantly skipped to Drago...but first...Well, first, Dad---I mean, Quelt suddenly gave up his crown and passed it on to a pretty lady named Arian. She's very kind, believe it or not! Even though she seemed pretty scary at first. Ixionn laughed and sent his brother a nervous glance, before continuing.
That was after the storms though. But because of those, I got a twisted paw and some nasty scars on my back. ---Ah, but anyways, I have an iguana companion now...and Irune is back. At first, he thought he had finished. But then, another thought came back to him, and he quickly added, Quelt and Arian have also agreed that I'm going to become the heir of Isokan pretty soon---once they think I'm ready. With that, he grinned and slowed the thumping of his tail a bit. He tried to act happy about it...but really, inside, he wanted to curl up beneath a rock and die.