



6 Years
10-20-2014, 10:51 AM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2014, 04:27 PM by Noel.)
Kringle Bloodlines

The Kringle family is a rather large lot. They go back many more generations than even they realize (or is even at this moment on their familyecho tree.) One of them was the first to set paw in Alacrtria, being the son of Surge son of Sangesh son of Savage to whom they trace their ancestry. Very few within their family save for the record keepers know just how expansive their families history truly is.

Now that Noel has trod upon the land, some of the others may choose to follow his example, even to follow him whether he be alone or if he's joined a pack at some point.

Noel and his siblings are (50% Timber wolf and 50% Mackinley Island Wolf)

Currently family available for play are the following members.

Kris Kringle - A litter mate of Kris's and his best friend out of that litter. He wanted to follow Noel, but decided to stay with their birth family a bit to help out with his parents younger litter. He's between a good and neutral alignment. He loves to help others by finding them food or sticks and the like for pups to play with. While he is older than Noel he is shorter than him... His height is no more than 33".
Reference: user posted image

Skylar Kringle: The oldest of his siblings and twin to Shard Kringle. He and Shard often finish each others sentences and are rarely seen one without the other. Where one twin goes the other follows. Skylar however is the most serious of his siblings. Ever studios in nature, but also has a protective streak. He is at most 34". He is also heir to his sires pack, the Christmas Pack. But upon leaving home that honor would fall to someone else, unless the entirety of his family came and then who knows what that would mean. It is believed that Skylar and Shard may even share a female as their mate taking turns to have a litter. He has an interest in Mirage du Cheval.
Reference: user posted image

Shard Kringle: Skylar Kringle's twin. Where one is the other wont be far behind. He is the court jester of the twins. He is the same height as Skylar. It is believed that Skylar and Shard may even share a female as their mate taking turns to have a litter. He has an interest in Fascinate du Cheval.

Reference: user posted image

Tanakanaka Kringle du Cheval: Currently not available. Her mate and she have some plans before setting paw upon the terrain of Alacritia. But she and they may come later into play. She is a sweet she-wolf, but she takes no nonsense. Those whom she feels are out of order she has no problem with putting in their place. Anyone who disrespects her parents or her siblings will feel the wrath of a Kringle she-wolf, though she has chosen to take her mates surname. Their future twins will be Tickle du Cheval and Tingle Kringle with their daughters Kana and Kari du Cheval.. She is at most 35".
Reference: user posted image

Surge Kringle: The sire of those listed above. He is a fighter and an avid protector of his family. He believes in the teaching of respect. Never trespass and never lie even if it be by omission for even that is a lie of a kind. He is the current leader of the Christmas Pack, but should he choose to follow any of family to Alacritia he may well leave that part of himself behind. But he will go nowhere without his mate. He believes in love everlasting and at first sight. Should anything ever happen to his mate, he would no doubt wind up becoming a monk. He is no taller than 35".
Reference: user posted image

Salian Tristokuvitch Kringle: Surge's beloved mate who feels the same way about love as him. Should anything ever happen to her mate no doubt she would act the part of a nun. She is a sweet she-wolf who sees the good in all. She enjoys helping others, especially those with no where to go. Perhaps she can be a bit too motherly to strangers and even to her own brood. She is a medium sized she-wolf.
Reference: user posted image

Meep Kringle: She is a small to medium sized she-wolf. And although she can talk it sees that she loves to say Meep, a lot. Sometimes talking only with meeps and other times ending every sentence or conversation with the word meep. One might say she is silly, but the truth is that over time she'll become quite wise. Perhaps a healer or a peacekeeper? She is the first born of Surge and Salians' second litter. She was born in the season of Summer of year four.
Reference: user posted image

Squee Kringle: She is a small to medium sized she-wolf. Whenever she's excited she makes a squee or kyaa sound. She and her sister Meep are just about inseparable, but unlike the twins Skylar and Shard, they don't finish each others sentences nor do they need to be with each other all the time like the twins seem to. She is the last born of Surge and Salians' second litter. She was born in the season of Summer of year four.
Reference: user posted image


Sword Kringle: An elder brother of Surge. He is six going on seven come late spring of year five. He is a warrior. He however is not a part of the Christmas Pack, but the Akiak Pack to which his mate was born into. A pack which is an ally of the Christmas Pack. Although upon coming to Alacritia it seems they will have no pack allegiance in the area. Sword is a tough and wise warrior. And while he likes to fight, he prefers to be fighting on the side of good or just helping others defend themselves.
- Small Reference His design can be altered somewhat, but mostly he looks like a tri-colored timber wolf. He's no taller than 35". His mate is Lomasi Songan now Lomasi Kringle. They do have offspring.

Lomasi Songan Kringle: Lomasi is a Bard. Singing and storytelling is just what she likes to do. She is the first born in her parents second litter. Lomasi is younger than Sword. She is only Two years old and will be Three in mid-spring.
- Small Reference Her design on the parts of her body not shown are up to you. She is a medium sized she-wolf.

Urika Kringle: Daughter of Sword and Lomasi. She is still a pup having been born in spring of year four outside of Alacritis.
- Small Reference She is no taller than 33"

Ahiga Kringle: Son of Sword and Lomasi. Younger littermate of Urika.
- Small Reference He is a small to medium sized wolf.


Spear Kringle: He is part of the Akiak Pack having joined it when he chose Hongvi Songan as his mate. He is second born in the same litter as Sword. Like his brother Sword he is a warrior. But more than that he is a hunter.
- Small Reference The colors should remain the same, but the design can be altered. He stands no taller than 35"

Hongvi Songan Kringle: Spear Kringle's mate. Wise and plays the part of a spy when necessary. The pack she was born into, the Akiak Pack, follows the way of native americans and their belief systems. She and Spear have had two litters together. Hongvi is three years and will be four in late spring.
- Small Reference She is no taller than 33"

Igasho Kringle: First born son and only pup of Spear and Hongvis' first litter. One might find him to be a sage and a romantic.
- Small Reference He is no taller than 35"

Amitola Kringle: First born of Spear and Hongvi's second litter. First born daughter. Bouncy, bubbly troublemaker. She was born summer of year four.
- Her design consists of the colors: Cream and Black. You may toss in any third color. Her eyes should be one of the three: Aqusamarine, Amethyst or Sapphire. She will be no taller than 34" when an adult.

Tahki Kringle: Second born of Spear and Hongvi's second litter. Second born daughter. Very religious and believes she can hear and speak to the gods. Likes to perform a rain dance. She was born summer of year four.
- Her design colors consist of: Brown, Cream and White. Her eyes are some shade of purple or blue. She is a small to medium sized she-wolf.


Glaive Kringle: He was born in the same litter as Sword and Spear. He is the third born of Sangesh Kringle and Emeretsu Wakizashi. He is yet another warrior. But he is a leading warrior. He has trained and taught himself and others more than any of his siblings has. He is no taller than 36". He is part of the Akiak pack where his mate Keme is from.
- Small Reference You may choose to give him a secondary color on his lower extremities and tail if you so desire.

Keme Songan Kringle: She is the mate of Glaive. Born late spring of year one. Together they have three pups. Her own role in Akiak was as a pup-sitter. She is a medium sized she-wolf.
- Small Reference

Teyha Kringle: Born year three early summer. Eldest daughter of Glaive and Keme and the only pup of their first litter. She is no taller than 35" and acts as a sentry.
- Small Reference

Huyana Kringle: Second born of Glaive and Keme. She is the first born of the second litter. She was born mid-spring year four. She likes to play at being a spy.
- Small Reference She is a small wolf. However the rest of her design save for the colors is highly negotiable.

Gaho Kringle: Third born of Glaive and Keme. She was born mid-spring year four and is Huyana's littermate. She is a medium sized she-wolf. Her favorite thing is hunting.
- Small Reference


Rod Kringle:] He was born in the same litter as Sword, Spear and Glaive. He prefers the life of a spy, but may now just be a teacher to knew spies. His mate Winona is of the Akiak Pack which he joined when he became her mate. He wishes to have a female pup with Winoa and name her Cocheta. Winona however is too young yet to have a pup with him.
- Small Reference He is a medium sized wolf. Keep the pelt colors, but the design itself can be altered. Eye color should be either: Yellow, Gold, Green, Red, Orange or Blue.

Winona Kringle: Mate (future mate?) of Rod. They plan to have at least one female pup and name her Cocheta. She's very... omega in her demeanor.
- Small Reference She is a small to medium sized she-wolf. Eye color is up to you.

Cocheta: Not born yet and because of this the design may invariably change... This name was selected because of its meaning found here
- Small Reference


Arrow Kringle: He stands no more than 33" tall and is the last born in the litter of Sword, Spear, Glaive and Rod. He too is mated to an Akiak female, named Sipala. He acts as a sentry. Later on he was given the position of Chief of Akiak when its previous leader(s) decided to step down. Will he actually come to Alacritia and if so, what will he do?
- Small Reference

Sipala Songan Kringle: She is the mate of Arrow Kringle. She is a medium sized she-wolf and is/was an advisor within Akiak. With her mate Arrow they had two pups, one from each of their litters, both male. She was born late spring of year one.
- Small Reference

Yuma Kringle: He stands no more than 34" in height. His name means son of the chief. He is the first born son of Arrow and Sipala. He was born in early summer of year three.
- Small Reference


Odakotah Kringle: He is a medium sized male, but if you'd rather him be large he will not exceed 35". He was born mid-spring to Arrow and Sipala of year four. He loves to fight and has a darker nature than most Kringles, but family is still everything to him. Anyone not a part of it however is fair game for his potentially diabolical plans.
- Small Reference

Luxuria Kringle Akilaz: First born of Sangesh and Emertsu's second litter born in early spring. A year younger than those of his parents first litter. Male. Warrior, possibly head warrior. 36" at the most, uses brain more than brawn, but does have the brawn to back up the brain. Small Reference

Tiponi Songan Akilaz: Tenth born offspring of Dakota and Halona Songan. She was born in Early spring of year two. She is a small to medium sized she-wolf. Small Reference

Tuwa Akilaz: She is the only child currently of Luxuria and Tiponi Akilaz born in early spring of Year four and will give up her surname for no one. Any pups she has she will be determined to call them Akilaz. Large, possibly up to 39". Small Reference


Gula Kringle: Second born of Sangesh and Emertsu's second litter. He's one of the largest of the Kringles. He is, or wishes to be a peacekeeper. Small Reference.

Onatah Songan Kringle: A daughter of Dakota and Halona Songan who was born in early spring of year two as the ninth born of their offspring. She is a medium sized female and mate to Gula. She likes to play the spy. Small Reference

Taima Kringle: A daughter of Gula and Onatah. First born of their first litter. She was born early summer of year four. She is small. Despite her size she likes to act the sentry and/or warrior. Small Reference

Sahkyo Kringle: A daughter of Gula and Onatah. She is Taima's only litter-mate. The two are close and may even choose to share a single mate. She is medium to large in stature. Small Reference


Avaritia Kringle: Third born of his parents (Sangesh and Emeretsu) second litter. He is one of the larger males of the Kringle line. Although family and pups is everything to him as it is with almost all kringles, he is one of the ones who loves to fight. War? Bring it on he says. He has two modes... Warrior/Taskmaster/Teacher of new warriors and his other mode Family man whose protective of his family and would fiercely protect any of his progeny. Small Reference

Kaya'atan'my Songan Kringle: Kaya'atana'my is a daughter of Dakota and Halona Songan who was born in early spring of year three. She is the mate of Avaritia Kringle. She is a Lorekeeper and thus keeps the record of the Kringle and Songan family in her head. She will need at least three apprentices that will keep the Lore of their lineage throughout the ages as they continued to apprentice other younger Lorekeepers. She is no larger than 33", but may be small instead. Small Reference What isn't visible of her pelt is a free for all in design.

Samoset Kringle: Avaritia and Kaya'atan'my plan to name one of their sons this as soon as they can conceive a litter. Samoset means running too much or he who walks over much. Small Reference


Acedia Kringle: Fourth born of his parents (Sangesh and Emertsu) second litter. He is also a Lorekeeper as is Kaya'atan'my his sister-in-law. Acedia is no larger than 35". Small Reference

Nidawi Songan Kringle: A daughter of Dakota and Halona Songan. She was born early spring of year two. She is a medium sized she-wolf who loves to hunt. Small Reference

Sooleawa Kringle: First born daughter of Acedia and Nidawi Kringle. She may become a warrior spy and although she loves her family she is one with a much more vicious side and un-trusting nature of outsiders of her family and the extended family circle. She was born early spring of year four. Small Reference

Shappa Kringle: First born son of Acedia and Nidawi Kringle, second born of their first litter. Quite timid, but otherwise playful in nature. He's on the larger side of the Kringle scale, but he's more like a giant baby than anything. Thus Sooleawa might like to tease him, but anyone not family will more than likely get maimed by Sooleawa for daring to do the same. Shappa likes to act in an advisory role. Small Reference

Sunkist Kringle: Second born son of Acedia and Nidawi Kringle. Third born of their first litter. A small to medium sized male. Fanatic Herbologist. Small Reference

Shiye Kringle: Third born son of Acedia and Nidawi Kringle. Fourth born of their first litter. Medium to large in size. Stargazer in astronomy and believer of astrology. Small Reference

Sunki Kringle: The runt of her litter, small in size. She acts very much like a scavenger and even finds it difficult to trust any of her family members except her Daddy who tells her stories. She distrusts her eldest sister more than anyone. And then there is her cousin Tanakanaka's mates brother, Gage. She has latched herself onto Gage determining that fate brought them together when he came across her thrice when she needed help.
Small Reference


Ira Kringle: Fifth born of his parents (Sangesh and Emeretsu) second litter. Hunting is his game. He also likes to hunt his mate (although not to maim or kill.) At the end of that kind of hunt he likes to have alone time with his mate, Woya. He is a small to medium sized male (indeed his mate is larger than himself). Small Reference

Woya Songan Kringle: Woya is a daughter of Dakota and Halona Songan and was born in early spring of year two. She likes to play the part of sentry. She is a large to extra large sized female (yes her mate is smaller than her)
Small Reference

Bimisi Kringle: Eldest son of Ira and Woya. His twin is Bodaway. They look alike in every way. Save for one detail (that detail is up to the player(s).) He and his twin were born early spring of year four. Small Reference

Bodaway Kringle: Twin of Bimisi, second son of their parents first litter. Small Reference


Invidia Kringle: First born of his parents (Sangesh & Emeretsu third litter. Very much a spy. He is two years younger than Sword and his litter mates and a year younger than Luxuria and his litter-mates. He is small to medium in size which helps him to spy. Small Reference

Aponi Songan Kringle: A daughter of Dakota and Halona Songan. She is quite a tough sentry. She is larger than her mate Invidia. She was born early spring of year three. She is three years younger than her mate Invidia Kringle. Small Reference

Kiwidinok Kringle: A daughter that Invidia and Aponi plan to have sometime in the future. Small Reference Her parents have already chosen a suitor for her called New Zealand as his full name who is a Mackenzie River Wolf. His Small Reference


Superbia Kringle Born second into the same litter as Invidia Kringle. He is a medium wolf or at least no larger than 35". He plays messenger, or has in the past. Small Reference

Alawey Songan Kringle: Mate of Superbia. Daughter (and second born) of Dakota and Halona Songan. She is a healer. She is her mates size or smaller. She was born late spring of year one.
Small Reference

Nadie Kringle: Like her sire, Superbia, she likes to play at being a messenger. She was born late spring of year four. Small Reference


Emerald Kringle Songan: The first born daughter of Sangesh and Emeretsu. Born into the third litter as the fourth born. She and her littermates are currently four years old in year four and will turn five in early spring of year five. She is a warrior and a medium to large sized female. Small Reference

Ishkode Songan: The mate of Emerald and second born son of Dakota and Halona Songan. He was born in early spring of year three. He likes to act as a bodyguard. Small Reference

Ishi Songan: A planned pup of Emerald and Ishkode. A male that aspires to be of a beta rank or higher. Small Reference


Ruby Kringle Songan: Youngest of Emeretsu and Sangesh's offspring. She's very close to her one and only sister Emerald. Where Emerald is a warrior, Ruby is a sentry who warns of intruders or the bad-guys and while she can fight, Emerald is the one who usually does. She is a medium sized she-wolf. Small Reference

Hotah Songan: Eldest son of Dakota and Halona. He was born mid-spring of year one. His mate is a year older than himself. Hotah like his mate is/was a sentry. He stands no taller than 35". Small Reference

Niichaad Songan: First born of Ruby and Hotah's first litter. He was born mid-spring of year three. He has an obsession with organizing things. He is medium sized in stature. Small Reference

Niituna Songan: Second born of Ruby and Hotah's first litter. She likes to take care of pups. Most Kringle family members do, but it is a duty she's always doing. Teaching them even when they're yearlings. She is a medium to large sized female. Possibly extra-large. Small Reference

Nuttah Songan: First born and only pup of Ruby and Hotah's second litter. Her design is a free for all. She was born mid-late spring of year four.


Dakota Songan: As of late spring year four he is six years of age. Large to extra large sized male. He is the founder of the Hopi Pack with his mate Halona. The Hopi Pack is a sister pack to the Christmas Pack. Small Reference

Halona Inuit Songan: She is a medium to extra large sized female. She is with her mate Dakota a founder of the Hopi Pack, a sister pack to the Christmas Pack. She is five years old as of late winter year four. She is the youngest of her sisters.
Small Reference


Shadi Inuit Pukulria: She is six years of age as of year four and was born in late spring. She is very much a warrior and on the large side of the wolf size scale.
Small Reference

Pamiiruq Pukulria: Shadi's mate. He was born early summer five years ago. Small Refernece


Anakin Pukulria: First born and only son of Shadi and Pamiiruq. He was born late spring of year two. He is of a medium size build. Small Reference

Kettina Addams Pukulria: Anakin's mate born in early spring of year two. Her family is spooky and they're cooky. Small Reference

Chipolte Pukulria: Currently the only pup of Anakin and Kettina who was born in early summer of year four. He may well exceed his parents height. Small Reference

Frenzy Shimmershine: A female that Chipolte's parents chose for him to one day become his mate after finding her after something horrid had become of her family. She was born late summer of year four. Small Reference


Tipsie Pukulria Addams: Second born of Shadi and Pamiiruq in the same litter as her brother Anakin. She is small of stature. Small Reference

Mantis Addams: Littermate of his older sister Kettina. He is medium to large in size. He likes to eat the heads off others, except his family and true mate, Tipsie. Small Reference

Errol Addams: Only offspring of Tipsie and Mantis. Large to extra large in stature. He was born late summer year four. Small Reference


Tuti Pukulria: Youngest of her litter, her brother and sister are Anakin and Tipsie. She is in love with both her brother Anakin and her brothers mate, Kettina. Small Reference


Hank Addams: Father of Anakin, Tipsie and Tuti. He was born a year before year one in late winter. Small Reference

Harriet Tunnelfox Addams: Mother of Anakin, Tipsie and Tuti. She was born a year before year one in mid-spring. Small Reference

Vianess Addams: Hank and Harriet's younger daughter born of their second litter in mid-spring of year four. Small Reference


Kaya Inuit Yukon: Eldest daughter of Desna and Kaskae Inuit. She is seven years as of early summer year four. Small Reference

Genen Yukon: Mate of Kaya. He too his seven years as of early summer year four. He is small to medium in stature. Small Reference

Elddyn Yukon: The only offspring of Kaya and Genen. He was born spring of year three. He is large to extra large in size. He is also the heir to the Hopi Pack (although that may change should he leave his homelands and come to Alactria). He plans to give at least one of his male offspring the surname Inuit after his beloved grandsire, Desna Inuit. Small Reference


D?myn Kringle: Younger littermate of Sangesh. D?myn has always been jealous of his brother. Even worse when his brother consistently had large healthy litters and he was gifted with but one son and one daughter in two different litters. He would never blame his mate. He wished to take over the Christmas Pack his brother Sangesh led after their sire stepped down from leadership. D?myn lost thrice and thus he finally left, or rather was driven out when he tried to kill his brother and his brothers progeny.
Small Reference As large or smaller than Sangesh.

Phiana Belladonna Kringle: Madness was the she-wolfs life and the only guiding light was D?myn, her mate. She had been forced to eat the hearts of her mother by her sire whom she later killed herself with the very thing that their surname had come from. D?myn had saved her from starvation and brought her to the Christmas Pack. She feels as her mate does toward Sangesh and his mate along with their progeny. But she is a fierce protector of her own brood and when D?myn was chased out, she went with him, training their two offspring to one day take over whatever pack was being led by the Kringles descended from Sangesh. She is a year younger than her mate. She is a medium to large sized female no larger than 34". Small Reference


Phayte Kringle: Eldest of Phiana and her mate. He is sick and twisted. He'll steal females and males too. When he gets a female with pup he will not claim them as his offspring, but instead will see them as more slaves and concubines of each gender. Small Reference

Quarra Kett: Phayte's favorite concubine that he stole from far away. Reference

Poe Kett: Daughter of Phayte and Quarra. Born mid-late fall of year four. Wishing to defy her sire, who will not claim her and her siblings as his and after all the horrid things he does to them she will seek out a Kringle descended of Sangesh. She will either meet Noel and/or a son of Noel (should he have any) and become betrothed whether or not love has anything to do with it. Small Reference

Sobe Kett: She is partially if not completely blind. She is second born of Phayte and Quarra's one and only litter. She is usually seen following Poe around. Her crush is Torment du Cheval. Small Reference

Tear Kett: She is the third born of Phayte and Quarras' only litter. She and her sister Cry are very close. But they wont go anywhere without Poe and Sobe. Her crush is Fiasco du Cheval. Small Reference

Cry Kett: She is the fourth born of Phayte and Quarras' only litter. Her crush is Murder du Cheval II Small Reference

Zombie Heart: Fourth born of Phayte and Quarras only litter. He does not wish to be one of his sires consorts. He will try to get his mother away from his sire as well as his four sisters. Even if it means enlisting the help of an enemy pack run by Murder du Cheval I and his mate Maul. Since three of his sisters will or already have crushes on males from there he wont mind so much. Unlike his sisters who take more after their gentle mother, he has a mean streak to him, but he believes in a fair trial and that anyone like his biological father doesn't deserve to lead or even really exist. Small reference


Dymoana Kringle Voodoo: Daughter of Phiana and her mate. A year younger than her brother Phayte. Born late spring of year one. While she does have a vicious anger, she doesn't suffer from the insanity that her parents or her brother does. Small Reference

Smite Voodoo: Dymoana's mate. He might be of a neutral evil. And he's also on the large size though no larger than 35". He was born early spring a year before Dymoana.
Small Reference

Dread Voodoo: Eldest son of Dymoana and her mate Smite. He is on the large side. Small Reference

Horror Voodoo: Second son of Dymoana and her mate Smite. He is the only littermate of Dread. If he were human he'd be a horror movie fanatic. But instead he's a horror story fanatic. Small Reference

Terror Voodoo: Third son of Dymoana and her mate Smite. Eldest of their second litter. He is of medium stature. He was born early autumn of year four. Small Rereference

Chimera Voodoo: Litter mate of Terror. Only daughter of Dymoana and Smite. Has Dissociative Identity Disorder. Small Reference


Zion Heaven: Born around the same time as Quarra Kett and the male Quarra truly loves, even if he is on the small side compared even to herself. Small Reference


Karnage du Cheval: Mate of Tanakanaka Kringle. He was born mid-winter of year three as the third born of his litter. He is fierce and loyal and although he has a loving heart he hides the truth behind a facade of what others might perceive as evil. He is however not evil. Perhaps Chaotic Good or Lawful Good. He is also quite large, or even 42". Small Reference

Mirage du Cheval: First born of Maul and Murder du Cheval I. She is interested in Skylar Kringle. She was born early winter of year three. Small Referene

Gage du Cheval: Second born of Maul and Murder du Cheval I. He is interested in Sunki Kringle. Small Reference

Fascinate du Cheval: Fourth born of Maul and Murder du Cheval I. She is in the same litter as Mirage, Gage and Karnage. She has an interest in Shard Kringle. Small Reference

Torment du Cheval: Fifth born of Maul and Murder du Cheval I. Last born of their first litter. He has a crush/interest in Sobe Kett. He is also very close to his youngest sibling, his sister Massacre. Small Reference

Hope du Cheval: Sixth born of Maul and Murder du Cheval I. She is very much like her name. Small Reference

Fiasco du Cheval: Wherever he goes, a fiasco follows unless he's with his sister Hope. He has an interest/crush on Tear Kett. Born after Hope in the second litter of their parents. Small Reference

Faith du Cheval: Born after Fiasco in the second litter of their parents. Small Reference

Murder du Cheval II: Born after Faith in the second litter of their parents. Very interested in Cry Kett. Small Reference


I'm open to negotiations on designs too.