
Mama she knew how to sing



2 Years
10-19-2014, 10:02 PM
Angels with Broken Wings

Let the wind carry you

far, deep, and wide

It was becoming difficult to mask her worries behind her magnificent blue eyes. She was on edge since the sign from the Great Goddess warning her of wolves from the north. It worried her and she knew she should talk to the Elders about such things but in truth she was slightly frightened to. She still held onto the hope that she had taken the sign all wrong and that it was meant as a good omen than fresh minds would find their way to the continent and that everything could be peaceful. Unfortunately, she was not na?ve. She knew that those howls the northern wolves always made were calls to war and bloodshed. It was all in their tones which she had listened to since she was born.

She sighed as her rump plomped onto the ground with a thud as she stared at the garden she often thought in. She was supposed to be some powerful and elegant prophet who talked to the Great Goddess from above but she felt so disconnected from the world because of all her constant worrying that she did her best to hide. She was fairly sure she had been successful in these concerns but slowly her shield was cracking and the true she was starting to expose itself. She fell into a laying position with her head resting on her paws as she talked to herself in prayer to her Goddess. ?Iyen Nla Goddess. Kini o je? Ohun ti o ti wa ni gbiyanju lati so fun mi?? She wondered out loud with an almost pleading voice. She knew Skah was probably nearby like he always was but she didn't think anyone else was.

Someday on the other sideOjiṣẹ Oluwa


10-19-2014, 10:13 PM

Wandering was nothing something uncommon for her. It was part of their culture to travel wherever they pleased. The Goddess had given them all over this, provided them with a home and plenty of food and water. It wasn't often that she ventured into the garden, but when she did, she found herself wrapped in a blanket of peace. It was quiet, serene, here, and she liked it. The worries fell away with each step. Grey paws pressed into the earth, her lavender gaze downcast with her thoughts. She had run into Shak only days prior. Her childhood friend was someone entirely different. He was cold, standoffish. But still every bit good looking. A sigh would roll off her lips. Perhaps she could chat with his brother, maybe he knew something.

Gentle lyrics would fill her ashen ears, immediately recognized as the Oracle. Her gaze would snap up, knowing that Shak was nearby. It wasn't hard to find the pale woman, she was so small and docile, but held great power. A friendly smile would curl her lips as she approached from the woman's left. "Aika, o ni ki o dara lati ri o." She was easily twice the size of the woman, stopping about a foot away, her haunches would recline, gaze tipped down towards her Oracle. Almost immediately she took note of her expression. "Ni ohun gbogbo daradara?" Concern filled her voice. It wasn't a secret that everyone was concerned about the northern wolves being able to entire their home, but did the Oracle know more? Had their Goddess spoken to her?




2 Years
10-19-2014, 10:26 PM

They sold the cause for the queen

And when the lights all went out

A voice in her native tongue would make her practically jump out of her fur as she turned to see that Gwena had somehow snuck up on her. It wasn?t the hardest thing to do while she was praying but Ojiṣẹ would have liked to think that she would have sensed someone coming. Her friend, or she would like to hope friend, asked her what was wrong and the Oracle debated not answering. There would be no point in worrying anyone other than herself until she knew if she should be worrying to begin with. No, she simply couldn?t tell the others yet. ?Pẹlẹ o! O jẹ ohunkohun Gwena. Emi o kan fiyesi nipa awọn ẹmi ?ṣu lati ariwa. Mo ti korira iwa-ipa ati awọn awọn ipe lati kọja awọn omi nigbagbogbo dun ki idẹruba.? She explained to the best of her ability while shooting her a friendly glance. Her shields went back up.

The pure white creature pushed herself into a sitting position before attempting to make friendly conversation. ?Ki bi ti o ti?? She asked, finding it important to know if everyone was feeling well or not. Perhaps it was just her personality or the extreme standards of being the Oracle. She didn?t know what it was. She was always concerned about the members of the tribe, including the Elders and herself.

We watched our lives on the screenOjiṣẹ Oluwa


10-19-2014, 10:43 PM

Ears fell back briefly as she noticed the Oracle jump. She hadn't meant to startle the woman. Immediately she would answer, brushing it off as nothing. But she was far from stupid. It came as no surprise that she was concerned about the northern wolves and the threat they held to their people. But there was something more, she could tell. But she wouldn't push for answers, allowing the Oracle the space she wanted. "A yoo jẹ itanran , a ti ye yi gun." An encouraging smile would lift her lips. "Mo wa daju awọn oriṣa ni o ni eto lati dabobo wa." She would muse out loud, having the upmost faith in her Goddess.

A change of subject would have a shrug lifting her shoulders. "Mo ti ti daradara ni mo r? . Iwo na nko?" Her tail would curl around her hips, her posture entirely relaxed. Though her ears would twitch occasionally, listening. It was a useless endeavor, he had always moved with such silence, she knew she would never be able to detect him unless he wanted to be heard. Her lavender gaze remained fixed on the Oracle, trying to push away the worry that clouded her thoughts.




2 Years
10-20-2014, 02:16 PM
Angels with Broken Wings

Let the wind carry you

far, deep, and wide

Ojiṣẹ listened to the absolute trust that Gwena placed in the goddess and it forced a smile onto her muzzle. Her friend was right. The goddess would have a plan to protect them and they had survived for generations off of what the goddess gave them. If the northern wolves came in peace, that would be preferred. If they came with violence and an empire on their minds, then they would be smote with the powers of the Great Goddess and her disciples? the tribe would never fall to the likes of filth across the waters. It didn?t matter how skilled the other side was with war.

?Rẹ ọtun Gwena. Mo ni nkankan lati d??m? nipa sugbon mo si tun beru pe eyi yoo wa ko le ṣe bor? peacefully. A yoo wa jade lori oke.? She conceded before listening as the woman told her that she was doing alright though the Oracle could have sworn there was some hint of unsure feelings in there with the words ?I suppose? tacked onto the end. The woman cloaked in white matched Gwena?s posture as the very small fae wrapped her tail around her paws and sat in a somewhat slumped but comfortable way of sitting. ?Mo n ṣe ni mo r? dara si. Mo ti ko ti si sunmọ Elo orun tilẹ. Mo ti sọ a ti n? wọnyi efori. O si sunmọ ni a ti n dara ki tilẹ ni mo ro ohunkohun ti o ti wa ni rẹ silẹ.? She admitted to the woman with the sooty legs.

Someday on the other sideOjiṣẹ Oluwa


10-20-2014, 03:02 PM

She was pleased to see the smile that lifted her Oracles lips, she conceded, agreeing that as always, the Goddess would protect them. Their postures mirrored each other, slumped and relaxed, yet and they were so very different. Her ashy pelt clashed with the crispy ivory of her tries chosen one, along with the vibrancy of their eye color. Her brows would lift fractionally as the Oracle opened up, sharing a tidbit of information about what was troubling her. She had not been sleeping, her head ached often, though it was subsiding. Concern would flood her features, she was concerned for the woman's wellbeing, though she had no experience with herbs, so she could prescribe nothing.

"Mo ti kẹkọọ p? kan ti o dara idaraya igba iranlọwọ bik??e ti wahala." A shrug would lift her toned shoulders. Was the Oracle even allowed to partake in such things? Could she spar? Hunt? She had never been taught much about the Oracle, no one had, only that she was a Prophet from their Goddess. Not to mention Skah would probably have a coronary. A coy smirk would lift her features as she mulled over her thoughts, forgetting for a moment that the Oracles eyes were on her.




2 Years
10-20-2014, 03:20 PM

They sold the cause for the queen

And when the lights all went out

There were many sagacious wolves within the tribe and Ojiṣẹ wished she had gotten to know all of them. She often, however, remained secluded from the rest of the wolves as she wandered about. She hoped that would not happen anymore though. She liked Gwena as a friend and so many others of the tribe and she figured she could get to know them all a bit better just as they might want to get to know her better. It was a promise that the ashen woman had made to herself. She offered the concerned wolf a smile as she spoke her peace. ?Mo ro pe o ni o kan ni apọju ti alaye ati awọn iṣoro ti o nfa. Mo n lo daju yoo ran sugbon ti yoo lọ lọ pẹlu akoko.? She concluded with a smile smile as she looked down at the ground for a few seconds.

?Bi o nipa a lọ ṣe nkankan fun? O le mu.? She practically begged for something to take her away from the worries that she was constantly thinking about. She figured hanging out with a best friend was the best way to do that. Her cerulean eyes had a begging expression mixed into them. Surely she?d be safe with Gwena. After all, the female towered over her and probably almost every other wolf in the tribe and probably all of the northern wolves as well. Although, Ojiṣẹ had never seen a northern wolf so she didn?t know what size they really were. She waited to see if Gwena had any ideas as to where they could go.

We watched our lives on the screenOjiṣẹ Oluwa


10-20-2014, 03:33 PM

The Oracle would brush away her worries, ensuring that her problems would go away with time. But her downward glance at the ground flared up new questions. She would drop the subject, her curiosity spiking when the Oracle wished for something fun. A grin lit up her face. "You've come to the right place." Fun was definitely something she could work with. Ideas mulled over her mind. "A le ṣe kekere kan sode , ti o ba ti o ba wa ni ebi npa." She would peer over around the garden, wondering if there was anything to eat around here.

"We could have a friendly spar." She would lean forward, whispering conspiratorially, mischief lighting up her features. "Tabi a le lọ fun kan rin." Her last option didn't sound nearly as appealing, but she would happily oblige with whatever the Oracle wished to do. If they left the garden, she was sure that Skah would be lurking, but she was confident in her abilities to offer protection should it be needed. Lavender pools would rest on her Oracles pale features, awaiting her answer.




2 Years
10-20-2014, 03:45 PM
IDK if you want to do an official spar or not <3 I'll let you decide.

They sold the cause for the queen

And when the lights all went out

The other woman threw out suggestions for hunting or walking or sparring and mischief lit up both of their faces. Skah was out on that little scouting mission she had begged him to go on of the surrounding territories and so his brother Shai was watching after her. A friendly spar with a tribe member was never a problem but Skah would have a coronary probably because of the threats of the northern wolves. But that was all the more reason for her to learn how to protect herself properly. Gwena could teach her with a bit of hands on experience. It was just how Ojiṣẹ liked it. ?Skah k? pipa lori kan bit kan ti scouting ise ti mo r?n a lori. Boya, ṣaaju ki o pada n ni o si ni o ni awọn kan ọk?n kolu, a le ni kan bit ti a spar?? She asked with that same devious smile planted on her muzzle.

The prophet cloaked in white backed up a bit setting out some defenses with a grin. She raised her haunches and hackles as she pressed her body closer to the ground to keep her center of gravity lower. She broadened her shoulders and kept her neck scrunched up to protect her neck. She tried to remember what else she could do. She then spread her toes to help her keep her balance. She knew size was not on her side but speed would hopefully be so she did not dig her claws into the ground. If she did that then evasion could be made easier than taking a blow from the larger woman.

We watched our lives on the screenOjiṣẹ Oluwa


10-21-2014, 08:57 PM
we can keep it unofficial so we don't have to wait on judging, just do 2 rounds, then gwena can give her some tips?

Mischief would dance across the pale features of her Oracle. There was no doubt in her mind that she was up for a little fun, even if it was at the cost of Skahs mental health. She didn't care, let the man sweat it, he certainly deserved it. The Oracle would rise, stepping back to put space between them. Following her example, her leg longs would extend. "O le lo kekere kan ọk?n kolu gbogbo bayi ati ki o si , o yoo pa u lori rẹ ika." She would chuckle wicked as she took a step back, settling into her defenses.

Her eyes narrowed, ears pinned, her hackles bristled along her spine, her skull lowered, chin tucked, shoulders rolled forward and her neck scrunched. Legs would spread equidistant and bend at the joint, toes splayed and claws dug into the ground. Her tail would straighten and fall even with her spine, lips curled back to push extra skin around her eyes.

She would make the first move, knowing that if the Oracle really wanted to learn, then expecting the unexpected would be the first thing. She launched herself at the woman, attempting to come at her head on. She would jut her left shoulder forward, aiming to connect the hard bone with the smaller woman's face. She didn't put a lot of force behind her movements, not wanting to cause serious harm, so her strides would be long, but leisurely, and she would not put her weight into the attack. Jaws would unhinge, her crown tipping to her left as she aimed to grab a hold of the smaller woman's scruff. She aimed for a light grip, something that would give her a hold, without causing serious damage.

