
just sing to me


10-09-2014, 03:18 PM

Ah. She didn't know why, but she just felt sick today. Both physically and mentally. Her stomach ached, and her legs began to tremble every time she stood up. As if they would snap in half like twigs, throwing her to the ground miserably. Of course this kind of thing would happen right after the past events. Becoming ill, right? Typical. Not like she was surprised. But even with such a crappy feeling expanding inside of her...she didn't want to see Bass. She'd get him sick. The same thing went for Motif, Rhythm. Anyone else she's talked to. She'd get them all sick! And she didn't want a whole crisis to rest on her shoulders. So the girl decided to leave Abaven for a least until this sickness cleared up. If it didn't and it got worse, she'd probably return to Abaven in search of help.
Although, things like this seemed to always pop up and give her bruises. Small ones, though. They would easily heal. It'd hurt...but they'd heal, no matter how agonizing they were. --- Wren had slipped away from her and Bass's den after awhile of thinking. And she headed toward the river, where she would cross and head to the Orchard. She was informed that it was a relaxing place...and until she threw together her own little vacation den in one of the southern territories, she'd hang around there for awhile. With all that vegetation, she was sure she could snack on some of the lingering rodents who liked to feed on all of that herbivorous food. Not as good as her usual deer, or moose...but still enough to keep her satisfied and alive!
The sun was going down, and beautiful colors were gradually appearing across the evening sky. Little stars already began to litter the mixture of orange-yellow and purple. And it was sure beautiful. She turned her head away from the beautiful sight, minty eyes turning down to her shadow that danced beside her and mirrored her movements. A hoarse giggle left her lips. "Who knew being alone could make you feel" She questioned herself with a weak smile, before stopping cold and relaxing her head between her shoulders. Suddenly she began to cough a bit...almost to the point where she was hacking. Then, she lifted her head and continued to hobble on toward the orchard.
Finally, a large green dome of vegetation and a whole ton of other things appeared. Wren's sight was a bit blurry...considering she was so tired and sick. But she could still make it what it had been. She approached it, and pushed through a little gap in the center, tripping over a root and weakly tumbling to the ground. Wren groaned and whimpered to herself like a little pup, but eventually found her feet. Slowly would she drag herself to a little ditch that was located beneath the protective roots of a tree. And, surprisingly, she fit right through, only to curl up with her head tucked into her body.
She'd...she'd sleep her tonight, maybe. But was it honestly possible with this smell wafting through the whole orchard? She's never been here...she's never seen anything. So this new fruity smell was quite new to her. After was dangerous to let her guard down in neutral territory. Someone could be here...watching her.



3 Years
10-09-2014, 04:58 PM

She didn't care if she was exploring too far from home. She didn't want to care about anything. She shouldn't have to care about anything! This was probably the worst of her mood swings. How could she find herself so attached to another? She couldn't let go, and she was still holding on to emptiness. How could she forget about this one wolf? Being alone just made it worse as those thoughts would always find a way to creep back into her mind. How about herb hunting? That was enjoyable and with her mouth and nose stuffed with leaves, there was no way she could think about him.

She had no sense of direction. The girl had thoughts on leaving berries in a trail so she would be able to find her way home...but that was a waste of perfectly good berries. Oh well, she might just have to do what her cousin always does, follow the scent.

It was amazing how she was able to spend the whole morning just observing random bushes and trees. She was particularly looking for dandelion, and she was sure the bright yellow flower would be soon found. The ebony babe skipped along merrily, humming a tune that she had learnt from her mother. The sunbeams decided to dance with her and the many bugs and birds chirped away like a tiny orchestra. Electric emeralds had spotted the beautiful glowing flower and her teeth prepared to slice away the stem. At that moment, a different scent had reached her nose. It wasn't the smell of herself and flowers. It was the scent of another...and something else. A sickness of some sort.

Someone was ill. She was a healer, wasn't she? She had to help this creature, even if she didn't know much of her herbs. She would carefully follow the wisps of this scent, whilst her paws carried her further from the woodlands. The lands around the onyx dame were growing more familiar. Had she been here before?

But it was at that moment that she had instantly realized that this was place of her memories. The Orchard. So many memories poured in like water, the scenes of first meeting Caeto, talking to him and sleeping beside him. And it was sunset, the same colors staining the sky as she had seen that night before. Whimpering, she would walk a few paces back like a frightened pup. She couldn't even go near that tree! She just couldn't. But her optics would find a golden wolf tucked into a small ditch by the tree, protected by the Orchard's roots. This had to be sick wolf she picked up earlier. But how could she go near that tree? There was nothing but memories left, memories she didn't want to remember.

And somehow the flawless night-furred girl found herself trekking towards the Orchard, closer to the resting wolf. Flashbacks would blind her mind, but she didn't give a damn. The slender damsel made her way towards the golden girl, matching eyes meeting hers'.

"Miss, are you alright? You smell sick. I'm a healer." She would whisper gently, the worry flashing in her green gaze. Titania knew this was a random stranger but she had to help her. She was a compassionate and affectionate wolf for a reason, to help others. It was a skill that she may only have.

Walk "Talk" Think
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]


10-10-2014, 07:27 PM

For a while, the girl just sat there, tangled within the roots miserably. She was cold...her body trembled. And a part of her wished she was curled up with Bass. Yeah, Bass could move her mind off this mess. But...she didn't have enough energy to return to him. She'd probably collapse half-way there. So she just stood there, curled up, nose stuffed into her belly. Though the faint sound of steps filled her small ears soon after she attempted to fall asleep again. And if smelt like a woman...a stranger who Wren was completely unfamiliar with, of course. But she doubted that she was a threat. The speed of her steps were slow and uneasy. Unless she was stupid, she would have quickly attacked while Wren couldn't pick up on her aroma. So she ignored her. Probably just a wandering loner.
But a soft voice instantly kicked her into attention. Wren uncurled and stared up at the woman. She seemed a bit larger than her...but she was beautiful nevertheless. Wispy black fur with stunning green eyes, like her own. But against that dark pigment...they held much more purpose then Wren's own eyes did. The white-faced dame forced a weak smile, her dead eyes lighting up to the kind offer. She shifted in her comfortable space to get a better view of the woman, before extending her legs and releasing an exhausted huff. "I'd be lying if I said I was good," Wren slowly turned over and squeezed through one of the open spaces between the roots, her weak body flopping against the ground beside the larger medic.
And, with her eyes turned away, the girl continued. "So help...would be great." Her breathes were uneasy, but she forced another weak smile, turning her glowing eyes up to the healer hopefully. "Thank you so much..." Wren guessed that this girl would probably run off to gather some types of herbs. reminded her of the time Wren tried to prove to Bass that she was some kind of medic at one of the healer meetings. But she only pointed out that a leaf was a leaf. It made her want to breathe out a little giggle. Bur her lungs instead, she leaned over onto her side and shut her eyes calmly. This woman could do what she needed to do to help Wren. And she would definitely be rewarded for helping her...somehow.



3 Years
10-11-2014, 11:13 PM

I'd be lying if I said I was good,

Of course you would be! Who lies when they're in pain?

The smaller lady seemed grateful for the help she had arrived with. She was an interesting creature with a snow furred face, a caramel body with ebony ear tips, facial markings and legs. Perhaps the healer was accustomed to wolves having one solid fur color, like herself. Nonetheless, the other girl was pretty, even if she was sick (and most wolves look terrible when they're unwell).

"I'll be back with herbs that may help you." The onyx las told the mixed hued girl with an assuring tone before slowly padding away from the Orchard. By what she had heard and seen, her patient probably had a fever or a stomach bug. No, it wouldn't be a stomach bug for sure...where was the vomiting? She had experienced that illness many times before and every time there would always be vomiting. Maybe it was that nasty infection that caused fevers, coughing, sneezing and muscle pains. It was a horrible infection and she didn't know much about it. She might not be able to cure it entirely, but she could definitely find something for the pain and joint aches.

Luckily she had been able to follow her scent trail back to the woodlands and fields she had been exploring before. The golden dandelions still grew, untouched. She pulled out two yellow flowers, her eyes next finding a wild patch of blood red poppies. Happiness gleamed in her eyes as she pulled out one scarlet flower. She was glad she found the flowers close by. Preparing to leave, she passed by thick bushes of small ebony berries. She wasn't quite sure what they were called but she remembered that they helped with her own winter colds. They proved useful for coughs and that was enough to convince her. She carefully tore out a small bunch of berries and without hesitation she would follow her trail proudly back to the Orchard.

With her mouth stuffed with flowers and berries, she dropped them beside her patient, beginning to explain each remedy.

"This is dandelion. If you eat the flower part it will help with your appetite. You need food for energy," She would point to the yellow dandelion petals with a paw. She next pointed to the berries. "These help with coughs and colds, make sure to eat some of them too."

She finally pointed to the poppy, a claw scratching out fine black seeds. "Poppy seeds help ease pain and make it easier to rest. Remember to eat these last."

She beamed a caring smile as she allowed the other girl to eat her flowers, berries and seeds. Titania...a legendary and almighty healer. That sounded like a pretty cool title but she still had a long way to go.

Walk "Talk" Think
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]


10-21-2014, 08:44 PM

"I'll be back with herbs that may help you," She stated, before turning and running off. Wren smiled weakly and relaxed her head against the frozen-like earth, eyelids slowly relaxing over her minty gems. For a long moment as the woman was gone, the girl was thinking of Bass and Abaven. She was so glad that everyone was alright...besides Chrono, but Bass seemed to be a bit off lately. Not "off" but...depressed, maybe? Her disappearance probably didn't help that at all. Yeah---she should of told him she was leaving before she fled. It was pretty cruel of her to just disappear after all these events. But she was coming back soon! Especially now that she was getting help from this kind lady. she got help, and once she felt she was ready to return, she would. And hopefully Bass would feel better...
Evidently, she had fallen asleep while thinking about all of this. It was a very light nap, though. So even once the sound of the woman returning reached Wren's ears, her eyes flew open and she looked up at her with exhausted eyes. A sickly expression. Although, this medic's eyes pulled her attention away from her aching body yet again. They were so pretty. And she was definitely jealous of them. "This is dandelion. If you eat the flower part it will help with your appetite. You need food for energy," Food for energy, ay? Did these herbs even count as food? Wren turned her exhausted eyes to the little dandelion, before grabbing at it gently and pulling it into her mouth. She bit the flower-area off and separated it from the stem, before chewing it bitterly and swallowing it.
It didn't taste the best. But maybe that was just her illness talking---she didn't even know. But there were further instructions, as several other herbs were displayed in front of her limp body. "These help with coughs and colds, make sure to eat some of them too." The white-faced dame eyed the berries and managed a smile. These looked a little better than the least she hoped they were better. "Thanks," Was all she said, before sweeping them up into her mouth and chewing on them quickly. As soon as they were all smashed, she swallowed, and huffed with relaxation. Pft, what was next, a whole bush to eat?
"Poppy seeds help ease pain and make it easier to rest. Remember to eat these last." Wren nodded miserably and slowly reached forward to suck the seeds down. The temptation to completely swallow them was horrible...but she chewed them instead, wincing to the taste and pushing them down her throat slowly. Then, she eyed the empty space before her and snorted. No more to more. She rested her head back and released a loud, exhausted sigh, before curling her body in and shutting her eyes for a moment. She completely forgot about the large black woman for almost a whole minute. She was too busy sulking about how nasty she felt. "Oh! I'm sorry, I-I nearly just fell asleep on you. Thank you so much for helping me...if there was something I could do to repay you right now...I would definitely do it," Wren frowned and shut her eyes. "But I'm a bit weak at the moment, obviously."



3 Years
10-22-2014, 12:37 AM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2014, 12:44 AM by Titania.)

The young las obediently consumed the herbs that the healer had prescribed for her. The ebony babe could tell her patient was not particularly enjoying the taste of the plants and seeds, and the healer didn't like the taste either. What do you think a dandelion would taste like? Mouth-watering freshly caught elk? But she would beam a small polite smile as the poppy seeds were finally swallowed.

Sure, poppy seeds did make you feel sleepy, but not as quickly as this girl happened to feel. She jerked awake after a few moments of light slumber, apologising and thanking for her effort. The onyx lady felt a little heat rush to her cheeks. She didn't need compliments, the satisfaction of helping someone was good enough.

"You don't have to repay me, it really was no trouble at all," She would say kindly before giving a bow followed by a formal introduction. Her features would light up proudly. "I am Titania, a travelling rogue healer at your service."

She always wanted to introduce herself like that, it made her feel a little more mature and adult-like. Pride burned in her electric eyes confidently. Her job here was almost done.


[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]