
heart heart head



5 Years
10-11-2014, 09:50 PM

violet. auburn. gold. the different hues of wildflowers that rose to caress along the depraved man's belly. depraved of family. of companions. of everything aside from the ever recycled doe carcass draped over him, grasping at his ribs: the only constant in his life. he had loved once, twice. but it had not lasted. the gods had not permitted. they had allowed him a swift dip into the luxuries of the rich but had also been so hasty to take it away. leave. they had told him. this is not the proper time. have faith. we will tell you when it is time to resurface. so he had.

and he had also returned. there was a stillness to him as his ill-matched eyes gazed over the sparkling waters of the sea before him. a stillness only time could give. it had been a long year away from alacritis, and he had naught to expect but heartache. beloved kapras?us surely grew tiresome of his fickle appearances. fragile kodda was most likely beyond finding. and he hadn't a clue of what the gods beheld him. or why they'd sought him to return. but here he was; appearing to be a seven-legged, two-headed frankenstein.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself


10-11-2014, 11:37 PM

Journeys had landed her on the ocean's edge. A land painted in white sands in which were seemingly created from crushed shells from the abyssal waters. Intertwining with the sand were occasional flecks of gold and other minerals in which created a land that was a treasure all its own. The debris clung to her paws uncomfortably and made nests beneath her talons. Gracefully, she carried herself up the nearby trail in hopes for a relief from the annoying dirt. Ah, most were hypnotized by the ocean's beauty; however, she just found the sounds and feelings disturbing.

When she would reach the top, the terrain was decorated in motley colored flowers. Different types bloomed from the emerald surface creating, yet, another treasure. Ah, but if she were a pirate this would have been heaven. Though, she was not alone and eyes would settle gently on the stranger that also came to these lands. Mm, new company would be welcome. Galactic form moved majestically to the man's presence, stopping three or four feet from where his forelimbs rested - facing the man directly. Marbled eyes would scan his appearance carefully. She had set eyes on many wolves before, but none that clothed themselves in deer skin. Ah, but what an interesting story this one may have. Well, hello stranger. Timbre was slightly flirtatious, but not as much as usual. Something told her to be careful with this one.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts



5 Years
10-12-2014, 08:29 AM

The woman had ventured away from the comfort of the ibis Island for a few days now, lurking from land to land- wishing for different scenery for a while. Soon, the purple nymph would have to speak to viridiana and discuss what they shall do next. Perhaps see the children? it's been a few seasons since she's seen them all, how where they? How was Solo coping in Olympus, had anything changed? And fia, did she still run a pack that she had heard faintly about? There was no denying the Sovari children where going to be successful, they where all so ambitious in there own little way. A sigh would slip her lips as small paws carress the floor, pushing her way up the cliff. the woman had no idea why she would venture up so high, but one thing was for sure, the scenery better be worth it.

She would continue to pull herself up, each step causing her to come closer and closer to her destination. It took another 10 minutes until reaching the top, but once she did her muscles would relax and slack. She would stand there for a few moments, gathering herself together and welcoming the wind to play against her soft curls. Her eyes would survey the scenery around her, which was rather beautiful, though that wasn't what she was paying the most attention to. A man, whom wore a carcass on top of him. Never had she seen anyone cloak themselves the way that he did. And for now she was rather fascinated. she would keep a respectable distance away from the two before finally speaking. " Hello, Im Desire? Carmel, what brings you two up here?" Her tone had a fine rasp to it, and her scent remained intoxicating; the sweet scent never leaving her. She would simply say her name, giving no history nor title. She missed ruling Covari, she missed being a queen along side her love, though perhaps it was best that they left there crown, it was more relaxing going rouge, but was it better?



5 Years
10-13-2014, 12:26 PM
posts will get better eventually. i just have to get back into writing

the chill of the oncoming weather changes licked at the pernicious man's ankles, causing muscle spasms to rock him momentarily. it was warm beneath the fresh carcass, yes, but every minute that went by the body heat would deminish; leaving him not only cold but also damp. it was a familiar feeling, one he'd known for a year now. damp and alone.

but as it would be, it would end quickly. a woman, so gorgeous in her beauty that it caused a pain within his groin, approached from behind him. her voice, melodious and enchanting, beckoned a low groan from him. before he could speak his welcome, however, the gods granted him yet another gift. "so gracious, sweet freyja. ?akka." he then would turn toward the female with mismatched eyes and allow a low chant from his delicately chiseled chin. "a pleasure, my love. i am merely enjoying the view." a mischevious and delivishly flirtatious smirk crossed penciled lips before he continued. "i go by finnvi for now,and as of my other guest i cannot speak for her."

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself


10-13-2014, 08:02 PM

A growl rippled in her throat, a low hum that would display her annoyance. Not toward the male, but the female that decided to interrupt. Quickly, the woman controlled her feelings. This was not a time to make enemies, though, she was very much ready to taste this strange woman's blood upon shadowed lips. Ah, but her desired pleasure had been long put on hold. Interruptions seemed never ending. A continuous cycle of interference, a curse or disagreement from the gods. Though, she would rebel against there will and bend her life to her own wishes. And her wish, at this moment, was to feel this man's body collide with her own.

Quickly, a glare would be struck in the woman's direction as she would introduce herself to the crowd. Body would snake over to the woman and circle around her once, bodied merely centimeters from kissing one another. She would pause, level, at the gal's left side as lyrics would kiss her lips so delicately, yet tainted with a hint of venom. Are you lost, my dear? Perhaps. . . Perhaps I can point you in the direction. Pupils would slink toward the woman's direction momentarily before trailing back to the male. Body would move majestically toward the man and tail would caress the woman's chin softly as she would walk away from her presence. Walking away and ending her journey at the man's side, eyes set firmly on the woman before her.

The man's words had not gone unnoticed and it fueled her anger. This beast's words mirrored those of one so willing to give her what she desired. And yet, this gal, had to interfere. Ah, but perhaps she would join them in their encounter? Perhaps, she too, could be persuaded and hypnotized by her extraterrestrial beauty. Though, my dear, if you have some time to waste. . . Words cooed out in such a soft, seductive voice. Desires so easily made itself known to all the world. Teeth aimed to toy with the male's fur near his ear, allowing her breath to glide inside and tickle his ear so gently. Maybe there is something we could do to waste some time. If you are adventurous enough, my love.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts



5 Years
10-22-2014, 03:09 PM

As the woman would swiftly enter the scene, it soon became clear of the strangers annoyance towards her. A smirk would pull upon her lips, amused already. Though, Desire? didn't intend to stay, not when things seemed to be going down the path of 'hot and heavy' and, the purple nymph was sure her wife would slaughter any other woman, or even man- who wished to bed her. Mismatched gaze would lock upon the woman who seemed to circle her with close proximities, and Desiree would not flinch, her tail remaining high and dominant, her crown held confidently " One can't be lost with no track of thought as to where id be travelling." A shrug would follow. The man would speak suddenly, the name Finnvi ringing a bell- though not quite registering clearly. Wasn't it Ebony that Katja Finnvi ruled? Or had things changed. The woman though, gave no name to go by, so she would simply be referred to as, it. " I do have time to waste...." Her voice would hold its nice rasp, letting a moment slip by before continuing. " But i have no desire to become a whore to a woman... so common." A challenge would be held within her voice, almost daring Venus to react. Her crown would quickly snap back to the man, a brow raising in interest. " What do you think Finnvi, do you plan to bed a woman so easy?" As soon as the words slipped her lips she could only presume his answer. Men where men of course, very few would refuse the offer. She would wait for answers from the two, before leaving. She didn't expect to stay for much longer, wishing not to interrupt on what might be a pleasurable day.