
Come With Me Now



8 Years
Extra large
10-23-2014, 10:38 PM

The day was slowly coming to a close, though the sun was still many lengths from the horizon the colors of the sky would start to change as their paws touched the sand of this special bay. Shai would smile mysteriously as he led her, making her promise to keep her eyes closed as the walked. He?d walk loyally at her side, watching to eye to make sure she didn?t peak, as well as carefully showing her the way to his chosen destination. He?d been here once before and had been amazed by what happened when the sun disappeared. Maybe she?d be impressed by it too.
Finally he?d slow to a stop, realizing that the best part would not be visible for some time he would sigh. "You may open your eyes whenever you wish, but you wont have the surprise for a while." He?d tell her as he lower his haunched to the earth, looking quite dejectedly at the water before them.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


10-23-2014, 10:56 PM

He had made her promise to keep her eyes close. At first she had been skeptical, but in the end, she had promised to keep her eyes closed as he led her to wherever it was that they were going. He walked beside her, though she often stayed pressed against so she didn't trail off. He had navigated them without issue, guiding her around obstacles until finally he stopped. A smile lifted her lips as she waited for him to tell her when she could open her eyes. When he finally gave the command, her eyes would snap open, immediately her gaze would land on the water. She peered over at him, finding him looking rather dejected. She had to wait for the surprise, not that she would object to spending a little more time with him. She had enjoyed their day together thus far. "Something wrong?" her crown would tip to the side, her eyes searching his face curiously.

It didn't matter that she had to wait, she had always enjoyed the beach. It was often the place that she found peace and could quietly sort out her thoughts, and speak with her goddess. Little did he know how much she truly appreciated the surprise. Her own ashen haunches would fold beneath her as she took a seat beside him. She had not moved from her place beside him, even when they stopped, so she still felt his warmth against her side. She continued to peer up at him, her question lingering on her face, along with her appreciative smile.




8 Years
Extra large
10-23-2014, 11:12 PM

He?d enjoy their slow progress as she leaned into his shoulder for guidance, though in the end his trip would become very anti-climatic. As he?d intended her attention to have been caught by the water she?d now have no other choice to look back to him, a question on her lips. Her features would tip curiously, and for once he wouldn?t bury her answer under cryptic words. "I just.. I kind of messed up your surprise. You?re supposed to get here open your eyes and there?s supposed to be a surprise." He?d sigh again as he?d let his gaze swivel from the water to her delicate features peering up at him. "My timing is obviously awful." He?d chuckle slightly at himself as he lowered his elbows to the ground, again not wanting her to harm herself looking at him. He?d take in her smile and he?d lean into her side softly, "Sorry," he?d whisper as his gaze lingered on her features.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


10-23-2014, 11:23 PM

She would smile gently at his word, lips twitching. He'd explain what he had intended, a sigh rolling off his tongue. She would join in on his chuckle, lowering herself beside him. He would lean into her, apologizing softly. "I'm sure whatever the surprise is, it will be great, even if I have to wait." She would smile earnestly up at him before allowing her gaze to drift back to the waters. Soon the day would come to an end, and the sun would set. She had not been to this side of their continent before, preferring her secluded beach with the crabs and tide pools. Excitement would spread through her veins as she waited for whatever it was that they were waiting for. Occasionally she would shoot curious glances in his direction, searching for any signal that her surprise was imminent. His warmth would once again spread across her entire body, creating a rather strange, but enjoyable feeling. Leaning into him, her gaze would rest on the horizon, watching as the sky changed to various colors as the sun crept lower and lower. Waves would crash softly against the coast, the smell of salt heavy in the air. She didn't know why, but she found the combination of salty air and crashing waves to be relaxing.




8 Years
Extra large
10-24-2014, 08:21 PM

He would have to admit that her smile would make him feel just a tad bit better as she looked up at him from where she?d lain beside him. He?d return her smile slightly, showing her that her words did indeed help. As her eyes would fall back to the clear waters he would join her, letting the dying sun?s rays seep into his dark fur. Already the end of the day was visible. A contented sigh would slip from his lips as she leaned into his side, again their warmth would mingle as he let his mind unwind. This would be a time for relaxation.
As they lay there he realized that he never should have doubted his earliness, the pair would lay silently watching the sunset together. He was sure this is what his parents had meant by ?romantic?. As the thought crossed his mind he?d feel his heart flutter erratically, this agitation would be echoed in his tail. Metallic beads would mingle, and the tiniest hint of a melody would reach his ears adding to the mellow atmosphere. He?d glance in Gwena?s direction, ready to watch her expression as the last few bits of sunlight would dip below the horizon. For a moment the stars would shine intensely, having been revealed by the lack of the sun?s light. A moment later the lake would start to glow. "Surprise," he?d whisper as he awaited her reaction.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


10-27-2014, 10:47 PM

They would sit in silence, at least until the sun set. He would usher one word just as the sun dipped down past the horizon. Her eyes would brighten, a smile lifting her lips as a soft gasp rolled off her tongue. The sky darkened behind, the horizon remained light with the last few glimpse of sun light. Lights danced across the waters in a breath taking sight. She couldn't break her gaze away, captivated by the beauty before her. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. Sinking into his side, she would continue to watch, until the sun had disappeared entirely, cloaking them in darkness.

"Its beautiful." Her voice was hushed, a gentle whisper that slipped past her lips as she finally peered up at him. She would meet his gaze, before looking back at the water. She had never expected such a pleasant surprise. She never would have guessed. The sunset had been beautiful, there were no words to describe it, she wasn't sure that she ever would be able to. Rising, she would again rip herself from his warmth, leaving behind an unpleasant feeling. She would walk down towards the water, hips swaying gently. She wouldn't stop until the water lapped at her toes, each wave glowing gently.

"yoruban" "english"