
Let the Reign Begin


10-26-2014, 01:35 PM

In the dawn after her conversation with Athena, Roman moved towards the meeting place that her father had once established in the depths of the pines. She would be the Queen of Bevroren- no, of Regium- the pack she'd revive from the ashes. Of course, this wasn't the way she had intended to go about taking her crown, she had intended on fighting for it- stripping someone else of their throne: alas, Athena's need to step down had been an interesting twist. She halted, standing in the pre-dawn light- as the air seemed to shimmer around her, as the frost sparkled against the rays of the sun. Her claws dug down into the snow- and she grimaced. She still hated the snow.

Taking a deep breath, and exhaling it- watching it billow around her, she tilted her head back into the sky and howled. She summoned the wolves of Bevroren, to hear what she had to say. In her call, she also called for any wolves- that were at the border, wolves that sought entry into the pack. She called for Elli- her friend, and perhaps the last loyal member of Regium. Then as her song ended, she waited for them to arrive.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak

You have until the 2nd to reply here, before my second post. Roman will explain everything in that post, but there has been a crown exchange. (I think most people are active enough to get a post in here in a week)

This is open to Elli, any old members of Regium and any new prospective members.



10-26-2014, 03:27 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2014, 03:33 PM by Haruka.)

The howl that called out for Bevroren was not Athena. Right away her hackles rose, and the woman marched right over to the imposter. With teeth flashing she snapped her jaws, short legs cutting through the snow at a quick pace. The fox-coloured woman narrowed her brown eyes at the pale ghost that dared to call the pack together. "Who the hell are you?" She asked with hostility, the usually shy girl offended by this. She didn't even smell like the pack, but the ever so faint touch of Athena rested on her coat. But then, realization struck her. She knew exactly who this was. Roman The wench that caused her brother so much harm, who he had said held false rule and that everyone followed her blindly. Another growl left her lips, ears pinning against her skull. "Roman. What the hell are you doing here? Last I heard you handed over your crown, and now you come to claim Athena's?" Haruka looked around, trying to spot the silver queen. She wouldn't dare follow anyone that wasn't Athena, and there was no reason for her to trust this ex leader of Tortuga. To call a pack meeting? Rude! This was Athena's pack, and no one had the right to claim it. She had followed this woman once, but didn't hesitate to leave. She had given her no reason to trust her at all. The smaller woman had claimed to protect all of Bevroren, but that was under the rule of someone else. If Athena gave up the throne, then she would not hesitate to turn and leave. She felt a pang of hurt in her chest, that her one and only friend bedsides her brother would tell her nothing about this. And she was her personal messenger for gods sake! Still bristling, she refused to settle until some sort of explanation was heard.

ooc: Haruka is butt-hurt, haha! Sorry your first guest isn't nice

Walk "Talk" Think



4 Years
10-26-2014, 04:51 PM

[Image: O2SqJTo.png]

Elli had been sticking rather close to Roman as a follower, a healer, and a friend whom the leader not leader leader could rely on. The fact was that Elli was still somewhat confused over the whole thing. She heard the call from nearby and realized it as a meeting call. Had Elli missed a fight for a crown? She certainly hoped that Roman was not wounded badly as Elli did not have many herbs on storage around the north. She ran towards teh scene only to find a rather hostile wolf in front of Roman. That slightly irritated Elli. "Roman." She greeted in a friendly tone as she shot a warning glare at the disrespectful female.

[Image: p6FO9J3.png]



6 Years
10-26-2014, 05:17 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2014, 05:18 PM by Vereux.)

Of course he had no problem with the decisions that Athena made, but this one, this one infuriated him. Without even as much as a notice of consulting him on he matter, he couldn't complain because it was indeed his elder sister taking the thrown but the sudden thought of being dropped kicked out of the pack as the king did not fit him well. Roman would choose someone wiser, stronger, and that was just a fact he felt would be true. But until the words were said he was the king. The newly scarred man walked across the scene with a rather blank expression. Ears flicking to Haruka, a sweet girl but he calmly walked over to her to handle the situation.
?We all have our reasons for things Haruka, but you must hold that tongue towards my sister it is very disrespectful to the crown and your loyalty? he rolled his shoulders back. Of course Athena had been unaware of his change since he was attacked, he left some bitter emotions inside of him. His attention turning to Roman, he was unhappy with the whole situation, uncomfortable with it as a whole. Yet it was what Athena wanted then he would have to accept it. As much as he hated his heart, it would break him if he went against anything his wife said. Perhaps, it was his duty to be a father, rather than a king as of the moment. Yet only if Roman decided to demote him.
?Roman, I believe you will take good care of the place I have known as my home since birth.? he stated simply before sitting down, keeping an eye on Haruka. He let his unsettle thoughts turn away. As he waited patiently.

?I speak?



6 Years
10-26-2014, 05:25 PM
The melanistic boy lifted his head as a vaguely familiar voice summoned the pack together, this was not someone he had seen recently, but rather someone whom had been around some time ago? Dread filled up the young male and he trotted off to find exactly what was happening. As he padded easily into view he found a soft growl rumbling within him. It was disconcerting to the boy that he was looking at one of his older sisters, a girl who had showed nothing but full support for their father. Already several different reasons as to why the white girl could be calling them together and none of them really instilled any confidence in him.
Kyung remained standing; frowning at the white woman though he remained silent. Maybe he should have gotten out when his father had disappeared?

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]



10-26-2014, 05:33 PM

The wolves who showed up seemed to not like how she was acting, but she didn't care. She snorted at the woman who sent her a glare, but it was Vereux's words that set her off. She growled at him, teeth bared. "I have claimed no loyalties to this woman, and I already left her rule once. I will not be under her paw again. I vowed my loyalties to Athena, not this woman standing before you. And handing off the crown is no simple task, the least that could have been done is a meeting being held to at least tell the higher ranks what was going on. I will not give my loyalties to her, nor will I sit under her." She snarled, back arched like an angered cat. She was offended and upset that Athena had not talked to her about this, the silver woman knew how distrusting she was. Her brown eyes softened somewhat as she looked back at the man, letting out a frustrated huff. "I am sorry Vereux, but I cannot stay here with Roman ruling. If ever Athena decided to get the crown back, I will return. For now, I will take my leave." She said, sending one more glare towards Roman before marching off.

-Exit Haruka unless stopped-




3 Years
10-26-2014, 05:34 PM

[Image: aafzlv.png]

The male would come to the call with an emotionless look. The well muscled body of a brute coming to settle a little outside of the group. The healer was unaware that the queen was unable to continue her duties, but not that it mattered to him. His job was to concentrate on being the lead healer of the family he had sworn loyalty to. If he were to ever have children, he would probably want to teach them to do the same. His tail flicked, he could see quarrels rising. He figured though, royals tended to do that.
He dipped his head towards Roman, as he relaxed his shoulders the wounds on him already healed over. The forever tired looking male gave complete attention towards her. Whether he lost his position as lead healer or not, he was still here to offer his skills. He remembered carrying the girl to Bevroren in her injured state. He wondered if she held a grudge against him for that.

-Devin's hoping to keep his position as lead healer but it's alright if he doesn't ^w^

? ? ?

cait at btn

Trica- Ica


3 Years
10-26-2014, 10:07 PM

Trica's white ears perked up at the unique howl, the tone sounded slightly familiar but she couldn't exactly place who it belonged to. She sat up at made her way towards the call, wondering what could be going on. As she grew nearer the she-wolf grew anxious, a new alpha was addressing the pack, announcing to them that the crown had been moved onto her and she was now the leader. The dame's silver orbs narrowed into slits, frustration fueling inside of her. She just joined the pack and now there was a different leader! Her breathing was labored, emotions clouding her thoughts as she tried to work through what she was going to do. She decided to sit down, at the edge and hear what the white wolf had to say. With a huff of annoyance and a flash of anger she sat back on her haunches and waited for the femme to speak.


Athena I


9 Years
10-26-2014, 10:15 PM

Athena awoke to the sound of her sister's howl with a groan. She was glad that Roman was so gung-ho about all of this, but the thought of getting up just seemed so awful. With a sigh Athena pulled herself to her paws unhappily and began making her way slowly toward the meeting place. She couldn't move at the pace the wished to with her huge belly. It would be any day now that the pups would be born and she couldn't help but wonder how many of them there would be considering how large she had grown. Finally she arrived only to see her dear friend Haruka ranting about loyalties and leaving. Her brows pulled together and her dark ears flicked back unhappily, but luckily she happened to be standing right in Haruka's path with the woman went to storm of. "Haruka, wait! Please, I'll let you leave, I just want you to listen to what I have to say." Her eyes pleaded with her before she waddled closer to the middle of the clearing, not looking back to see if Haruka actually stayed.

She sat near Roman with a sigh, glancing around at all of those who had already gathered. She knew all but one of them, although she did notice not all of the Bevroren members had appeared yet and she wondered if all of them would if Haruka's reaction was any indication. Kyung actually showed himself, but didn't look pleased. Of course Vereux was there, but she already knew how he felt about the situation. And then there was Devin, who unsurprisingly looked like he was simply there to do his job like he always did. "I'm sorry for the surprise," she said with a small, apologetic smile, lifting her voice so they could all hear her, hoping that maybe the others would arrive soon or would at least hear her so she wouldn't have to repeat herself. "This was a decision that was made just last night so I haven't gotten a chance to speak with you all just yet. Really only Vereux and Amalia knew. I made the decision to hand over Bevroren to my older sister, Roman, because I am tired. I haven't been able to complete my duties to the level that I wish to do them for some time now because of my pregnancy and honestly... I was really too young to be in such a position in the first place. I'm burned out. I am sorry... I have let you all down. But I have to put my children first and I want to be able to raise them without being constantly called out to meet someone or doing patrols or running training sessions and the like. Perhaps, one day, I will change my mind and hunt down a crown once again, but for now I leave Bevroren in my sister's very capable paws. I hope that many of you choose to stay, but I will understand if you do not..." She glanced sadly toward Haruka, hoping her explanation was good enough for her friend. Bevroren would certainly be a strange place without Haruka's constant shadow.



10-26-2014, 11:11 PM

What was going on? Arietta didn't understand, confusion filling her when the call went up for a pack meeting. The brown woman would rise, head tilting to the side. It was not Athena, Vereux, or even Talvi who called. Who was it? Why? She had not heard the call for a pack challenge or anything. Worry gnawed at the small woman's gut, and she would let red-brown tipped paws lead her away from where she had been resting after her meal to the meeting area, praying that her daughter would not be late. Ears would flick back slightly, her faded blue gaze shining with anxiety as she pressed on.

A woman of white stood tall, perhaps the one who ran this show. A red mark was upon her face on one side, as well as scars. Gods above what was going on? She recognized almost all of the others there, with the exception of one female. She would linger off to the side on her own, catching the tail end of Haruka's display of anger. A whine threatened to leave her lips, posture submissive as the hunter waited to find out exactly what had gone on in the pack, and why there seemed to be so some discontent with it now.

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Dione

Vesta I


1 Year
10-27-2014, 09:35 AM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2014, 03:15 PM by Vesta I.)

Another Cog in the Murder Machine

Because the drugs never work

They're gonna give you a smirk

A call erupted from stranger tones and instantly Vesta?s guard was up. Who was it that dared call a meeting? It was not her aunt or uncle because she would have recognized the voices. She ran towards the scene but apparently not fast enough to beat out an angered Haruka who stormed off or her uncle Vereux or even her own mother. A small frown as she saw a stranger on their lands who reeked of herbs and prey as well as a stranger who had called the meeting standing there like she was running the joint. She had arrived just in time to hear her Aunt Athena?s words and her heart sank. S this woman who was now running the pack was her aunt? That didn?t give her much comfort to be perfectly honest. She wasn?t sure if she should feel proud, or hurt, or betrayed. She sat there with a blank look as she formulated something to say to make it all make sense.

She gulped, her eyes filled with an anticipation or nervousness. ?Aunt Athena? will you still be teaching me?? She asked in a soft and calm voice. She should be angry right now. She was angry. She was pissed that her aunt just handed the crown away. Family or no family, you need a very good reason to do so and she didn?t think Athena?s reason was good enough. Vesta wasn?t ready to be another pawn in the game of thrones. She was ready to be the queen? she was just short on the whole age part. Her white fur was freshly groomed, her glowing amber eyes boring down between Arietta, Athena, and Roman. She then looked to Roman and asked a simply question. ?Who are you to take the crown above one of the loyal members of this pack?? She had a bit of venom in her voice. She got that gene from Sin and she wasn?t going to let it go so easy. She was very much her father?s daughter in that regard. She looked to her mother with a slight worry in her eyes.

She hated change. Change was bad.

'Cause they got methods of keeping you cleanVesta Armada


10-29-2014, 07:08 PM

*** - Indicates where the meeting begins, like the important info- not just reactions to everyone. I think she addressed everyone, at least mentally noting their arrival- if not, it's my bad.

The ivory Queen waited upon her pedestal, for the first wolf to appear. That first wolf was Haruka. Roman wasn't sure how this was going to go, and she didn't speak first, merely looked at the other wolf. Haruka spoke then, and Roman felt her slightly good mood spiral south. Her ears flattened, and her violet eyes narrowed. She raised her head, regally looking down at the other she-wolf, as she tensed her muscles to keep herself from attacking the mouthy girl. Then Elli appeared, and Roman gave her a tense nod- looking away when Vereux appeared. His words did little to sooth the ruffled Queen- she couldn't suppress the fury that she felt.

In all of this exchange, Kyung arrived and Roman nodded at him- offering no personal greeting as she stared down the multi-colored fea that dared speak rudely. Haruka spoke again, her disrespect for the crown, making Roman's blood boil. Haruka then announced her intent to leave- and Roman jumped from her pedestal. "Halt." She'd speak to command the dame. If Haruka didn't, Roman had little qualms about attacking her from behind. She had all intents to claim her- mark her a prisoner. A strange white wolf arrived in this commotion and Devin- and finally Athena herself. Roman froze.

As Athena spoke, she let out a seething breath, glaring at Haruka. She didn't speak- but let Athena address her pack. She let out a huff, as Athena spoke- fighting the desire to destroy this wench. She, instead, listened to her sister speak- leveling her gaze across the members of her- no Roman's pack. Arietta- a dame Roman only knew by looks, and another appeared and Roman studied them. Finally, it seemed Athena was done- and Roman hoped the pack members can appreciate Athena's reasons. Roman started to speak.

***"For those of you who don't know me, I am Roman Armada, a daughter of Isardis- and half sister to both Athena and Vereux." She paused, looking at the stranger who spoke. "Only an Armada will hold this crown, as long as the Armada line lives." Addressing the whole pack again, she speaks. "Aside from changing the name of the pack to Regium- I see no other major changes I wish to make at this time. I would like to meet with each of you, to discuss your ranks, and your ambitions. As I discuss these things with you, I'll appoint ranks- but for now, they'll stay as they are." She paused, nodding at Elli. "I know most of you do not know, Elli- She was a wolf of former Regium and will be joining us." Roman said softly. "I intend this change to be easy on you all. I know you're loyal to Athena, but she is my sister and perhaps you'll give me a little trust- in making decisions that she - and you can be proud of." Pause. "Athena is still the secondary Queen, she isn't going anywhere, but she needs time to be a mother. I'm sure you can all understand that."

"Assuming you can let me know of any plans you have to sever ties with this pack politely, I'll let you go without any qualms. I'm hoping to work on making this pack a bit more militant, and something like Glaciem used to be under my father's rule. I want us to be strong. Athena has done remarkable with you, but with the tenuous alliances and ever changing world of Alacritis, I fear we need to be stronger. I urge those who stay loyal to us, to come to me with any issues- or just to chat. I'll be pleased to speak with you." She ended, dipping her head slightly to the wolves, and waiting to see what they would say.

Oh she'd forgotten something- "We've been invited to a festival of sorts, hosted by the ruler of Patheon, a pack in the west. You all are encouraged to go- though I must warn you, respect the rules of the Queen hosting this. Failure to do so, will result in dire consequences. She requested no violence at this event. So we shall be respectful of that, and be friendly. This is a great chance to meet other packs." She finished with a slight smile.
Greek Speak -- Roman Speak

Okay- basically Roman's just changing the name of Bev to Regium and going to make it a little more militant. Everyone's welcome to stay- Roman wants to make Regium strong should any issue dictate strength. Also I posted early because I can XD

edit- also all regium wolves can go to the festival, just don't do anything stupid because roman will punish fittingly. she won't be made a fool of there.


11-05-2014, 02:16 PM

While Vesta did arrive, her daugher responded to the subject of change differently than Arietta did herself. The brown dame was afraid of change, uncertain how new leadership would affect them all. One thing was sure however, both mother and daughter did not care for change, and the brown fae would drift closer to her child, gently shushing her. ?Give them time, Vesta. They?ll explain what is going on soon enough.? As the smaller woman would assure her daughter soon the meeting would begin, questions soon enough answered.

So this woman was a sister-in-law of sorts. Or was she even considered to be connected to the Armada family any longer? Sin was not by her side, though their daughter was still here. All the same... Arietta felt almost as if she didn?t belong in this pack of Armada blood. Not that she would leave, no, her loyalty was here, to where her daughter would be safe, would be able to train and become what she desired. All the same, however, the woman felt disconnected from the others. The only one she felt she could truly connect with was Trica, the other huntress who had joined her not long ago.

The worry came, however, when Roman spoke of the pack, to be renamed to Regium, to be more of a militant pack. Her heart would grow cold, her tail pressing against her back legs. Though she had attended the fight training held between both Bevroren and Isokan, well... Her skills in such areas were by all means lacking. She had so little fighting experience, prone to losing her head just as battle began. Gaze would lower to her paws, fear gnawing at her mind. If... If she was unable to conquer her fear and become a better fighter... Would Roman expel her from the pack?

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Dione

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-05-2014, 08:01 PM

The white she-wolf sat back on her haunches, listening intently to the new alpha. Her silver eyes narrowed in suspicion as she looked at the white wolf in front of her and the rest of the pack. Her alabaster tail twitched against her back as she listened intently to the wolf called Roman. Panic flared in her heart as she heard the pack would become more militant, she did not want to fight, ever. Her silver eyes shine with fear and anger as she looked upon the alpha. If she was made to fight in this change, she would leave.

Her mind raced a mile a minute as she tried to figure out her dilemma, maybe she would approach the alpha after the meeting. She really wished to stay in the pack but she was unwilling to fight unless her whole pack was in danger, or her mate. Laying down, she decided to wait until the end of the meeting. Hopefully Roman would understand her worries.


Vesta I


1 Year
11-10-2014, 10:24 AM

Another Cog in the Murder Machine

Because the drugs never work

They're gonna give you a smirk

The ivory girl narrowed her eyes in suspicion. She was slowly starting to realize what was going down and she sat on her rump in protest. This supposed aunt of hers was to lead and Vesta didn?t like it because it was change. If she was aware that it would happen beforehand, then perhaps it would have been easier but this had just been thrust upon the entire pack. She would speak with still doubtful tones in her voice. ?So you?re another aunt of mine? How many children did grandfather have exactly?? She said aloud as she tilted her head to the side. She looked towards Arietta. Oh how, even though she couldn?t admit it, she missed her father and her brothers. They had left without a piece of closure and it drove her insane. It made the message loud and clear? she wasn?t wanted and she wasn?t needed.

Regardless of what her brothers had intended, the girl sat up straighter and gave an introduction. ?I?m Vesta.? She would give a name as the rather outspoken girl spoke her opinions freely as she felt she always should. The distrust of this change, if not evident throughout her body signals and words, was present clearly in her amber eyes. She wasn?t going to let this happen. She?d take the pack by force, once she was old enough, if she had to. Perhaps Roman might one day prove herself a capable leader but until then, Vesta didn't like the smell of things. Her stare was more like a glare. If her behavior said anything about her, it would label her as Sin?s daughter.

'Cause they got methods of keeping you cleanVesta Armada


11-17-2014, 09:44 AM
Quick reply for Vesta!

Roman smiled slightly as the youngest wolf present spoke. A chuckle left her as she spoke. "Your grandfather has many children and grandchildren, many that I do not know. The Armada family is vast." She smiled slightly and mentally labeled the young wolf as- spitfire. "Who is your father?" She asked softly, curiosity lining her tone- with a glance at the girls mother. Or whom she assumed to be her mother. Something about this child was eerily familiar. She seemed defiant, and something about that interested Roman. The girl introduced herself as Vesta and Roman nodded slightly committing her name to memory. And so the Queen waits to see if the child has any more questions for her, and Roman wonders if she's passed her initial test?

Vesta I


1 Year
11-17-2014, 10:42 AM
Psychosocial Baby

I've been around for a long, long year

Stole many a man's soul and faith

Roman admitted to the young ivory pup that Grandfather Isardis had many children and she herself did not even know of them all. That left a sickening feeling in her stomach to know that she could be related to the whole of Alacritis for all she knew. The new queen asked her who her father was and she snorted. ?If I can even call him that. His name is Sin and he abandoned my mother and I while taking my two brothers with him. So yeah, father of the year.? The sarcasm in her tone was hard to ignore as she practically pouted about her father and how evil he had been. He was wicked. Was she not good enough for him?

This bitter hatred for him was hard to hide. It wasn?t just that she had abandoned them; it was that he had done so without even saying goodbye. She was never going to forget the pain she had seen around until they made their way to Bevroren now Regium. That wouldn?t last. Vesta was going to start her own pack one day and maybe if Roman proved herself to the young and feisty pup, then the aunt and niece could be allies. Well, that was if she wasn?t a runaway like Sin had been.

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ

Had his moment of doubt and pain
Vesta Armada


11-17-2014, 02:02 PM

Her daughter was far bolder than she, speaking out against the new Queen, wanting to know who she was, more about her family. Isardis was indeed a man who had sired many children, and his children went on to create their own bloodlines. Remembering Sin hurt her heart. She would lower her eyes, giving a soft sigh. Why he had gone... she didn't know. She felt courage now and then without him... but greater weakness too. She didn't know what was right, their initial meeting a mix of lies and blurred memories to make it acceptable. She would shudder some, raising her head as Vesta commented on her so called father, and all the while she just stood here... some little submissive fae...

"Yes... it seems that after his children were born Sin took his leave. I knew that he had wanted to create his own pack... perhaps his own empire... which was why he had us separated from Glaciem." Her ears were lowered. Had he deemed the females in his life no longer worthy to be around? It hurt her heart to think like that. Her gaze would lower again, feeling more insecure about being here.

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Dione


11-17-2014, 03:32 PM

She could not pretend to not be slightly surprised at the words that would leave the white she-wolfs mouth. Sin was her father. That explained a lot. Roman nodded slightly, then spoke. "Sin was my full brother. Not that I knew him that well." She noted lightly, and with a shrug. The pair had shared the same mother, but the siblings hadn't been exactly close. In fact she couldn't recall a single time they'd gotten along. She hoped that with Sin's daughter perhaps things would be different. "Perhaps in the coming time, we'll get to know each other." Roman suggested slightly. She did like to get to know each of her family. She'd have to make a point to seek out the young she-wolf, and see if the two could bond over anything- even if it was their dislike of Sin. Roman wondered why the brute had left his child and mate.
