
Sending my love on a wire



7 Years
Extra large
10-26-2014, 09:30 PM

The deed had been done, and he heard Venus was pregnant he felt even more compelled towards Abaven than he ever had. Of course he had informed Arian beforehand and she already knew it. Ixionn was ready, but he had left without being able to say goodbye and for good reason at that. He didn't care if the boys feelings got hurt, Quelt needed this, he required some sense of reality to pull him back into the world. While Venus probably hadn't been the best choice, these were his children the world was speaking about. Plus the woman made him feel comfortable, a part of himself where he hadn't been able to share it at all. Of course he was worried about what Bass might think, but he had a duty to these children.
He lifted his head in a call at the borders, strong body sitting over everything else. The scent of Isokan would be faded on his pelt, but the scent of Venus still lingered there. His heart pounded unlike it had done with Irune. He had broken her heart surely, but a new chapter of his life had started, what happened from here on he needed to see head on. May the god Zakuro of insanity guide his dark path to protect what was dear to him. And his heart had always lingered in Abaven anyway.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



7 Years

10-28-2014, 10:11 AM

The call that rang out was not one that he had suspected. His brow rose as his head lifted from his paws, his body resting on top of his rocky den. He was dealing with a lot these days, he had just gotten back on his paws when he found out that Wren was missing. He hadn't talked to his sisters at all, in fact he had been avoiding almost all confrontations. No matter how long he searched for his wife though, she was no where to be found. It made his heart sink and his belly fill with dread, but at least his good friend was calling him to the borders now. Perhaps he needed a little time with Quelt, last time he had spoken to the alpha he had been struggling with being an Alpha. It was no easy task, but perhaps the males could comfort and hold each other up. So with a soft sigh, he pulled himself to his paws and jumped on the ground, slowly picking his way to the border.

When he was able to take in the older man's smell, he was shocked at what he picked up. Most of the Isokan scent had melted away from his body, being replaced by a smell that was all to familiar to him. His brow rose even higher in question, wondering why he stunk like Venus. The woman had been acting a bit strange though, but he was oblivious to her slight weight gain. It was Autumn going into winter, so to him it was just a good sign that they were all bulking up. Bass however had lost a bit of weight, his belly skin hanging a bit low over his body. "Quelt, what has happened? You hardly smell like your pack -- and yet you reek of one of my members." Not that he was angry about it, but he knew that Venus had her fair share of men. He wasn't stupid, he was able to pick up their faint smell upon her coat. There was no doubt in his mind that these two had lain together, and he wasn't quite sure how to feel about that. They were both wolves who were dear to his heart, so there was nothing wrong with that, right?




7 Years
Extra large
10-28-2014, 12:37 PM

His eyes would search for Venus for a moment. He couldn't deny she was a new to his life, and yet she was a undeniable friend. Though bass arrived making his skin crawl. Remain calm, he told himself. Life threw odd things his way and he was tired of being yelled at in some areas more than others. His black tail wagged a little though, he loved bass and he could say that about Abaven no problem. "Bass it's a relief to see you" It really was a the lyrics fell from his maw.
"I gave up isokan, and me and irune are no longer mates. As you can probably guess I was with Venus. And well, she is pregnant with my children" He sheepishly lowered his eyes. Venus ha a habit of wing with many men, but his heart cringed with jealousy at it. She was just a friend why did he feel that way? He looked back to bass.
"I was wondering if you would let me back into Abaven. My heart has always been tied here and now with Venus. I want to be a part of my children's lives." Quelt watche him carefully an hopefully. Though it was clear that quelt hasn't been doing well even with Venus.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



7 Years

10-28-2014, 12:53 PM

The words that left the blue man's voice came as a shock to him. He knew that Venus was rather promiscuous, but he had not even been aware that it was her season. He had not smelled it on her, and yet Quelt was telling him that she carried his children. He didn't know if he was supposed to be angry or happy, but a burst of laughter bubbled up from his maw. "Puppies? Quelt you ol' dog you!" He called, letting out another giggle as she shot forward, pushing his nose into the male's shoulder as his tail wagged behind him. "You leave and you come back telling me you are going to be a father? And with Venus no less!" He did a little jump skip, not able to contain how happy he was for his friend. From that way that Quelt had stood, he knew that he was probably going to be more than shocked that he was taking this so well. But how else was he supposed to take it? He loved pups, and that meant that his pack was growing even more. Both Venus and Quelt were dear to his heart, as well as strong warriors. He had no doubt that their children would be the pride of Abaven.

Quelt asked to return to Abaven and he eagerly nodded his head. "Of course. I have missed you since the day you stepped off my lands. I would be happy to welcome you back, and offer you the rank of Bjundi. I cannot give you your high rank back, you must once again prove yourself to me and all of Abaven. Plus, Venus now holds the rank of Naharar, which I am sure you know already. Are you willing to accept this rank?"


10-28-2014, 02:07 PM

She had been lurking in the shadows all the while, waiting to see how her king and the father of her unborn children handled the situation at paw. Quelt, as promised, would announce the pregnancy. Ah, he had yet to fail her and a part of her seemed to know that she could trust him even though she refused to admit it. And so, after the news had been broken, she would make herself known to the men before her. The two men in which made up her entire family. She had grown to love Bass, the first wolf in which could ever say that about. It was not quite romantic, no. . . More like a younger brother of sorts. And the friendship that had blossomed so quickly with Quelt was proving to be one worthy of keeping.

At first, she would take her kings side. Brushing against him warmly briefly, then making her way to Quelt's side. She would lean into him, a way to say that "we are in this together" without words. Perhaps, this little accidental family could bloom into something much more meaningful that what she had anticipated. It was not only a rebirth of who she was, but a rebirth for Abaven as a whole. Offering pups in which could be trained to become protectors of those that inhabited these lands, a new blood in which would only make this pack stronger.

Head would dip respectfully to her king and she would speak softly to the man. I know this is unexpected, but believe me, I am far more surprised than you are, my king. I suppose we have to trust in the gods that the hand we have been dealt will only benefit us, make us stronger. I know I am not capable of being the mother that pups would hope for, but I suppose together - with you, Quelt, and the others, I can learn. A soft laugh would paint her lips before continuing. Of course he will accept this rank. He's not getting out of this mess. She would nudge Quelt playfully with her shoulder. Ah, poor guy. She almost felt bad for him.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts



7 Years
Extra large
10-28-2014, 03:47 PM

After all the reactions he had been given, Bass' was probably the most relieving of all of them. He was not scolded, and not asked any questions as to why and how it had come around. Quelt would mysteriously raise a brow at the man, but he inched forward playfully making him widen his eyes a little in surprise and almost confusion. He pressed his head into Bass the smaller man promptly. His tail couldn't keep from wagging a little subtly. He really was just a ray of sunshine on his life.
Then Venus would appear, making him move away from Bass as he blinked mouth a little in awe as she spoke. Of course he'd accept the rank, he'd accept any rank given even if he was a bottom dweller(not that Venus would allow that). Quelt gave a short settled snort, out of sorts with the old self Bass had grown to know. His attitude was far more blatant now, but he enjoyed his time with all of them because they were his family.
"Itsume would smite me if I didn't take care of you Venus, plus you're probably the first person to make me feel alive after what happened with Irune." he spat at her name a little, but held his tongue to avoid the emotional trouble. "So I wouldn't leave you even if the world was burning to a crisp." he noted puffing out his fur against Venus a little playfully with a smirk on his face. Deviously like a monster as the large male looked over Venus then to Bass. He was finally.....home.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]