
Butterfly Kisses


10-25-2014, 08:45 PM

It was such a beautiful morning. A soft blanket of fog embraced the world outside the den. Sun shone brightly from the horizon, painting the land in shades of gold. Tiny frame sat at the door in amazement at the view before her. Colors danced about so brilliantly. She was unsure about exploring outside on her own, but she could not resist getting a quiet look of the outdoors without her energetic sister or Mamma to get in the way of things. And so, although nervous, she would slowly make her way into a new world.

Tiny yellow butterflies fluttered about. Each one seemed to float so easily in the air. Oh, how she wished to join them! One of the creatures lit on her nose and that sent a shiver of excitement throughout her. A soft yip escaped her maw and light danced beautifully in her eyes - an undying happiness. The tiny creature took flight with the breeze and Aura chased after it happily. Jumping and nipping at it on occasion, with no real intent to catch it. Nevertheless, she happened to catch it within her teeth. She shook her head immediately afterwards and used her paw to dislodge it from her mouth. The torn winged butterfly then fell slowly onto the ground and lied there without movement. Silver gaze looked at it in wonder, left paw toyed with it. A soft whine poured through onyx lips. Butterfly? She just could not understand why it refused to move again and float away with its family.

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3 Years
10-26-2014, 06:43 AM

Why had he traveled all the way down here, anyway? He was just putting more pressure onto his recovering pa---...pft, why did it even matter to him now? Why couldn't he explore without worrying? Arian obviously didn't mind that he explored a little. She never complained, or told him to stay within Isokan. Quelt hasn't either...not even Irune. So he was the only one holding himself back. Pft- how pathetic he was. He needed to open up to the world...he needed to welcome it. The boy was always hesitating, like a little pup who was trying to sneak out without it's mother knowing. "Hmm...should I do this? No, no, maybe I shou- Yeah okay maybe I will." Absolutely pathetic.
It was a beautiful day, anyways. Why not wander around the volcano a little bit? Wouldn't it be fun--- to be so close? Ixionn growled to himself and cleared his mind of all the thoughts, eyes turning forward as he hobbled on through the little field. His paw hurt only slightly...maybe because he was running most of the way here. But it was alright. He was okay. There was nothing to worry about. Blahahaha. Suddenly, he stopped cold, nose lifting to the air. He inhaled the wavering smells in the air...and picked up the unfamiliar aroma of a young woman. Really young.
Ixionn lowered his head and blinked. Why wasn't this pup with it's mother---or with a pack? She didn't smell of any of the packs in particular, actually. Maybe she was a rogue pup? The boy sighed and switched directions, making his way toward the little girl. Once he saw her, she was jumping at a butterfly. And it was adorable. Her appearance, though, was even more adorable and stunning. Silver eyes...he could already see from the distance. And she had an orange hue to her. Not like his kind of was much brighter.
The masked heir watched her trap the butterfly in her jaws, and then bring it to the ground in a quick movement. For a second, she looked like she was proud of her catch. Then she began to paw at it...there wasn't anything he hated worse than little pups not understanding life. And not understand things like this..."Butterfly?" Ixionn instantly appeared from the shade, walking up to her and sitting down before her. He grinned cheerfully.
"Hi there!"
He wanted to be as kind and understanding as possible. But at the same time, he didn't want to tell her that this butterfly was sleeping. If he did that, and she thought the butterflies were tired, she'd start killing them all while thinking she was doing good. That'd be horrible. "Enjoying the butterflies, hm?"

Helios I


9 Years
10-26-2014, 12:10 PM

Helios was watching his niece from the confines of his den, the temporary burrow offering him shade from the autumn sun as he watched the small girl bounce after from butterflies. He wasn't sure if Phoebe was around, though he had the feeling if she wasn't the child had most likely snuck from her den while his sister slept. He had no doubt that his sibling needed sleep, the only parent of two growing energetic children, yes she would more than likely be rundown.
The girl seemed to catch her prey and he watched as she pawed at the fallen insect. A small chuckle rumbled in him as he observed. Then a form he did not recognize drew into view and Helios found himself rising to his paws, drawing out from his den and approaching the pup. He approached with his tail raised giving a slight dominant pose, eyes locked on the boy. He said nothing drawing up a short distance away. He settled upon his haunches, his unspoken message sent. He had no qualms about the stranger being there but he was watching.


10-26-2014, 11:04 PM

Sadness painted her face, now. Paw touched the butterfly's tiny corpse in attempt to help it. Fly away. Lips would grab hold onto it's left wing and toss it gently into the breeze, it would drift a short distance before falling to the ground once more - but this time, at another set of paws. She gasped softly, senses had not detected another's approach. Silver eyes slowly lifted to meet the gaze of the stranger. Ears pinned back in fear and she found herself crouching in submission. This was her first encounter with a wolf outside of her family. Oh, ummm. . . Hello. Words would return the greeting the boy offered. Oh, but what to do now?

Peripheral vision would pick up the sight of Uncle Helios. That added some comfort, at least she was no longer alone. And so, slowly her body would relax some and she would stand upright. Why won't butterfly go home? Maybe the stranger could answer her question. Maybe he could help! Can you make butterfly go home? She would softly ask, a hopeful look glimmered in her eyes. Ears quickly perked in excitement as an idea popped into her mind, Uncle Helios could help, right? He could do everything! Uncle Helios! C'mere!

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4 Years
10-27-2014, 01:03 PM
The woman was not stalking Ixionn actually what brought her here was Helios scent. While she had left Olympus in search of a better place for era elf she had still taken the time to learn their names and faces. Since then she had become a queen and been crippled but connecting with old members was still something she enjoyed. Her three well off paws varying her over to watch ixonn and the pup interact. He would be the future leader of isokan some day, so she had to keep an eye on him. She approached Helios with a soft smile not caring about her new appearance to him, not that he would remember her anyway.

"Helios it's been awhile" she greeted with a dip of her head. She wondered if they felt any ill will against her all of the Olympians. That was one thing she always worried about though. She tested her crippled leg and watched ixonn. "Whose the little one? The other is Ixionn he's part of my new pack training to be the heir" she wanted this to be casual even if it wouldn't be as such.
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.