
Girl With One Eye



8 Years
09-17-2014, 07:35 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2014, 01:14 PM by Nalyda.)
The grey colored woman had decided to take some time from being a mother and explore some of the territories. She had no word of what would happen when she was walking, but all she could hear was wind, and rain began to pour down in large droplets. Her crimson orbs would catch the droplets, causing her eyes to water as the wind continued to blow fiercely. Her paws sunk into the soft earth that was formed by the large amount of rain. She needed to find shelter, or there would be no telling what would happen to her. She ran toward the closest shelter she could find which was a stone structure. It would keep her dry, at least for now. The wind continued to increase as a small tornado began to form as a funnel cloud could be seen swirling toward Nalyda. Her eyes opened wide as she managed to get inside the stone den before she got hit by the tornado. The grey and black dame shook the water from her pelt, a look of worry that the storm would come toward her family in the orchard, but she knew Kar would do his best to looking after the little ones she had given birth to.

"Man, these storms are terrible," she spoke with shock in her tone. eyes focused on the storm that continued to get worse with every passing minute. Ears erect as the winds howled, just like an entire pack was howling in uinison, and howling as loud as they could. She lied down in the cave and watched the storm, praying her family would be ok.


09-19-2014, 03:21 PM

And I Know That I

I Sometimes Tend To Lose My Temper

And I Cross The Line
The girl had been resting, waiting for a lull in the storm. She was heading where she felt she would be away from the storms... but it was hard to get anywhere. For a bit of time now she had been hidden inside the stone den with Tiny, the pygmy jerboa resting between her paws. She was unsure where Freyr was, but she knew he was on the mainland. She would have to find him later... with the storm as bad as it was she was just going to have to press forward until she could find somewhere that might be safer for the two of them. They were still dangerously close to the water after all.

Single orb would open, fear gripping her as another came into the den out of the storm. Likely she didn't see her, and Akemi would let out a soft growl. To let the other know she was here. Tiny would shiver within her paws and Akemi would lower her head, gently breathing warm air over her adopted son. Poor thing was scared of the storm. But she would find some way to keep him safe, no matter what. He was small... so small... he needed her. Had the storm not been so bad she might have recognized the woman who came into the den... but the water had washed away much of her scent. Akemi knew this woman... she was the very healer who once saved her life.

I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes

But I Could Never Leave Your Side

No Matter What I Say



8 Years
09-20-2014, 01:05 PM
Nalyda would look to the sounds of the world around her, storms continuing to blow through the land. This storm was even more terrible than the other ones that the dame had been in. Her crimson optics would soon realize that she was not alone. Her form shot up as her eyes met the wolf that she had saved from dying. Akemi, she believed was her name. "Good to see you again, Akemi," Nalyda smiled, bowing her cranium to the dame whom she had saved. "How are you faring?"

She approached her a little bit and lied down in front of her, thundering cracking once she had lied down completely. The wind continued to pick up, soon, a cracking sound was heard as the wind carried a shard of what appeared to be metal. Her eyes widened, not sure how a piece of metal made its way here. Soon, the sharp piece went straight for Nalyda's eyes, her top and bottom eyelids being sliced as well as her eyes ball, leaving a large cut from the top of her eye, down to the middle of her eyeball, and then to the bottom of her eye. Her right eye had gone completely blind! Nalyda was thankful though that it wasn't lodged inside her eye, but the shard of metal was covered in her own blood.


09-27-2014, 07:39 PM

And I Know That I

I Sometimes Tend To Lose My Temper

And I Cross The Line
It was when the young female realized who the other wolf was that she relaxed. Nalyda. The healer who had worked hard to make sure she lived. The other was a saint, and Akemi would give a gentle smile to her. ?Nalyda... Glad to see some friendly company in weather like this.? The female would say softly. Tiny would begin to crawl over her fur, going up to Nalyda and sniffing her paw with his little pink nose. The small female would would quickly speak, hoping to make sure that Nalyda didn?t snap at the poor creature.

?That?s Tiny by the way. He?s my... Son.? Akemi would smile, looking at the little creature as he looked up at Nalyda. Even with the thunder he seemed much more interested in the new wolf that joined them. That was until something came flying into the cave. With a startled squeak he ran back to Akemi, scrambling over her leg and hiding between them. Akemi could only watch with horror as she now saw blood. The female would whine, her good eye shining with worry.

?Gods...! Nalyda...!? She was worried for the other female. Carefully she would rise, Tiny hopping onto her right forepaw as she got a bit closer to the other female. ?S...Something just... Cut your eye...? She was stating the obvious, but she was in a bit of shock. Though probably not as much as the female before her.

I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes

But I Could Never Leave Your Side

No Matter What I Say



8 Years
09-27-2014, 08:25 PM
Her good eye focused on the piece of metal that had managed to slash her eye. Pain was something she was used to all the time, but this was something she had never experienced, and this was what had caused her eye to go blind. She looked to the little pup named Tiny. "I apologize for startling your son. If I would have known that object would have cut my eye I would have moved and would be more gentle with him." She felt bad for scaring the puppy, but she was also in pain as she wiped blood from her eye that she could no longer see from since the metal cut her eyeball, as well as her upper and lower eyelid. She gently nudged the boys head and looked to the rain that began to pour down heavier. "How are you fairing, Akemi?"


10-05-2014, 05:18 PM

And I Know That I

I Sometimes Tend To Lose My Temper

And I Cross The Line
{{Ooc:: To clarify, Esper, Tiny isn?t actually a wolf pup. He?s a pygmy jerboa. Think something along the lines of a mouse... A rodent, and really tiny. Smaller than an actual mouse. No worries though. :3}}

Akemi would give a little smile, shaking her head. ?It?s alright. He?s not really used to interacting with other creatures yet. He was probably barely old enough to eat seeds when I found him. We haven?t been together long... Just a couple days.? The little pygmy jerboa would giggle at the light nuzzle to his body before scurrying to Nalyda?s leg and crawling up on it. ?It?s okay. I know you didn?t mean it. Is your eye gonna be okay?? His nose twitched some, glancing back to his mama.

Akemi felt her heart warm seeing the rodent warm up towards Nalyda. That woman was not one who needed to be feared. She would shift, giving a soft sigh. ?Ups and downs, Nalyda. But I think that things might be alright. Finding Tiny has been a blessing... He?s a good kid.? She would move a bit closer. ?...I can try to clean the wound, stop the bleeding... If it?s okay... You can tell me about your kids too. You?ve had them by now, haven?t you?? Surely she hadn't miscarried. But Akemi would need to use her tongue to clean the blood, but hey, not every wolf knew how to use herbs like a healer.

I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes

But I Could Never Leave Your Side

No Matter What I Say



8 Years
10-05-2014, 07:52 PM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2014, 07:55 PM by Nalyda.)
Nalyda would nod and smile, her crimson orbs showing kindness as she looked to the little mouse and smiled. Kindness was something she had all the time for, and when it came to something like a kid or pup, she couldn't say no for they just made her heart soar. Her ears were erect when Akemi would speak to her, blood dripping upon the floor as she winced slightly, "My eye will be ok, little one. I won't be able to see, but I will be alright."

She looked to Akemi once more and nodded, "I had to girls and a son. The boy is someone who I love since he is the only one that is a boy. I hope that I help him in any way I can. My third one born was a runt. She loves to play and is like her father in more ways than one." She smiled and looked to the sky, seeing it was still pouring down rain. "The second one looks like Kar, but she is a lot like him, like a little version of him. I know Amaterasu and Kar will get along very well together since my daughters are stuck to their father like glue."


10-14-2014, 12:12 PM

Akemi would give a small nod when the healer said she would be alright. Still... The fiery femme felt bad seeing the kind woman injured as she was. To know she would no longer be able to see in that eye... She felt sorry for her. Akemi already knew what it was like to be down an eye... And it made some things a lot more complicated, surely. But the healer had someone so kind to look out for her; a mate who would continue to love and protect her against any foe who dare show their face. Honestly, in that respect, Akemi felt both jealous and not. At this point... The tiny female didn?t want a male by her side. She didn?t trust those not related to her... With the exception of Nalyda?s mate and those too young to be of a threat.

Tiny?s gaze would flick between the two female wolves as they talked. Babies... He liked other babies! They were cute. Not that he was all that old himself. Ears would twitch, his eyes shinning. ?They sound cute!? He would squeak. Akemi would gently brush the tip of her nose on top of her adopted son, her words soft. ?They do indeed. Sounds like they will get a lot of love. Make sure you keep that part of yourself, Nalyda.? Not that a wolf would change for no reason, but Akemi had never had a maternal or paternal figure. No... Her parents were pretty much useless rather than the loving sort the title might suggest. No one needed to deal with that sort of neglect at such a tender age... Just short of abandonment.

?I hope that if I ever have more children I could be a mother like you...? The words were soft and carefully spoken. She had a child in some respects... Tiny. She loved the pygmy jerboa, despite not knowing him long. He was precious and so small. He needed someone... And... She could relate to him in some ways. She wasn?t exactly the best suited mother for him, but Akemi would care for him to the best of her ability. She would kill for the little creature that looked at her with love. Such unconditional love and adoration. He made her feel wanted. Tiny would curl up against Akemi, his beady eyes bright. ?Yeah yeah! Then we?ll all play together! Lots of games!?




8 Years
10-14-2014, 04:02 PM
Nalyda chuckled when she would hear Tiny speak in his little squeak. He was surely adorable to say the least. Her pups would be curious if they ever saw Tiny, and she couldn't help but give a soft chuckle to the rodent. "I'm sure my daughters would be curious to see you, Tiny. My son, on the other hand, he might try to hurt Tiny since he basically keeps to himself. He doesn't like his daughters that much." She would wince when her eye began to throb. The pain was overwhelming, and more blood would drip onto the ground, and she couldn't help but go outside and let the rain wash off the blood, more pain shooting from her eye when she did so.


10-27-2014, 03:37 PM

And I Know That I

I Sometimes Tend To Lose My Temper

And I Cross The Line
Ooc:: We can wrap this up soon since it was supposed to be set during the summer storms.
Akemi would frown as Nalyda spoke again. Hurt Tiny...? But why? For what reason would he find it necessary to do that? Tiny was little and harmless. To think he didn't like his sisters either... The wolfess would gently lick his little body, feeling him shivering some against her form. "He won't hurt you... it's okay." She would say softly. Worry gnawed at her about the boy. It sounded like he was going down a dark path... a path she saw too much in her youth. Akemi would raise her head, seeing Nalyda head outside. A sigh would leave the small fae.

"Nalyda..." She would slowly rise, edging towards the mouth of their shelter. "Perhaps you should keep a close eye on your son. I have seen how fate festers in the heart of children as they grow... Your son does not need to be another victim to it." Her voice was soft. A gentler side of her was present right now... but Akemi would always have the part of her that was a little aggressive fireball. It was just who she was. But... that didn't mean she couldn't be kind, and feel other emotions as well. She had to let go of being constantly consumed by rage.

I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes

But I Could Never Leave Your Side

No Matter What I Say