
Quelt x Venus



7 Years
Extra large
10-27-2014, 08:28 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2014, 08:29 PM by Quelt.)
So what was a first night stand might turn into something greater, but Quelts little heart broken fling turned into a litter of puppies! With the ever so frisky and warrior like Venus! We got three free pups and I'm taking oneCLICK so that means there are two open slots unless you wanna pay for an extra pup pass(Which ensures you'd get one). Anyway, you can choose from the designs I made or try to make you own. Quelt is 40" in height so you get a discount for height, and for stripes if you wanted any. Feel free to add stripes to their designs if you want to(for the pre designed ones I did). I did free ones just so that it's easier. As far as names go, it's free game. But their last names should be Rivers.
Quelt plans on helping Venus raise these kids, as they are not mates....yet. They are bonding and it might grow into something bigger. But both parents will be playing a role in their lives.
[Image: pup1_by_senpai_seimei-d84dyrh.png]
[Image: pup2_by_senpai_seimei-d84dyrk.png]
[Image: pup3_by_senpai_seimei-d84dyrm.png]
Your free to decide the color of the other eye if you want it to be different. As far as temperments go, Quelt is neutral, his personality actually changes on how he feels and who he's around but he is generally very mature and gentleman like with a leadership quality to boot. Venus is a warrior, who has a harsh past but still continues to move on, she may seem scary xD but Quelt likes her. Plus keep in mind the pups will be raised in Abaven with the lovely bass and others.



Health:(Quelt's family line apparently has a list of mental disorders, but you do not HAVE to include any.)



Why do you want this pup?:

Pups are due nov 24th so they will be chosen on the nov 14th(one week before due date)
[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


10-30-2014, 04:40 PM
user posted image

Given Name: Onna

Preferred Alias {As She Ages}:: Trick

Self Given Title:: The Trickster

Design: My Own, With Permission Of Riv. ^-^

Gender: Female

Mental Health: Onna will hear voices, or rather a single voice, that will be referred to something along the lines of ?The Darkness?. It is more of the voice of a second personality, a much darker personality, that both criticizes Onna and attempts to get her to do it?s will {generally in regards to acting out or attacking others}. For the most part it will not play a big role in her actions, though she will have periods of time where she will slip up and speak aloud in response to this voice, rather than address it internally. This has the potential to make her seems far more unstable than she actually is.

Height:: 36? || Weight:: 154 lbs
Traits:: Slightly Muscled || Curvy || Elegant || Long Legged || Narrow Muzzle || Soft Features

Primary Coat:: Slate #606881

Secondary Colors:: Pale Slate (Inner Ear) #C9CDD5 || Black (Nose) #090909

Left Eye:: Blue With Red Around Pupil #0A14FF and #E50A04

Right Eye:: Violet With Blue Around Pupil #FF34F3 and #0A14FF

Marking Color One:: Off-White (Freckles, Back Marking, Front Socks, Back Right Stocking, and Tail Tip) #FFFCEB

Marking Color Two:: Black (Upper Head, Left Ear Tip, Right Ear, Back Marking Two, Front Paws, Back Left Stocking, and Tail) #242424

Marking Color Three:: Faded Slate (Left Ear Base) #A0A8BA

Onna Lineart Ref -Click Me.-

Onna is truly a child of beauty, with soft features and defined curves that mark her body. While she has softer features, as well as narrow muzzle, that give her an innocent look, it is hardly revealing of the femme?s true nature. She carries herself with the elegant look and gait of a goddess, using her body as both trap and weapon. She may have the beauty of her mother, but do not be mistaken that a viper hides within the body of this wolf.

The primary color upon Onna?s body is the slate blue she inherited from her father, Quelt. Blanketing across her dorsal half is a large marking of off-white starting from the back of her neck and ending at the base of her tail. Her tail tip, front leg socks, back right stocking and freckles are off-white as well.

The majority of Onna?s head is black, though her lower jaw, and cheeks are not touched by the color. Her left ear, rather than being solid black like the right, actually has a base of slate as well, though a lighter shade than her base coat. Onna?s front paws, splash of color upon her back, back left stocking and the majority of her tail are also black.

Both of Onna?s eyes bear blue from her father. Onna?s left eye has the blue surround a shade of bright red around the pupil. Her right eye, however, has the blue on the main focus around the pupil and ringed with violet. Her inner ears are a pale slate in regards to her main coat color while her nose and paw pads are black.

Nature:: Dominant || Favored Skill:: Fighting
Good Traits:: Observant, Perceptive, Obedient, Loyal, Cool, Tolerant, Friendly, Loving

Bad Traits:: Flirtatious, Sly, Cunning, Cold, Selfish, Arrogant, Actress, Clingy

Onna is a wolfess that you must not dare to judge by looks alone. She is a viper in the form of a wolf, a dangerous beast who will eat you alive if you let her. While she may come off as the shy, cute little damsel in distress she is hardly that at all. Her family will know, first and foremost, that her little ditzy, innocent act is all a ploy to get what she wants. She will show great intelligence from a young age, being not only observant of her surroundings but processing what she observes into things that she can use against others.

Her mind, as she ages, will have a cunning and manipulative side, because Onna is the sort who will not stop until she gets what she wants, no matter the cost. To some she may seem friendly and loving, but this is really only truth towards her own family. In reality Onna is far more cold and selfish -- she could care less who gets hurt if they aren?t a relative as long as she gets what she desires. Her cool head and tolerant personality certainly help with this, since she is able to play all of her cards well.

Onna will also have an arrogant part of her personality, believing herself to be superior to the majority of those she is around. She is the daughter of a goddess, and will surely rise to be one herself. She fears little, other than being alone. One of her biggest flaws is that Onna is clingy, and refuses to completely abandon those she determines are worthy of her presence. She is happiest when she is in the presence of one she deems worthy, but otherwise has much darker thoughts.

These darker thoughts, hinting at a sort of personality disorder of some sort, are like a second personality, a voice that whispers evil into her ear. Onna rarely acts on it, though may be caught speaking to The Darkness as if it is an individual creature. Really, to her, The Darkness, or voice, is just a nuisance that is there to pester her existence. It is not considered an actual threat or anything to pay much heed to.

Why do you want this pup?:

-First and foremost for plotting opportunity within the family. Venus has been a character I?ve found intriguing and have been wanting to have more IC interaction with {so depressed the Kau / Venus / Bass thread has seemed to completely disappear all together.
-Secondly... Sessy babu. >w<;; Need all the sessy Abaven babies.

-Thirdly;; Characters that have some sort of mental flaw, yet not necessarily having it be completely crippling to their existence, hold a great deal of interest for me to play. Hence why, even though I play Pamela {Quelt?s sister} I have given in and decided to apply for a child of his as well!

-Lastly;; I don?t see Venus or Quelt going anywhere soon, and I?d really, really like to have a character who remains with the whole of their family if possible. Broken family plots, when one applies to be within the family, is rather depressing.


11-14-2014, 10:30 AM
Application Finished~~



7 Years
Extra large
11-14-2014, 07:12 PM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2014, 07:13 PM by Quelt.)

Due to Keno being the only one applying, he gets the pup he wants. Me and Dusk will be playing the other two ^w^ Thank you. SHOULD YOUR PUP FALL INACTIVE, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO PLACE THEM BACK UP FOR ADOPTION!
[Image: OvmqSCr.png]