
tear out all your tenderness


10-27-2014, 10:55 PM

[Image: mipief.png]

Massive beast would lay like a stone lion outside the oracle's den. By the time he had arrived back at pack lands the sun had been setting and Ojise had already drifted into a slumber. She had not been sleeping well ever since visions of the northerns had begun to haunt her so he would not dare disturb what precious little sleep she could find. He badly needed to speak to her but despite the worry that clouded his mind there was something darker hanging over him. Where was Shai? He had agreed to be guardian while Skah was injured but where was he? His scent was old outside the oracle's den. Muscles trembled beneath his pelt as aqua gaze traveled the surrounding area to try and catch sight of his brother. He wouldn't go far would he? But then. The memory of that woman, of Shai's scent clinging to her would push through his mind. Had she hurt him? had she separated him from their tribe and wounded him just as that other woman had wounded Skah? Were they trying to pick their pack off one by one? Skah needed to talk to Ojise but his duties held him fast at the entrance of her den. Paws folded atop each other. His neck had slowed it's bleeding again after having irritated it and then gotten it wet. Only a few drops would splash to the ground. Eyes would turn to the sky. "Jọwọ... Jẹ ki i wa ni ailewu... "" He would plead, his voice a soft whisper as his eyes searched the sky. Would the goddess hear his prayers?

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3



10-27-2014, 11:11 PM

She moved at a hurried, clumsy pace. Her gaze was on the ground, ears pinned against her skull. Her posture was hunched, her thoughts unable to sort themselves out. She didn't understand. She thought things were different between them. She thought something. That there was something. But she had been wrong, so dreadfully wrong. She couldn't deny the hurt she had felt the moment she had smelled the northern all over him. There was no denying, nor did he deny it. It was a harsh realization to know that she was forgotten so easily by him when in the presence of another. Her breath would whoosh out as she finally admitted it to herself. Her tail tucked lightly against her rump defensively, but there were no physical defenses that could block out the pain that ravaged her mind.

Night had long captured the sky, she wouldn't be surprised if it would be morning soon. But she didnt care. Her paws lead her to someplace, she wasn't sure, she didn't pay attention. It wasn't until the scent of another filled her nose that she would lift her wounded gaze. She hadn't realized that her path had led her straight to the Oracles den, or Skah rather. For a moment she looked surprised, her steps coming to a clumsy halt. Eyes would blink rapidly as she attempted to gain control on her emotions. The faint smell of blood would help. "Skah. Y-you're bleeding again." Her words were shaky no matter how hard she tried to steady them. She would approach until they stood only inches apart so she could inspect his injury once more.



10-27-2014, 11:20 PM

[Image: mipief.png]

The sound of footsteps would approach and slowly his forepaws would gather beneath him as he tried to assess who was coming and if he should be worried. A familiar form would fill his vision and slowly he would relax. Gwena. Despite his worry and torment he would smile slightly at the sight of her. Seemed that the looniness and bloodless had helped him ease up a bit. Hips would flip a bit, relaxing into his position rather then staying on guard as he usually did around her. But then she would draw closer. Her eyes were red. Immediately concern would wash though him, all kinda of wild ideas racing though his skull. Had she found Shai? Was he dead? She would remain quiet as she approached, her step faltering a bit as she moved to inspect his wound. She would speak, her words soft yet strangled. A frown would knit his brow together. He inhaled. She smelt of Shai faintly. A northerner? Immediately his hackles would raise, instructing her for wounds. had she been attacked? Was that why she was walking funny? He barely noticed her words, only taking a brief notice to it before pushing himself into a seated position to put a bit of distance between them. Icy gaze would lock onto her's hold it intently. "Are you alright? Why do you smell of Shai and a northerner? Is he alright?" He would ask, gaze intense as he once again allowed his gaze to roam over her body for signs of trauma. Nothing. No blood, no wounds. She was fine. But what of those scents? He had never been with a woman, spent his time with Ojise and did not know the scent of sex, did not know that that was the scent that accompanied those two scents. But the northerners scent. It was familiar. His heart clenched in his chest. Were was Shai.

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3



10-27-2014, 11:33 PM

He was relaxed at first, she missed the rare smile that graced his features. His hackles would raised and her brows would furrow in confusion. She wasn't sure how much more she could take tonight. She steeled herself for harsh words and hostility. But it didn't come. He captured her gaze and held it, she couldnt break it. Questions rolled off his tongue as he towered over her. Her own gaze would harden, walls going up around her. "Shai is fine." Her voice was uncharacteristically hard and unforgiving, monotoned. She would finally break his gaze, looking down at her paws.

Silence would surround her. Tension held her muscles rigidly, her posture stiff and uncomfortable. Perhaps she should have left before she was noticed. It was a bad idea to subject herself to his interrogation. She didn't answer his first two questions, refusing to do so. No she wasn't alight. And she smelled of Shai and a northern, because Shai had been busy frolicking with the stranger woman. Anger flared in her lavender gaze, glaring at the ground that had done nothing. She tried to keep her hackles from bristling, but she wasn't sure she was successful in doing so.



10-27-2014, 11:48 PM

[Image: mipief.png]

Something was up, there was an uncharacteristic anger swirling about her as she approached his questions with hostility and coldness. Immediately he would lean back, worry for his friend and brother melting away. She was hurt but not physically. There was something in her eyes that made his heart clench again. What had Shai done? Skah was not stupid, the three of them had been friends since childhood, why now was she so angry at him and strategically avoiding his questions. But he would not pry, instead allowing his paws so move to her left and then slide forward so he was laying before her and looking away. "You can talk to me Gwena. But if you don't want to you don't have to." His words were a soft rumble followed by a sigh. By the goddess he was a crappy friend if he couldn't even help her when she was hurting. Maybe she needed a distraction... "But would you mind...? I ran into another northerner and she woke me up quickly. I jumped and seemed to have ripped the wound back open. No luck it seems..." He would mumble. He spoke of his encounter with the second northerner without thinking anything of it, simply outlining what had happened and why he required her medical aid. Again. Seemed he was going to bleed to death at this rate if he didn't take a day off. Head would lower to his paws, hips flipping to his left as he stretched his neck as best he could without pulling at the already tender skin so she could see what she was working with. She didn't want to talk about it? That was fine, he wouldn't push it.

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3



10-28-2014, 12:00 AM

It had soothed him to know nothing had happened to his brother. So he would stretch his paws forward and press his belly into the earth again. His gaze was averted as he spoke, but she wasn't looking at him to notice. His words however, did soothe some of her anger. Slowly her gaze would lift to meet his. He would change topics, which she welcomed. He had reopened his wounds. A small smile would touch her lips, though her eyes remained dull and wounded. He would stretch out, giving her complete access to his neck so she could inspect it. She would shake her head slowly, her crown lowering so she better see it in the darkness. It wasn't bad, not as bad as it had been before. Jaws would part, her tongue gently cleaning the reopened places. "You'll be fine. Tomorrow Ill go find some more herbs to put on it. Ill never find it in the dark."

Her words were soft, her breath ruffling his fur gently. Satisfied that he was not bleed to death or die of infection she would lower herself beside him, placing herself parallel to him. Normal she would avoid close contact with him, even when he was in a good mood. But she planned to take him up on his earlier offer. Her position would mirror his, her crown lower to paws as she pressed herself lightly against his side. "You seem to have bad luck with northerns." She would mumble, her gaze focused straight ahead. It seemed she was headed down the same path. At least she would have someone to walk with. Metaphorically of course.



10-28-2014, 12:22 AM
Skah Adeyemi
She would join him after a moment, ignoring his first words it seemed before moving close to try and see his wound in the sliver of moonlight that penetrated the canopy above them. Her tongue would rasp across the tender flesh and he would clench his teeth, trying not to make a sound in protest. It felt like his nerves were on fire every time she touched it. Maybe that was a bad thing? But in fear of sounding like a child he would remain silent and not ask her what the very specific pain might mean. She would speak after a moment, giving raw flesh a much needed break from her cleaning as her breath warmed the tender flesh. Tomorrow. "So basically don't go rolling in the dirt until then?" He was trying to cheer her up but in the end baritone tones just sounded grumpy more then anything else, like he was disappointed that she wasn't getting the herbs now. He heard it in his own voice and would immediately look up and turn his head to try and flash her a slightly apologetic look. He hadn't meant to sound like an ass. But if she noticed she wouldn't show it, instead sliding to the ground beside him. For the first time he did not shy away from the light brush of her pelt, instead hips would flip heavily to the other side so his back was too her but he pressed more heavily into her.

Hind legs sprawled languidly to the side as massive skull dropped to his forepaws beside her own. She would speak of the northerners and he would sigh, eyes closing for a moment. "I don't know. The other one attack for no reason this one? She caught me when I was sleeping, right over by the river bank. I panicked because she was too close to the dens. Ojise doesn't want violence? She noticed I had been bleeding and she looked sympathetic you know? Maybe she was trying to lure me away to kill me, I don't know. But when I told her to follow she followed me downstream to where you showed me the red seaweed is. I was going to get her to help me rebandage the wound but then I don't know." His brow would knit together and he would sigh. She had seemed to nice and he had run. He couldn't explain it, some gut feeling had dragged him away from the oddly marked woman and brought him back here. Probably for good reason. Shai was missing and Ojise had been unprotected for god knows how long. "Some part of me wants to know if they are all cruel. Another wants to take the tribe away to the ruins and hide them where the northerners can never find them." His words were a low rumble, icy gaze staring straight ahead even as he spoke.


if we're only ever looking back

we will drive ourselves insane




10-29-2014, 02:28 PM

She would frown at his words, ears pulling back against her crown. His voice was rough, and he appeared to be grouchy about something. He had asked to take a look at his wound, she hadnt forced him, there was no reason for his sudden annoyance. "Yea." Her tones were frosty, lashing out with the snap of a whip.

He would flip to his other side, the movement pressing them tightly together. Her flesh immediately came to life beneath his warmth, spreading like a fire across her skin. A slight shiver would run down her spine, she tried to control it, to act unaffected, as she had no idea if it had affected him or not. He would begin to explain, breaking her out of her daydream. He spoke of a woman and immediately ice spread through her veins. It was always a woman, another woman. She clamped down on her emotions, refusing to let anything break through the surface. Eventually she stopped listening, not really wanting to hear about this mystery woman. His sigh would tug at her attention, forcing her to listen.

He would voice what they wanted. Were all these northerns malicious? Would they invade and take everything from her? Or were there those who could be befriended, that were kind and would leave her people in peace. A sigh would mingle with a growl, vibrating her smaller form. Damn that storm. If there had never been a storm, they would never be facing this unknown enemy. They would continue to live in peace. "You guys seem to have the luck in meeting pleasant northern wolves." She had realized that she had implied more than just him. Both Shai and Skah had gotten to meet pleasant women that had caught their eye, perhaps she would get the chance to meet a nice guy.
