
Oh Hi, Haven't We Met Before?


10-26-2014, 09:37 PM

Ooc:: Please let Nona post first, with another from Allen, and then Bass / Abaven members are more than welcome to pop in. Thank you~

Things didn't sit well with his leaving, but it had been necessary. The calico let a heavy sigh leave him, ears lowered down against his skull. He carried in his heart not just his story, but the story of Arian and others as well. There was a lot of regret, mingling with relief, and questions. Originally the plan was for him to stay in Isokan, for Nona to request to leave Abaven to join him... but no longer did Allen feel that was the better plan. Instead the man planned to reverse the roles, returning to Abaven if Bass would have him.

Allen's paws seemed to be too heavy upon the ground as he walked on. An image of Ixionn burned in his mind. Aiko too... The girl hadn't shown up. Her scent was scarce in Isokan? Was she dead? The thought had his stomach twisting in knots. The darker his thoughts became the faster it seemed the calico man would hurry to Abaven. Hurry to where the only one who could drive those dark thoughts away was hopefully still waiting. He prayed she had not spoken to anyone of leaving yet. This would be the first she heard of this plan as well. Allen hoped she wouldn't mind the change too much... that she would understand. ...Of course she will, some little part of his subconscious would say.

Coming to the border Allen would give a soft sigh, tilting his head back as he let out the call for Nona. Some other members of Abaven could possibly get curious by it. A stranger calling on the borders... or not, depending on who heard. The man would recline to the ground, waiting. He was a little nervous... but more than anything he just wanted to see Nona again.




4 Years
10-26-2014, 10:02 PM

Allen had arrived, Nona heard the call and threw her head back and howled in response as she came rushing to him. Her den was a little bit more tidy but it wasn't in any condition that she considered a place for others to possibly live in just yet. There was a smile that became plastered on her maw as she quickly bounded towards him and sat herself beside him and leaned against Allen. Nona looked at him as she gently brushed her muzzle against his "Allen... did everything go over well, will I be able to come? after I ask Bass of course".

She gave Allen some room to talk now however Nona proceeded to move her head gently under Allen's. Once more before she would officially be quiet for a bit to let him she whispered gently and softly just enough to let him and those who were very near to them to hear "Watashi wa anata ni watashi no ai o nogashita" ("I missed you my love"). Her eyes closed for a moment as she waited to hear his voice and to listen to him breath and to hear his heart as best she could. Nothing would separate them now, or at least she wished to believe anyways. Her smile widened again as she looked at around before once again shutting her eyes.

There was only a matter of time now that others would arrive to answer the call and see who it was. Hopefully Bass would be the first to show up so they could explain what was going on and hopefully he would understand. Allen was here now so he could help explain the situation of what might be happening. Nona would follow Allen to the ends of the earth if she had to but she knew that he would follow her as well. Fate seemed to have its way with them it seemed and so they were together here and now and if she had anything to say about it they would be together forever.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


10-27-2014, 01:35 PM

A howl was given in response to his own -- one he knew perfectly well. Head would lift, dark eyes searching for the brown form of the woman he loved. His heart stirred with longing, with desire, for the one he loved. Nona... gods there was so much to tell her about. Guilt ate at him for sending on her on ahead, but then again it was for the best. Thing would be better this way, he felt. A soft sigh would pass the lips of the brute. So much happened in this world, and he prayed that this was the right path that they were taking. If he was with Nona then it would be best, he was sure, but... still Allen could not help but worry. So much had already gone wrong in his life. So many bad mistakes... Nona isn't a mistake. His mind would cut in, almost aggressively. Nona wasn't a mistake. His heart knew it. His mind knew it. Somehow... with her... things would always sort themselves out.

She would come, bounding towards him and gently pressing her muzzle to his. It felt as if he could breathe easier just with her presence being so close to his own. He'd feel her weight leaning into his own, their muzzles gently touching before the question was asked. The calico male would shake his head, turning so that his dark green orbs were looking into her own.

"Nona... I am sorry. Isokan has... it has changed. There is a new leader there, a family member of my own. As much as I loved them... it no longer felt right for me to stay there. I have being doing a lot of thinking... so much thinking once we were parted. We won't be going back to Isokan... however..." The calico male would give her a gentle smile. "I wanted to request to Bass I be allowed to return to Abaven. The only choice I really know that is right is being with you." The man would lift his head, smiling gently at her.

"Mata watashi wa watashi no ai o nogashita." {"Missed I my love also."} His own Japanese was flawed, though he could peace together an at least somewhat correct sentence. Amazing how one could forget such things, buried in the past, when they were once such a big part of their life. But so many thing had been lost along the way... But the man vowed that Nona would be that one wolf, that one thing he would cling to for dear life and never let go of.
"Speech", 'Thought'



7 Years

10-28-2014, 12:09 PM

Yet another call of an old friend stretched its way to the Azat, and he couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. The calls of both Quelt and Allen was enough to slightly raise his spirits, although he still spent most of the time worried about his mate. Where could she have gotten off to anyways? Shaking his head to scatter his thoughts, he hesitated when Nona's howl answered Allen. He smirked, he had always had a suspicion about those two. He allowed them a few moments to catch up, licking his sides to finish his cleaning. Then he stood, stretching out his bodice before standing up. Thankfully he was all the way in the rapids, so it would take a bit of time for him to reach them. This would give them time to catch up, it had been awhile since he scented the male at his border.

The male smiled as he came into view of the two, letting out a low bark. "And the two lovers reunite." He teased. He was becoming more aware of this whole love thing, being married himself now. Bass' tail swung behind him in a slow pace, stepping forth and nuzzling the older man. "Its great to see you again Allen. But did you come here for more than a sweet reunion?" He had come into the conversation too late to here his wishes about joining, and as he stepped back to settle at Nona's side his head tilted. He did wonder if all his old members would start wandering back now, after all two wolves in the span of a day was quite rare. His intentions were unknown to him yet though, but his tail still thumped on the earth behind him.




4 Years
10-29-2014, 07:16 AM

Nona listened to Allen's words ever more carefully, a change in plans? they weren't moving to Isokan but instead he would move here to Abaven? Nona couldn't help but giggle when she heard him say that the only right choice was being with her. Nona felt the same in that wherever Allen would be that was where she would go and it helped her feel a bit relieved to know that she wouldn't be leaving Abaven. However her thoughts were disrupted when she heard Bass.

"And the two lovers reunite."

"Its great to see you again Allen. But did you come here for more than a sweet reunion?"

She smiled and moved her head out from under Allen's to look at Bass "I'm glad to see that you're looking much brighter, Bass, it seems times have been changing and Allen wants to be in Abaven again, to be with me" Nona couldn't help but let loose a gentle chuckle before licking Allen's muzzle. However she knew that he would have to work to earn what he once had here but that wouldn't stop her from supporting him to get there "Watashitachi wa anata no Nihon no bitto-jō de dōsa suru hitsuyō ga arimasu" ("We will have to work on your japanese a bit"). She hoped that Bass would allow him back in, perhaps she would do more then to try and further herself in rank and prove that she could eventually take the rank of tagavor however Nona knew that it was going to take quite a bit of work to get there but she would do it. Nona couldn't help but speak once more "Please Bass... please let him be apart of Abaven again" she spoke softly and gently before moving her head under Allen's again.

-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


10-30-2014, 04:12 PM

A low bark would announce the arrival of Bass and the calico male would lift his head, dark gaze settling upon Bass. A small smile would appear on his face at seeing the white furred man. He had missed Bass as well. Quelt had been a good leader, not that Allen had any qualms with his relative's leading style, but at the same time Bass was a man who held Allen's respect as well. A non-family member... it was wonderful to see him again. Little did Allen know that he'd see Quelt again here too, and it would be quite the pleasant surprise.

"Bass," The calico would rumble gently, his eyes shining as he looked upon the other. Nona would address her leader first, and then he would speak as well, dipping his head respectfully. "As Nona has said, things have unfortunately taken a lot of turns since the Walkers have left Isokan... and... in the end... I found my heart here, before I even realized that was where it lay." He would look to Nona, a gentle look in his eyes. He could still feel her gentle lick upon his muzzle, his smile brightening at her words. Yeah, they would. He'd need to get back into the habit of using it.

Gaze would return back to the Azat of Abaven. Nona plead his case, asking for him to return, but as much as Allen appreciated and welcomed her support, he must also voice his question himself. How else could the request be considered sincere? "As Nona has asked you... I long to be apart of Abaven once more. This time permanently, if you will have me back." He would not think Bass would turn him away, but he knew not the entire state of the pack. He could have good reason to say no.




7 Years

10-30-2014, 11:43 PM

Bass let out another laugh, eyes resting on the earthen female, smile spread wide. "You don't have to plead dearest Nona, of course Allen is welcomed back in." His gaze roamed to him then, passing a wink to the older man. "Are you still seeking to hold the messenger rank, or is there something else that tickles your fancy?" He asked, rather amused at this whole meeting. He had missed everyone when they left, and was more than happy that they felt that Abaven was their true home. The Azat worked hard to make Abaven a place where wolves could be safe and feel like a family, it was all he could ask for. Which made him think of his own sisters, his smile fading a bit as Harmony clicked into his mind. Turning his golden gaze back to Nona, his head tilted slightly. "Actually, now that I have you here Nona I have something to ask. With Harmony gone missing... I would like to ask you if you feel confident enough in your skills to step up from Kruni to Vor. We need your skills, and your help in training the newer healers. I have faith in you, and know that you can do it."


Credit for lineart goes to Italian Pitbull and IceKrystal on dA - Character belongs to Evelyn



4 Years
10-31-2014, 12:29 AM

Nona couldn't help but let a smile spread across her maw, Allen would be apart of Abaven once more and she were to become Vor. This day couldn't possibly get any better and with an outburst of excitement she couldn't hide it from her voice "I would very much like to become Vor, to help out more with the pack in terms of healing and to take care of everyone... it seems everyone has been busy lately and with the last big storm I want to be able to do more than just help handle the basic wounds" her excitement dulled down a little in place of a more serious tone "I apologize for the sudden burst of excitement Bass... today has brought me something that I can't describe besides that it is something wonderful... to know that Allen will be able to be with me and to have the honor of becoming Vor, I gladly accept your offer Bass, and soon I will hold a training session if you will allow me to if it wouldn't interfere with anything" her voice went silent for a few moments.

Her attention became focused on Allen again wanting to hear what he would say in response Bass's question. Nona couldn't help but chuckle "You know Allen regardless of what you do, I'm going to have to teach you a little bit about the herbs and stuff so you can help me... my paws are going to be full soon and I would very much appreciate your assistance over the seasons to come my love but I won't burden you too much with having to assist me... the lack of healers here is why I ask of your assistance" Nona had a feeling though that he would assist her if she asked him, it was just the kind of man Nona thought he was as her shield to protect her and her pillar to support her. She would also be his shield and do her best to protect him and his pillar to support him. No longer would she have to wander from Abaven to be with him and now he would be here with her.

-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


11-03-2014, 07:24 PM

Oh Bass... there was a brute that Allen definitely respected. His nature was so kind, yet there was little doubt to the calico man's mind that if there were ever an issue the Destruction male would be no pushover. The older brute would smile more widely, his eyes shining some. "The rank of a messenger indeed, though as my beloved Nona seems to be informing me I'll double as a nurse as well." Certainly not as experienced as a normal healer, though he worried about the duties falling solely upon Nona's shoulders, and he was more than willing to help her with the workload. Healing knowledge was definitely something worth knowing regardless of rank, and considering her rank up, well, he expected her to only be busier with it. He was happy for her accomplishments, that she was recognized by Bass to go to the next level. Who knew? Perhaps before long she would hold the highest healing rank within Abaven.

As for him, well, being a messenger, memorizing things... he could do one as more of a needed basis, while keeping up training of course, and then help Nona when he wasn't focused on that. Surely that would be acceptable? There was something else on Allen's mind as well, a scent that he had noticed as the three of them stood there talking. He would gently press into Nona, motioning in the direction of Abaven. "Say Bass... does my nose deceive me? Or has Quelt beat me to the punch of returning to Abaven?" If so, well, it seemed the gods were having a good ol' laugh in the irony department.

"Speech", 'Thought'