
I Could Stop Time



1 Year
10-30-2014, 02:35 AM

She closed her eyes only for a few breaths, listening intently to the nature surrounding her. The constant and infinite rush of water echoed within the rustling of the trees and the hooves of the running deer. Even the warmth of the late morning sun whispered to the spiritual girl. She cleared her mind off of those distressing thoughts, whatever they may be. Peace drifted in her mind and soul as she carried on with her scenic walk through her homelands. Paws lead the small chocolate huntress by the rocky stream that flowed swiftly from the falls. She seated herself by the waters and relaxed her muscles. After ruffling her earth-toned fur, she would watch the clear waters dreamily. Every few moments a silver fish would dart to and fro, giving her matching brown gaze something to follow. It wasn't every day she spent her time relaxing by streams and watching clouds go by, but she would make that day today.

Requiem I


2 Years
10-30-2014, 03:16 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The disbandment from Apollyon should have been a blessing for the Destruction boy, but it was anything but. He might have had his freedom once again, he might have been able to go home for the first time in months, but it was all at a price. Not once but twice the beautiful red wolf that he had associated with his chosen deity had abandoned him, disappearing just as quickly as she had appeared. The first had been seemingly by chance, just a quick glance to let him know of her existence and to press him further along the road to being devout, but the second had been intentional. She had sent someone to get him, had claimed him as her own, and just when she had finally got him she was gone. Had he done something wrong? Was he again out of favor with the divine?

Or had he been mistaken all along? Was the red wolf he had idolized so much in secret no more significant than him or any other wolf? Was his chosen religion nothing more than a joke?

He felt so lost that he had chosen not to return home right away. Instead Requiem took to wandering in order to try and come to terms with everything that had happened. He was free, of everything, and he was going to need to figure out something to do with that freedom. His conscience and loneliness told him to go back to his family, back to Ludicael - No, Sawtooth - and everything that was familiar to him. But another part of him was afraid of the reception he would receive once there. Surely he must have looked like a blind, incompetent fool to everyone else. He certainly did not want to see that opinion reflected back in the faces of family.

Embarrassment and confusion sent him traveling well past the regions he was familiar with, across a land bridge and beyond into something wild and new. He should have been concerned, should have shown more caution, but he was too out of sorts to care enough. Besides, nowhere during his travels had he come across any scent markers to alert him to pack lands. Everywhere he had been so far had been unclaimed, and neither did it seem like he was going to run into any soon. His aimless paws brought him within a thickly wooded forest, full of cedars and warmth and light on this late morning. His teal and green eyes took it all in with a listless, half-lidded stare, searching for something to give everything meaning again. What his paws brought him to instead was another wolf seated serenely beside a stream, looking so content and at peace that Requiem stopped short. His travels would have brought him closer but now he hesitated, unsure if she would even want the company of another. Ears turning back slightly to reveal his uncertainty, the brown yearling glanced awkwardly about, debating which direction he ought to go in instead.



1 Year
10-31-2014, 01:17 AM

Sometimes she felt rejected in her own tribe, maybe she didn't fit in. It was probably the main reason why she was always off on her own, rarely ever returning home. Was there something she was doing wrong? Was she different from the rest? Different in an unacceptable way? The thought didn't bother her as much as it should. If only she had a family, like siblings and parents. Any kin was all she wanted, or just to make her tribe-mates proud of her accomplishments. And right now, all she has are the birds and breezes to talk to.

Perhaps it was her little secret, her secret of wanting to learn a foreign tongue and meet the wolves who speak it. Who knew about that? Did the whole tribe know about that? She hadn't told anyone about it, unless someone heard her. But the Goddess couldn't reject a tribe member because of their dreams, or could she? Maybe that was the case.

After exchanging glances in the waters, her head would tilt to the side, instantly finding another wolf close by. She didn't hear or smell the wolf approaching, but she would give a calm greeting.
"Henle yibe nen." She would say politely, unaware that this wolf did not speak her language.


"Hello there."


Requiem I


2 Years
11-03-2014, 02:49 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Requiem still lingered nearby, spending too much time on his thoughts about where he ought to go next. Not like it really mattered - he had no idea where he was or which direction would bring him back home at this rate - and at any rate it certainly did not. In the time it took for him to deliberate, glancing about him as if something would catch his eye and draw him on a new path, the brown wolf beside the stream glanced up and noticed him standing there, eliminating any chance he might have had of making a quiet escape. The second he made a glance back toward her, just before he could reach a decision, he realized he had been spotted.

Ears still pressed to his head, the Destruction boy stared back at her uncertainly, trying to discern what her calmly blank expression might have meant. It almost seemed friendly, or at least more friendly than he would have expected from a hostile stranger, but he was well aware how deceiving looks alone could be. It was not until she spoke, in words strange and foreign to him, that he felt the anxiety that shifted about in his middle give way to the first stirrings of confusion. His black-marked brow drew slightly deeper into a frown as he regarded the rogue, utterly at a loss. "I...I'm sorry?" Wondering if he had merely misunderstood, he left it open for her to repeat herself, not daring to close any of the distance between them but puzzled and wanting clarification nonetheless.



1 Year
11-03-2014, 04:06 AM

He was confused by her words, lost and perhaps dazed, muttering only what she understood as "sorry". Why was he sorry? She should be sorry for not realizing he couldn't understand her! He wasn't an unfamiliar tribe member. He was one of those foreign wolves that she had heard of spoken and seen by the senior tribe members. She had always hoped to meet a wolf of a different culture, but somehow the experience wasn't as rewarding as she thought it would be. Anxiousness and caution flooded her emotions, even the fear that she would not be able to communicate to him.

"I am sorry," She began as she rose to her paws, sternly meeting his amazing blue green eyes. They were like the oceans where fishers always caught fresh food. She shook her head as if she was scolding herself. "You no speak tribe tongue."

It was then she decided to slowly approach the dusty sand pelted man. She wanted to ask him so many questions, where he came from, what it was like in distant lands, what tribe he belonged it, what his family was like...but she couldn't. She didn't know how to speak those words so he could understand. Instead, she would manage to choke out an inquiry, knowing it would sound basic to the stranger. "You come...far land?"

Could he understand? Would she be able to understand him?


Requiem I


2 Years
11-06-2014, 10:58 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Of the two, the golden-eyed female appeared to be the more knowledgeable of the pair regarding the differences that separated them. Requiem was clueless after living in the bubble he was so accustomed to, the one that had recently popped with his revelations about the woman he had respected as a religious figure. Should he not have been surprised then to find this wolf here whose words were nothing but sounds and noises without meaning? Did...did he say something wrong as well? The nervous look about her was not at all reassuring, and his anxious stomach clenched slightly at the thought.

When she spoke again it was not with strange words. What she said Requiem could and did understand, though he was greatly surprised by it. She did not speak the same way that he or those he had met previously did, as if she did not know how to form the phrases and sentences that he had been composing since he was a child. She struggled, and yet she made sense, apologizing to him as she got to her paws and shook her head with a sternness he did not altogether comprehend. Tribe tongue? Without a clue what she meant, Requiem felt safe agreeing. How could he know it if he could not discern what it was?

The moment she began to drift closer to him, her steps slow and cautious and her pale brown eyes curious, the brown yearling felt nervous again. Here he was in a strange and foreign place, joined by a strange and foreign wolf, and there was no way of knowing if any other wolves lurked about too. As if to spy them before they could surprise him, Req cast his teal-green gaze away from Imala and out into the trees on either side of her, searching for wolfish forms in the shadows but finding none. Maybe they were truly alone then...

Now closer, the yearling girl addressed him again and his eyes shifted back toward her, feeling one ear splay and the other perk as he tried to figure out how to answer her odd question. Far land? He supposed she meant his home across the bridge, his family back in Sawtooth. "Uhh...I think so," he stated with a lack of certainty, taking a moment before he clarified, "I traveled a long way to get here...if that's what you mean." Gosh, compared to what she had been saying, Requiem felt like he was speaking too much. Would the meaning behind his long-winded phrases still make sense? Mirroring her worry of a possible miscommunication, he felt incredibly unsure.



1 Year
11-09-2014, 03:38 AM

Imala, this is wrong. You shouldn't be doing this. The Oracle would not approve of this. She thought to herself hastily. She could turn, run and report this to the Goddess. Or she could stand here, talk to this stranger and break her tribe rules. Which one was right? Should she listen to her ruler, follow the ancient ancestral laws and stay loyal to her family? Or should she allow her mere curiosity to guide her to her ambitions? She was just going to have to take the risk and hope her exposure was not made to the high ranking wolves of the Tahtla.

The stranger had explained how he had traveled a long way to reach this area. How long? Was there really a far land, further than what she was led to believe? Imagine that, another land with different cultures and wolves. Again, this deeply fascinated her.

"I am Imala, tribe wolf," She began with an awkward introduction, unsure of the risk and insecurity of informing others of her name. At this point she didn't seem to be bothered by her tribe rules. They didn't control her. "What tribe you from?"

It also had not occurred to her that this wolf did not know about tribes. She expected there to be tribes in this far land, not realizing the differences between them.


Requiem I


2 Years
11-11-2014, 03:45 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

At last, something was said that he could understand and recognize the context of. The brown wolf spoke her name, Imala, and Requiem committed it to memory, already quite certain that he would have no trouble remembering it. She was the first wolf in this foreign land that he had met, the first wolf of this foreign land that he had spoken with - if their broken back-and-forth phrases could be counted as a conversation. She was, due to circumstance, special and memorable, and would remain that way no matter the outcome that came from their interaction.

Tribe wolf. It was not exactly the way he ever heard packs spoken of as, but he supposed things were different here. Packs were tribes, and this Imala belonged to one somewhere close by. Of course, the revelation only renewed the sense of worry that had been lurking within him, the fear that some protective wolf might suddenly show up and step between them as if he was a threat. Again his teal-green eyes roamed around them, searching, and again came up empty. Pack - tribe - or not, Imala was still alone here. Except for him.

As he should have expected, the question was turned back around on him, and for a moment he floundered as he tried to answer. "Oh, uhh..." Requiem muttered thoughtfully. Sawtooth might have been where all his family was, where he had intended to go once he had gotten his freedom, but he had never truly made it back there to make the move home official. Unsure how he felt about not being able to claim his family's pack as his own, the brown youth answered somewhat distractedly, gaze averted still in thought, "I...I'm not part of a tribe."



1 Year
11-14-2014, 02:04 AM

Ugh, how stupid of her. These wolves didn't have tribes! If they did, they might possibly be mistaken for Tahtla wolves. Maybe tribes went by different names. Or what if he wasn't part of one? Not part of a tribe? What does a wolf need to do to deserve that? Was this wolf somehow kicked out of his tribe? How would he hunt, survive, protect and heal without a family? Perhaps it was lack of experience and understanding that led her to believe that wolves were not able to live as loners. Far too long has her mind been narrowed to her own simple routine. She needed to explore, learn about other ways and broaden her knowledge.

She beamed a small accepting smile, assuring the young male that there was nothing wrong with not being part of a home. Rogue life seemed to pique her curiosity at the moment, as well as the ways of the "far lands". She hoped she wasn't bothering the man by any means with her usual nosy inquires.

"No home..." She began softly, her features showing the concentration and determination of allowing easy comprehension for the male. If only she knew this language from the top of her head, hah! That would be marvellous. "How you live?"


Requiem I


2 Years
11-14-2014, 01:51 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The answer he gave appeared not to have surprised or confused the brown colored wolf when finally he lifted his distracted gaze to glance her way. Her smile, if anything, seemed reassuring and kind, as if she might even had understood what his odd answer meant beneath his cryptic words. Did she, too, not have a pack? A tribe? Was she like him in that she had a home but stayed away from it for some mission of her own? It seemed a long shot to find someone so much like himself in this vastly different world than the one he had grown up in, but he supposed it still just as likely a possibility. It was actually very reassuring

Her following statements, however, squashed out the assumption rather quickly. No home she repeated, her voice sounding curious and thoughtful. How did he live? No, she must not have known then. If she had, she would never have needed to ask. It would have been ingrained in her just as it was in him. Though his heart dropped upon realizing that this kindred spirit he had thought to have found was actually not a kindred spirit after all, Requiem answered softly, once again dropping his gaze in a sort of disheartened manner, "Alone," he stated simply, "I hunt by myself, travel by myself, and sleep by myself." As he said it, he realized how lonely it sounded, and how much lonelier it actually felt. Maybe he did need to stop by Sawtooth soon and see about rejoining again.

The conversation had so far been directed by the curious brown-eyed female, and though Requiem was more or less okay with answering questions and talking, the topic of packs and tribes, of family, was beginning to get to him and had very quickly lost its appeal. They needed something else to speak about - he needed something else to speak about - and so he quickly interjected with a question of his own, hoping not to come off as rude or evasive but desperate not to think about his family or the welcome he might receive once he got there. "How-how do you live?" he asked, hastily turning the question around on her. He supposed her answer would come about more readily, more easily, and he wondered beneath his own newly stirred up loneliness what life for her in this place with her own pack - her tribe - was like compared to how his had been.



1 Year
11-20-2014, 03:52 AM

Alone, he did everything alone. Hunting, sleeping, travelling, all filled with loneliness. Her gaze turned sympathetic. In a way, she could relate to that. She was one of the youngest tribe members and she was frequently excluded from the senior wolves. Although each member were somehow her family, she did know of any wolves directly linked to her by blood. She had been raised by many mothers, never learning a single fact about her family except for their name, Shawnee. She felt like a stranger, even without friends. Perhaps she was so distant because no-one knows if she is an actual tribe wolf.

It was at that moment she realised the boy may not be comfortable talking about this subject for whatever reason. She found it best to reply to his question first before she went along with any changes. "I live with family, friends," It wasn't entirely true, but she didn't know how to word those sentences in his language. And she also didn't want to rub in the family part. "We hunt, share stories but I feel...different."

She briefly looked away, finding her own unwanted belonging within her world. Hunting and sharing stories didn't seem to be enough to bring her back to the tribe.


Requiem I


2 Years
12-02-2014, 03:10 AM

Walk | Talk | Think
Requiem was grateful when the earthen colored wolf went along with his question, answering without hesitation or worry for her statement. Friends and family sounded considerably nicer than did traveling wholly alone as the green-eyed boy had been doing though he knew the option was still available to him. It was still tricky though, talking himself into going back. He was afraid, embarrassed, and was uncomfortable with the thought of stepping before them so lost and confused. How disappointed might they be? As disappointed as he was in himself? He hated to even think about it. 

The kind, chatty female went on to describe in quick details the things that her family friends did together, listing relatively the same things that the brown, arrow-marked boy did alone, but added on that she felt apart from them. Requiem's marked brows drew together quizzically as she suggested she was different somehow, trying in vain to understand. Did she feel like him, separated from them because of her beliefs, or lack thereof? Was it possible for her to be ailing from the same thing that he was? 

It felt too coincidental. It had to be something else, some other kind of difference that this wolf Imala was feeling. There was no way it could have been similar to his own, in some way, enough to actually give them common ground on which to stand together. "Living with a tribe can be a challenge," he answered just vaguely enough to satisfy both of their different and yet similar feelings, "especially family. It's so hard not to disappoint them." Maybe that was getting too far back to the point he was trying to avoid. He needed to change the subject. Again. 

"I'm sorry to have intruded on you like this. And for bothering you with my troubles," he apologized, feeling guilty for opening up so much around a stranger. She had been nice, kind, and understanding, but even if she had been the one to prompt for his responses Requiem felt as if he might have taken advantage of it a bit. "You won't be in trouble with your tribe for staying away so long...will you?" He was not sure how long Imala had been there beside the water before he had shown up, and he did not in any way want to set her at odd with her family and friends within her tribe by keeping her locked in conversation with him. 



1 Year
12-03-2014, 01:38 AM

The man added his own response about the challenges and dealings with family in a tribe. She faintly wondered why he was referring to tribes, when he is not part of one. Perhaps he has had experience with tribes or family groups (whatever the name may be where he resides). Her memories could relate to his words. Although she may be an orphan herself, every other wolf not connected by blood were somehow considered family. In other words, she had to impress the whole tribe to gain respect and honor. This, unfortunately, had not been working out. She did not know the reason behind her distance with her family as there could be many reasons. Now she finally had to chance to talk to someone. But even better, this boy came from a different society and culture.

She kept silent and calm as she intently listened to the second part of his speech. He seemed to be apologizing for intruding, which she believed meant "get in the way". Why was he apologizing? He didn't do anything wrong. She was glad he interrupted her earlier moments of silence. Where would she be now if he had not wandered this way? Alone, of course. She beamed a smile, reassuring the man that there was nothing to apologize for. He next inquired if she would be punished by her tribe simply for staying away for a long period of time. The tribe wolves were free to roam the continent as they pleased, only if they had done something important for the tribe such as hunting or stocking herb collections. It was best for each wolf to return back to the main territory by sunset, although many do not. So staying away from the tribe wouldn't be deemed as a crime but exchanging words with a foreign wolf might be.

"The Goddess...I...I mean leader," She had to avoid leaking tribe names and terms. She didn't want to cause any confusion between their conversation. There could be some dangers behind it as well. "She will not mind. But at sun-down I must return."

She lifted her head towards the sky. Of course time had flown since their first "greeting". They did have a few more moments to socialize before it would time for her to start heading back to the tribe camp, unless the male wished to end their meeting right away.


Requiem I


2 Years
12-07-2014, 04:43 PM

Walk | Talk | Think
The brown youth felt eased by the young lady's smile, grateful that she did not at least reflect any sort of irritation or disappointment that he had chosen to wander upon her by accident and be drawn into a conversation with her. In his own way, he was glad. The conversation had so far been enjoyable for him too, the company as well, and he was glad he had taken his detour here and that she should be as glad or equally so. It was not often that he made friends or acquaintances outside of his family circle - becoming infatuated with the red-colored wolf and then kidnapped into her pack were about as close as he came - but this was different. This felt safer. 

Just vaguely she allowed him a slim view into the makings of her tribe, referring to her leader as a Goddess before using a simpler term that he could understand. Goddess. Did this earth-colored female and her tribe believe in gods and goddesses? Did they believe in divine entities as he did - or once had? He still did not know where his beliefs rested and for the moment did not care, though the idea that others might share a similar belief system to the one he had grown up around drew his interest. But now, however, so soon after meeting this wolf and when she seemed reluctant to speak of her life in its proper terms - she had looked too surprised for her change in word choice to have been a way of making him understand - was not a time to ask about it. 

"Oh," he replied, hoping he did not sound overly relieved that she had time yet to stay. Requiem had no idea where he planned to go from here, and the longer he remained in her company the longer he could push off needing to think about the troublesome thoughts of finding a shelter, missing Sawtooth, and feeling lonely as he once again adjusted to being alone. "If...if you don't have anywhere else to be for a while," he stated, his voice giving away the bit of doubt he felt that she might not have other things to do, "would you care to join me while I try to find a den for the night?" She likely had a better idea about these lands than he did, and even if she decided not to help him just having someone else around while he looked would have been nice. 



1 Year
12-10-2014, 01:02 AM

She didn't expect him to be staying the night, unless the journey back to his lands was further than she imagined. That was only if the man planned on returning home, which would be a surprise if he didn't. He could stay overnight with the tribe, but she instantly erased that thought from her mind. In fact, it would be best if she didn't mention this encounter with the tribe. If they would bother to talk and listen to her, which wasn't going to happen any time soon.

She searched through her memories, seeing if she knew of any areas the male could use for the night. By her knowledge, there weren't any tribe wolves that had established their dens in the falls. That was a good point, at least he would not encounter any trouble within his slumber.

"Yes, I will help." She replied, her expression lit with eagerness. "I believe there is old bear den not far."

She took a few pawsteps away from the falls, flicking her tail in a beckoning movement for him to follow. She quickly spun her head to face him once more, her features filled with reassurance. She didn't want him to think she was leading him into a trap or that she was simply crazy, especially with the thought of gigantic bears on his mind. She knew of many abandoned dens, but a fox or rabbit home wouldn't do. She repeated herself again. "It is abandoned."


Requiem I


2 Years
12-21-2014, 03:05 AM

Walk | Talk | Think
She surprised him by how excited his offer made her, as if the thought of accompanying him on his search for a den was possibly the most exciting thing to happen to her that way. Maybe it had been. Her description of her home - her tribe - had lacked any true color or appeal; in fact, it sounded kind of quiet, maybe even strict and stuffy. Perhaps that was why he had found her here beside the stream alone, and maybe that was why she was even considering helping him at all. Was there any chance she might have simply enjoyed his company? 

Not wanting to get into thinking about how boring or helpless he might have looked or sounded to this tribal wolf to have earned her assistance, Requiem managed to draw his expression into a smile that quickly became more sincere as she offered up her first idea of where they might be lucky in their search. An old bear den sounded a little big for just him but at this point being picky was not a luxury he could take. In a place that he was unfamiliar with, a free place to rest that was safely empty and in a location that at least appeared to be hospitable was too good to pass up. 

Imala turned away from him in such a way that urged him to follow, and Requiem did not second guess it. Already on his feet, he turned to follow her, letting the earth-colored wolf lead the way. "An abandoned bear den sounds like a lucky find," he commented as he traveled along behind her, feeling optimistic and hopeful at this possible den site that he could borrow for the night. 



1 Year
12-21-2014, 10:04 PM

Indeed it was a lucky find. The falls are beautiful and relaxing with plentiful prey, however bears are a common predator in the region. During the spring and summer seasons, she had seen many of those creatures with their cubs. Although, throughout the snow season, she had found bears "sleeping" in their dens undisturbed. How they were able to sleep for many months she did not know, but it proved to be some advantage in her hunting.

She winded through the cedar trees, treading further away from the falls. Every few moments she would turn her head to briefly glance at the man and to check if he was keeping up with her pace. The bear who originally owned the den had fortunately built his home close to the water supply, making the travel short and easy. She felt pleased with herself for providing assistance towards the man's searching for an overnight den. She hated being useless.

Her eyes instantly spotted the abandoned home. It was a large hole dug into a small hill protected by several fallen branches. Cedar trees grew on each side. The faint musty scent of bear still lingered in the air, but she was sure no bears would be waking up and claiming this den during the winter. Perhaps in the spring this den would serve its purpose, but that was far from now. Her teeth fastened onto a thick branch that obstructed the entrance. She threw it aside, giving a cheerful grin to the man. The den was now his.
