
dinosaurs with guns



2 Years
11-04-2014, 07:14 PM

The ghost had found a new place to haunt, wandering through the crypt for days at a time, simply trying to build a map of the place in her head. It was interesting, and consumed so much time and energy she need not think about much else. Which was a good thing, as her mind was all over the place. She missed the presence of Ullr, and so far had discovered no one else who matched his caliber in her mind. It was disappointing, but she didn't need others to satisfy her need for company. Ignoring it was just as easy. Who needed company? Not her. Nope. Her powerful paws were trained now, soundless across the cool stone that made up the floor of the crypt. In some places, the ground turned to sand, and it was not nearly as easy for the charcoal spined warrior to move through the labyrinth of stone. Her glacier blue optics seemed to hold the faintest glow in this shadow filled maze beneath the earth, her alabaster pelt standing out against the darkness that reigned here.
Her feet were beginning to tire, and she didn't feel the need to make her way back out of here just yet. A meal could wait, but for now, a nice nap would do just fine. With a slow, contented sigh, the gladatrix cleared pebbles from the spot where she stood. It wasn't like anyone else was about to be coming down here any time soon, right? Curling up, she tucked her obsidian plume over her nose and shut her eyes. Rest was all she needed right now. Her mind was at peace, a rarity in recent days. It was time to sleep while she could actually manage to still the gears of her mind, or at least slow them to a bearable pace.

OOC: sorry it's so craptastic, I promise her next post will be better!




5 Years
11-07-2014, 11:40 PM

Well? this was certainly a curious place. Ullr slipped carefully into the crypt though he did struggle just a bit. The boy had grown into a man, his lean frame now girded with muscle, his awkward movements now confident and steady. Ullr was an explorer and one of the best hunters in Ebony in his personal opinion and now he'd taken to wandering. The Rath was all but dead to him and it's foul creatures wouldn't be touching him again. He'd passed the test and best of all winter was around the corner. His season. Ullr felt untouchable as he prowled through the crypt, sticking his nose into absolutely everything and sneezing violently when one nose full of dust sent him sputtering backwards.

Huh? smelled like death down here? but what had made such an unusual cave. It was not natural for the earth to open like this. Ullr trotted happily along, tail wagging, nails clicking on stone before a familiar scent caught his attention?. Dyani?!

Letting out a howl Ullr made a beeline for the source of the scent, not caring if the howl echoed oddly in this strange cave as soon as he saw her curled up on the floor he made to pounce upon her, tongue seeking to lick her ears.




2 Years
11-08-2014, 12:39 AM

The nap was promising, she had just drifted off and was enjoying the peace of her quieted mind while her body recovered from her ceaseless wandering within the dark crypt. Of course, a resounding howl in her so far uninhabited hideaway changed that. Her head snapped up, a snarl pasted onto her features before her brain was even properly up to gear. It took a second for her sputtering head to recognize the timbre of the howl. Warped with maturity, but familiar nonetheless. Ullr? The pounding of ungainly paws upon the stone floor was like thunder in the enclosed space, but it just meant he was close. Her entire body seemed to tremble with glee. He had found her again! Within moments, her brother had pounced neatly upon her and began to lick and nibble at what was left of her ears. She growled playfully, rolling and wriggling until she had eased his bulk from her sufficiently enough. A glorious smile was worn upon her usually grim features. Ullr.. She returned the affection, licking at his cheeks and maw. Her brother had returned.
When the initial excitement was mostly over, she still had her brothers weight resting upon her shoulders. She nibbled at his cheek fur, languid with his presence. Maybe she did need someone after all. Letting out a comfortable sigh, she left her mismatched forelimbs to rest upon the cool stone floor. It was good to see Ullr, without a doubt. My, had he ever grown up. He looked strong, he looked older. Like he could take care of himself... Her glacier pigmented optics fixed upon his features, wondering how she could have let her little brother grow up without her there to witness it. How foolish of her. Look at this, he'd become a big strong man without her. She bumped her muzzle against his cheek affectionately, a playful nuzzle. She felt like she had aged eons, and her brother was just becoming a man. How strange it was. "I've missed you." Her lyrics were hoarse as always, disuse making her voice come out tinged with rust.
Her obsidian banner twitched amiably, her mood having changed in the span of a few moments. Ullr did that. She loved her brother dearly, and was suddenly very sorry she'd left him behind. How had he fared, all by himself? Had the boy made friends? Maybe found love? She couldn't possibly know, having been locked away in a sullen exile made by her own damaged pride. Hadn't this been her goal all along? Take care of Ullr until he could do so on his own? She had succeeded in her only mission in life, but the problem was this. What was she to do now? Her gaze lost is distant glint, as she focused on his features again. He was very handsome now, and would no doubt be breaking hearts soon enough. He must have many tales to tell, and she could not wait to hear what the boy had been up to in her absence.

Trouble, no doubt.




5 Years
11-09-2014, 06:36 PM

Ullr licked affectionately at his sister, his tail wagging violently back and forth. He'd missed her so much and he could barely believe he'd actually found her! What a glorious day this was. She licked him on the cheek and he just grinned wider. "I've missed you too! What have you been doing? How are you?" The questions rolled off his tongue as he stood up and took a few steps back so she could sit up comfortably. He was really surprised to see how much she'd grown. Where was the time going? Ullr felt a little bad that he hadn't been around for her. He was so taken with Ebony and Valeriya he just couldn't stay away. It was only recently he felt comfortable with wandering.


ooc: sorry it's so short. I'm going to be going through extreme scarcity/absence soon so I'm looking to get threads moving and maybe wrapped up so sorry ><