
ever thought of coming down?



4 Years
11-04-2014, 08:40 PM
The lass was finally paying a visit to her marine friends, who were now preparing to migrate, no doubt. Her petite paws struck the moist sand with soft shushing sounds. Ebony tipped tail swung from side to side with every sway of her hips, thickening coat ruffled by the breeze. A pair of recently acquired red feathers danced in the breeze, never straying from their place behind her left ear. It was a lovely grey day, the promise of the autumn's cool rain ever present. Some rain might do the island good, actually. She hummed a quiet tune as she came closer to the bay, seeking the darkened forms of her manatee friends. It had been a long time since she'd last visited, and she wanted to see if any sea pups had been born. Her delicate toes paused before she stepped into the water, wondering if she dared disturb them so close to their migration time. A small frown form on her features, pale brows drawn together as she thought. If there had been calves born, the mothers might not take well to a wolf entering the water and endangering the wee ones. Peering into the water, the large shadows in the shallows didn't seem too bothered by her presence thus far. Maybe it was alright that she step into the water, just a little bit?

Slender limbs took hesitant paces into the cool surf, ebony rimmed optics ever watchful of changes in their moods. They all had their own personalities, and it was the only way she could really tell them apart at the moment. It wasn't long before she was up to her elbows in the sea, and the manatees were drifting a little further away. Even now, they weren't quite comfortable around her. Understandable, with her claws and her teeth, not to mention all this fur, she was probably pretty intimidating to them. Maybe they liked her a little more than everyone else because she was grey. Manatees were grey, and maybe they liked it better when strangers were grey. It seemed like a good thing to bet on. She took a step closer, and the herd floated just that much farther into the water. With a small sigh, the lass decided it would probably just be better if she sat on the beach and watched them. They didn't care about being observed, from what she could tell. But they weren't big fans of being approached by strange creatures.

Flopping down on the beach, she crossed her dainty forepaws over one another and settled in to see what her aquatic friends were doing. Surely they'd be heading inland, toward the mangroves, right? It was much warmer, and would probably be safer during the winter. They'd done that last year, so it seemed safe to assume they'd be heading out soon. The fae guessed they would probably be gone by the end of the lunar cycle, and heading for the safety of the areas further inland. There, she could observe them from the mangrove roots, and see what they did in the winter. Last winter she hadn't had as much of a chance to do that, what with her family and all trying to keep her from drowning. Not that she would have, she spent too much time in the sea to have that be even the most remote possibility. Right?

Dada Shawnee

Mo ti ṣe kan ìfípáda



8 Years
Extra large
11-04-2014, 10:32 PM
Shai Adeyemi

More and more his thoughts would turn from Gwena?s pain to her smile, he was finally moving past the regret that had filled his heart. A slight smile would play on his masculine jaw as he trotted easily through the trees bordering the beaches. He?d been here a couple times to watch the manatees play, since his mood had improved he thought their antics might be appreciated today. He?d have to remember to bring Gwena back here. Still it didn?t seem that he would be experiencing them alone. He?d recognize the form that would be silhouetted upon the beach. Curious he?d bring himself closer to Dada, his features relaxed as he wagged his tail slightly. The beads at his tail would jingle good naturedly, alerting her to his presence. He?d keep himself silent as the sounds of the waves hitting the beach would fill his ears as his bright gaze would fall on the beasts within the water.

"Speaking" ; Thoughts

art; KAT table; LAYLA

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4 Years
11-05-2014, 12:09 AM

OOC: Hover over the Yoruban for the english translation <33

The jangle of beads caught her attention more than the scent of the behemoth, who was upwind of her. The sea had it's own wind, and it rolled from the tips of the waves to form a breeze that smelled solely of salt and kelp and brine. The appearance of another was always slightly daunting, but she would manage this. Surely it was one of the wolves of her own tribe- no others wore beads, right? It wasn't going to be scary at all. Her cranium would swing around to focus her amber gaze upon the male who was being so good natured after his appearance. Her smile was soft, delighted to see Shai. It had been a while since she'd seen him, and even longer since she'd spoken to the giant. Had he always been that big? The damsel rose, her smile becoming a pleased grin. " Shai! O n ti kan nigba ti." She laughed, her own ebony tipped banner giving a joyful wag. Kohl rimmed optics glinted as she gazed up at the much larger male. His soul seemed troubled, flickering away behind those whiskey coloured eyes of his. Maybe she would ask him about it later. For now, she just needed to get used to his presence.
Tilting her head up so much to hold the male's gaze would no doubt get exhausting soon, she thought idly to herself. "Bawo ni o ti ṣe wa ?" She asked, rather than dwell on such boring things. She was curious to see what the male had been up to as of late, since she had never been able to keep up with the news of others that always seemed to be spreading like wildfire within the tribe. She was too busy exploring and stargazing.

Dada Shawnee

Mo ti ṣe kan ìfípáda



8 Years
Extra large
11-05-2014, 11:37 PM

A bright amber gaze would fall upon him at his approach, the woman letting her eyes fall upon him. He?d echo her rather eager smile, very much pleased to be in her presence as well. He?d been far too distant from his fellow tribesmen the last year, it was about time to reconnet with them. No matter how awkward it might end up. More and more he preferred to keep himself within Gwena?s presence, but he didn?t want to be too clingy, so he would enjoy his time with Dada. Her greeting would bring his focus on her pretty face as he drew near to her place of rest. "You don?t lie," he?d agree it had been too long, but he had been very lost the last year of his life. She?d ask him how he was, and he?d be glad that he didn?t have to lie to her, "I?ve been well recently," no thanks to myself. After betraying Gwena he thought he?d simply ruined his life. "And you, Dada?" He?d ask curiously.

"Yoruban" "English"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



4 Years
11-06-2014, 12:11 AM

Shai's agreement with her about how long it had been was recieved with a snort and a small nod. It was no matter how long it had been, because now he was here and they were talking like no time had passed at all. She drew her shoulders upward, forepaws planting in the soft sand. Ebony dipped tassel swept across the sand to curl loosely over her delicate toes. As he drew nearer, the tension in her shoulders eased up a few notches, but with time it would surely lessen. She just had to acclimate herself to Shai's presence near her. His answer to her query came rather smoothly, proving he wasn't as troubled as she was thinking. Maybe he was just elsewhere in his mind, dwelling on other, less favourable things. No matter, nothing to focus on. He returned the query, and she very nearly didn't hear him. However, she seemed to have been in the Goddess' good graces, because she did catch his inquiry. He seemed to be genuinely interested in what she'd been up to lately. He'd be one of the first in a while. "Mo le ko kerora, ohun ti ti daradara. Awọn erekusu ni kan lẹwa ibi, ati ki o Emi ko ro pe mo ti yoo lailai taya ti jije nibi." She admitted, wearing a jovial grin. She did love this island, and would hopefully never have to leave it until the day she died.
Her amber gaze drifted back to the manatees, still doing their languid, drifting dance through the cooling ocean waters. She would have to remember to visit here every day or so, to see when they would decide to migrate. She looked back to her companion, a small frown playing upon her soft features. Raising one pale brow ever so slightly, she regarded the male's expression for a second before posing her query. "Awọn ariwa ?wọn dagba N?gboy?, ati awọn run wọn ni o wa ni kan diẹ ibiti tẹlẹ." She sighed, whiskey gold optics briefly flickering with concern and fear. She didn't want to meet these blood thirsty demons. They were so frightening, and she feared they would be like the creatures of her childhood nightmares. Would they gobble her up like a mere hare? "O ro a yẹ ki o ṣe ohunkohun nipa rẹ?" She asked softly, her eyes tracking back across the sand to where the dim forms were still visible. She might be acting like a child, but she didn't know what to do about this new threat. Did she run if she smelled them again? Stand up and fight? Make them leave? The lass didn't know, and it worried her. Everything was so much easier when it was all just family and the stars and the island all around her.

Dada Shawnee

Mo ti ṣe kan ìfípáda



8 Years
Extra large
11-10-2014, 12:21 PM

He?d try not to notice the uncomfortable way she placed herself, and he?d got a suspicion that she might not have been listening. However she would easily answer his question after agreeing that too much time had passed since they last spoke. He?d echo her smile as she spoke of the island being the only home she?d ever want to keep, and he found himself agreeing there too. His tail would flop lazily as their gazes would return to the easy going creatures within the water, they seemed so carefree and peaceful.
Thoughts would not linger upon those docile thoughts for long as Dada swiveled her features back to him. She?d mention the northerners and he?d have to focus all of his will to refrain from reacting to her words. As far as he knew there were only two other wolves that knew of his unexpected run in with the chocolate girl. Motif herself, and Gwena who had happened upon him afterwards.
Should they do anything about the northern wolves who had already begun to sweep across their land? "The goddess says we should not claim lands. Did she not wish their presence here the land bridge would have never opened. The most I think we should do is pray that she keeps us safe." His bright yellow eyes would linger on the manatees and the horizon, unsure of the events the future might unfold.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



4 Years
11-10-2014, 04:20 PM

Shai seemed a touch distracted, his thoughts had maybe run off and taken his mind with them for a short while. That was okay, she didn't expect a long, philosophical conversation with the immense man. Like with everyone, she would be completely content to simply sit there in silence and simply enjoy the other's presence for a little while. She watched the manatees at play, scrutinizing their movements with a knowing eye. They were quite content, despite the presence of predators so close to them. It was interesting to watch them, and she felt a little less tense. It didn't take long to warm up to Shai's presence- they knew each other, and had spoken a few times before. He was an amiable man, so she didn't feel so much like she was under the microscope. There was an edge of tension under Shai's skin, the dove could feel it even from where she was seated. However, it disappeared after a little while and he looked back to her.
His answer was a simple one, and she could see where he was coming from. They had no real places to retreat to, as they didn't really have a right to defend the land and use it as a refuge. All the tribe could really do was keep safe and pray that the goddess let no harm come to them. She sighed a little, bobbing her head up and down a few times. "Mo ti sọ ri ọkan ninu wọn, ti o mọ. A ariwa ọkan." She murmured, audits falling backwards in unease. It was a frightening experience, but it hadn't been as horrifying and dangerous as she'd thought it would have been. She'd gotten to see what they looked like, and they were quite strange. But not all too different from them.


Dada Shawnee

Mo ti ṣe kan ìfípáda



8 Years
Extra large
11-17-2014, 05:13 PM

He? sit comfortably in silence, he had no need to speak. The pair were just as content sitting quietly as they were talking. He was naturally more quiet, but he was very much eager to be there when someone he was close to needed an ear or a bit of advice. He would wonder silently what she?d been up to since his mother?s passing. The Adayemi man had become to reclusive during the last year, it felt good to rekindle his relationships.
He?d hear her sigh at his answer, knowing that really they had so little they could possibly do. The world was changing, the tribe would have to adapt and learn or they?d disappear. Dada would go on, telling him that she had laid eyes upon a northern wolf. He?d remain oddly stony as thoughts of Motif would bombard him again. What would the woman think if he told her that he?s sexed one up? "I?ve smelled more than I?d care to count. Just be safe if you find more. Some are dangerous." He didn?t want her getting hurt.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



4 Years
12-08-2014, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2014, 09:03 PM by Dada.)

Their silence made it much easier for her to ease herself into the presence of the giant at her side. His reply seemed off, an edge in his voice that seemed to hint at something she couldn't decipher. Well, it was no matter. If he didn't want to talk about it, it was fine. She sighed softly once more, bobbing her head in begrudging agreement.  "Maa ṣe dààmú, mo ti ni pato yoo. Bawo ni le ẹnikẹni gbẹkẹle awon ti o lé ogun?"   She muttered, pale brows knitting together in confusion. They were dangerous, that much was made obvious by their near constant calls to war. They could be heard from across the sea, as they fought and claimed their lands. What could possibly make them worthy of her trust? She valued her life, thank you very much.

Her tail twitched where it lay on the sand, whiskey gaze falling briefly upon the titan. What had brought him out here, especially with the climate as temperamental as it was now. There was always the risk of a storm, and she was probably the only one on the island stupid enough to try to come out here. The corner of her lips twitched up, brow rising as well.  " "Nitorina ohun ti mú ọ jade nibi si eti okun?" "She hummed, decidedly curious as to what could have drawn the male out here. Did he enjoy the sea as much as she did? Or was he looking to see what the Goddess' creations were like out in the ocean? Think about it, she wouldn't mind taking a little walk out in the surf. That sounded good. Yes. " "Bikita lati rin pẹlu mi?" " She asked softly, rising to her feet and gazing up at him curiously. It would be good to walk, and feel the sea between her toes. The sand would cling to her fur for weeks after that, but it would be so worth it. 


Thanks Luis for this lovely image!