
Hey mum, is this how?


11-05-2014, 01:02 AM

Things had been pretty strange for the pups, life had been constant and pretty same, each day would pass with few surprises and a few good tumbles with her siblings, food, and then the next day would be upon them. Everything changed when something happened to their mum. She didn't understand what exactly, it was like every day they woke up and she was there, and then one day she just.. wasn't when she did return to them their dad acted strange, different and moved them away from here. Illaria simply couldn't understand why or what was going on. She wanted her mother, and she wanted her now! She'd had enough of the silly games her parents where playing and puffing up her chest she would go in search of her dam. Going out into the big wide world was just the first step, but they had been out of the den a few times now so the world wasn't wholly a stranger to her.

She would move on, at first she would try sticking her nose to the ground and catching a trace of her mothers scent, but it didn't make enough sense for her to follow any trails. She sat down then, thinking hard for a moment. How did wolves make other wolves come to them? By howling of course! Illaria threw back her head and let out a strangled arrrooohhhhrrr in a tiny voice, the sound did carry some ways on the wind but not far, she huffed and tried again. ?Arrrrhhhrrroooorrrrerrrah?

Walk "Talk" Think


11-06-2014, 12:43 PM

Things had settled between herself and Cru, they had made up and were picking up the pieces together. She was also working on spending more time with her children. But it seemed her eldest daughter had other ideas. Her tiny would reach her mother, bringing scarred lips up into a smile. She would laugh softly to herself, turning to track her daughter. It would not take long to the find the girl, who had ventured from the den. It was her desire to explode that often got the little trio in trouble. "Here, let me show you." She come to stand beside her daughter, looking down at her with a smile before tipping her head back. Lips pulled together to form a loose O, her voice echoed off the trees around them, much louder than her daughters. Her smooth voice would trail off, coming to an end as she looked down at the golden girl again. "Try again." She would encourage, her haunches lowering the ground, tail curling around her hips. Audits tipped forward, peering down at her growing child.

"Burn Baby Burn"