
you have the potential

Orchid I


5 Years
11-04-2014, 11:20 PM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2014, 07:39 PM by Crucifix.)

Rahini was, put simply the perfect student. She was quite and never made a complaint, she easily did chores when asked and would often collect herbs to bulk up their stores, and the collecting helped with her learning. She didn't like how the other slept outdoors but she didn't ask her why or insist she do others ? she simply understood that it was what Rohini needed. Orchid knew that Rohini was first a hunter and second a healer, but she took to it so well and being the only healer in the pack she was beyond grateful that she easily accepted the position of apprentice and hoped that perhaps Rohini would chose it fully one day, perhaps even take it to a lead position and replace Orchid one day ? certainly she had the knowledge, willingness to learn and sweetness to get here there. She did not, however, have the strength it took to order people around, to take charge and tell a wolf what they needed when they where injured. She hoped seeing an injured wolf would help strength her, show her the importance of taking charge, she hoped Rohini would find her inner strength and knew she would do what she could to help Rohini get there.

However, the stubborn wolves of Solstice, in the more peaceful life lead here where yet to give her the opportunity to see Rohini at work. A part of her was half tempted to chuck someone off a small drop... just to speed things along. Nudging that thought from her mind with a smile she would start assembling her herbs, winter was nearly upon them and there where some things she wanted to collect and dry before it hit them and they would be inaccessible until Spring came upon them again. She stuck her head out her den in search of Rohini, offering the girl a smile. ?Rohini, dear?? she asked.

Walk "Talk" Think



11-05-2014, 07:25 PM

Wailing sliced through the serenity laced atmosphere like a hot knife. Following on the heels of the cry was a small mismatched boy. His eyes were filled to the brim with tears and the excess liquid ran down his cheeks in rivulets. He hurt so much he could barely stand it.

Curiosity had gotten the better of the boy. He'd found a peculiar creature, one that had spiky fur that stood straight up. It seemed harmless enough, poking along lazily as if he weren't there, and only chuffing when he got too close. It was only when courage had filled the boy that the chubby creature had lost its temper. Shtiya nosed closer to investigate and, having used up all of its warnings, the porcupine rammed into him. As a result, the young pup's face was covered in quills. They were in his cheeks, his lips, his mouth. They dotted his nose and poked out from his muzzle like whiskers gone awry.

Each open-mouthed scream jerked the quills around, but he was too distraught to stop. Instead each flair of pain only served to deepen his fear. Shtiya was beyond reason. He raced over the terra as quickly as his paws could carry him. Only one thought, or perhaps instinct, managed to break through the turmoil. Find mom.




2 Years
11-05-2014, 10:13 PM

She was settling just fine here within the pack. Orchid seemed pleased to have her around, proving to the older woman that she could be useful. She rather enjoyed actually doing chores, collecting herbs and learning. Unlike her passed experience within a pack, she was actually doing something. She was contributing the best she could. It made her less harsh on herself, being able to actually help out. To feel of some importance, to have a task. She would be lying if she said she wasn't growing fond of Orchid. At first she had thought she would be harsh, unwilling to have her there, cast her off and see as nothing more than a pest. But it had been completely the opposite. Rohini still chose to sleep under the night sky, no matter the weather. Her body was hardened to the elements but winter coming brought only dark thoughts. Winter was the season she had lost everything. She dreaded it, the cold months, the snow, the loneliness. Perhaps she would stay the winter in the den? She'd be damned if she lost everything she was gaining here within the pack. It made her want to be closer to Orchid, as if she was afraid to lose sight of the white woman.

With winter approaching she kept busy collecting herbs, counting their stocks and secretly reinforcing Orchid's den for warmth. She often did it when the other was asleep or not around. Her paws making quick and silent work. And honestly she took pride it, so far thinking Orchid was unaware of it. Soon she'd go and line the nests with soft feathers, a personal touch. Speaking of feathers, she was carrying back a pheasant back for Orchid. She could use these feathers of wait till she caught another bird. She wanted the right feathers for Orchid. But first she'd at least bring back a meal for the other. She had just reached the den when Orchid called for her. Smiling she set the bird down, jaws parting to speak but a wail froze her.

Bright green orbs looked at Orchid in alarm for a split second before she turned and sprinted off towards the caller. Her swift legs would bring her to the sight of a pup crying, running in pain, in a matter on seconds. One look and Rohini felt pity for the little guy. She ran over, in an attempt to block the pup, curling her body around the little thing carefully. "Easy there little one...Looks like the porcupine got the better of you. Nasty creatures.." She said softly, trying to soothe the young boy. All the while her eyes examined the quills. She had seen wolves with quills before, but not this many. And what worried her the most were the ones actually in his mouth. She would look around for Orchid looking for instructions.


Orchid I


5 Years
11-06-2014, 08:30 PM

Just as she called Rohini to her, a cry would ring out across Solstice territory. It seems Orchid would get her wish, not that she could ever be happy to see a pup in pain. All business like she ensured her herb leaf-bag was about her neck before she followed after Rohini, who had already taken off in answer to the cry. Smiling at her students enthusiasm, and this stone proof that Rohini could not ignore a cry of help she made her way after her student. If she knew Rohini's mind she would be beyond flattered at how the girl considered her, already Rohini was the main wolf in the pack that the old healer interacted with, and her company and having someone to teach was all Orchid really needed in her life. She still wished that she could do more for the girl, show her that the world wouldn't hurt her if she embraced it, but the only way she knew to do that was to let the girl prove her skills in healing and let that develop her strength as it had Orchid herself.

She arrived at the scene a few steps behind and already Rohini was there with the child, holding her down. ?Alright boy, settle down so we can clean you up? she berated in a gentle voice as she sat down before Rohini and the pup and pulled her leaf bag to the ground before them. She would herself pull out Meadowsweet first, it was a more gentle pain relief,and she wouldn't want to give the growing pup anything to strong. she placed it very gently on his mouth, careful not to disturb any of the quills. "get this down, it will calm you" she promised him, before turning to Rohini ?I'm going to start pulling the quills out, can you grab what herbs you think we will need from the bag?? she asked Rohini, she wanted to see if the girl knew what she was doing, she would do her part but would not step on Rohini's toes unless the other girl needed her, lets see how her memory and herb collecting paid off here.



11-08-2014, 08:50 PM

Wolves came and Shtiya, in his fear, rushed without question into the embrace of the first stranger. He was desperate for comfort, willing to take it from wherever it was offered. Unable to form words around the terror that clouded his mind, he wailed up into the face of the fae, putting every ounce of displeasure into the cry. The second wolf pushed plants at him just as he was sucking in a deep breath and the leaves shot into the back of his throat, getting choked down in a unintentional gulp. Somehow the plants freed up his voice. After coughing a couple of time, Shtiya wailed, "I want my moooom!"

Shtiya continued to wail, his heart breaking over the absence of his mother. He just wanted her to be there, to sit beside him and kiss the top of his head. She made everything better. Where was she? "Mommy! Mooooommy!"

The plants slowly kicked in, his pain dulling and with it, the wails. Soon silent tears and the occasional hiccup were all that the boy could muster. He was worn out and the medicine the healer gave him didn't lessen the fatigue any. Instead it made it worse. His eyelids grew heavy and threatened to slam closed without his consent. His voice jagged and broken, he continued to whimper softly to himself, "Mommy...mooommy..."

"...going to start pulling the quills out..." Wait, what? Shtiya's eyes popped open, widening in alarm. "NO," he wailed, "Don't touch them! MOOOOMMY!"




2 Years
11-08-2014, 09:36 PM

Her heart would go out to the pup as he cried and sought comfort from her. She had no quails in doing so, pulling closer to the pup and licking his ear and head softy."Shh little one, it will be ok. We'll take care of you, patch you up and go find your mother. Think of the story you'll get to tell her when we're done! About how brave and strong you are when we have to pull those quills out. Your first battle wounds to show off to everyone." She smiled warmly at him. Hoping that her words were being heard and taken in. Her eyes lifted up to Orchid as she came to them, instructing the pup to be still and eat the herbs. It would seem his wailing and deep inhale for more air would aid in getting those plants down.

For a moment she was shocked that Orchid asked her to pull out the herbs needed when they pulled the quills out. A flash of fear shot through her, she did not want to make the wrong mistake and disappoint Orchid. But it quickly vanished to a look of determination. This pup was relying on her now, she reached for the leaf bag and had no troubling thinking of the herbs she would have picked. Gently she would pull out yarrow, lamb's ear and marigold. Smiling she gabbed the lamb's ear, "Look here, this is called lamb's ear and I swear it the softest thing you'll ever feel!" She hoped to distract the pup well enough for Orchid to get to work on pulling the pins out of the pup's face. Taking the lamb's ear she placed it at the pup's paws, rubbing it against his pads. "I wish we could have a ton of these to line everyone's den with. You think they'd like that if we could?" She asked the pup, lightly nuzzling her nose to his ear. His outburst to the quills being pulled made her frown."We have it lil one. You don't want to poke your mother with them still in your face when she comes to hug you, do you?" She said softly.


Orchid I


5 Years
11-09-2014, 03:22 AM

The plants would go down with surprising ease and she watched him carefully for a moment, giving it a chance to sink in before she began the work. He began to wail, and she tsked gently to him in a soothing voice. She waited until the lethargy showed worse in him and he began to settle ? however he wouldn't take well to the idea of her pulling free what ailed him. ?Shh, it wont hurt? she told him, it was a healers duty to lie to their patience after all.. although the pain should at least be numbed, and they couldn't begin to clean and see to the wounds until they where out.

It would be Rohini who had the calmer, soothing voice to the young one, she was such a gentle creature and it could easily be seen next to the no-nonsense healer. She glanced over at Rohini as she spoke to the pup again, this time holding up herbs for him to see. She nodded once to Rohini before continuing on with her work ? as through she had expected nothing less from her dedicated pupil inwardly she was beaming big and wide in pride to see Rohini at work. Well her pupil distracted the pup she murmured very gently ?Alright so simple as three. One.. she said, and gently closer her teeth around a quill and pulled it gently from his skin before dumping it on the ground and grabbing the next one. She worked quickly and efficiently to cause the pup as little discomfort as possible. When she was done she pulled back a little to give Rohini room to the gentler work of patching the pup up, as far as a first real healer experience it was a good one for Rohini, it wasn't dramatic but it didn't require her attention and her heart - both of which she was clearly supplying plenty of.




11-16-2014, 02:57 PM

Sniffing softly, Shtiya quieted as the green-eyed healer captured his attention. The lamb's ear was easily the softest thing he'd ever touched. He curled his paws around it, clasping the leaf between his mismatched pads. "...You think they'd like that if we could?" Shtiya nodded before parting with wounded, "Yeah."

The healer had been doing a good job of distracting him up until the point she mentioned his mother. Once he was reminded that she wasn't there, he grew agitated again. "M-om-my!" Shtiya whimpered, drawing the name out into a heartbroken wail. Where was she?

The dequilling process began and Shtiya, mellowed by the yellow-eyed healer's plants, did nothing to hamper the process. Instead he allowed it to happen, the only resistance offered being a steady stream of tears and the occasional hiccup.
