
seeking acceptance in the burning flames.


05-20-2013, 09:21 AM
Wrath of a female walking in in majestic pride- exotic pure and soothing; voice of a angel blood thirsty like a devil the women was pure chaotic evil seeking all power and thrill to her desire. slithering like a reptilian snake-elastic waist flexing side to side jousting her body forward. pure and sensational she would summon wolves with no hesitation melodious tunes of a princess that she was at birth- yet she had no intention to snatch the royal place unless she would earn it in conflict she was not east- the cranium would lift itself towards the showering clouds and bellow a thunderous howl like a lullaby fluently passing through the frost bitten air. after she would stand guard upon her self the cold blue pools jousting at every flinch in the habitat in caution of any presence as the women would wait slowly tensing her muscles appearing more manly showing her capabilities in full glory. a warrior in build- ready for anyone who dare misplace her fur. a hunter of seduction a hunter of a home was this pack her place to start summoning the demons.

[OOC: i am trying to make a table but struggling i really need one as soon as possible if anyone has free time please will someone make me one >.<]



05-20-2013, 10:17 AM

The howl of another calling to one of his own aroused him from his slumber. Yet again it seemed one would seek the audience of either him or Desdemona. A yawn slipped from him and the man stretched enjoying his last moments of sleep before rising himself on long slender legs. He was almost skeletal like, and yet still healthy at the age of seven. He was old, but he still kept himself in the best of shape he could muster. His metabolism at least still seemed to agree with him for it seemed he couldn't put on any weight.

With one last shake he took off at a trot picking his way down the rocky slope from his den and back to the borders of Tortuga. Through the valley that they called home and around the trees that grew on so precariously on the slopes, clinging to whatever purchase it could find. Finally he came to the border and was graced by the presence of another. A feminine creature that seemed to wait so patiently for one of them to greet her.

Head turned slightly as he observed her as he did all others who came into his view. Two-toned blue eyes remained glacial and his face passive as he studied her warrior build, the way she carried herself, and soon the way she spoke. He wouldn't miss a thing about her. His evaluation was swift, all that was left was to hear her voice.

"Welcome to the borders of Tortuga love. What is it you seek?"

He would not state his name yet. Such pleasantries could wait until she either stated her name first, or requested it from him. Words were powerful and names were not to be taken lightly.

[ooc: It's fine. Request one in someone's shop and it'll be done. I myself make them :P But I have a growing list it seems xD]



05-22-2013, 09:01 AM


'what is it you think i shall seek i am a lone wolf on a pack boarder isnt it obvious?' her tones seductive and like blood thirsty hisses snatches of the soul with intense sharp spews of the words yet still sounding like the softness of a freshly sliced flesh ripping into the bone. a slight smile would peek along the maw of the plump ebony lip slightly flashing the bitterly sharp ivories. slowly the tender movements dull yet like a professional dancer seeking for a performance. every leg moving with a slight stride lasing the thin flesh to a flexible motion swaying her hips so may the long veil of plumage sweep along the air hesitant and violently fluttering. yet the burning flame would boldly show her coat as the beaming sunlight's heat would blaze making the canvas shine like gold- sapphire eyes shimmer like a goddess beauty. sleek foundations brushing along the debris showering the foliage in her scent of strong lavender bleded with the English rose a beautiful essence to drag a wolf into their own tranquility.



05-23-2013, 07:47 AM

Sarcastic tones rippled through the air and her body was ever moving under the sunlight. Her flame colored coat shone brightly and Nnoitra observed her for a time taking note of the canines that flashed and the smirk that splayed across hr lips. Head cocked sideways for a moment before returning to its rightful position. She was amusing already, but she reminded him of the wolf he'd had his first litter with. Brina, but perhaps with a touch more intelligence.

"Still love, I don't assume things. You could have been here to send a message from another pack for all I know. Assumptions make an ass out of you and I."

A dark chuckle left his larynx as he gave her a pleased look. She was an interested creature. She'd either be accepted readily, or denied in a hurry. She just seemed like one of those wolves.

"If it is acceptance you seek, tell me, what do you have to offer my pack?"



05-23-2013, 08:38 AM


a slight chuckle would ripples from the depths of her lungs making the rib cage expand deeply to intake the blazing flat air nothing refreshing with the heat, recognizing the mans positions he was respected. truly she was a respectful wolf enforcing law to those criminals who no one could possibly tolerate, the women would depart the ebony chompers and flutter her tongue delicately mimicking a hushing lullaby ' true indeed but i am not a ass you see sweetie i just like my travels and to intake a wolves attitude to try and determine if this land is right for me' after she would pause for a second and repeat ' it seems it is the right place i could call home i will offer every last drop of the blood that flows through my veins to ensure our safety and respected name on this earth, spitting on those who dare to be disrespectful;' after a slight grin would peek on her face boldly showing the structure of cheek bones and the flattering sapphire optics, the women would walk slightly closer on the very tip of the edge still her tail wafting implying the bickering was nothing more than that no argument or disrespect just a laugh sort of thing. the blazing sun would carry on to beam on the light chestnut women perfectly youth in full glory she was a yearling the same size of a adult wolf was unusual only this would show she was still a student in learning yet clever for her age in a adult size only anything could happen her size- development and knowledge this pack would provide. her body movements was carefully planned ahead the demon lady would want to show the man she was worth this pack she wasn't a fool, knowing body language means half of the judgments a wolf shall determine. yet she was steady not to attempt to over power him as that's just plain stupid.



06-02-2013, 10:16 PM

The man watched the female curious. He answer surprised him slightly, but it was held behind a cool visage that remained passive. Her response was different than others. Maybe not overly impressive, but it was enough to satiate his needs. She would do just fine so long as she could handle authority and not make a gigantic ruckus. Head would nod at her response.

"Very well then. You will be accepted to Tortuga with open arms. There will be a tournament. We call them the games. Participate and you might earn a fair rank. It's require you participate so the other Alpha, Desdemona, and I may judge your skills."

Two toned gaze would watch her. If she showed any hesitation, any complaints, or any sort of rebellion to what he had to say. The games would help all of the Tortugans who weren't competing to be a Beta, or prove their worth at least to gain their rank back. If she had a problem with it then she'd most likely have some problems. The rank of Crucion would be given to those who did not participate, unless they were exempt.

[ooc: Sorry the post is so short. I just wanted to get something out for you.]



06-03-2013, 07:42 AM


'thank you for your kindness of my acceptance i will assure you i will be in the games my blood line is of royals needing to stay like that, to remain respected' a slight nod would reply towards the Mendocino chest as the immortal soul would start to plan ahead as she would not purposefully fight unnecessary battles like in her old habitat was required every breath taken an released was the most of a relaxation session you would get if you was to keep your rank, after the women would begin to rock her hips side by sight shuffling herself onto her new home in demand to meet other family, the women would then lift her cranium as the wind would clash on the veil gloriously, eyes with speckles of sapphire green would reflect of the shimmering beam as the women would now fad into the pack lands fluttering her plumage delicately in the surroundings as a display of respect of the clear respected man of the pack, all rankings higher would be respected however low ranks would have to struggle to stay low, upbringing would apply slight nasty snappish bickers in a dominant display gradually intending to work her way up, it would be a slow process to cause no distraction of outputting the canines out for their comfort zone.



06-05-2013, 05:47 PM

Head dipped at her words. Whether or not she was of royal blood, it made no difference in this pack; however, if she wished to try and worm her way up the ranks should could easily work for it. If she proved herself then she would gladly be given a title worth and then could flaunt her royal blood line, until then she was just like the rest of them. So far they only had Soladis' and Pups. She wouldn't be able to find anyone to tower over. Regardless he had a feeling she'd be a handful.

"Welcome to Tortuga. doll."

With that the male stalked through his terrain and back to patrolling the borders like he always seemed to be doing of late.
