
Lay down old bones [Joining]



10 Years
09-30-2014, 10:49 PM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2017, 11:11 AM by Priti.)

The elderly woman knew that colder weather was coming, maybe not right away but too soon. The woman wasn't sure she'd make it through the cold, not on her own anyways. Maybe it was time she paid a visit to the pack she had heard about from the yearling. It had taken some time, the pack itself didn't seem to advertise its location like many of the other did.  Finally she had pinpointed a scent, one she thought she remembered from the girl. Moving slowly Priti made her way towards what she hoped were pack borders. The snowy elder paused, aware of the strength of the scent here, no doubt marking the edges of the pack lands.

Priti tipped her head back, let loose a call for anyone who could bring her into the pack, her voice wavering with age.

Rune I


5 Years
10-09-2014, 12:48 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The weather was still against them, but border patrols were still a factor of Secretua life. Rather than push his family out into the storm to monitor the edges of their home, Rune took most of the work upon himself, as he often chose to. Starting the pack had been his idea, after all, something he had decided upon for the betterment of his family. They were all incredibly supportive, all of them willing to pitch in and pull their weight, but whenever possible Rune still chose to carry more than was probably necessary for his share. It was simply how he liked it.

With the Gulley proven secure, and his son sent to watch the water's progress within the deeper regions, the grey Guardian set off toward the Prairie, knowing those borders were more likely in need of freshening up than any of them. With as little protection as the open plains offered against the storm, he doubted many had braved the weather in order to take care of it, so naturally he took it upon himself to do it.

Which seemed to work out even better when he heard a strange call originating somewhere along its border. His black paws set off swiftly across the damp Prairie, ears perked and eyes alert as he spotted the figure who stood there. It was not until he was closer, better able to see the details of the individual, that he could recognize her as being an elder, and it puzzled him even more why she would be out and about at this time and not holed away somewhere safe until the storms had entirely passed rather than created a lull like they had today. His expression, somewhat untypically for him, was drawn into a concerned sort of frown, and though he approached with the posture and authority of a leader his tone was openly puzzled. "I am Rune, Guardian and alpha of Secretua. You called for someone of this pack?"



10 Years
11-10-2014, 12:10 PM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2017, 11:13 AM by Priti.)

Soon enough a large male approached, his grey form easy enough to pick out from a distance. She shivered briefly, the damp of the storm feeling as though it was pushing straight through her coat to her bones. Today was a calmer day, but the humidity in the air promised to bring the winds and rain around again. The brute drew up before her, a worried frown furrowing his brow, and though he spoke as she knew alpha's to he was clearly confused.

As the words left his mouth Priti found herself grinning, a coughing chuckle erupting from her chest. "Did I?" She said, briefly adopting a mask of confusion. "Why it strikes me that I did." Dulled emeralds roved over the man before her. "There was a young woman I met some time ago, brilliant girl. She spoke of your Secretua, and these old bones are getting tired you see. I can't quite do the things I once could and it seems about time I found a place to settle down. Maybe enjoy my retirement."


Rune I


5 Years
11-12-2014, 01:38 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Oh great, she smiled. That, in Rune's book, did not bode well at all. Either she was the mischievous type of elder who took pleasure in picking on those more youthful than they were, or she was the senile type that only saw things in a warped way that only made sense to her. Hoping it might be the first as opposed to the latter - senile was not something he was eager to deal with - he remained quietly concerned as she chuckled and coughed and answered him with a question. Not the most helpful type, he assumed with a moody sigh, but she seemed to come around then.

The story she told was not one he had heard before, though he assumed that was because Secretua tended to keep to itself. He did not need to wrack his brain to determine which brilliant girl it must have been to plant the seed of Secretua in this woman's mind - sweet as Keiki was, Warja was still the more adventurous and likely to strike up conversations with random wolves. It must have been her, and now that random wolf was seeking to become part of their pack, part of Secretua.

For once he was conflicted. An elder brought knowledge, life experience, and wisdom that could be shared and used to better current conditions, but they were also not the most likely of creatures either. She could not be expected to hunt or patrol or train like the rest, not at her advanced age. It was not right of him to turn her away simply because she could not pull her weight in a physical manner, however, and certainly not in this weather. "Secretua values the knowledge and experience of those who have earned retirement," he stated, feeling as if he needed to be careful how he answered simply because she was older and deserved more respect than he usually offered rogues on his border. "We'd be honored to have you within our ranks and welcome any knowledge you could provide." Perhaps a bold thing to say - he hardly knew the woman well enough to know how helpful she would make herself - but maybe if she felt important now she would be more inclined to assist later.