
Unsteady Return



05-15-2013, 12:49 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Always swift of foot and sure of her direction, Ashtoreth's mood continued to sour the longer she hobbled along toward home. Everything that could have possibly gone wrong while she was away did, and she was the worse for it. The weather had soured, a late blooming summer storm catching her out in less than familiar territory, and in a desperate attempt to find shelter she had sought assistance from the first wolf to come her way. He had seemed decent to start with, peculiar in that he was more than a little fidgety, but she had been hopeful and eager to get out of the storm. Her naivety had been her undoing.

Her ears pinned and her eyes shut themselves tightly as she once again stopped her progress, breathing in a slow, deep hiss while her jaws clenched shut and pain coursed through her leg. Since moving she had not bothered to look at it, knowing that whatever condition it was in, whether mild or severe, would make no difference; she was no healer, she had no level head for injuries, and if she crumpled into a complete mess here so very near to home she might end up being found that way by one of her pack mates. Swallowing hard, she opened her eyes again and resumed her hobbling gait, dignity and determination pressing her to keep moving.

Familiar terrain seemed to spurt up around her and within a matter of moments she was home. The border welcomed her with the scent of the Valhalla, greeting her itself while the pack itself surely went about their business somewhere within. Briefly she contemplated raising her head and voice and calling out to someone for assistance, but such a noisy move might attract more attention than she wanted. Surely patrols were being made this day, like every other day before? Hoping for it to be so, the lean little grey wolf stopped inside the border to her home and carefully lowered herself to her side so that her injured hind leg rested above the other, exposed and yet restful enough to lessen the jarring pain of movement while a dull ache set in.


05-15-2013, 07:54 PM

Her paws seem to shake under the extra weight that the babies have provided to her. He stomach was stretched far and she was huge as a cow. Anyone who has eyes could tell that she was bearing offspring, and by the look of it a decent size litter at that. She walked with a wobble trying to even out the weight so she did not tip over. this was all new to her, her first litter and she was not sure what to do and such.

A hard kick struck Ookami in the rib cage and she nearly collapsed."Oomph!" She said as she looked at her belly, Easy in their little ones, mommy almost fell." She turned back foreword and continued to walk. Ookami was hungry and in her condition she can't really do much hunting. So scavenging was all that she could do now.

Her eyes soon landed upon a small rabbit that was killed and nibbled on. Ookami smiled and quickly ate the rabbit. Her babies were moving quite a lot and once the food went down they begun to settle down a bit. Ookami needed to eat some more and she knew that. She continued to walk some more then her eyes caught the sight of another, this female looked hurt, and Ookami could not help her that much. The healer told her that she should take it easy, but that was easier said than done.

Ookami looked at the female and spoke, "You ok?" She asked as she walked closer to the female. The scent on her was that of Valhalla so this eased Ookami's nerves a bit more.




05-15-2013, 08:49 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

As she lay waiting, Ashtoreth forced herself to look anywhere but at her leg, ears pinned with a rather strained expression about her face. It hurt, no doubt about it, but the fact she couldn't bring herself to look at it yet made her worry that it might have been more serious than she thought. The crazed wolf had certainly gotten a decent hold upon it, and she knew she had bled because of him, but was the muscle clean? Would she be able to walk on it later? Will it ever stop hurting? Gritting her teeth, the little grey wolf drew in a steely breath and turned her head slowly, gold and purple eyes peering reluctantly at her exposed leg. It was red, most definitely, and it still bled, the rains having continuously washed it out, but though she was no healer she hoped that it did actually look less serious than she would have imagined.

It should have been a relief, being able to look on her own wound without feeling too queasy or panicky about it, but it only served to make her wish for someone to arrive faster. She needed a healer, but after Erani had been demoted and changes had taken place, she wasn't even sure who to turn to any longer. And the chances of one miraculously choosing this time to march the border. Slim to none. Perhaps she should have risked calling out to the pack at large after all.

As she turned to set her eyes once again on her surroundings, her ears perked atop her head as someone came into view. The wide black wolf walked along at an awkward wobble, making good progress but seemingly hindered by weight. It was hard from a distance to identify who the wolf was, and even as she came closer Ashtoreth struggled to place a name with the wolf's face. With her peculiar star she felt it should have been obvious if she had known at all. But the wolf approached her cautiously and eventually drew close enough to inquire about her condition. Letting her tail wag a few times against the ground as a sign she meant no harm, Ashtoreth smiled sheepishly, almost with a bitter edge. "Nope," she answered simply, not altogether feeling very talkative or descriptive about the endeavor she had gone through.

But while she glanced the other female's way - her pregnant condition much more obvious at this close range - she thought she finally felt a spark of recognition. She had seen this wolf before, at a pack meeting, sitting beside... "You're Thane's wife, right?" Ashtoreth asked, her gold and purple eyes becoming curious as she stared a the darkly colored female, certain now that she was correct in her assumption and hoping to have it confirmed.


05-16-2013, 01:40 PM

Ookami looked at the dame as she spoke, her eyes caught the sight of wounds upon the female's body. how wonderful this was. Ookami was in no condition to help this dame. It was true this female was hurt greatly, and needed some help from a healer. Ookami walked closer to the female and this time the wounds were better to see.

Ookami caught the words Thane's wife. Well she knew her mate that was ok and Ookami did not mind at all."Yes i am Ookami, and as you can tell i am expecting. I wish i could help you more with your injuries. They seem very bad, If you don't mind me asking how did you endure such trauma." Ookami spoke as she walked closer to the female, her green eyes looked over the wounds.

Her stomach growled and the babies begun to squirm some more. Her ears laid back a bit as one kick after another hit her. "I can't carry you to the dens but i can escort you if you like."Ookami spoke ears coming back to a normal upright position. She stood there waiting for the female to respond. Ookami was hungry and she needed to find some food. "And if you do decide to join me to the dens, i need to find some food. Do you think you can make it to the dens in your condition?"




05-17-2013, 03:55 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Though her leg still pained her, though she desperately wished for a healer to show up and help her get her injury taken care of and tended to, she managed to smile as Ookami confirmed what she had suspected about her being Thane's mate. She knew the male only from the few hunting expeditions she had managed to complete with him, regarded him as her superior and leader when it came to her pack duties, and was glad to know that outside of his well earned and respectable job that he was making a life - and family - for himself. For all he was doing, he deserved this small happiness. "Congratulations," she managed to interject as the wolf spoke, admiring the bravery and dedication of the couple to pursue pups. Though she had her misgivings about them, had even spoken of them once to her most trusted confidante, she knew they were viewed as a blessing by most.

Kindly, the green-eyed she-wolf expressed a wish that she could have been more help to the injured Ashtoreth, and the slim grey wolf could only smile. How? There was the question she had been hoping to avoid, the details about her poor judgment that had led her to trust a shady character when she should have left him be. "I was attacked," she answered simply, reluctantly, her gold and purple eyes drifting away with a touch of embarrassment and self-directed disappointment. "I thought he was going to help me out of the rain. He thought he was going to teach me a lesson. We were both wrong." At the very least she had that to cling to; for all his bravado and daring, she had still managed to give him a run for his money. In all honesty, it could have turned out a lot worse.

Ever thoughtful, Ookami offered to act as her escort if she thought she could make it to the dens, and she couldn't help but smile at the generous offer. Pregnant and hungry and she was still willing to help another out when it ought to have been the other way around. Or at least would have been if Ashtoreth's leg hadn't been out of commission. Ash shifted upon the ground, rolling a little as she prepared herself to rise. "Yeah, I think so," she answered as she furrowed her brow and set her jaw, pushing slowly off of the ground with her good three paws and gingerly holding the other hind leg aloft. It was a little precarious, and she felt wobbly, but she had made it to a standing position. So far so good. Her leg still hurt, but she was sure if she could make it back to the dens that she could rest in peace at the very least. "Ready when you are," she stated with a tight smile, ready to push past the pain to get to where they needed to go.


05-22-2013, 09:47 AM

Listening to the words of the other dame, she smiled at her as she congratulated her and Thane. This was wonderful Ookami was happy to be starting a family oh how happy she was. Ookami stood there as the dame spoke some more, a shady character trying to help but it turns out that he was a foe not a friend."It is a dangerous world we live in. A lot of others are not as they seem, but no worries as of now we have to get you tot he dens to get those wounds taken care of."

Ookami said as she looked at the dame who seemed to be able to move to the dens. At least she hoped she could, the small movements resided with in her belly, the babies were begging to move around. The words 'Yeah i think so' and '
ready when you are' hit her ears. Ookami nodded and begun to walk nxt to the dame.

Ookami's stride was short and wobbly, she looked like a spider on roller skates, and she knew that this big belly of hers did no justice to her. She turned to the female and smiled."So how did Thane and you meet?" She asked as she continued to walk next to the female.



05-22-2013, 11:02 AM

Exploring the lands was always an entertaining prospect, and today she had taken herself towards the Western lands. It hadn?t been her exact intention to stray so close to pack lands, but then again, she had heard great things about Valhalla. Though she wasn?t looking to join the large pack at the current time, had she been questioned as to why she had strayed so close to their borders, she at least had a good explanation. She was curious about Valhalla, and longed to meet some of the wolves, and it was most likely those thoughts that had brought her muttering a list useful herbs under her breath.

?Mulberry leaves for mild infections, Poppy seeds and white willow bark for pain?? Her words were uttered lightly as she paced along the border, being careful to leave a respectful distance between her and the Valhallan lands, so she didn?t provoke conflict. Reflecting on all the training she had been given from Ezra, she fondly remembered Ezra?s teasing about her muttering and how she learned. A light chuckle escaped her jaws, as she walked with easy strides.

Taking a deep breath, she noticed something different in the air, blood. It wasn?t just prey blood, it was wolf blood. Her head raised sharply at the smell, and she took off in an easy lope towards it. Rounding a corner, she saw two wolves, one struggling to walk and a heavily pregnant she wolf. She slowed to a walk and stopped at the edge of the border, looking at them trying to discern if they needed help.

?Hello!? She barked lightly, trying to draw their attention, and not startle them. She stood wagging her tail lightly, her posture relaxed, and not at all offensive. She only wanted to help, it pained her to see a wolf in pain, and if there was anything she could do to help- she?d do it. ?I am healer. I smelled blood? are you okay? Or do you need assistance?? She offered kindly.




05-22-2013, 11:50 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The slim grey wolf considered Ookami's words as she followed the black and white she-wolf to the dens, feeling as if she knew this lesson all too well now, had ended up learning it the hard way. She had been naive to seek help from someone that was a stranger to her, thought she should have been able to pick up on his instability well before he had attacked her. How had she missed it? Had she really been so desperate for help to let it happen? It was embarrassing to say the least, and she was really lucky an injured leg was all she had walked away with. From the spark that had been in the wolf's eyes, she was sure he could have done much worse if given the chance.

When asked how it was she had met Thane, Ashtoreth smiled around the pain of movement jostling her suspended leg as she hobbled along beside the pregnant Warrior. "I work with him," she answered simply, taking a moment to maneuver herself a little easier before continuing. "I'm a hunter, so I take direction from him. He's really good at what he does. I'm happy to work with him." Her respect for the wolf was possibly evident in her tone as she spoke of him, and she was more than happy to share her good opinion of Thane with his wife. It only seemed fitting that she know what an integral role he played in the territory so that she knew she had chosen well in her mate.

Before she could be given a chance to possibly ask a question of her own an unexpected, unfamiliar voice called out to the pair of them. Stopping her limping gait, Ash perked her ears and turned her head to regard the stranger cautiously, hesitant to trust someone who was not of her pack when she had had such disastrous results the last time she had tried. Still, it was not in her to be completely impolite or to write the she-wolf off as a menace before meeting her and determining for certain. "We're off to get assistance right now," she answered carefully, lowering her injured leg so that her toes touched the ground once more in a meager effort at making herself seem sound and not physically unstable. But it was going to be an awfully long walk back to the center of the pack lands where the dens rested... "You're a healer?" she echoed, unable to ignore how nice it would be to get her leg tended to now rather than later, if she could find a healer within their ranks at all.


05-27-2013, 07:25 PM

The walk was surly putting a strain on her body, but Ookami knew that she would be alright. Her ears laid back as she listened to the dame speak of how she meet Thane.She worked with him, and by her words she enjoyed the time that she did work with Thane."I am glad that you got to meet him Ashoreth." She spoke as her ears pinned to her head listing to the words of another who stood at the boarder.

Ookami turned to look at who spoke, a female who claims to be a healer. This is good that mean Ashoreth can get help much faster. Ookami looked at Ashoreth then back at the one who claimed to be a healer. "If you are what you claim, then please cross over to help her." Ookami said as she stood there looking at the female. She knew she was heavenly pregnant but if this dame tried anything funny she would not hesitate to fight.

Ookami was not the one to trust rouges, but she did not see a threat in this female. It seemed like the dame was there to help and that was it. Oh yes that was it. The pups squirmed with in her belly, this time more active as ever. Ookami sniffed the air and picked up the scent of a rabbit. Her eyes scanned the land, she needed food and her babies were bugging her till she got some. Soon her eyes landed upon a rabbit. Ookami's ears pinned to her head eyes narrowed and she made her way to her target. Once she was in the right spot she took off running, the rabbit put up a good chase before it caught it's death between ehr jaws. Ookami ate the creature fairly quickly.

It was just enough to settle the babies that resided with in her.She then amde her way back to the other two. Ookami did not take her eyes off of the stranger, that belonged to no pack at all.



05-27-2013, 10:19 PM

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Her ability to heal was a gift that she had been given from birth. She had always been compassionate, and every time she got a scratch- she was absolutely enthralled to see how it healed. When she met Ezra, her life changed from that of solitude to finding her first and only friend. Ezra had been years older than the pup, and grumpy and short tempered more times than not, but she had taught Eris everything. When she lost her pups, healing others had become one of her only ties to the world, and her strength.

Her ears perked up as the other wolves turned to address her, the second inviting her across the border to hurt the injured she-wolf. She stepped forward slowly, keeping her posture submissive but confident, she knew what to do for most hurt wolves and didn?t doubt her abilities. Though every hair on her body prickled, her very instincts warning her that she was trespassing, as she approached the pair she spoke.

? My name is Eris.? She began with polite introduction, slowing as she came near the pair. She watched as the pregnant black she-wolf departed and returned a few moments later, her mouth stained with remnants of her first kill.

?I mean you no harm, and if you will allow me to tend to your wounds, I shall be happy to help you.? The words would fall from her lips politely and respectfully, as she titled her head in the air, scenting for herbs. The familiar smell of feverfew greeted her, and she turned her head towards a nearby patch, looking at it thoughtfully. It wasn?t the best painkiller, but it had been known to be helpful if you had nothing else.

Looking at the injured she-wolf?s leg, she spoke again, her voice soft but getting down to business. [b] ?What happened to your leg, and how long have you traveled on it?? These questions were prudent, and could tell her how much damage that may have been done to the injured limb. Remedies and ideas were flowing through her mind, her previous instruction being refreshed in her mind. Taking a deep breath she calmed her fast beating heart, calming her nerves, and her golden eyes would search, flitting back and forth between the two wolves before her.




05-28-2013, 01:00 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The slim grey wolf's gold and purple eyes shifted swiftly to Ookami as the Warrior invited the stranger closer, a small trickle of anxiety rising with her. Why should she trust her? Hadn't trusting a stranger just proved itself to be a costly endeavor, leaving her with a nice gash upon her leg where the stranger's teeth had met their mark and his shaken head had torn into her tender flesh? Just as quickly as they shifted to Ookami, Ashtoreth's eyes moved back to the wolf who claimed to be a healer. Already she complied, lowering her stance respectively and coming slowly forward. She fought to urge to bristle uninviting, but she did need her leg tended to. She had to trust that the Warrior wouldn't have allowed her across their border if she had not the strength and will to ensure that they would still remain safe.

The healer introduced herself as Eris, and the injured wolf answered shortly with her own name, "Ashtoreth." Movement from her side brought her attention back to Ookami, who was already beginning to crouch and slink off across the territory in pursuit of something. For a brief second, Ashtoreth was entirely confused until she recalled the wolf admitting to feeling hungry and in need of a meal. No doubt the pups that lived within her called out for meals at the oddest times, now included. Admiring the darkly colored wolf's dedication to the new lives she and Thane had created, a little smile graced Ash's lips before she let her attention be captured once again by the healer wishing to tend to her wound.

With assurances that she would do what she could without causing further harm, Ashtoreth answered the healer's words with a quick nod of her head, seating herself upon the ground and from there moving to lay upon her unharmed side, her injured hind leg resting upon the good one with a majority of the injury exposed and ready for help. Her anxiety hadn't quite abated completely and she drew in slow breaths, willing herself to be a calm, collected patient. The other glanced around searchingly for what she would need and then asked her how it had come about, and again Ashtoreth felt a sting of embarrassment and regret. "I was wandering outside of Valhallan territory, beside a river. It was storming really bad, so I asked a stranger for help. He agreed, but instead of taking me to shelter he turned on me," she answered quietly, her gaze focused elsewhere at the ground with her ears partially tucked. It was not her proudest moment by any means. "I was probably lucky to just get away with this," she added, shifting her leg a little for emphasis and wincing as the movement tugged at the torn skin. The sooner the healer worked her magic, the better.


06-12-2013, 10:23 AM

the words of the female fell upon her ears, and the healer nodded politely in reply. turning on her haunches, she quickly loped over to the patch of fever few. inhaling deeply, she confirmed it was the herb she needed, and quickly nipped at some of the stems, before turning with them in her mouth to the wolf before her. coming to a halt near ashtoreth, she lowered her head depositing the herbs near the she-wolf. "i know wolves don't particularly enjoy eating plants, and these aren't the best pain-killers, but they are all that i scent near here and they'll do the job, ashtoreth." she said kindly, and gave the lady a small smile. turning she padded close to her leg, sniffing the wound and nosing it gently, trying to see how much damage had been done.

a sigh fell from her jaws, and she looked at the other wolf placing a smile on her jaws before speaking. "is there a stream near-by, or somewhere where we can clean this wound?" treating the wound without cleaning it properly, could cause infection and all sorts of complications. though the loner was clearly uncomfortable trespassing in valhalla's territory, she knew if she was going to help this wolf, they would have to venture to a water source, and at the moment her patient was far more important to her than pack laws, and such.

ooc; short post is short, but i wanted to keep the ball rolling.




06-14-2013, 12:52 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

With the story of how the injury had come about now known, the healer only responded with a polite nod before turning and padding off across the meadow in search of whatever she would need. Watching her go, Ashtoreth sighed, still mentally kicking herself for her folly. It was all so stupid! All it had taken was one moment of inattention, one time for her to let her guard down just a little too far, and the wolf had taken advantage of that slip. Still she couldn't fathom what had set him off. She had only been wandering beside the river, and he had been the one to approach her. And yet she could still hear his accusations, claiming her to have been following him for whatever reason that only he could understand. Best just to let it go, the petite grey wolf thought. Dwelling on it was going to get her nowhere.

She happily set the thoughts aside as Eris returned, the plant she had sought carried firmly yet gently within her jaws. It hardly looked like anything particularly special; for all she knew Ash could have been passing it on every hunt that she went on without even realizing its presence of significance. The healer set them gingerly on the ground beside her, the grey wolf's skeptical eyes following and settling on them as her ears perked to listen to Eris's instructions. Eat them? She was right; that didn't sound all that enticing. But if it would help then who was she to object? Well, as long as it works. Her two-toned eyes shot upward with a half smile and nod of understanding before she stretched her neck forward and grabbed a small mouthful of the plants. Quickly she chewed, letting the taste of the plant seep into her mouth before she hurriedly swallowed in an attempt to get the deed done and over with quickly. As she saw it, the faster she ate the plants, the faster the pain in her leg would lessen.

Already the tiny healer was taking in the severity of her wound, and of course the other's close proximity to it only caused her to tense. As much as she wanted help, she knew touching it, even gently, would cause pain. But rather than delve right into what she might need to do next, Eris asked about a stream to wash it in first and Ashtoreth searched her memories for one that might be conveniently close. "I think...I think there might be," she responded thoughtfully, raising her head and trying to crane it above the grass to glance away but to no use. She hesitated a second before sighing and carefully dragging herself to her paws, knowing she would need to move in a moment anyway. "If memory serves, there should be one this way," she answered after a moment of getting her bearings, inclining her head in the direction she thought the stream to be. "I should be able to get there," she added, her expression resolute. It would be somewhat of a chore, but it was definitely possible.

Realizing after a second that there was little sense in the other leading being a visitor and unfamiliar with the land, the injured she-wolf held her hind leg up gingerly and hobbled toward where she suspected the stream to be. It wasn't too far, though travel was obviously less comfortable and easy than it otherwise might have been. When the pain jarred her, Ash would clench her jaw but make no further sign of discomfort than that. No matter the pain, she needed to do this anyway. And eventually she did spot it, the waters trickling along quietly through the grasses, cutting a shallow, slim path for them to use. "Will this do?" Ashtoreth questioned the healer, glancing her way as she sought her opinion. She hoped it would, eager to have her leg treated and taken care of.

OOC: Tero lost muse for the thread, so I'm sort of pretending Ookami just went off on her hunt and didn't return. x3


06-19-2013, 12:55 PM

a small smile flickered on her jaws, as the grey wolf spoke. she admired her strength as the wolf stood, even though eris knew she had to be in a good deal of pain. she walked close to the other wolf, in case she needed the extra support, and because she was a visitor in the land. they didn?t have to walk far, before they came to the stream, and at the question that lingered between the wolves, the healer nodded, and spoke warmly. ?This is perfect, Ashtoreth.? the tawny healer, moved forward to the edge of the water, glancing at it before looking at Ashtoreth.

?Move into it, if you can, if you need help I?ll gladly help you. The cold water will not only flow on your wounds cleaning them, but it?ll also soothe any inflammation.? her voice was warm, and soothing. in their new location, there happened to be a clump of marigold rather close, and though it was waning as the year went on, she knew it would be good to make a poultice from for her wounds to prevent infection. marigold wasn?t the most common herb for wound treatment, but eris had learned a long time ago that you had to make due with what you have where you are. ashtoreth would need it replaced regularly, and she wondered if Valhalla had a healer that could over-see that. eris knew little of Valhalla, so her next question for the she-wolf was a well validated one. ?Do you have a healer here, that can reapply the poultice that I?ll apply when it?s clean?? her offer was genuine, and if there wasn?t a healer who could tend to it, and the alpha was permissible, eris didn?t mind hanging around on the border until the young wolf?s injuries were healed.




06-23-2013, 04:19 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

A quiet sigh slipped from the lean grey she-wolf's muzzle. Good, the stream would suffice. She had made the short journey from the pack's border to it without too much complication, but the pain was still irritating and hindering. The last thing she wanted to do was go traipsing further than necessary across the wide plains of the Valhallan territory to find the body of water that the healer needed to tend to her leg, particularly because it would have meant at any moment being stopped by another Valhallan and needing to explain everything to them so that the wandering healer would be given admittance.

Following Eris's instruction, Ashtoreth limped into the stream, the water chilling her toes, and without preamble lowered herself to sit in it, her injured leg extended out slightly so that the cool waters could flow freely around her open wound. Already it felt better, the water doing just as Eris had said it would, and she felt her body relax amid the stream's gentle path as she adjusted to the temperature. Only a gentle, tolerable sting elicited from the wound, but that was bearable compared to how it had felt exposed to the air.

When asked about the healers of Valhalla, Ashtoreth didn't answer right away. The last she had heard, their lead healer had been demoted, stripped of her title for apparently speaking out of turn, and the rest who had trained under her were not always easy to find on any given day, busy with their own duties or some other endeavor. "I don't know," she answered honestly, reluctantly, disappointed she could not readily answer in the affirmative. "I don't know any of them personally, and I don't know how easily I can find one in this condition." Perhaps it was only her worry about her injury causing her to hold doubts, but they were present nonetheless. "I'll find someone to help," she stated after a moment, her tone resolute. One way or another, she would figure out a way to get the poultice on her leg, with or without help.


06-23-2013, 04:40 PM

Out of all the wolves she had treated in the past, Ashtoreth, was one of the few that she would remember later on with a smile. The lass wasn?t a complainer, and did what Eris instructed, without a fuss. She watched carefully as the young wolf maneuvered herself into the stream, and sat down, extending her injured leg for the water to flow freely around it. She could visibly see as the tension seemed to flee the grey warrior, which brought a smile to her jaws. As Astorerth soaked, she moved away towards the clump of marigold, and sat to work breaking off the stems and leaves, working it into a poultice with her jaws and paws. Pausing in her work, as her patient admitted that she didn?t know any healers, her head tilted as she thought.

?Perhaps, if you like, once I apply this poultice to your leg, you can call for your alpha. If they agree, I wouldn?t mind staying on the border until, you?re healed and coming to treat you daily. If I?m doing that much traipsing over the border, I would like them to be awares, however.? She finished with a slight chuckle. She truly didn?t mind lingering near Valhalla, the pack was fair and just- and if a wolf needed her assistance, she would always help. It wasn?t in her nature to walk away from another who needed her assistance, she always would stay. It?s who she was.

Several more moments passed, and Eris assumed the chilly water would possibly begin to bother the other wolf. ?You can get out now, if you like. The poultice is ready.? He words would fall as a request, not a command. Idly she wondered if the feverfew, was holding any affect over the grey wolf, it wouldn?t harm her to have more, though Eris wasn?t one to pack a wolf down with painkillers. Pain was a good gauge, as to how the injury was healing, and a necessary tool.




06-23-2013, 06:58 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The combination of the earlier ingested plant with the coolness of the waters was doing wonders for her wound. Only barely did it sting now, most of the ache and pain numbed by everything it was being exposed to. Her gold and purple eyes closed for a moment while the healer wandered off to fetch the necessary plants she needed for the next part of her treatment, Ashtoreth too comfortable there in the stream to feel interested. Whatever it was this little she-wolf intended to do, she seemed to know it well. Everything so far was working in her favor, the wound's pain lessening, the mud that had still clung to the gashes even through the rain she had walked home in gone with the flow of the water. With her body already relaxing, she was sure she would be more than ready for a nice rest.

To her surprise, rather than accept Ashtoreth's pitiful response regarding a steady healer, Eris offered to stay herself, willing to remain at the border to tend to her leg daily while the need for it was there. It was incredibly generous of her, particularly since she held no ties to Valhalla or any of its members, and certainly made Ash feel somewhat guilty for not accepting her as friend from the start. She supposed her guardedness would just need some adjusting with time. She considered the small she-wolf's offer with a blank face, glancing into the stream for a moment while she thought. As much as she wanted to decline, it simply made too much sense for her to accept Eris's offer. What if she couldn't find a ready and willing healer within her pack to assist? What if she forgot how to tend the wounds herself from lack of experience? "Thank you," the grey she-wolf answered at length, her tone not entirely lacking her surprise at the generous offer. But as for answering whether she would need the help or not, Ashtoreth failed to specify, buying herself a little more time to think on it.

A little more time passed before the smaller wolf addressed her again, requesting that she get out of the water so, Ash assumed, she could finish treating the injury. She hesitated a moment, chilled by the coldness of the stream but still enjoying the feel of the water and it cleansed the open gashes, but with an airy sigh she drew herself upward to stand in the water. It dripped from her backside and legs, the fur clinging as it continued to trickle water back into the stream, and resisting the urge to shake she dragged herself from the stream. The movement irritated her injury, but not so much as it had before she had sat in the waters and taken the pain killer. She seated herself upon the ground and then lowered herself to her side with her injured leg resting atop the good one, a little big of nervousness returning now that it had truly come time to tend to it. "Will it hurt?" she asked with as much dignity as she could muster, unable to help feeling like a small pup whining about doing something outside of their comfort zone. It hardly mattered though. She knew she had to go through it anyway.


06-23-2013, 08:19 PM

The poultice of marigold, wasn?t the best tasting in the world, and working the herbs into their healing juices wasn?t the most fun thing, but she did it willingly, willing to deal with the bitter tasting herbs, if it meant healing another. She didn?t have friends, or any ties in this land- merely visited from place to place, helping those who needed her, looking for purpose. No loyalties, no ties- No friends. She didn?t dwell on it, it didn?t do one good, to dwell on those facts. Eris had been burned before, her first love and mate abandoned her to their children. Shortly, after the abandonment, she had given birth to a still-born litter. She wasn?t a stranger to hear-ache. She wasn?t a stranger to loneliness, but she never gave loneliness the power- because she never had time.

?Thank you.? Eris assumed it was about her offer, and assumed later, she?d let her know if her services were to be needed later. A polite nod, was all Eris gave in response to the thanks, and while waiting on her patient, allowed her mind to wander while waiting beside her poultice. Vaguely she thought about pack life, wondering if she would find a home here, her mind torn between each of the packs and what she had heard about them. Would it be Seracia, Glaciem, or Valhalla? Those three were perhaps the most interesting to her, their alignment so close to her own. Decisions, decisions.

Ashtoreth, worked her way out of the stream, and broke Eris from her revelry. Ears perked forward, watching every move the injured wolf made. As Ashtoreth, flopped down in front of her, the small lady moved forward, carrying a portion of the poultice in her jaws. ?Will it hurt?? The warriors words brought a smile to her face. ?It won?t hurt, but it may sting a little bit. The stinging means that it?s killing germs.? Her voice was soothing, calm, to reassure her patient. Stopping beside her, she worked it over the wound with her paws and mouth, making sure the wound was coated entirely. Once the wound was taken care of to her satisfaction, she stepped away, turning towards the stream, to rinse the bitter herb from her jaws, before turning on her haunches to face the young wolf.

?There, that poultice needs to be changed daily, but that marigold will prevent infection and allow for healing. You should stay off of it, as much as you can.? Resting back on her haunches, her tail came to rest around her. ?It must have taken a lot of strength to make it home with an injury like that, Ashtoreth. You are a strong wolf.? The compliment came from her jaws softly, with a warm smile. Golden eyes, would watch the grey she-wolf closely, in case she needed further treatment, though as far as she could tell, her work here was done. Satisfaction crept through her, and she let out a content sigh, again she had purpose.




06-25-2013, 03:51 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

A sting. A sting was tolerable. She could handle a sting. Drawing in a breath, Ashtoreth let it slip from her muzzle slowly as she gave her head a quick, resolute nod, signifying to the small healer that she understood and was ready. There was no turning back now, and even though she was more than relieved to finally have a trained someone tend to the wound upon her leg, she was still nervous over the whole experience. She had never been one for pain, had never truly been one for inflicting it on others either. Even when she hunted, at least where small game was concerned, she tried to make the catch as swift as possible. And never had she even considered the profession of healer. Squeamish herself, she would flinch and fidget at the sight of open wounds, and would have been no use as she apologized profusely for causing more pain as she tended to it. No, she was a hunter, a rather a weak hunter, but a hunter nonetheless. And she was completely outside of her comfort zone.

Ash tried to be strong but still managed to flinch and clench her jaws as the poultice was gently smoothed across her wounds, muscles tensing as she made herself hold still and not draw her leg instinctively away. Eris worked quietly and efficiently, and after a time the slim grey wolf began to relax again. The little healer had been right; it didn't hurt that bad.

As Eris stepped away from her handiwork and went to clean herself up by the stream, her patient watched her leave curiously before turning her gold and purple eyes on the wound, pushing herself upward slightly in order to see more easily. The poultice looked strange and unappealing, but the feel of it against the exposed flesh was soothing. Part of her wished that she might have already been inside of her den so that she could simply nod off where she lay and let it to its work without her possibly squirming enough to hinder its healing. She was still examining it when Eris returned and sat herself across from her to begin giving out instructions, making note of a daily changing and immobility. Ashtoreth turned and glanced at her then, a somewhat worried look to her face. Not that she wanted to go running on it just yet, but she was a hunter for her pack, an important part of what kept them all healthy and well. If she slacked, then so could the rest. But as her ears fell back in dislike, she knew she would have been no good on her feet in this condition anyway.

Considering the known circumstances regarding how she had acquired her injury, the last thing the hunter had expected was a compliment. And not entirely feeling she deserved complimenting, she answered with a dry smile, "All brawn and no brain. I shouldn't have let it happen in the first place." Even as the words left her mouth, however, it felt wrong. She was being rude to someone who had risked their own neck trespassing on claimed territory to help another in need. The least she could do was show her some kindness. "But thanks. My leg feels better already, too. You really have a healer's touch." There was still the matter of tending to her injury daily, and considering all the healer had done for her so far, when she held no allegiances to Ashtoreth or her pack, it felt wrong trying to keep her around longer than necessary. "I think - if you'll give me the okay on it - I'll find a Valhallan healer on my way to my den so someone can tend to this tomorrow. I don't want to take up any more of your time." She managed a polite, thankful smile to Eris, unsure what the healer spent her days doing but not wanting to feel like a bother to her schedule.