



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)


ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
11-11-2014, 11:29 AM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2015, 10:23 PM by Nyx.)
As you all have hopefully heard by now, Alacritis is going to be moving hosts. This will be happening in the near future and will require some patience, but we promise we have exciting things in store for our future!

We have decided to self-host, meaning we will soon have our own unique domain -- probably! We are also going to upgrade our forum software as we move. Currently we are on IPB 1.3, which is extremely outdated and full of security flaws (a quick search for "how to hack IPB 1.3" will give you insight into how big of an issue it is that we are still using this software!). Many IPB 1.3 forums are deliberately targeted simply because they are easy to hack, and what happened in the past (site being hacked, data being lost) will more than likely happen again in the future without a forum upgrade.

The initial price for an IPB license is $175. I am paying for the hosting service, but can't afford to pay for the entire license myself. Other fees we need to account for are hosting (will list amount soon) and the domain.

We are kindly asking that you donate if at all possible! All the money is going to go directly to the running of Ala. Please do not donate if it is going to be a hardship for you. After the license is purchased I will post a receipt for everyone to see, and I will also post an ongoing list of donations unless you ask for it to be anonymous.

Rewards will be given to those that donate, comparative to how much money you donate.

Receive site rewards based on how much you donate! You will receive up to the highest reward, AND as all those beneath it! We will keep track of your donations so if you can't donate the full amount you want to at first, you can always claim a reward in the future when you are able.

A $50 donation will get you a dire wolf pass (can grow up to 45"), OR a minor fantasy feature pass (i.e. small horns, elongated fangs, long mane, extra long tail, etc -- and feel free to discuss other options with staff), OR 1250 gems.

A $25 donation will get you an open character pass -- this means you can create one character with any color, designs, or markings in any combination at no additional cost (does not include accessories), within our character creation guidelines OR 625 gems.

A $10 donation will get you a table and an avatar for a character of your choosing (done by Kat, Fox, Seren, or someone equally as awesome!) OR 250 gems.

A $5 donation will get you a pass for +5 points in one fight to be used in any fight (must be stated at the beginning of the fight) OR 125 gems.

And additional money will be saved and used exclusively for the site, including but not limited to: web hosting, site redesigning, art for the site (maps, icons, etc.), custom skins/banners, and more! I will not keep any money for myself and will always post proof of where the money has gone, for everyone to see.

People who donate will get a pretty little icon on their names in the database as well!

Please send all donations to my Paypal:
Please Skype me if you have any questions or concerns at all!



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)


ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
11-11-2014, 12:42 PM
Dione - $150
- 2x fantasy item
- 45" height pass
- 1250 gems
- Table (Dione)
- +5 point fight pass
Evelyn - $52.25
- 'Open char pass'
- 1250 gems
- 250 gems
- +5 point fight pass
Fox - $50
- 45" height pass
- 'open char pass'
- ?
- ?
Lazuli - $50
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
Sea - $25
- ?
- ?
- ?
Den - $25
- 'Open char pass'
- Table
- 250 gems
Riv - $25
- 'Open char pass'
- 250 gems
- 125 gems
Aly - $15
- Table (Artemis)
- 125 gems
Outcast - $10
- 250 gems
- 125 gems

Tiff - $5
- 125 gems

= $407.25