
With no pain; id never walk the lands


05-14-2013, 12:59 PM
The sky's painted deep russet, rose and gold. Mixed in a Tranquility of colours repainting the lands to the mornings sunset. Vapours of wisps escape the ebony chambers as the demoned brute exhaled the carbondioxide from the lungs with the little efforts of a mornful sigh.he spied the dark forms of anyone who happens to cross the darkened world; these borders. and his mind went to his inner thoughts. No emotions would scar the face of a man with no fears. No joy would spread across the formed ebony lips concealed with inner thinkings.

Moving across the virgin soil Stefan would thump the hardend ground with a steady beat across the silent lands. The drumming would echo across the landscape in the precense of him. He had come for a start of a new beginning. To sink the ivory fangs in those not worthy of a title or to breath the fine air.Flickering and dancing within the gaze were conflicting emotions that always battled in his expressive eyes. Hate, anger, bitterness, confusion and sorrow were some of the more prominent embers glowing hotly in the chips of the seas that served as his eyes.

Could anyone in this solitude world show him the gifts of love. Was any gal capably of even doing so to the ironed steel. No. It was almost impossible to bring out something that was clearly not made capable since the birth of this man. Watching time go by the day would always change. As were he. Waiting for sudden movements the muscular body would tense.


05-14-2013, 01:30 PM

Stripped of her rank. The thought still light a fire in her. Everything she had worked for, just ripped from her like nothing. Inky lips twitched in a faint snarl. She still needed to speak to this new Alpha. So many had rushed to her after the meeting that the ebony dame decided to wait. Reds painted the sky as the sun hid from view. But the beauty of the land was little concern to the dame, for a foreign smell drifted across her nose. This wasn't a pack wolf. Lucky enough for him he wasn't within the borders of the pack. She approached silently, sapphire gaze seeking out the dark form of the newcomer.

Despite being stripped of her rank, she still remained at the border maintaining her job. She wouldn't let wolves go unmet at the border simply because of some new wolf taking control of her new power. "What brings you to Tortuga?" Tones where unintentionally barky, but she was still fuming.

Seating herself across from the wolf, her tail curled around her paws as she waited. Gaze roamed for the wolf, taking in his appearance, quietly assessing him. Scars marred his pelt in various places, well worked muscles hid beneath his pelt. His size dwarfed the she-wolf's tiny frame, but as always her gaze was cool and collected. The graying around her muzzle was the only sign of her age. She didn't expect the brute to be stupid and try something, he was still a rouge. It would be interesting to see what the new Alpha thought of her still accepting members. Perhaps she would make an appearance?

"Talk here."


05-14-2013, 02:32 PM
A fearsom woman would come out of the shadows and make her precense known to the brute. A small but worthy mistress. " greeting m'lady. I have come here for acceptance, to fight along side the royals and members of this pack.. Tortuga. Ive recently heard new rulings of Alphas.. are you on of them?" His powerful voice rumbled out of his chest like the booming sound of thunder. His deep tones filled the air around them. His breath frosted on the frigid air and wreathed around his face before fading away.

The large cranium would tilt to the ground to meet the gaze of the woman. Such fumes would consume her it looks like she's about to unleash her little demond. The everlasting sea blue orbs smouldering of stefan rested on this wolf. Baritones fill the air taking in the woman to listen to the darkened tones. Black, coaled pelt would trace the muscles with the coating of the tender flesh; eroded with the scars of battles. All battles will have a story to tell.

Was this the woman who'd give the man a knew life to his almost free'd soul. All sins getting pulled away by screeching light in a single heart beat of the womans wrath. The doors of the forbidden reopening to create something new ofthe emotionless man.



05-14-2013, 02:37 PM

Slender legs brought the alabaster Alpha forward as he followed the scent of Secret. A part of him wondered how Desdemona would feel about it all. He personally admired Secret's bravery in continuing her rounds and following the scent of the new comer that lay just beyond their borders. If the creature sought acceptance then it seemed as though Secret would try to deny or accept him, whichever she chose.

He would remain in the shadows for a moment, watching as angry tones rolled from her vocals holding a bit if a bite to them as she addressed the male. A smirk played at the corners of the pale man's lips before he came out of hiding and stopped behind Secret and just sat, For once he would keep his mouth shut and just give Secret a look waiting for her to continue. The man's words were heard, but he made no notion to reply to them. He'd simply watch the ex Commander with ease.



05-14-2013, 04:03 PM

Deep baritone lyrics reached her ears, greeting her politely. A smirked graced her features as the brute asked if she was one of the alphas. "No,the Alphas here are Desdemona and Nnoitra." The fact that he was able to bring some amusement to her day, lightened her mood a bit, words softening. "How would you benefit the pack?" She fell into the easy routine of questioning. However the pair didn't stay alone for long.

His steps were silent as always, but his presence shifted the air. Nnoitra. His familiar scent filling her nostrils. When he said nothing, she continued. If he was here to scold her then at least he had the decenty to wait, though she was curious as to what he had to say. When he ruled, he had been prompt at meeting newcomers at the border, he appeared to be falling into the routine again.

Audits pushed forward as she awaited the brutes response before she would fire off more questions. "What are your weaknesses?" It was a question she hadn't asked in awhile, and had been forced to answer herself. Most didn't like giving her an answer, or she got some well rehearsed answer, but nevertheless she still asked and waited expectantly.

"Talk here."


05-15-2013, 10:12 AM
So many questions would run in the foreprint of his mind; the hisses of the breeze soothing out the edges to his fine build; tracing the fighters structure with little ease before fleeing elsewhere. Closing up his eyes Stefan would let of a simple sigh; he's never been asked such a question, not since his adopted father would whisper the poisoned words into the lobes of a beast. " i have many weaknesses ma'am, as do all even if there afraid to admit. My weaknesses can also be at my advantage, and my strong points could very well lead to my death. But to answer your question; my weakness is my past. But that past thrives me on to what i am today." As the large brute spoke it was as if it where planned; they came out so quickly as if eager to be released into the wide open.

Opening up the shadows eyes bringing out light; he would look between the two wolves. The man before him was like a statue, so still and silent as if he werent even in the precense of this day. A nod to the cranium would be done efficently to the brute. As quickly as its done was as quickly his sea blue orbs hit the woman. " well, you look like a leader to me by the way you so openly advance to nothinh more then a stranger; interesting. id benefit the pack with the security. Not as a duty but the will to fight runs in my veins like the hearts keeping us alive. I cant let other packs tread among us as if we were dirt. Id also provide knoweledge. Ive been around for 4 years; ive learnt a thing or two in my time." We thrive to keep our selves in existance. We fight for our freedom and rights. We always make the mistakes we wish not to make. Its the cycle of our life. The man at the side of the woman, He looked strong; intellegent. He could possibly be the leader of Tortuga.


05-22-2013, 10:51 AM

Words were spoken quickly, almost as if he couldn't wait to answer. His answer gained her approval nonetheless. He wasted no time in answering her questions. His statement bring a smirk to her face. Litte did he know that she really had no power at the moment. At one point she was a leader, not of the pack, but a Commander. Audits remained pushed forward as he listed off why he would be beneficial. He was a fighter. Though it was already assumed. The she-wolf noted his gaze shifting to Nnoitra, who still not spoken. The brute was as silent as ever. "Nnoitra here is one of the Alphas." Sapphire eyes turned to the silvery brute before returning to the newcomer. She wasted no time in continueing, it was unlikely that Nnoitra would say much, if anything, but she would pause if he decided to speak up. "For now you will be given the rank of warrior. A tournament and games is going to be held to decide if you should recieve a higher rank, it will be mandatory to attend. But for now, welcome to Tortuga." She would rise from her seated position, offering the brute a chance to ask any questions that he may have. With her work here done, the ebony she wolf would turn on her paws, disappearing into the territory from where she came.

"Talk here."

-exit Secret unless stopped-


05-22-2013, 12:00 PM
The fine words whisked to the lobes in a persistant hiss; nothing more was asked from the brute. What he was looking for had been given. A place in Totuga, for now atleast. This woman specified the silent mans rank, the alpha. A nod to the large cranium would dip in respect before meeting the sterdy man's gaze. The man must be smart. Keeping silent; observing from a distant perspective. " its a pleasure m'lady, you'll be sure to see me at the tournament." Oh the word. The would to represent the freedom to fight for a rank; respect and to show others that your capable. The day was coming to a close; Stefans sure that the albino brute has better places to go, others to see. Standing once again on the large paws Stefan would stay silent; awaiting for whats to come. A warrior? a respectable rank for a newcomer such as himself.



05-23-2013, 07:41 AM

He was pleased with Secret's judgement. He was a bit disappointed to know she was aging. Her services would only be good for so much longer before she retired as a respected member of Tortuga. She'd been an amazing commander and had been very helpful to him from the beginning. A nod was given to her. He would not hold it against her if she still wished to help him and Desdemona accept new members. Far too many had been flooding to the borders lately and both Alphas couldn't get to them all fast enough it seemed.

Eyes shifted to the brute. He looked like a warrior, Secret had made good judgement, but they no longer had the ranks of just duties. They would now be classified on how they held themselves, acted, how much they accomplished, and how active they were.

"You indeed will be a warrior, but Soladis is your rank. We look forward to seeing you at the tournament. Until then make yourself comfortable."

A look would be given to Secret and a soft dip of his head was given before he brushed past her letting his tail drift across her side in a friendly gesture. A silent "thank you" before he disappeared to go patrol the borders once more.

-Exit Nnoitra-
