
Azarak Son Up For Grabs - Again!



7 Years
11-12-2014, 06:52 PM
I?m sorry to say that the Azarak boy, Azael, has fallen too far behind in activity for me to sit by. Thus, he's back up for adoption!

Now. Due to no one replying in the thread where Sarak shows his face, and no posts being made for at least a month with these two boys, I will be saying that Sarak has taken them with him. My next post with him will be in the Whistling Willows, which will be where he will be. Since the rest of my characters and a great deal of assorted family played by others will also be there, they have a good chance of making friends. (Woo!)

Azael is around nine months of age currently.

I want this guy active. At least a post a week. If you feel you may end up setting him inactive, I reserve the right,as the parent player, to take him back and re-adopt them to someone who has time and muse.

Now. Here are the refs and manips, and current profiles: Designs and art copyright to Trynx.


Now, as stated in the original adoption thread, Azalea was under a great deal of stress during her pregnancy due to wolves she knew being sick with the plague. This opened up a small window for the pups to be born with minor health of mental problems. Nothing major, but perhaps a tendency to catch a cold in winter more easily than other wolves, or a slight mental tic. As this guy's been played at least somewhat, I would suggest keeping to what he's already like, but in your own words. If you don?t like how he was originally, then you are welcome to change him, personality-wise. Remember, though, that both parents were good wolves, and though they?ve gone through a lot, Sarak will be trying to make sure that they know the meaning of family, honor, and love. Not to mention Erani and fam will be there with their added influence. Thus, they should be from neutral to lawful good.

Now, down to brass tacks.


Your Name: Your OOC name here, please. *Required*
Character Name: Who are you applying for?
Appearance: What does he look like in your own words? I want 300 words.
Personality: What is he like? I want 300 words.
Any Problems?: Does he have a mental problem? A health problem? Remember, nothing too serious.
Roleplay Sample: I want 300 words minimum. *Required.*

Okay, now that you have the code, I will be choosing who gets the kid two weeks from now.
[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
11-12-2014, 07:46 PM
Raziel will be removed from the Adoptions. Starry is getting a second go.

Due to Azael being set inactive, however, Azael will still be up for application.



5 Years
11-13-2014, 12:09 AM
Soren's totally not cool with Sarak just up and takin' em, just so you know :p
[Image: oLGAaTF.png]

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-27-2014, 12:39 AM
Your Name: Ember

Character Name: Azael ;)
Beige undertones the muscular male's figure. A long ivory stripe running from the tip of his ebony nose ends at a sharp point between his tan audits. From the male's muzzle continues the pure alabaster fur until the end of his underbelly, leaving his chest and stomach a shade of pure white. The rest of his pelt is filled with undertones of beige and tan, a hint of russet peeking through at the base of his shoulder blade and under his tail. Rich ebony envelopes his back, emerging from the top of his broad crown, in between his beige ears, and ending at his long tail. The width widens at his shoulders, extending to the russet at the base, and then thinning out as it approaches his flank. Once again it extends at his hide legs, reaching the base of his hips before peaking again towards his tail. A hint of white appears at the very tip of his long tail, shining bright among the browns. The male's right eye is a shade of light blue, matched only by that of the sky on a Summer's day. The left eye is the color of a dying flame, the deep orange contrasting the light blue in every way. 

Once the male reaches the peak of his growth he will stand at a medium height of 34", being fairly standard for most males and only slightly taller than his father. At the healthiest period in his time, the male will reach a staggering 125 pounds, all weight collected form the muscle that ripples under his tri-colored coat. Broad shoulders and chest reveal the male's strength to others. Though, he does not like to show it off, therefore he walks with a slight slouch making him appear less formidable and demeaning to his fellow wolves. 

WIP: So I totally promised you this like five-ever ago so it will get done this weekend xF



7 Years
12-13-2014, 05:29 PM
Okay, a repost of this adoption is in order, since certain characters didn’t cross over from the EoP version of Ala (Hence the random question marks scattered here and there where there should be ‘ <- those.

Due to Starry’s disappearance, and having not posted since… *looks at the calendar* November 12th with Raziel, this pup, now a yearling, is returned to the market of adoptions. Azael is still up for adoption as well.

Applications must be finished within a weeks time upon being posted as a Work In Progress. Any applications unfinished after that week will be disregarded.

Those who have entered an application for Azael thus far must finish the app by December 26th, or have the application disregarded due to incompletion. It doesn’t matter how much one says they want the character; I look at actions, and if a person does not finish the application for the character they say they want so badly, they will not be considered as suitable applicants. I also look into the amount of characters the applicant already plays, and how active they are with those characters when choosing who will get a character.

As an added note to activity: If the player of an adopted character falls inactive, I reserve the right to take the adopted character back if there has been no activity again by the same day of the next month. If you have a problem with this, then don’t adopt, or don’t put yourself into the situation where I feel I need to retrieve the character due to lack of activity. The bolded section in the original post regarding how many posts I expect still stands. At least a post a week, please <3

Yes, I am tough, and yes, I have high standards, but this is because I want these characters to be played and be able to blossom and thrive.

You can look above to the original post to find references of these boys, and notes about guidelines for their creation and development. Neither of these wolves will be very large due to mamas stress during pregnancy, and the fact that neither Sarak nor Azalea were humongous beasts.

Since I had removed Raziel from adoptions because Starry had wanted a second chance, here is his reference arts, and Profile.

Refs of Raziel: Design and art copyright to Trynxie
Lineart Ref:
Current EoP Profile:
Current New Site Profile: Starry has not edited this profile.

Now, for the redone code, since BBC doesn’t work on the new site:

OOC Name: This is to tell me who you are :P
Character Name: Pointing out the obvious, this is the name of the boy you wish to apply for ;)
Any Illnesses, Mental or Otherwise?: There is a possibility that they may have been born with interesting afflictions. No grotesque malformations or anything over the top, of course. Sarka, their sister, is a good reference for what to think up. Mind, I’m just as happy to see healthy sons :P
Allegiance: Nothing below Neutral Good to start with, please, due to their influence by Sarak and Erani and Fam, though of course some of their mother will have rubbed off: Azalea was never an evil wolf, however, so no evil :P
Appearance: In your own words, describe the boy you’re applying for. I would like 200 words minimum.
Personality: What will he be like? Due to upheavals like their mother disappearing, and dad suddenly cropping up, I’d expect to see some conflicted boys, but some take the hard stuff in life better than others.
Roleplay Sample: 200 words minimum, my doves. This is to show me how well your style matches the character you’ve described thus far ^.^ Please, no pre-typed posts of a character that is not the same one you’re applying for.
What Are Your Plans?: Do you have any future plots in mind for these boys?

-If these kids are not active, then I have no real reason to keep Sarak active, and I want him active.-



5 Years
12-13-2014, 06:37 PM (This post was last modified: 12-14-2014, 03:41 PM by Vitus.)
Nvm, I'm sorry. <3
[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]


12-14-2014, 03:43 AM
OOC Name: Roamer

Character Name: Raziel 
Any Illnesses, Mental or Otherwise?: None. 
Allegiance: Lawful Good

As a pup, he's nothing more than a ball of fluff. His individuality is found in his uniquely marked coat, that is akin to his mother's design. He isn't a carbon copy of her, rather- the color that paints his face is a dark ebony color. He has his mothers reddish brown points on his face- just above his eyes, and towards the bridge of his nose, and just a the sides of his muzzle, next to some white, and he will have a white marking that moves almost in a very narrow triangle up his muzzle. As he grows, his fur will slicken out, always remaining thick, but it loses its fluffy texture, making the boy appear more like an adult, rather than a walking funny colored cloud. 

As he matures into adult-hood, he will grow to stand about 33 inches in height, only an inch shorter than his father, and will weigh about 100 pounds, getting up to 105 as he gains muscle from training. Since he is not quite yet a yearling, he will have no scars to mar his handsome features yet. His body will be well-scuplted and muscular as he begins to train and find his strengths in the world, though his facial structure will always be angular and fine-boned. 

His eyes are a stunning and vivid green, a color he takes from his father, though the hues of his green eyes are slightly darker than Sarak's. 


While he had the makings of a very cheerful and thoughtful pup, events in this young lads life have led him slightly into a more conflicted path. His mother disappeared at the early points of his life and he was alone and afraid with only his siblings to rely on- and he had to be strong for them. Then this strange wolf showed up, and whisked them away- a wolf who claims to be his Dad, though sometimes Raziel is unconvinced. Where he once went out of his way to talk to other wolves, he's quite a bit more reserved now. This will wear off in time as he finds his trust in the world again. Over all, the lad is a lawful good alignment. He's a protector to those who can't protect themselves and generally friendly. As a youngster, he enjoys hearing stories and tales told by his family members and playing with other young wolves that he can find. 

He is extremely protective of his siblings, perhaps because he was abandoned with just them. As he grows older he can sometimes act without thinking - a trait similar to his mothers but he's good at heart. Raziel wants to do what is best for the world he lives in, even though he often finds himself in trouble because of his brash actions. He's quick to speak without thinking, and brutally honest. He isn't blindly loyal, but he's faithful in his commitments. This means that if he's part of a family or a pack- he isn't going to leave them over an argument, but he won't do something he finds wrong. Raziel almost fancies himself sort of a hero, the protector of those who cannot protect themselves. The thoughtfulness that he outwardly displayed as a child hasn't went anywhere, he thinks, though he lacks the careful dignity he had as a child. 

(I will expand on this as he grows, should I be chosen as tribute.) 

Roleplay Sample: 

He loved to explore, and see the various lands he could not even fathom into existence, and perhaps that divine curiosity was what had led him into this current predicament. He had been exploring the sheer cliffs of a nearby ravine, and had fell into a rather sticky mud puddle. As if that hadn't been humiliating enough, and oddly fun- he'd also managed to "accidentally" get himself covered in feathers, from a magpie he'd happened to catch and kill. So basically, he traveled looking for the next source of water like a funny looking bird-wolf hybrid. Gods, if his siblings saw him now they'd never let him live it down. He'd grumbled as he walked, trying to sniff out a water source when he'd finally caught the scent of a stream. He'd been overjoyed to get to it, diving headfirst into the icy waters, without considering the winter temperatures around him. 

Raziel let out a startled yelp. Things just were not going his way today! What had he been told by his family? Think before you leap. Oh yeah, he sucked at that. He rolled around in the water, shaking the mud and feathers loose from his coat before emerging. His teeth chattered together, and he shook himself, dispelling the water droplets into the air and onto the unsuspecting earth around him. He blinked a few times, as he looked around himself his green eyes wide, and then he jumped forward- bursting into a run back towards the willows where his family were. Hopefully by the time he made it here, he'd be dry and he wouldn't have to explain the rather awkward situation he'd found himself in, and hopefully no one had saw. 

(This sample wrote itself. Don't judge me. I just picture him awkwardly getting into a situation because he didn't think before acting xD) 

What Are Your Plans?: I don't have any direct plans yet. I would like to see him get to know his family in depth, and perhaps find his mother one day if she returns to Alacritis. Maybe join a pack when he's older- or join Surreal's when she has hers c: 



7 Years
12-16-2014, 01:30 PM
Due to there being no other applicants, and my strong want for Raziel to get out into the world, I bequeath playership of Raziel to ROAMER!

Play him well, Roams, Play him well. 


12-16-2014, 01:35 PM