
Here they come!(Healer will be needed)


05-20-2013, 01:14 PM
OOC:Thane posts first then the puppies can ok.

Her belly was swollen to the max and the little babies that rested with in her womb begun to move. Ookami was not sure as to what was happening but something surely was. A tight pull in her stomach indicated that the puppies were on their way. One sharp pain after another made the dame cringe as she slowly made her way to her den. She made it to the den and fell upon the floor, her tongue out and she panted rapidly.

The pain kept growing and growing, until she wanted to push. A slight howl escaped her maw as she pushed. She felt the small pup emerge from her, Ookami turned her head to see the baby. She gently pulled the pup away from her vag and begun to clean the baby off. This one was a male, Ookami continued to clean the baby off until another contraction made her push.

Ookami pushed some more and this time the baby did not come by it's self. Blood begun to gush out with the small pup. Ookami was not sure what was going on and it scared her. Her ears were pinned to her head breathing heavy. She was so tired and blood was everywhere. Ookami still continued with the labor, she painted howled and soon all three babies were out.

She had finished cleaning them and helping them to her tits, but she did not stop bleeding. Her hind side was numb and she could not move it. Ookami wanted to call for thane, but she was so tired that she could not do such a thing. Her eyes grew heavily and she laid her head down. Her eyes closed, and the bleeding still continued.



05-20-2013, 04:42 PM
A small contemplative look was portrayed on the brutes face. He was debating on whether or not Ookami would be hungry for something at this hour; or even if she would be able to keep it down. Her body hadn't taken the pregnancy lightly but they would pull through it right? With a shake of his head Thane decided he would find a mouse or something light and small.

As the male lowered his body to the ground in a crouch he took in a deep breath. He smelt the cool air of Autumn and nearing winter, ah yes, winter! But then again how would the cold affect the pups when they came? Nonsense! They have Russian blood! They're bound to have the coats of fur to withstand the winter as their father had done in the Russian Tundra. Come now, one worry at a time...

But with that smell of the cool air and fallen leaves did he smell blood not far too off. With that white lined ears perked up as he heard Ookami give off a slight howl. It wasn't directed towards him or anyone really...was she in pain?!? aqua blue eyes widened as he realized what it must be; and with the scent of blood this would not go so well.

"The puppies!" he yelled, kicking himself for letting Cyril fly off for the day on his daily feed.

Dark gray paws drummed against the cool Earth and the fallen leaves, that resulted in brief crunches at each paw-step. Thane ran and ran and ran. Tons of thoughts ran through his mind, No, don't think! Just do! Oh how now his lessons failed him so! His own parents never taught him of what to do when he would be a parent himself! What was Thane to do?

As the scent of blood became more intense in his nose he reached the den. The brute was sure Ookami was in there but what would he find?

Aware of how protective mothers could be during or after birth he stayed back for a moment with caution.

"Ookami?" he said as he called her name

No response came that he had heard.

"Ookami are you alright in there?" he said with concern in his voice.

"I'm coming in Ookami." he stated before giving up with concern for her and the pups well-being.

The male cautiously stepped forward as he lowered his head to peek into the den. Both paws and half of his torso with his head is what he dared put in. The den reeked of blood but with the scent of newborns as well. Aqua blue eyes settled on three tiny black bundles of fur encircled by his beloved. His eyes widened as a smile formed on his maw. They were beautiful! All three of them! He was a father! Then did his eyes move up to their mother and his smile faded.

Ookami lay there not moving with her eyes closed. Was it the complications from her pregnancy....was she still breathing? Thane gently leaned forward and nudged her face with his nose. A small whimper escaped his maw for he knew he had to get help and not panic now. Turning towards the puppies who were suckling he gently spoke.

"Don't worry...daddy's here..." he said before lightly licking the top of each of their heads to make sure they were all cleaned off.

Thane took no time to dillydally; he gently took himself out of the den and rose his muzzle to the sky and bellowed out a howl for help. There's got to be a healer nearby to help Ookami. Who knew what was wrong with her in this state. another whimper escaped his maw as he turned around in a circle to scan the places he could see.

Growing a bit impatient Thane released another howl of distress to make sure someone heard him if they didn't the first time. Help had to come, and fast!


05-20-2013, 05:19 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2013, 05:28 PM by Ryker.)
The small pup had no idea where he was. With his eyes not opened he couldn't see anything but smell an odd smell. Whatever it was the small puppy could feel it starting to collect on his fur. He nuzzled further into his mothers soft belly fur even though she gave no response after cleaning him off. Were there others in here? He felt other soft bundles of fur beside him. The pup then latched on to a teat and started to suckle before feeling something touch the top of his head with a few noises reaching his small ears before that. All the pup knew was that these other soft things had came after him. so the pup knew he must have been the first one to be brought into the world of the other furballs.

He lay there still and let out a small squeak or whimper for he felt stressed of the events going on. What was happening?



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-20-2013, 05:43 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2013, 06:58 PM by Erani.)

Cormalin and Obsidian, with Nova, were pup sitting for Erani, while she took a long walk to herself. She needed it. She loved them all very dearly, but it was tiring, keeping an eye on six different wolves at once. Nova was less of a worry, but the pups were all over the place. She gave a tired smile as she wandered through the territory. Herbs caught her eye as always. This one for controlling hemorrhages, that for belly aches. The scent of blood reached her nose, a second before the desperate howl for help.

It was birth blood. But there was too much of it. She stood, ears flickering. Preston?s scent was nowhere to be found. Her head whipped to the plant she?d just noted for birthing problems. She was out of rank. She was not allowed to heal unless expressly asked. Her eyes narrowed. Forget Collision. A member of the pack would die if she didn?t move now. Turning, she nipped off the plants she needed and took off with a swift lope.

She came to the scene, offering a soft whuff. It was Thane. Ah. Ookami?s litter had come. She?d heard there were complications in the pregnancy. When it came to her pack?s health, despite her demotion, she kept a close ear on them. Now it seemed the complications had come back to bite them. She gave a deep nod to Thane, then went to the den and looked in. Ookami lay still, blood pumping from her vulva.

Erani stepped back and looked at Thane.



05-20-2013, 06:30 PM

Three pups born, two little boys and a single female. One of them had already began to squeak, suckling its mother, the other boy following. But the little girl was silent, not a single noise came from her since exiting her mother. Her body lay still near her belly, not a single twitch nor whine. One would think she was already dead, passing on the journey into the new world. But it was uncertain, who knows, if given a few moments and a few licks, she might come to.



05-22-2013, 09:25 AM

Ookami twitched a bit as she came through, her mind was fuzzy and the loss of blood made her feel sick. She felt two little puppies moving around suckling on her tits. Only two, this did not seem right, Ookami remembered having three puppies. She managed to turn her head and look at the babies, the two males were suckling just fine, but the female was not moving or making nose. Her heart felt like it was dropping. Ookami struggled but managed to pull the baby closer to her she begun to lick her head."Come on little one come on" She spoke as she continued to lick the baby.

It took a few minutes of nuzzling the pup before a small cry was herd. A sigh of relief came from Ookami, she was weaken so much and she was bleeding still. Was this it, was she never going to see her babies grow up and have babies of their own. No, She would not give up, she looked to see Thane was here and Erani. She smiled at them, this was wonderful, Thane was here. "Thane...They are beautiful" she said as she laid her head down upon the den floor.

Her eyes seemed to be drawn of color, Ookami was weak, very weak. She looked from Thane to Erani then back to thane. "I will be alright Thane, i promise you i won't leave you" She managed to say before she closed ehr eyes and passed out once more.


05-22-2013, 03:38 PM
White lined ears perked up as Thane scented another wolf. But he couldn't quite interpret who it was due to the scent of blood in his nostrils. Not taking any precautions, Thane let out a low warning growl. If anyone was here to harm his new family or his beloved in distress then over his dead body would they! But soon enough Erani stepped out and the brute composed himself as he welcomed such a dame, a healer, but she had been demoted hadn't she.

The femme said that he knew of her demotion and that if she didn't help Ookami she would die. "die", that word hit him like a tree branch to the face. No, such a word could not happen to his beloved on this day, it couldn't.

With a swift nod his aqua blue gaze rose to her own.

"Following orders isn't something worth more than a life. I appreciate your help and pray that you can help her see tomorrow and more to come." he said with a nod of gratitude.

Thane then peered back into the den as he heard Ookami's voice. She was licking a small pup that didn't seem to be moving. Was it....dead? His heart pounded as he waited for it to respond. And then a small cry was heard as it started to move like the other two. A sigh of relief passed his lips. The brute was glad that all three were alive. His aqua blue gaze wandered back to the small pup that hadn't been moving before, a female. She was small and it sort of looked like she had tiny white dots all over and more around the back of her neck. The male knew where those came from. Traits of his side of the family which was even portrayed on his own fathers coat. Perhaps this small pup was saved by the stars, given a chance, a miracle.

The wolf then let his eyes wander once more to Ookami as she said in a weak voice that they were beautiful. He was at a loss of words as he stared down at their children with a smile; but he could only nod in agreement until she then uttered some more words. Ookami said she would be alright and wouldn't leave him, she promised. The dame was passed out again before he could blink. The den was big so he brought the rest of himself in and curled himself around her as their pups were encircled by her as well.

The male looked up with urgency in his aqua blue eyes before he spoke to Erani.

"Can you save her?" he spoke with urgency again in his voice.

Thane could only nuzzle his beloved and try to comfort her if she could even feel it. But the brute just wanted to be with her. He promised he would always be there for her on that starry night. What would he to! don't think about that.

"I'll do whatever you need me to do if I can help. Either that or I'll just let you do what you need to do." he said

Thane then gently nuzzled the top of Ookami's head before looking back up at Erani with concern and fear in his aqua blue eyes.

Was his mate alright, were their children even alright? The brute did not no yet he lay encircling them as if they were the finest treasure in the world, in which they are to him...



9 Years
05-22-2013, 05:09 PM
The boy made no noise at first and remained still until his mother licked him clean and nudged him aver so gently toward his first meal. Crawling slowly after the first fur ball, he passed up another who hadn't moved when he brushed up against her. Blind and def for the time being all he could do was smell. The smell of his mother and siblings filled his tiny nose, then an odd smell he couldn't make out. Then scent of two other wolves entered his nostrils.

Not bothering him he latched on to his mother and began needing at her stomach with his paws instinctively. The taste of his first meal filled his tiny maw. Moments later his unmoving mother stirred once more and the third fuzz ball joined him and the other.

Again their mother fell still and one of the other wolves moved against his mother and barely moved her. The boy cried out in protest before pressing his maw against his mothers stomach to finish eating.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-22-2013, 05:56 PM

Erani felt a surge of relief when Ookami stirred and began licking her children. But her movements were weaker than they should have been. Thane gave her the answer she needed, and she set about her work. Sliding down into the den, she took a moment to check the pups, then turned her attention to the heavily bleeding mother. Gently, she set about grooming the area, cleaning it to get a better idea of how bad the bleeding was. The blood returned almost immediately, followed by a second wave, in time with the beat of the heart.

She turned and selected the herb she had chosen and nosed it in front of Ookami?s muzzle. ?Eat this, Ookami. It?ll help to slow the bleeding? It was a fast working coagulant, and would slow the bleeding in minutes. She looked around, worried. The afterbirth was still in there. It?s passing could start that bleeding again.

She checked the bleeding. Good. It had already begun to slow. She glanced to Thane. ?You?re doing well just as you are, being with her, keeping her calm.? She studied Ookami, who had fallen back into unconsciousness. ?She has a strong heart. If she means to stay alive, she will. Your pups are all three healthy. Between yourself and them, you will serve as a reason to fight to live. No mother would dare let death take her when she has children to live for and protect.?

She gently groomed the mother, doing her best to clean the den. The blood soaking the bedding was not a good environment for an ill mother and new pups. ?Help me clean out the soiled bedding. She and the pups need warmth, and the blood won?t help that.? She gently began prizing the soiled bedding from the den, tossing it out. Upon the last bit of bedding?s removal, she slipped out of the den and loped quickly toward a patch of moss. She gathered as much of the soft moss as she could, and gave her head a strong shake, wresting any moisture from it. Then she turned back and carried it to the den.

She dropped the moss at the mouth of the den, then returned and gathered more. Several trips were made, with periodical checkups on Ookami and the pups. Then she settled outside the den, watching Ookami, and wondering where in Luna?s name Preston was. She rose and slid back into the den, checking Ookami?s bleeding. Much better. A slow ooze. Not the pulsing flood of before. Ashe worried still. The afterbirth had yet to arrive. She just hoped that when it did, the coagulant herb would fight the bleeding that would cause.


05-22-2013, 06:44 PM

Still weak as ever Ookami struggled to open her eyes, she faintly herd Enrani speak about a herb before she passed out once more. Her mind raced as she grew weaker with every passing moment. What was going on, was she dieing, soon the vision of her siblings filled her head. She was shocked, was this true, was this happening?"What are you doing here?" she said to her siblings. This was strange, very strange.Her siblings did not say anything but her mother appeared and did say something "You grew up so lovely my dear." she said as she walked closer to Ookami."Mother it is so good to see you, i missed you all, and i would love to be with you, but i can't leave thane and our babies"Ooikami said as she looked at her family. "Ookami, i don't blame you, you still have your whole life ahead of you. Now dear wake up and get better, we will be here when the time comes. I love you" Ookami nuzzled her family "I love you all too."

Ookami begun to stir out of her little episode, her eyes opened and she found the den cleaned and herbs in front of her. She knew that they were meant for her, so Ookami ate what was given to her. She looked at Thane and Enrani "Thane, i am feeling much better now, still weak but i will be fi..." She stopped as another contraction came, Ookami gently got up to her paws the best she could. The contractions came faster ans she pushed. Her ears pinned to her head, and eyes closed. it was about three minutes until the after birth was out. Ookami was panting now, she laid back down and helped her babies back to the warmth of her. Blood was coming out, but not as much fast or thick as before. It was beginning to lighten up.

Ookami looked at her babies who were still eating and letting out tiny whines. She smiled at the little ones, this was wonderful. "I am glad that the babies are healthy." She spoke as she laid her head down. Ookami was just tired now, she closed her eyes but did nto fall to sleep. "Thanks for helping me Enrani" She spoke with half opened eyes.



05-23-2013, 11:57 AM
His heart pounded as he tried to listen to Erani and what she was saying. No word was uttered as he helped clean out the bloodied bedding and replace it with moss. The brute then lay back down next to Ookami and let his aqua blue gaze sweep over her and their pups. Smile did he do as the male looked at the herb that Erani had placed in front of Ookami's muzzle.

white lined ears perked up as his beloved awoke and ate the herb. She started to say that she was fine but in the middle of saying fine she paused. Thane wondered what was wrong until he saw that she had gotten rid of the after-birth. There was blood again but less than before. The wolf's nose was swamped with the scent of blood. When he next looked up he saw the bloody battle scene again until he blinked and it went away. Grateful was Thane that that was the only hallucination in a while. The brute really did believe that his beloved suppressed them as well.

Thane licked the top of her head as she lay it down on the ground once more. She was glad that the babies were alright, as was he. She then thanked Erani as well.

"I thank you as well Erani. Gratitude. " he said while giving a respectful nod.

If it were not for her Ookami would have possible not made it through this day. And then who would be there to feed the pups? such a thought was what he did not want to think about. But he was glad that it was only a thought.

with a smile and white lined ears perked up; the new father turned to look at their children once more with a proud smile. So many emotions swamped the brute that his eyes started to water. Of course it would look as if he was crying but Thane would correct that.

"Liquid pride" he said in case anyone noticed.

Aqua blue eyes then settled on the three puppies once again as he sort of looked them over a bit. All looked healthy and were having their first meal. one of the pups even had x's on it's like his own. Thane then saw that it was a male then remembered something. Names, they didn't have names yet.

He nuzzled Ookami before gently speaking to her.

"Three healthy beautiful and handsome puppies. but what are we to call them? surely they deserve grand names." he said.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-27-2013, 09:24 PM

She smiled as Ookami recovered, unusually quickly, but still. She nodded as they thanked her, then rose, backing out of the den. ?I need to rescue Cormalin and Obsidian from my own children. Perhaps when yours are old enough you can bring yours to visit.? She grinned softly, and slipped from the den, letting the new family get to know the new members. She felt better than she had in a while. Saving a member of her family. It was what she had been born to do.

She nodded to Thane, then turned and padded lightly away, tail swaying gently. The newest members of the younger generation of Valhalla were strong and healthy. They would grow well, she hoped. Turning down a path, she loped toward her own children.

-Exit Erani-