
imagine drowning in riches



5 Years
11-12-2014, 10:18 PM
So I was going to just do this on my own but I think it'd be even better if anyone could help give ideas and suggestions. If you do and it's accepted as a set thing, you get a free slot when they go ufa. Here's what I have so far:

Side note: the families are of Egyptian and Romanian blood mixed and I already know what the appearances are going to range through so there's no need for that either


-- A?pregnant woman is considered unclean. She must not give birth in the family home because it would then become impure.

-- They typically have three names. The first is known only by the mother; it is given at the time of birth. Its purpose is to confuse evil spirits by keeping the real name of the child from them. The second name is conferred at the time of adolescence, and is the commonly used name within the tribe. A third, different name may be given when the child becomes an adult. It has little importance except when regarding non-relatives.

-- Women were typically married between the ages of 1 and 2. Pre-marital sex is very strongly forbidden. Marriage ceremony is usually simple; the bride and groom shed each other's blood and join it together in front of the tribe.

-- When someone dies, relatives and friends gather around and ask for forgiveness for any bad deeds that they have done to that person. They are concerned that if such grievances are not settled, then the dead person might come back as an evil spirit and cause trouble. The widow might commit suicide when her husband died so that she could accompany him during the afterlife. Sometimes, the deceased's nostrils are plugged with herbs so that evil spirits cannot enter and occupy the body.

-- When you are born into a social class, you usually stay in it till death. Wealth, social status and even careers are inherited. The individual's roles in life heavily depend on his/her family's class.

-- Men are not only allowed to have concubines, but having one shows off a man's wealth and status too. The concubine usually was not a secret affair either.

-- An even more outlandish practice is the arranged incestuous marriage between brother and sister (and sometimes father and daughter). This is mainly restricted to the elite and royal families, as a political maneuver to keep the power within the family.

-- However, non-incestuous arranged marriages are more widely practiced. Most of the time, marriages are between people of equal status and wealth, whether arranged or not. (Sometimes the children will fall in love on their own accord and ask permission to wed.)

-- There are as many reasons for divorce. Some common ones include infertility of one partner and adultery. Adultery is frowned upon and many times penalized by society. For a woman it can be dangerous as well; ending in violence or death for her mistakes. If they are just not getting along well, the couple will just divorce and move on.
-- Once an ancient Egyptian marriage ended, what would usually happen is the ex-wife will go back to live with her father. She is not to marry again (men can).


The King
--?As the top dog of them all, the king is the most powerful person (usually). The king either inherited the throne, or got it by force. He usually gets divine status. He is also the high priest, a title he could delegate.

The Vizier
--?As the right-hand man of the king, he is second most powerful person. He assists the king, is the secretary of state, presided over the families and governed the police force.

The Priesthood
--?Not all priests are extremely powerful, but some have become so wealthy and popular that they accumulated power that has threatened the kingship. The high priest is chosen by the king in order to carry out all the religious rituals the king is meant to do. As men of the Gods, the priests collect offerings, are given honors and titles, and they are presented with gifts and wealth. Even the king himself has to appease them in order to have them be on his side.

The Army Generals
--?The king chose two generals (one for the Upper class, one for Lower). They are usually chosen from the royal family... this prevents one general from becoming too powerful and also keeps the power in the family. They answer to the king.

The Officials
--?The king had a number of advisors who took care of many political and religious activities and could also help in the decision making. Some were from the royal family, and some were from the elite class.

The Citizens
-- regular, low class members

The Military
-- low class usually, volunteer-based
!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



8 Years
11-14-2014, 12:03 AM
I think this is a really interesting idea. I won't be adopting from the family, but I can see marrying one of my characters into it :)