
Stuck in a Daze



05-23-2013, 09:51 AM
ooc: Set between the time Loccian vanished from Seracia after Octavian's death, but before returning back to Seracia.

Paws moved silently across the lands, carrying an ash colored wolf. This wolf, the female had been wandering the lands since the death of her brother. Octavian. Vanishing during the night of his burial, unable to take it. She didn't say a single word to her fellow pack-mates, just got up and slipped into the darkness. She didn't know where she was going, only knew that she had to get away from there, get away from the place she called her new home... where her and her brother would restart.

She had not been thinking about all that though as she roamed the lands. Loccian felt a numbness in her, unsure of what she should do. The only thing that seems right to do was walk, keep walking until she found what she needed. Found something to bring her back to life.

By time she had reached the north this small female was thin, ribs were poking out from her coat since she had not eaten for a few days. Not only that but sh had wounds on her legs, running up and down them were cuts, new and old, some still even bleeding a bit. It was the result of voices in her head, whispering things in her ears, and the only way to make them go away was to bit at her flesh, cut it open with her fangs.

Sitting before the lost female was a large object, something she had never seen before nor heard about. Storm grey orbs looked it over, dull, falling upon a large hole in the side of it. It had begun to snow by now, flakes beginning to gather on her coat, a sigh caused a stream of vapor to escape her jaws. Finally she moved, paws carrying her to the hole in the side of the ship.



05-23-2013, 05:30 PM

He wasn't far from his home, Glaciem was up in the North and the strange "S.S. Antiox" was basically like a neighbor to him. The moon was bright this night, but the sun was still out on the horizon when the male scented a female close by. He wasn't quite sure what kind of scent she had, but it definitely wasn't a rouge. Wolves from other packs normally went home an hour before the sun set, unless they were close by but the only pack close by was Glaciem, and that wasn't the women's scent either. The only reason he was out here was because it was no use trying to sleep in the pack den, he was sure Gargoyle wouldn't mind.

His nose lead him to the structure that lay on the beach all bashed and broken. Though he just missed the female jumping into the side of the ship, something in his head told him she jumped in there. He walked over to the broken wall and stepped in turning the corner to see a grey girl and as his gaze set on her he let out a small whine to let her know she wasn't the only one in there and she shouldn't be alarmed.

Walk "Talk" Think



05-24-2013, 10:48 AM

A shiver ran down her spine as the cold feeling of the smooth surface against the pads of her paws, tail flicking. It was kind of like stone, smooth and cold in the chilly weather but this one was a more intense chill. Slowly she lowered her head, sniffing at the ground. It had an odd smell, one she could not quite identify but she did know it was foreign.Then a sound came from behind her, an ear swiveled to the side, her head following. Dull grey eyes fell upon a grey and white wolf with oddly colored eyes, one green and the other purple.

She looked the wolf over for a few moments in silence, her body calm and relaxed but trembling slightly. It was colder in these lands and she had little meat on her body to keep her warm due to her starving herself, well not really starving herself, she just had no appetite when it came to eating.

She now turned away from the male, paws carrying her further into the vessel. Her eyes seemed glazed, as if she was not fully there, just her body. Her tail flicked as she continued to sniff at the ground, moving up to the walls.



05-29-2013, 03:03 PM

The girl seemed to have almost ignored him, but it seemed like there was something wrong. Her emotions seemed drained, but Odin didn't want to break into her secrets. Not that there was something to hide, but he didn't want to intrude. The girl was trembling, was she scared, was she cold? Odin couldn't really tell, but knowing she was an outsider he assumed the cold weather had gotten to her.

He followed her into the vessel, watching as her soulless eyes ran across the walls and floors. He didn't quite know what to say, but he ran up next to her and tried to put his neck over her in an effort to make her stop shaking. It was definitely invading her space, and if the girl had shied away, he would pull back. Words escaped his maw as he ran his head into the air, "Is there something wrong stranger?" He meant no harm to her, and he definitely didn't want to make her uncomfortable. But she looked almost as if she were dying and Odin couldn't just stand there and watch they empty female die slowly inside.

Walk "Talk" Think



06-02-2013, 12:30 PM

She had just been slowly wandering around the vessel, sniffing at the ground and walls, taking in its strange and unnatural scent. But then something suddenly touched her. Had she been in her normal state of mind, the female would have flinched, yanking her body away as fast as possible. The flashes of her"mother" springing into her head, causing her body to freeze.

But no, her mind had been dulled by the recent event that had happened. Her senses had dropped, reaction time dropped, giving a damn had been thrown out. She just stood there as the male put his neck over her, body still trembling even with his warm touch. Is there something wrong stranger? His voice had caused her ears to swivel in the direction of his voice, chuckling on the inside at his question. Oh something was wrong, very wrong indeed.

Lips moved, forming words but her voice did not want to come from her. Brows came together as she realized this, head turning to the side, doing it again. She had not spoken for some time, so, she had to get her voice back to itself. So after a few moments she was finally able to speak, but was raspy. I guess... you could... say that. She too a breath every few words before finally clearing her throat.



06-03-2013, 04:46 PM

The girl still trembled underneath him, and this was not an act of trying to get love or attention, he just knew that there was something she needed help with and he could be there to help.

Odin had such a bad past with females, something he never wanted to speak of. And if someone he personally knew were there to see, they would surely attack him before letting him touch another girl. But Odin was trying to control himself at this point, he couldn't lose it again.

Odin lifted his neck off hers and stepped in front of her to look her in the eyes. His head turned a bit, still keeping his eyes on her before speaking. "Something you can... Talk about?"

Walk "Talk" Think



06-03-2013, 10:35 PM

Loccian stood in silence, her dull grey eyes focused on the floor. She knew something was wrong with her, even in the daze she was in. The death of Octavian had a big impact on her, the brother who was there for her in her time of need, the brother who left her, abandoned her, the one who came back, brought them closer to their rival packs last survivor, joined a pack together. The brother she watched die, right before her very eyes.

Her gaze lifted off the ground when the weight on her neck was lifted, looking to the male when he stepped in front of her, meeting her gaze. Something you can... Talk about? He had asked, her ear twitched at this, her head turning away to stare at a wall.

My brother... He, he left me. Her voice was soft, fragile, as if it would shatter. Her eyes narrowed, slowly the images of that night coming back, flashes of blood, the whines of Octavian echoing in the caves. Her body begun to tremble even more, teeth chattering. She could feel the cold start to work its way up her legs, the cuts on her legs starting to burn. The darkness in the back of her mind began to creep forward, its tendrils engulfing the memories.

Stop it! Go away! Her thoughts screamed, a low growl rumbling in the back of her throat, pitiful. But her thoughts were no match for the darkness, it continued on, even faster. Lips pulled back to reveal her canines, neck bending, fangs snapping at her flesh. A thin line of red appeared when her teeth had connected with her skin, one of numerous ones. The darkness had come to a stop, as if, it was threatened.
