
Where did your Character ideas come from?

Chrono I


5 Years
11-15-2014, 02:32 PM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2014, 10:54 PM by Chrono I.)

Now, I normally make my characters from my favorite character in a game or movie. Sometimes though, I do just make my characters apart of me, like Chione lets say. I'll explain Where my characters came from, and what part of me they are. You can do the same if you wish!

Amarant (My accident child):

Amarant's name comes from Amarant Coral {Click!} of Final Fantasy IX (9). As for his personality, I wasn't even planning for it to be anything like him. My Amarant was just supposed to be quiet, a hero, one of those silent sexy guys, you know. Amarant in the game, however, is a selfish jerk that really cares nothing for anyone but himself. But inside his is kind of a secret softy, if you played the game you would know.

Now, Amarant turned out pretty bubbly and care-free if I must say. Even after his mother died. Now, neither one of my parents died, but my father got cancer and suffered pretty bad from it and still does. He was in no way physically abusive, so don't think it like that. My father hurt all the time and he always talked to me about what he hated about my mother and why he feels selfish about his parents dying and whatnot. He told me about he thoughts on how he wanted to die, but he couldn't do that to me or my mother. This is not the same story as Amarant's mother but I never stayed up one night crying, or angry, or whatever thinking about how awful my father was, his distress mentally. It did catch up to me at some point though. So, the Amarant side of me is showing that his mother dying didn't take a toll on him, but it might actually catch up to him one day like it did to me.

Woo that was a long one. Anyway.

Caeto (My Adravendi-Mathias):

Now, I adopted Caeto since he was inactive. I think I had a chioce to change his name, but I liked Caeto. When I think of Caeto, I think of Cato {Click!} from The Hunger Games. Since I am an older player and know a little of his parents, I was in no way planning for Caeto to be a selfish maniac killer. But instead I wanted to make him cold and silent, I remember silent being in his personality when I adopted him. But Caeto is actually coming out a little more, and liking being more social and having friends. I'm also not sure how he is going to turn out.

I have to think of how Caeto is me. When I first started playing him, i thought of how I get all awkward when some strange person tries to talk to me, though I'm like that all the time. I feel related to him when his mother disappeared, since I moved in with my grandmother, but it was my own choice to move out so i didn't get all hurt and angry like he did when he saw his mother again.

Chione (My Olympus and psychopath):

Chione's name simply comes from the hearts of Raii and Lolaf. They wanted a boy Hercules, and a girl Chione. And I was really looking forward to my first girl and chose Chione.

Chione is a psycho path, she hears voices and is pretty much suicidal for right now. I've never gone so far as look off the edge of a cliff and say "I'm going to do it" But I have thought that i didn't want to be here or that I just wanted to get into a bad car accident so that my friends will care about me. I've never actually hurt myself though (point for me). Anyway, Chione also gets pretty high tempered and spits at others when she in that mood. I do get that way, a lot. Typically when I'm driving because I don't have friends to lose my mind on anymore. Or I just debate to myself why I hate that person cuz I'm cool you know.

Alvin (My own creation):

Alvin's name and intended persona comes from Alvin {Click!} of Tales of Xillia. Now I thought this whole thing was weird because I didn't intend for a lot of this. SPOILER highlight: Alvin is a charming jerk or whatever, he is actually a royal, a prince, and had his thrown stolen from his uncle who killed his father after they landed in Rieze Maxia. His mother grew ill from not being home and heartbroken from her dead husband. She actually dies. SO my Alvin: his father, Chrono, was technically a prince so Alvin would have been a prince if Chrono never left his family and Alvin's father did die, his mother heartbroken. Put that together with his persona and you got a good Alvin right there.

Anyway, Alvin, my character, is probably the revenge side of me. I don't actually do revenge, but I sure do wish it on others and plot, but never do.

Legend (My Destruction):

I also adopted Legend. His name was just cool and I was looking for a Destruction. I also enjoy brown wolves. Yeah.

Legend has that soft heart for his family, and well anyone else he happens to come by. He is really good with children and loves to throw sugar and rainbows all about the place. Yeah. Not me. Now, yes I have a so called "soft-spot" for my family, but who doesn't? As for the other people and the children, H no. So Legend is the character that is least like me.

Zola (My Incest child):

I chose the name Zola from one of my favorite TV shows, Greys Anatomy. I don't think she has her own wiki page.

But anyway, right now Zola is like a terrified hermit. She doesn't like to get out and is basically horrified by everything. Now, when I'm scared of something, I'm terrified by it. But I'm not scarred of too too much. I'm assuming Zola is going to be this master manipulator and will sleep with every guy she knows, including her brother, and i'm NOT saying i want to be like that. But I wish I was pretty or cool enough to get the guy I wanted. I always have that awful luck with guys.



7 Years
11-20-2014, 08:32 PM
Quote:Soooo I like the idea of sharing all this stuff and want to add my explanations too. x3

Basically, to start off, all my characters are me in some way, shape, or form. Even if I don't know it to start with, they are me. And the way I've been able to sort of split them up and differentiate them is that they each sort of embody some part of me, so each typically has a feature or trait that ultimately defines their character.

Anais - Innocence, pure and simple. Innocence and good intent. I have a part of me that refuses to grow up and wants to stay young and carefree and have fun forever, and that is her. And it still stays there even in moments when maturity and responsibility are needed more. Also I'm a sucker who doesn't understand how to tell people "no" cause I want to help everyone so Anais is like super sweet and doesn't want to disappoint anyone either. (Fun fact: her name comes from one of my favorite cartoon shows, The Amazing World of Gumball lolol)

Bera - Big sister. I'm the oldest of four so I got the big sister thing down. Also, for her, I just really wanted a strong female warrior type and figured she would make a good one. I mean, couldn't possibly say no to trying to adopt the cute little Bearcub.

Callisto - My "dark side." My conscience is too strong to allow me to say anything that might be hurtful and offensive, so Callisto is my out. She gets to say whatever she wants, whenever she wants, to whoever she wants, and it doesn't matter how snarky or mean she gets. I wish I had moments where I could be that way too. Also thought it would just be funny to pair the unsociable one with a talent like healing that basically deals with socializing on a daily basis.

Eirik - I really intended for him to be this rebellious punk, but he ended up getting a mind of his own. Or maybe he tapped into mine. Kind of like Anais, he's also my good intentions. He wants to do good but tends to fall short somehow, but he's still a good kid who cherishes his family and is really a big softy beneath everything. (Fun fact: I imagine that if he could get drunk, he'd be the one to get overly emotional and tell everyone he loves them)

Miksa - Miksa was a spur of the moment creation, so I've yet to really understand what part of me he is. I just wanted a quiet, insecure kid and came up with him.

Requiem - Requiem came about because I loved the name for a Destruction babe and had to try for him. I'm not entirely sure which part of me he is either - maybe the spiritual side since that's what he bases his life around most?

Rune - My strict side. I tend to have really high standards when I run things, and I don't like settling for less than I expect I can reasonably get. And I do have a tendency to try and take over things if I see that there's a lack in leadership and especially if I'm feeling confident enough to do the job right, which he's already done with Secretua (still a work in progress, neither of us are quite happy with it yet).

Tahlia - Passion. She was originally going to be part of the GoT family that Tiff made forever ago, but I ended up getting impatient and made her her own person. I didn't see any connections right away cause she was supposed to be this spoiled princess type who dreamed of a fairy tale happily-ever-after thing, but when she loves someone she loves unconditionally and has a jealousy/possessive quality, which I know I have. Not exactly the best of traits to embody, but yeah.

A few others who are either inactive or just in the works...

Ashtoreth - She was probably the one who I felt best represented me. She wasn't ambitious, was nice to everyone, hated confrontation and fighting, and was a hopeless romantic. Seriously wish her friend-to-romance relationship with Leon could have lasted longer, but even her fear of not being able to raise her kids right and desperately wanting help after she ended up a single mom is me (I've seen the single mothers in my family, I don't know how they do it)

Mercianne - Timidity. I do have a tendency to be a shy person and am not always the most open or comfortable in social situations, and she embodied that in an exaggerated way.

Gale - My take on the air element in the Elementas family Sea and Arin are making. She is who I feel I've become over the last couple years. Friendly but distant, family-focused, potentially lost when/if they drift off in their own pursuits. Also, I hadn't planned to apply or make any new characters, but air element is my element in that it's the one that I most relate to (Aquarius is an air sign, and I am both -nodnod-).



7 Years
11-20-2014, 09:21 PM
I'm going to do my best, but I don't remember some things!!

Liste was my first here and she was an ooooooooold character I'd been playing for years. She started out like me and kind of followed my path into very fast love and everything at the time. She had an abusive crazy father, which kind of came from the fact that my father is a lunatic (not abusive toward me, but others). Her personality after that was all of the anger in me - she became very hardened from her experience and from losing her love. Eventually, I just wasn't angry enough to keep playing her.

Seraphim is another character who is many years old and was the second I brought here. He was very very me. He was not a fan of other wolves, like I am not a fan of other people, but once he had kids he changed. Family became very important to him, as did honesty. I care about nothing more than my family and honesty is my main value.

Natalya's personality is similar to his. She's kind and loving, but can be standoffish toward new people and when she's angry, she has a bite. She loves Helios, but she is also fiercely independent and doesn't rely on him, despite her disability. She is me through and through, except she's too serious and more understanding.

Killian is maybe even more me than Natalya is. He is full of sarcasm, and while he is kind, he's plagued by a darkness. He never hesitates to get what he wants. I actually decided to make him because I loved the design trynx made, and I originally modeled him after Captain Hook on OUAT because I was obsessed :p But now he's just the boy version of me.

Erebos had all the kindness I wished I could show, but I have other traits that get in the way. He also had the organization I'd like to be capable of, but in an OCD form rather than just as a skill. His hallucinations were an outlet for my imagination and dreams.

Phim is going to be another Seraphim incarnation and very likely exactly the same as him, especially since the deaths of her parents will harden her.

Auriel is very undeveloped, since he's only had like two posts. He just makes me think of my love for community service, though our actions are very different regarding that XD