
TOO SICK TO PRAY }solstice challenge


11-26-2014, 01:49 PM
ooc;; proof of purchase here --> (edited to add this in)

How long had he been here? How long had he been standing here alone staring at the blood spattered snow before him without scarcely blinking or breathing it seemed. Every so often his breath would escape in a heavy cloud, silent as he stared relentlessly. He had traveled away from the pack today, had traveled to the massive battlefield that he had been frequenting probably far too often. How long had he been? He felt lost. He was loosing track of time, loosing track of himself. How long had it been since he had charged to battle on the wings of war, how long had it been since his heart had pumped adrenaline through his veins… How long was too long? A tremor rippled through his body, flesh trembling above tense muscles. Neck would arch, muscles flexing as he exhaled heavily, trying to expel some of the tension that was slowly eating away at his insides. It didn’t help. Muscles would continue to knot and coil, remaining tensed and rigid even as one massive paw would lift only to lower and dig a trench through the snow covered earth. Body would tremble with the shock of the impact but muscles refused to release.

He needed release.

Skull would toss savagely to the sky, eyes wide and wild as they rolled in their socket. How long! Another tremor would ripple through him, forcing him into motion. There was no path to follow here, massive pillars plowing through the light dusting of snow that had fallen here in the past few days. He loved the cold, it made him feel alive, it made him feel as though his skin was a being of it’s own. It centered him, it grounded him and he found that even in his wildest moments it made him focus a bit more then normal temperatures. Hot breath would billow from parted jaws as he exhaled heavily and shook his head. Eyes were wild as he finally allowed gaze to slip and slither over the rest of his surroundings, was it time to return home? No, he had made a promise, had promised his wife one thing. Revenge. The knowledge hung heavily in the air, weighted heavily on his shoulders as he moved without knowing towards the center of the battlefield.  He would arrive promptly and slowly skull would tip back, a lazy challenge flowing from his lips calling for one wolf. Crucifix.



11-26-2014, 05:52 PM

The call would ring out solely for her husband, but it was a voice she had come to recognize. Lips curled back to reveal daggers as fire ignited in her gaze. They just couldn't leave them alone could they? And now it was beginning to put a strain on her and her husbands relationship. They had discussed passing the pack onto someone else, and had agreed, but for what reason, Cru was dragging his feet. She wouldn't rush him though, allowing him to do things on his own time. But this, this could not wait. She would rise from her den, venturing out into the snow that blanketed her home. Hackles bristled as she broke into a brisk trot. Long legs stretched wide, eating up the ground until the sickening scent of the battlefield filled her nose.

With each step she had put her current life behind her, and replaced with a piece of her former self. Her tail would rise above her hips, while her crown lifted above her shoulders. Hackles bristled as her ears fell loosely against her skull. Fangs remained bared, a low growl bubbling on her lips. Her verdant gaze would come to rest on the man who had dragged her from her home and inflicted pain upon her one to many times. I'm starting to believe you might have an obsession. Despite her hostile poster, words fell like silk, spilling sensually from her scared lips, pairing perfectly with the scent of her heat. 

Power oozed from her pours, a quiet air of confidence surrounding her as she stood silently. She expected Cru to be hot on her heels, she had managed to escape before he could have a panic attack over her decision. It was time to extract her revenge. She would not be beaten down again by this man and his Queen. No, her Armada blood rang out loud and clear, for once, she intended to make her father proud. She was going to watch this man fall before, to crumple at her feet. 


image copyrighted to Lakela on dA



2 Years
11-26-2014, 06:03 PM (This post was last modified: 11-26-2014, 06:04 PM by Crucifix.)

A call would ring out for Solstice, and it would be the first time someone had ever called for them in such a way. He looked out across his lands, taking in a deep breath as he looked at everything he had come to know and love. He knew he was lingering, and it was beyond time time to face the challanger, whos voice sounded sickening familer. Instead, he would catch the scent of Sibelle as she moved off in the direction of the call, horrified the brute would pick up his pace and come in, exactly as Sibelle had thought, hot on her heels. He would survey the scene before him with a weary intensity, watching the brute that had hurt his mate once before. It went againt his nature to let her face him alone, but he knew also that it was her right to do this, to stand up for her herself and that she would be the best one to fight this challenge.

He knew he had lost some belief in her along the way, had come to worry that any fight could be her last, but he took a breath and nodded at his Sibelle, and knew he had to, and would believe in her. She could do this, and he would be there the entire time, supporting her and believing in her.



11-26-2014, 06:09 PM

His voice was not something she could ever ignore. So when it rang out from the battlefield, a smile would curl her lips. She had half expected day this to come at some point, and never had he been one to disappoint her. Her coral gaze would flicker to her latest toy, the tiny woman perpetually cowering in fear. They would have to break that, it was incredibly annoying considering she had yet to inflict any sort of harm on her. With a roll of her eyes she would rise, ignoring the odd feeling that swirled in her belly. She refused to acknowledge that anything was different about herself. "Come on." She would summon her little toy beside her, immediately moving to cross the borders.

Picking up an easy lope, she would begin the trek to the battlefield, not bothering to see if the smaller woman could keep up. It was a long journey, longer than she would have cared to enjoy, but when she arrived, a smaller gathering was already taking place. Kylar was there, standing before the russet whore, who looked thoroughly pissed. Her mate stood nearby, looking just as angry, or perhaps worried. Did he not believe in his mates ability to fight? A sneer would curl her dark lips as she moved to stand beside her mate, dragging her should along his side until they stood shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip. Desire immediately shot through her, intensified by the blood that clung to the air. The scent of anothers heat would pull her gaze to the russet woman, eyes dancing with amusement. Her poor husband, surrounded by two woman in heat, though she knew with every ounce of her being that he only had eyes for her. 

Her neck would crane back as she moved to rest her jaws right next to his ear. "Destroy her." She would murmur softly, speaking only for his ears alone. With a smirk she would move away, deciding that she would sit next to Cru. If he didn't chase her off, she would plop down beside him on silver haunches, offering him a dazzling smile. "Long time no see. How have you been?" She would make small talk, knowing very well that he hated her guts, and she was probably the last wolf he ever wanted to talk to. 



11-26-2014, 06:22 PM

He was not forced to wait long, within a short time she would arrive, sweeping in like the queen she thought she was. Massive skull would raise for a time, eyeing her down his nose and offering her a sneer as he curled his lip at her mere presence. Why was he here? He had been very specific in his call, he had wanted her husband but instead she had arrived. Was he so spineless? A laugh would bark up his throat at her words, cruel and malevolent as he allowed chin to tip down so he could better regard her singular orb that graced her features. ”Where is your husband little bird? Too chicken to fight for his own throne?”  His words were languid, rolling off his tongue with practiced ease. He would snort, acidic gaze slithering around her as if waiting for the cross marked male to appear but he would not. It was just them for now.

”I’ll tell you what little bird… I will make you a deal. If your husband fights I will return the little friend who accompanied him to your rescue. Win or loose…” His voice was a languid drawl, head tipping as he smiled cruelly at the thought. He had no idea who the male was but it had been obvious that he had cared deeply for Sibelle. ”In one piece… Not a scratch on him…” He would add to sweeten the deal. Again eyes would slither over the surroundings as he smiled with sickening sweetness. Despite the circumstances that had brought them here he would remain relaxed, would remain at ease. Muscles rippled and rolled beneath ebony pelt as he would watch her, waiting for a response. Would Cat come watch this? He had told her of his plans? As if on cue the cross marked male would appear, probably only a moment behind his wife but enough to allow Kylar to offer his deal without prying ears.

The male would offer no touch, no words of encouragement, would offer nothing at all to his wife and Kylar would take note of this and judge Sibelle accordingly. His own wife would arrive only seconds later, slithering her way to his side and offering words of encouragement. He would grin, moving his maw to touch her cheek before she departed to sit beside Sibelle’s mate. His eyes would dance with a silent question. ’Does your mate love you?’ His eyes would ask as he studied her with amusement.




7 Years
11-26-2014, 06:29 PM

She was dragged out of her cowered state as she was called to attention. The fear was still alive and strong in her, she knew that these wolves were different from her last home. To her, she was once again stuck in a prison.  With her season taking place as well, she was even more afraid that she would be forced to bare children  once more, something she didn't want at all. With a sigh she kept up with the larger woman, her own legs were long and slender. She was built for speed -- what a shame she didn't use it. There was a heavy feeling in her gut as they made their way towards the battlefield, she knew that Kylar had been calling for Crucifix. She was not worried about him though, she had never truly cared for the man, but she was afraid that it would be Sibelle that would once more be challenged. As they neared the arena she knew that she had been right, the russet form of her old master made a strong impression in her mind. She froze, her whole body locking as she eyed her queen, her sweetest Sibelle. "Sibelle..." She whispered, pale blue eyes raking across her form. She had been right to be afraid. Catching up to her new mistress, her gaze never left the russet woman. Not seeking approval, she raced to the woman's side and buried her head into her chest. The sting of tears bit into her eyes, her head wiggling further into her fur. "I'm so sorry." Ekko said, pressing herself even closer to her. She knew that this was goodbye, that no matter the  outcome she would not be allowed to see her again. "I will never forget you." Came her soft words, head pulling back as she met the larger woman's eyes. She held her gaze, trying to offer a small smile before she pulled herself back, dragging her paws until she sat beside Cat. Head hung and eyes squeezed shut as she tried to block out everything else. She didn't want to be here...
[Image: 5bf48143-5932-47f9-aae7-2ae6fa3f1e16_zps...1414622125]


11-26-2014, 07:41 PM

Amarant had heard a distant call from his grandfather, instantly intrigued and took off from his place in the den. If Colten was around, he would have definitely heard the shuffle. Anyone could. Frozen grit had been slushed under his paws as he trekked his way to the call. He came to a trot and eventually slowed to a walk as he eyed the crowd around. He caught nothing of the speech or evils that had been going on behind the scenes of his loving grandfather. But unlike when Alamae had strut her way to Arcanum's border, Amarant didn't see a fault in what was happening here. Though he didn't  know either. At least he wouldn't see the fault.

Seeing the demeanor of Kylar, he would take a step next to his lover, Cataleya and then a seat. But just before his rump could touch the ground, a woman filled with tears and discouragement would start to make her way beside Cat, and Amarant would back away to sit more behind Cat, in between the two women.

"What's happening?"

He stretched his nose toward the silver woman, making a whisper but a loud child's whisper. But as before, whatever she told him wouldn't make him want to stop Kylar from his goal.

Walk "Talk" Think


11-26-2014, 07:49 PM

He would sneer, a brutal question rolling off his tongue, questioning not only the whereabouts of her husband, but his courage. Deep down she knew that Cru was no fighter, nor would he ever be, even though it was in his heart to defend their family. It was herself that was the fighter, cut from the same cloth as her father, born to fight, to live immersed in bloodshed. A shrug would lift her shoulders, as she chose her words carefully. Lets just say this is payback. For when you kidnapped me. She allowed the rest of her statement to hang between them, a smirk lifting the corner of her mouth. He wanted to strike a deal? She would listen, each would bringing more and more dread. Falk was indeed a prisoner. Her poor brother. She needed to get him back, and Kylar was practically handing him over on a silver platter. She would turn, looking back at Cru, question lingering in her gaze. He had not been around to hear the deal, but could she throw this away for her brother? Looking back at her opponent, she would steel herself. No, but I'm going to leave here with more than my crown. It was a silent promise. She would not be leaving this place until she had her crown, and her brothers freedom, even if it killed her.

Her gaze would flicker, watching as the silver Queen slide up beside her mate, whispering words into his ear, that were undoubtedly words of encouragement. Cru had still not come to her side. Had he lost faith in her already? When the silver Queen departed, the look on her opponents face said it all. His wicked sneer and malicious glint in his eyes. Does he love you? She would not react, beating back her emotions, refusing to be swayed. Of course he loved her. Didn't he? Behind the silver Queen was a painfully familiar form. Eke. Her eyes would widen as the tiny woman rushed forward, burying her face in her chest. Ekko? She would murmur, embracing the smaller woman. She didn't understand the apology, until the scent of Arcanum on the woman's pelt filled her nose. No. She would stare in shock as her friend pulled away, moving to seat herself beside the silver woman. How? When? She had never questioned when Ekko disappeared for days, or even weeks at a time, giving the woman her freedom to do as she pleased. But now it seemed she had found herself claimed by Arcanum. 

A fresh wave of anger would roll through her. She was not leaving this place without Ekko either. A snarl would rip angrily from her jaws as defenses slide into place: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head level with her spine, chin tucked, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, weight evenly distributed across all four limbs, and her tail straight and level with her spine. Enough chit chat, if you my crown, you'll have to take it from me. Low, sultry words spilled her lips as she braced herself for his attack. She was done talking, she had come to fight.

SIBELLE vs KYLAR for SOLSTICE: round 0/?


image copyrighted to Lakela on dA



8 Years
11-26-2014, 07:52 PM
She'd only just returned home, had only enough time to reassure her children and cuddle with them. Not nearly enough time to report to Cru, to take up the mantle of her duties as beta. Perhaps she should have taken the time, but she guarded her moments with her children jealously, clinging to them in the knowledge that she could have been without them. But now a challenge faintly caught her ear, and she knew her time was up.

She didn't tell the boys to stay put. They were only a season off from reaching their first birthday - she could not continue to shelter them from the world as much as she wished to. "Our pack is being challenged for," she murmured to them gently. "I am going to the battlefield to support our alphas. If you come... please be careful."

With that she extricated herself from her desperate cuddling and set off at a lope. Cru and Sibelle were already there, Sibelle seeming ready to answer the challenge. It was, not entirely surprisingly, the silver queen and her towering shadow who were there, and Qanik stiffened. Was this her fault? Had she led them to her pack? Her short, thick body was held with aloof dignity as she ignored them to step up beside her alpha, the young Crucifix, but her blue gaze was watchful. She lost to the silver queen once, but that would not stop her from stepping up to protect her leader from any danger to him. It was her duty to protect the leader, to protect the pack.



2 Years
11-26-2014, 08:16 PM

He didn't like seeing Kylar so close to his love, and looked after her, tensed and wishing he was doing more then sitting here. When Cat came over the tenstion was all but rolling off of him and he had to swollow a moment before he could speak. “Peachy” he replied before getting to his feet and moving over to Sibelle. He paused when he saw her and Ekko as they reuinted and sickingly understood that this was another soul victom to Acranium in their personal vendetta against Solstice. His throat bobed as he swollowed, and walked forward again to brush his coat gently against Sibelle's. He leaned clsoe to her and his voice came out low, and steely as he said “I love you, and well you do this for us, I will do this for you” it was a whisper by her ear, the words for her ears only before he steeled himself for another beating and made his way back to Cat.

His eyes glanced over Qanik as she joined them and he gave the woman a relieved nod of his head, knowing he had another high ranking wolf in the vicinity was good. After a few steps he stood before the Arcanium torturer and curled back his lips in a challanging snarl. “How about we keep ourselves entertained well they play, Cat? How about, oh.. heres an idea, how about I challenge you for our friend Ekko over there?” he nudged his head in the direction of the girl. “In fact, lets sweeten the pot a little, how about I fight for both Ekko and Falk? An irregular challnge of course. Unless.. of course... you dont think you can take me?” he purred, seeing if she would take the leap and let him attempt to free them both at once instead of just the one that was here beside them.  



11-26-2014, 08:42 PM

She would watch as her husband and his opponent exchanged words. She didn't worry, she was confident in his abilities, her only worry was the injuries he would undoubtedly sustain during this fight. The last time she had seen him wounded was when he had fought for his grandkids, he had come home battered and broken. But this time would be different. Her attention would flick only when the man beside her spoke, his words laced with distaste. She would chuckle, watching as he rose to go stand beside his mate. Ah so he did love her. Perhaps. Her attention would turn to her grandchild, his loud whisper grating her nerves. She was about to speak when Cru interrupted, pulling her attention from the spotted boy, to the cross marked man. He wanted to play. A sickening grin would curl her lips. He was back for more.

He wished to fight for the tiny woman beside her. As well as the russet man that was claimed within her home. She would rise, more than willing to meet his challenge. Eyes danced with undeniable delight. "Oh baby, how could I ever say no to you." He had stopped directly before her, the distance between them minute. Immediately her defenses settled into place: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head level with her spine, chin tucked, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, weight evenly distributed across all four legs, her tail straight and aligned with her spine, and lips curled back to push extra skin around her eyes. "Come get me, big boy." Sex dripped from her words, the impending battle and her heat making her crazy with desire. This was going to be fun. She would aim to take a step towards him, only to remove herself from the crowd that had gathered, otherwise she remained unmoving, simply waiting.




11-26-2014, 09:25 PM
Ooc;; saf and I agreed on eve to judge <3 good luck babe! Using this as reference for prosternum →

His amusement was obvious, easy as he studied the russet woman before him. He did not miss the questioning glance his opponent would offer her husband as he appeared, did not miss the glance he would receive as his own mate offered her support in his cause. Cataleya always supported him, no matter what it seemed, stood beside him through it all. It was something he could not thank her enough for, could not tell her enough times how much he appreciated it especially in moments like this when he could see his own blossoming relationship grow even more as another one died before them. Lips would continue to twitch and curl in a wicked sneer, watching her with little to no remorse as she considered the deal that he presented her. But she would decline; instead saying that she would fight him later for her friend. How lovely. Head would tip slightly in recognition of this promise.

It was then that the woman who had come wandering to their pack would appear, trailing slightly but still obediently behind his wife. How curious. He would study the timid woman in silence, watch as she rushed forward to greet his russet opponent. His smile would fade slightly, becoming more serious as he watched the realization of Ekko’s situation dawn on her. Ekko would go to sit timidly with Cat just as his own grandson would appear and move to sit first beside Cat and then slightly behind her and Ekko. He was stern, gaze soft as he watched it all settle in around Sibelle. He watched the change as the woman’s resolve hardened and she settled in for a fight. The male would tip his head, accepting this easily as well. He had no quarrel with this woman, his wife did. He had sorted his issues out with her already in his mind and now she was just another obstacle he had to overcome to get to his true goal, Crucifix. Eyes would slide slowly towards her mate and his mate sitting together. He would grin lazily before turning his attention back to Sibelle as she spoke. It was time.


His defenses would slide into place with practiced ease, joints loosening to lower his center of gravity, toes splaying  to provide any extra balance as claws flexed and dug into the earth for traction. Eyes would narrow, lips curling to gather loose flesh around orbs, ears flattening against his skull. Hackles lifted as shoulders rolled forward, neck arching to protect throat, chin tipping down to add extra protection before jaw would unhinge.  Stomach would tuck to gather core strength, back arching slightly as tail snapped out behind him in a neutral position that could easily be manipulated up more to be used as a rudder or to be dropped and tucked in case of attack. Hind left paw would slide backwards slightly, leaning back in preparation as he offered the russet woman a nod.  ”This fight was not for you little bird.” He would murmur softly, offering her one last chance to back out but should she not he would offer her another nod.

Massive beast would move forward slowly at first, attempting to put them at a slightly closer distance before he would coil his haunches and attempt to launch himself forward and directly at her. He had taken note of the empty left socket but he would move at a straight course, not wishing to take the coward’s way. After everything he at least owed her as much. Beast would attempt to close the distance between them as quickly as possible, pushing air from his own lungs in preparation for the impending impact, looking to slam his chest squarely into hers. He would hope that his larger height would send his proternum directly into her windpipe. At the same time he would attempt to snake his head to his left (Sibelle’s right), nose attempting to tip inward towards the right side of her upper neck, already parted jaws would attempt to dart forward. He would look to hook lower incisor on the opposite ridge of her jugular just behind her left jaw, and his upper incisor on the right side of her upper spine just behind her ear in hopes that the grip would allow him to choke the woman out and finish this battle before it even began. At the same time his weight would shift to his left leg, right lifting to snake forward and cross over so he could attempt to curl his ankle around her lower right forelimb just a few inches above her own ankle in an attempt to yank it out from beneath her. 

ROUND 1 of 2

For Solstice 




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-26-2014, 09:57 PM

A blanket of snow coated the battlefield. Here and there the pristine white was marred with blood, the snow disturbed and the ground below made visible. It was eerily quiet; only the occasional groan of the wind and the crunch of snow underfoot reaching his ears. As he approached, Valentine was struck by how desolate the field was, how void of life. There was an ethereal calm about the place, as if the dead gathered to watch. It set his teeth on edge.

By the time he arrived Valentine was wholly claimed by the atmosphere. He moved with grace, but the ever present fluidity was marred by a tense edge. He stopped on the fringe, frosty gaze sweeping over the participants. Devoid of emotion, he simply observed. There was no doubt in his mind who would come out the victor, but he wasn't one to stand on the sidelines and cheer. His presence spoke for him.

"Speaking" "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



2 Years
11-26-2014, 10:33 PM

The boy uttered his challenge and his foe rose to it, agreeing to his terms. Almost giddy with the realisation that this was his chance to win back the people that mattered in Sibelle's life he concentrated on the tyrant before him. He sucked in a breath, forcing himself to concentrate, to turn his elation into blood lust and hunger for the blood of his foe. Before him was the one that had wronged him and his mate time and time again, and fighting in a crazy panic after watching them beat his wife was different to this setting, here he could breath and think and strategize this woman's downfall.

First, the Solstice brute set his defences, narrowing his eyes, folding his ears to his skull, levelling his head with his spine as he tucked his chin to protect his throat. His hackles raised along his spine, fluffing up his coat and adding a layer to vital nerves. He scrunched his neck, levelled his tail with his spine, rolled his shoulders, spread his weight and legs evenly, then his toes, before digging them into the soil beneath him for traction. He parted his teeth and loosened his jaw, and tensed his muscles.

The simple, familiar actions before a battle calmed him and he looked at the woman before him as he worked out his plans in his head, analysing and deciding. When he fought her now, it was with cold, calculating eyes, not the blind red fury that had consumed him before. He relaxed, creating the impression of waiting as casually as she did before him, before springing violently into action, staying head on as they begun, and rising his forepaws high as he reared upwards and back, weight braced upon his hind-paws as he aimed to land the weight of his short, forward pounce in an attempt against the top of his opponent's head. He was working to channel the momentum in the force of a push as he attempts to land his paws on her head in an effort to push it to the ground. Weather or not his attack lands he would settle his back legs in the same moment, evening their weight and balancing himself. His forepaws that dove flat for Cataleya's head would aim to land either side of her forehead, just above the eyes and below the ears. If it landed, his paws would be angled in such a way as to attempt to dive her nose first into the earth. For a touch of vicious intent his ineffective wolf claws will also be out in attempt to add any extra damage he could into the frey by attempting to scratch at the skin of her face as they attempt to land. In the same motion, as he paws aim to land his head will move forward to an area just above and to the right of his paws as he attempts to nip at her left ear pushed against the skull. Due to the folded position he would aim to come at it from a downward angle going up, attempting to graze his teeth under the folded tip in at attempt to get a grip upon it and would attempt, if his teeth find hold, to bite down and tear off the the tip of small body part, or so would be his attempt.

Crucifi x Cataleya Round 1 of 2

Defences: Narrowed eyes, ears to skull, levelled head with spine, chin tucked, hackles raised, neck scrunched, tail level with spine, shoulders rolled, weight spread, legs spread, toes spread, claws dug into earth, jaw parted, muscles tensed

1: rising on his back legs, making a small leap forward, attempting to land his paws, attempting to place spaced out on her forehead and attempting to push down with his momentum
2: ineffective wolf claws attempting to add damage in scratches as he attempts to land his paws.
3: attempting to bite her ear by starting low and moving his head upwards in an attempt to move his teeth under her folded ear and attempting to bite down to rip off the tip of the appendage

None yet


Aerndís I


5 Years
11-26-2014, 11:14 PM

After the call rang out all Aerndís could do was roll her eyes.  Really?  She JUST got settled in and already this pack was being challenged?  The goddess scoffed as she got to her feet all the while wondering what piss ant was bothering to challenge for this pack.  Hell, from what she could see there wasn't all that much worth challenging for anyway, it was a quiet, meek, mind your own manners type of pack which meant whoever was challenging was doing it purely on a power trip.  Whether they'd actually bother to rule was doubtful and she imagined she'd be looking for another pack soon… 

Eyes narrowed as she approached the challenging ring.  Especially, if that chewed up red twit was their only defense.  Aern hadn't been much impressed with Sibelle, especially as the tramp managed to get herself captured and beaten up.  Lavendar eyes lingered on the large male that seemed to be the challenge.  Yup, this was gonna be a massacre.

She sat down and proceeded to glare at everyone present.  Maybe it was the fact that she was enduring her own heat but she wanted nothing more than to rip some ingnorant twat to ribbons.  Her ears perked and she grinned as Crucifix made for the magenta-eyed bitch as the two alpahs got into it.

"Yeesss…. this is more like it.  What about me, huh?  Don't I get a challenger?" She mock pouted, ears flicking just slightly.  She eyes the very tall, handsome male with the sapphire eyes.  "Oh hellooo there… course I'd be fine with a more, mmm intimate challenge?"  She offered casually, body stretching so slightly.  Aern was burning up with her own heat, flush with it.  Would she fuck him right here in front of everyone with the pack on the line?  Yes, yes she would.  She needed something to tide her over til the political battles were over.



11-26-2014, 11:41 PM

He would move slowly at first, then choosing to launch himself at her with as much as he could muster, coming at her head on. Her left hind leg slide back several inches, and her hind legs would bend a little deeper in order to better her balance. She would also aim to take a step with only her hind legs to her right, hoping to put them at a slight angle. If successful, then his chest would with the outer point of her right shoulder, resulting in an immediately heavy bruise His jaws would flash, aiming to come down on the right side of her neck. Pain would immediately flare across her neck, his jaws landing higher than intended. His jaws splayed across top right portion of her neck, so that his upper fangs still sank in behind her right ear, but his lower jaw would grasped vainly at the fat of the side of her neck. Moderate puncture wounds oozed blood, far from life threatening as he gripped fat and skin. She felt the shift in his weight against her right shoulder, his right foreleg would snap out, but failed to snag her right foreleg due to her movement to her right. For the moment all four legs would remain on the ground, and out of harms way. 

It was her turn to strike. He had a 6 inch height advantage over her, and she intended to use that. Her own neck would twist, her crown tipping to her left and her crown seeking to lower. Jaws splayed, aiming to grasp just above the bone of his chest, seeking to grasp his delicate trachea. If successful, her jaws sought to be diagonally placed across the vital body part, so her top jaw was on the right side of his trace, and her lower jaw would partially on the left side of his trachea. But it came with a price, the attempted lowering of her head would result in tearing of her flesh as she pulled against his grasp. Simultaneously, she would thrust her weight forward, hoping to put force behind her attempted bite. Her weight would shift onto three legs, just as her right foreleg would come off the ground. If successful, she aimed to slam her right forepaw back down, aiming to land right on top of his left forepaw. The movement was quick and snappy.

All the while her defenses remained intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head level with spine, chin tucked, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the earth, tail straight and aligned with her spine, weight evenly distributed.

SIBELLE vs KYLAR for SOLSTICE: round 1/2

ATTACKS: bite to the trachea, stomping of his left forepaw, throwing her weight forward

DEFENSES: 3rd paragraph

INJURIES: heavy bruising to the right portion of her chest. moderate bite to her scruff area


image copyrighted to Lakela on dA


11-27-2014, 12:12 AM

He would make the first move, though after some obvious thought. She would grow impatient as he stood there watching and waiting. But finally, he would strike. He would launch forward, closing the distance between them. She would watch with amusement, allowing him to get closer and closer. He would rise up before her, his forelegs extending, and thats when she would strike. Her neck would extend, head tipping back while jaws splayed. She would aim to launch herself forward, seeking a grasp on his exposed throat as he extended himself over her. She wanted to grab a hold of the area just below his jaws so she could suffocate him. Her crown tipped to her left so that her upper fangs sought the right side of his throat, while lower jaws sought the left side of his throat. When she leapt to meet him, his legs would flail aimlessly, brushing against both her shoulders, claws scoring her flesh though doing nothing and thus failing to meet their target of her face. This would also cause his jaws to only scrape across her left ear, nicking the tip of the appendage. A light bruise would flare across the front portion of her neck as they collided, the brunt of his chest striking midway down her neck. Due to her height, all four paws remained on the ground, her hind end lowering, bending deeper so she would come in at a better angle.

As she sought his throat, seeking vengeance, she would use bunched hind legs to continually press forward, hoping to topple him over backwards, her goal was to press her chest, up and forward against the bottom portion of his own chest, hoping to also keep him on his hind legs, wanting to preventing him from stabilizing himself with all four legs on the ground. He had come in too cocky, too sure of himself. He had failed to beat her before, what made him think he could beat her this time? Adrenaline flooded her system as she sought to once again familiarize herself with the taste of his blood. The sounds of battle filled the air, like musical to her ears. 

All the while defenses remained intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head level with her spine, chin tucked, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, tail straight and aligned with her spine, and her weight evenly distributed.


ATTACKS: aiming to bite his throat and shove him backwards

DEFENSES: last paragraph

INJURIES: lightly bruised neck, nick to the tip of her left ear, mild scrapes to her left ear

ooc- got permission from eve to fix the coding so my text isn't all black



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-27-2014, 12:38 AM

Inflammatory words reached his ears and effectively drew his attention away from the fights. A bland expression on his face, the brute studied the noisy newcomer. He took his time, letting his eyes rove over her person and linger on her finer points. Once he was done, Valen's gaze returned to her face, one of his brow spots rising in amusement. She was appealing and the scent rolling off of her announcing her season served to further her charm. "Hello," he purred back, the bloodshed and all its noise taking place mere feet from them suddenly fading away.

Was it driving her mad? Her heat scent, so new to his senses, made him ache terribly so he could only guess at how strongly it was bothering her. If it were up to him, he'd have her right there, audience or no audience, until both of them were sated.

Stalking towards the fawn-colored fae, Valentine let a smirk grace his lips. "Is that so?" He rumbled. "Do go on." He came to the fight with tension running through his body, tension that was geared towards giving aid to his peers if it were necessary, but it was also tension that could be used for other purposes. Perhaps he would gain himself a new toy. Her heat aside, the bitch smelled of Solstice.

Valentine was keenly interested.

"Speaking" "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

Aerndís I


5 Years
11-27-2014, 11:10 AM

The handsome male turned to look at her clearly looking as bored as she felt.  It wasn't fun always being left out of going ons and the battle-hungry gladiator had long been starved.  Well, she'd likely get her chance… she just needed to be patient.  After all she did have other needs to satisfy and if the male was inclined to turn his attention from the battle so would she.  

Aerndís rolled her shoulders seductively, eye's slightly hood as she let her scent blossom around her.  The male didn't smell of Solstice or Arcanum but if she had to guess she'd say he was related to the silver bitch, same eyespots and all.  Not that she really cared.  This whole thing was a mess and she was far more interested in satisfying herself.  The plan black-brown male wasn't nearly as appealing as the younger, blue-tinted one.  He stalked toward her and she licked her lips.  Pink tongue running over ivory fangs.

"Would I lie to you?"  She grinned.  "I can't say I've been too impressed by either party in this little endeavor, but you?  You are something to behold.  Why don't you show me more tempting sights?"




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-27-2014, 12:27 PM

She was game. The fae's smile was returned in full, the brute's own expression taking on a mischievous edge. Her smell was exotic; tempting him, drawing him in. Who was he to refuse when she was so eager? For a moment, Valentine's gaze left the fae to settle on the fights in progress. It looked like they were going to be awhile...and he was certain of the victors anyway... Nah, they didn't need him.

His mind made up, the young ruler's attention turned back to the nameless fae. His smirk returned, the expression settling on his features impishly. "It would be my pleasure," he rumbled, his sights fixed so firmly on the coming opportunity that he overlooked the spoken slights directed towards the fighters.

He had every intention of coming back. Soon enough, congratulations would be in order. In the meantime, though? There was fun to be had.

-exit Valentine-

"Speaking" "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.