
Something I'm used to


05-21-2013, 03:35 PM

It was another loveless night, another lonely, cold blistering night. Odin had laid down on the edge of the pack den. He knew if he was close to all the other wolves of Glaciem, he would end up waking up someone and maybe upsetting them. So every night he would lay on the edge of the cave, making sure he was in Gargoyle's view.

It was Autumn, The snow was back in Glaciem but it only flurried just a bit onto the few inches of snow left from the other day. Odin opened his eyes knowing trying to sleep was a waste of his energy, his time. There was no point in even trying anymore. So they grey molted male stood on his paws, looking back at the pack to make sure all were sleeping before walking out into the mounds of snow.

He dug his nose into the snow to try and sense anything foreign to him, but there was nothing. So he stared to hop through the snow carelessly before slowing back down and walking into the trees. The moon let off his shadow and let it blend in with the trees to hide him from the others and keep him safe from predators.

Walk "Talk" Think


05-21-2013, 05:19 PM

Sneaking away from mama, the almighty Pericles stalks his prey. A voice whispered, small dark paws moved carefully over the cool ground of the den. The male was not tired and so waited until his family fell asleep before he snuck out. He did not get far before he spotted somebody he could follow, a light colored wolf. Still being a pup and kept mostly around his mother, Pericles did not learn the names of the other wolves in Glaciem so for now this wolf would be his prey.

He kept his distance, watching with turquoise eyes as the prey bounded through the snow then made its way into the trees. He took this chance to move, with his body low to the ground the pup moved quickly over the open land. Coming upon the snow he carefully hopped into the prey's spots, hop, hop, hop. And once he was out o the snow he quickly ran to hide behind a tree, peeking his little head out to see if the prey had noticed him.


For Azzykins! Coding by Andy, picture by Ocena <3


05-22-2013, 01:25 AM
((OOC::May i join in?))

Midnight had been out hunting, winters approach had chilled the air and sent many of the smaller animals into hiding even the deer had started to seek shelter in the forests at night, still she had managed to find some lemmings which had filled her belly. The moon was bright tonight reflecting of the glittering snow it cast dark shadows through which midnight stalked her pitch black coat blending in and hiding her from view as she moved closer to the den.

She saw the adult first, her eye drawn by his movement it still took her a moment to pick him out from the shadows that surrounded him, she recognised him from the den though she did not know his name, he was new and even more recent addition then she and she paused for a moment in the shadows just watching the brute. The noise came from behind him just a soft thump but it drew her attention ans as she searched for its source she saw a small grey head poke around the corner of a tree. She had seen this pup before to and she stifled a laugh, clearly she wasn't the only one out hunting tonight, now how should she play this.

?hail,? she called her voice breaking suddenly through the quiet night, ?its a nice evening is it not,? slowly she picked her way down the slope on which she stood her tail held out for balance her golden eyes fixed on the male ignoring the pup for now, ?if you seek food there is a colony of lemmings on the far side of the hill, though I may have frightened them slightly,? she offered a smile as her paws reached the level ground at the base of the hill her golden eyes twinkling as she looked at the boy her ears listening intently for the pups movement, standing so she would block the boy from view.


05-22-2013, 11:50 AM

Odin padded his way through the trees, coming to an incline after jumping over a few shrubs. The darkness of the night had no effect on the man, he had been out on these adventure all the time. Even though Glaciem was new to him, his eyes could spot every object that hit his path. His only problem was when it snowed, his vision was well impaired. But tonight the flurries had died down and it wasn't really bothering his eyes much.

His paws hit the ground and before he could start up the hill, his ears heard a small thump hit the snow behind him. He only turned his head a bit so his movement wasn't noticeable. He spotted the small pup sticking only half his face into view, so Odin decided to let the boy have his fun. He pretended as though there was no noise, no one stalking his movement but of course someone had to ruin the game.

A black female came almost out of the bushes, it seemed as though her and Odin would be going the same direction up the slope. But she jumped into view and approached Odin to start a conversation perhaps. But maybe the girl wanted to be part of their little game too, so Odin acted like he hadn't seen the pup either. Odin gave her a small smile with a wink. "It is a lovely night. I guess I could investigate with you."

Walk "Talk" Think


05-24-2013, 04:56 PM

Pericles remained behind the tree, small grey head half sticking out, turquoise eyes watching the male wolf carefully. He was waiting for the perfect moment to creep closer, and just when he got the moment the pup carefully set his paw down, but jumped back behind the tree when a voice suddenly called out. He waited there for a few moments, listening to the wolves speak. They talked about it being nice out, then talking about some lemmings on the hill but the sheowlf might have frightened them. Adults are stupid, they didn't even notice me! He chuckled in his head, a paw covering his mouth incase he would actually make noise.

Taking the chance, the pup stuck his head out again, and when they weren't looking he moved. Paws moved carefully, trying to remain silent, running to the tree closer to the two wolves but not far from where he was hiding previously. He kind of was hoping they would go after those lemmings things, that way he could sneak up on them and scare them better.


For Azzykins! Coding by Andy, picture by Ocena <3


05-25-2013, 10:21 AM

Midnight caught the flash of grey movement from the corner of her eyes smirking slightly she focused her attention on the male before her and the deer track which led up the hill, ?I've eaten already, but hey a hunts a hunt and we can always take spares back to the den, after all there's always at least one hungry belly to feed,? before she had joined the pack this would i never have happened a lone wolf looked after his or her self, no one else mattered, after all no one else was going to feed you. She had thought that pack wolves where stupid greedy animals watching a small hunting party take down more then one deer had horrified her but she was learning that unlike she had previously believed packs where not wasteful, every morsel was welcome to someone, and every meal was shared. When ever she hunted she tried to bring back something extra to repay them for the food they had hunted for her when she was far to out of it to even stand.

? My names Midnight, by the way,?she offered a friendly smile taking a step forward, she did not know if this wolf knew her story, sometimes it felt like everyone did,but then again it might just have been her imagination, she stifled a soft sigh looking up to meet his eyes with her golden orbs, ?may I ask yours??


05-29-2013, 02:45 PM

(OOC: Sorry for the short reply, trying to get this moving ;3)

Odin looked up at the girl who told of her name, she asked of his and well, why wouldn't he give her a name? And so he started to walk up the hill, turning around, and eyeing the little pup before making eye contact with the girl, Midnight. "The name's Odin." He gave her a smile and then pulled his head to tell her to come along. "What brings you out this late at night?" Odin himself had sleeping difficulties and taking walks helped him. But there was no reason for the girl, and especially the pup to be out there tonight. It had flurried a bit but not enough for and actual layer of snow. And so Odin started making his way up the incline looking back down on the black female behind him.

Walk "Talk" Think


06-02-2013, 11:22 PM

Pericles was not focusing on the two wolves conversation, it was just boring grown up talk, nothing interesting. His mind was set on tying to sneak up on them, to get really close then jump out to scare them. He moved carefully, keeping low to the ground and moving quickly. He went behind another tree, then another, his tail tucked low to his leg so it wouldn't stand out. His ears were perked up, lips pulled back in a toothy grin.


For Azzykins! Coding by Andy, picture by Ocena <3


06-04-2013, 12:25 AM
Midnight trotted to catch up with the male her tail swishing behind her and shrugged she could not really explain why she was here, she supposed she had just given up, she could not remember the last time she had had a proper nights sleep without bears and darkness invading it. Tonight she just hadn't bothered even trying to sleep, ?just thought i'd do some hunting before true winter hit,? she replied golden eyes flicking over to see if her had bought her explanation or if she would have to think up a better reason before tracking back to the snow before her watchful for ice patches which could easily send her tumbling back down the hill. ?it seems we can always to with more food what with so many hungry bellies to feed,especially the pups? she had never seen so many pups in one place not before coming to Glaciem, she wondered sometimes how a pack in such hard conditions could possibly raise so many young, she smiled to herself as she thought of the few that she had met so far, she had almost forgotten at this point that they where being tailed the ridge of the hill rose up before her and she paused for a moment looking up at the cloudy sky with only a few stars peeking through and gave a sigh before looking down into the valley. The lemmings appeared to have recovered from her earlier attack and where darting once more between their burrows screaming at each-other in squeaky little voices. Quickly she lowered herself closer to the ground trying to hide in the dark shadows, she would wait for the male to decide what would be done and how this hunt would play out. Lemmings where really a solitary hunt but hey anything was more fun with two and there were certainly plenty of burrows here.